
The types of damage affecting the abilities of the brain are clarified and known in three ways. If a person’s sensations remain intact and the outlines of objects appear to him correctly in reality and in a dream, then the things and circumstances that he sees in reality or in a dream and which can be talked about disappear and do not remain in memory when he hears about them or observes them , which means his memory and the back of his brain are damaged. If there is no such disorder, but a person says what should not be said, is wary of what should not be guarded, approves of what should not be approved, hopes for what should not be hoped for, demands what should not be demanded, does things that should not be done and cannot think about things that require thinking, which means that the ability to think and the middle part of the brain are damaged.

And if the speech remains as it was, and in everything that a person does and says, nothing contrary to common sense is found, and all sorts of tangible things appear to him, but at the same time he removes fluff from his clothes, sees non-existent people, fire , water and other imaginary phenomena or has difficulty imagining the outlines of objects in a dream and in reality, which means that his imagination and the anterior ventricle of the brain are damaged. When two or three of these disorders are combined, this indicates damage to two or three ventricles. If thinking is upset and a deficiency is discovered in it, and this is accompanied by previous memory damage, this is truly much easier than such a disease when the thinking abilities are first upset, and then the memory. If memory becomes deficient, it comes from cold, and confusion and instability of memory comes from warmth; Some believe that memory becomes insufficient due to insufficient brain matter, and this is not far from the truth. The cause of all these damages may be rooted either in the brain itself or in another organ; sometimes it comes from outside, such as from a blow or a fall.

As for treatment measures, one should rely on the basics mentioned in the rules of treatment, selecting according to the headings of diseases of the head organs from Book Two, medicines that are useful for all these diseases, and applying them. One must carefully consider which medications and which foods are harmful for these diseases, and abstain from them.