
Inhibition is a psychological process associated with the weakening or complete disappearance of conditioned reflexes developed in the body. Oppression manifests itself as a tendency not to perform a particular action, which occurs every time in the process of performing that action.

Oppression plays an important role in the regulation of behavior and mental activity. It allows you to suppress unwanted, excessive reactions and focus on the current task. Through oppression, a person can control his emotions and impulses.

There are several forms of oppression:

  1. External oppression - suppression of reflexes under the influence of external stimuli.

  2. Internal oppression is inhibition of reflexes from within the body.

  3. Extreme inhibition is a sharp weakening of reflexes due to excessively strong stimulation.

  4. Conditioned inhibition is the suppression of reflexes under the action of certain conditioned stimuli.

Thus, inhibition is an important regulatory mechanism of the nervous system, allowing the body to flexibly respond to external influences and control its behavior. Disturbances in the inhibition system can lead to the development of a number of mental and neurological diseases.

Oppression is one of the key concepts in psychology, which describes a variety of processes associated with the disappearance and weakening of developed conditioned reactions. In psychology, this phenomenon is also known as inhibition.

Suppression can manifest itself in various forms, for example, in the form of suppression or inhibition of behavioral reactions, decreased activity of the nervous system, and even the complete disappearance of already developed skills and abilities.

During the learning process, a person may experience various forms of oppression where his ability to perform certain activities is reduced or eliminated. This may be due to fatigue, stress, or other factors that prevent a person from fully concentrating on a task.

However, oppression can also be a beneficial phenomenon, for example when a person learns new skills or abilities that require constant development and improvement. In this case, oppression helps a person focus on the learning process and not be distracted by other tasks.

In order to avoid depression and maintain high activity of the nervous system, you must be able to properly distribute your time and energy, as well as create favorable conditions for completing tasks. In addition, it is important to remember that each person is unique and has his own characteristics, so it is necessary to take into account the individual characteristics of each person when choosing training methods.

Oppression in psychology is a set of processes that are associated with the weakening or disappearance of conditioned reflections. They can manifest themselves in the form of a tendency not to perform any particular action and arise during its implementation. Oppression can be both negative and positive - depending on the emotional coloring of the action performed. One such action can depress many others, for example, suppressing anger before a difficult meeting reduces productivity at work and deepens feelings of dissatisfaction. At the same time, depression can help you stop being afraid of the upcoming exam, start performing at your best, and stop feeling tired or discouraged due to numerous failures.

Oppression is studied in many areas of psychological knowledge, in particular in psychophysiology. It is understood that they are responses to the demands of certain situations and circumstances, as well as to changes in the physiological state of the body. For example, stimuli that provoke signals have different physiological types - sensory and generative. The first encourages you to perform standard actions for the situation, and the second encourages you to perform actions of a non-standard type. People with genetic characteristics that make it easier to assimilate non-standard norms, such as high levels of intelligence or creativity, are more likely to suffer from inhibition of non-standard habitual reactions. If non-standard behavioral behavior is suppressed