Vacuum massagers for cellulite

People go to great lengths to keep their figure toned and their skin smooth. One of the main problems in this case is getting rid of cellulite. There are different methods that can be used, but one of the most effective and popular is the use of vacuum massagers. Let's figure out what types of massagers are used, how they work and choose an effective device.

The principle of operation of a vacuum massager for cellulite

The operating principle of a vacuum massager is based on creating a constant or pulsating vacuum. The massager pump is attached to an area of ​​skin and, by creating alternating pressure, stimulates subcutaneous cells. With regular use, lymph flows out, as well as excess water and fat are removed from under the skin. As a result, we can highlight the following advantages from using a vacuum massager for cellulite:

  1. active relaxation of muscles in areas that are massaged;
  2. improving the outflow of venous skin and lymph;
  3. acceleration of lipid metabolism - removal of cholesterol and fats, which reduces the risk of atherosclerosis and coronary heart disease;
  4. improving blood flow speed and blood microcirculation;
  5. increasing oxygen saturation of cells, which gives the skin a healthier appearance;
  6. reduction of ongoing inflammatory processes.

However, there are also contraindications. If you do not follow them, then vacuum massage will only bring you harm. Here are the conditions under which you should not massage using such a device:

  1. if you have an increased tendency to bruise or simply have weak blood vessels;
  2. with varicose veins;
  3. if you have diabetes;
  4. with serious diseases of the heart or respiratory system;
  5. for any allergic diseases;
  6. if there are abrasions or cuts on the skin, that is, when the skin is damaged;
  7. during menstruation;
  8. if you have any gynecological problems;
  9. during pregnancy or while breastfeeding.

In all other cases, massage will not have any negative effect. However, if you experience discomfort during a massage with a vacuum massager, you should stop the procedure immediately. It should be continued only after consultation with your doctor.

Many people believe that using such devices does not require permission from a doctor. This is not entirely correct. Of course, you can buy a similar massager without a prescription, but you should not self-medicate. You may simply not be aware of your problems in one area or another and only aggravate them when using a massager.

Types of vacuum massagers for cellulite

There are several different types of vacuum massagers, but each of them can be classified as a home or professional type. Home massagers are:

  1. manual - small cones with suction cups that are used for vacuum massage. All massage effects are performed by the user independently;

A professional massager is a large stationary device. Such massage devices are used in sports or medical complexes. They are used as prescribed by the doctor of this institution and cope with their task very effectively.

Video: using a professional vacuum massager

Using a vacuum massager

Immediately before starting the massage, it is recommended to perform a number of preparatory actions:

  1. Take a hot or contrast shower to warm up your skin. This will increase the effectiveness of the further procedure and reduce the likelihood of discomfort.
  2. Carry out a regular massage using cream or low-fat oil. Knead the problem areas properly.
  3. When the cream is completely absorbed or dries, you can begin the cellulite massage.

The actual process of massage using a massager practically does not require active actions from the patient:

  1. Attach the suction cup of the massager to the problem area. If this is possible in your device, then first set the minimum impact power.
  2. Gradually increase the power of the device, but without causing any unpleasant sensations.
  3. Move the suction cup to other problem areas. All movements should be smooth and soft, and their direction should be set from the extreme parts of the body to the center. In this case, massage in the groin area is avoided.

After completing the procedure, you can apply moisturizer to the skin. It is recommended not to go to bed for two hours after the massage.

Caring for the anti-cellulite massage device

Wash and dry the attachments thoroughly after use. In this case, you should allow moisture to get on the device itself. Wrap the attachments in a dry cloth and put them in a dark place until next time. They should be stored separately from the device and collected immediately before the procedure. No further maintenance of the massage device is required.

Review of the five most popular models of cellulite massagers

Among the wide range of massagers on the market, it is not so easy to choose the right device. Let's look at the most popular anti-cellulite massagers.

Vacuum body massager VACU Beauty Gezatone

Massager type: electric.

Approximate price: 1800 rubles.

An electric massager that is designed exclusively for getting rid of cellulite. It has very few settings, and all attachments are vacuum pumps of different sizes. Nevertheless, it is an effective device that does its main task well. Massage with this device will have the following positive effects on your body:

  1. figure correction, skin smoothing and cellulite elimination - using deep vacuum action, the device will help you get rid of problem areas on your body;
  2. lymphatic drainage effect - helps eliminate fluid stagnation in the body;
  3. face lift - when using the appropriate attachment, the device can also be used to eliminate wrinkles on the face;
  4. general relaxing and tonic effect.

This massager is really not some kind of toy, the vacuum force is very strong - often I even had to release the pressure in the device (there is such a button at the top). It works not particularly noisily, on a battery, before starting work I recommend charging it for 7 hours, this will be enough for a couple of sessions of 30 minutes each. The location of the power button seemed a little inconvenient; you just need to get used to it. The massager also has 4 suction modes - to be honest, I didn’t notice the difference between them at all. The device comes with detailed instructions with massage schemes. With regular use (I used it every other day for a month - i.e. 15 sessions with this oil) plus exercise and proper nutrition gave a good result - minus 2 cm on the hips and 1 cm on the waist.


Video: opinion about the vacuum massager VACU Beauty Gezatone

Medical body massager “TULPAN”

Massager type: manual.
Approximate price: 100 rubles.

Massage cups are not as effective as electric massagers, but they are much cheaper. They can also help get rid of cellulite, improve blood circulation and make the skin smoother. Regular massage with this device will improve blood circulation, metabolism and promote the decomposition of fat cells.

Of course, the very first times are not very pleasant, since the procedure is painful and you need to not squeeze the jar too much so that it doesn’t hurt so much, you can also warm up the body with a natural bristle washcloth, or just rub it with your hands and knead it a little. After such stages, the sensations are not so painful and be sure not to spare the oil; the jar will not glide well on a dry one and therefore will cause even more unpleasant sensations, since this jar still has small pimples for a more intense effect.


Having decided to remove cellulite, I, as always, went to the Internet to read reviews on how to do it without spending a lot of money and effort. I found a review from one girl about how she got rid of subcutaneous fat with miracle jars. I entered it into a search engine and found a lot of information about these same jars. In general, I decided to buy it. I searched for a long time in my city and found it only in one pharmacy. They cost only 118 rubles. In a small box there are two silicone or I even said rubber jars, because they are not soft to the touch. I also bought a massage cream with miracle jars, the simplest, not expensive. I did the whole procedure as needed, it was painful on my legs. The next day I had bruises 🙁 But they say it's normal. After several uses, my skin really became smoother. Girls, there are contraindications. It is important. Read the instructions before use. These jars will last you a long time, so don't buy too many of them 🙂


Vacuum massager for cellulite CELLULESS & CEHULOSS

Massager type: electric.

Approximate price: 1200 rubles.

Another popular model of electric massager. Externally and in terms of capabilities, it is practically no different from similar ones. But despite the low cost, the device copes well with basic tasks:

  1. removes excess subcutaneous fat using vacuum action;
  2. improves blood circulation;
  3. normalizes metabolism in the skin.

It is not recommended to use this device on the face. The attachments are designed for the buttocks, abdomen and thighs.

I’ve been using it for a year now, periodically whenever I have a free moment, I think if I massage it every day, the results will not be long in coming. Even thanks to my “lazy” use, the butt is not as “orange” as it was. In general, I definitely recommend it and have never regretted purchasing it.

Alisa Mur

I decided to share a review about this wonderful massager. I bought it for 1900 rubles. I used it after giving birth. The extra weight somehow quickly went away on its own, but of course I wanted to get my skin in order as quickly as possible. This is where he helped me. I used it together with peach oil, since peach oil itself helps to increase elasticity and firmness. After two weeks, the skin clearly became more toned!! The vacuum compresses the skin really well. The cord is a bit short, and without it the device won’t last long, so I’m removing one star for this, but I definitely recommend it for use))


Vacuum massager "Anti-cellulite Pro"

Massager type: electric.

Approximate price: 1900 rubles.

The Anti-Cellulite Pro vacuum massager fights both cellulite itself and the causes of its appearance. What distinguishes it from its analogues is the nozzle with two rollers. They significantly enhance the massage effect when moving the massager over the skin. The basic operating principle of the device remains unchanged. The device itself is very effective:

  1. removes excess lymph fluid;
  2. affects the deep layers of the epidermis;
  3. helps cope with skin unevenness.

The results of cupping massage are not long in coming - after 2-3 weeks of regular use, you will notice how the skin has become more even, smooth, and the bumps have noticeably gone away. Attention. The device does not get rid of excess weight, it fights subcutaneous fat, which gives the orange peel effect, the tubercles are broken, the skin is tightened. By the way, it’s good to finish cupping massage with a hand massage - patting and applying a good moisturizer or anti-cellulite cream


The instructions say that it has 3 levels of massage intensity. In fact, it only sucks the skin at maximum power. And it’s quite strong and even painful. In order for the massager to be able to move well over the skin, it must be well lubricated with massage oil. And of course, I would not recommend using it for people with varicose veins and spider veins on the legs. The sensations after treating the thighs are like after a massage; I can directly feel how the lymph is dispersed. Since my layer of fat is not very thick, I still have bruises, I think I need less power, but this massager either sucks very strongly or doesn’t suck at all. There is no AVERAGE given. Therefore, my conclusion is that you need to buy a more serious and more expensive brand.


VACU Expert Vacuum massager Gezatone

Massager type: electric.

Approximate price: 4900 rubles.

An expensive electric massager for taking care of the smoothness of the body and face. This device helps both fight cellulite using conventional vacuum action, and tighten the skin and eliminate folds. It is also recommended for use during intense physical activity. There are attachments with massage rollers that will help you provide deep subcutaneous effects. In addition, various massage programs are supported. The creators of the device promise the following improvements after a course of massage:

  1. increase in skin elasticity up to 38%;
  2. reduction in volume by 2 centimeters;
  3. 65% less appearance of cellulite on the body.

After carrying out almost daily procedures, I liked the effect, even after just one I feel that the skin has become a little smoother, of course there is a little redness, and it hurts a little, but this indicates that everything was done correctly. Personally, I only use a medium jar and a roller attachment, the thing is simply excellent, although it can be done on all parts of the body, I only massage my legs and stomach. You definitely need to do it every day for a month, while observing some restrictions on food, and then the result will definitely not force itself to manifest itself in beautiful and toned skin, without any orange peel.))))


During the use of the device, the skin texture has leveled out, the skin has become more elastic, the tubercles are now visible only when I squeeze the skin, I hope that they will go away over time.


Table: comparison of vacuum massagers for cellulite

Name Massager type Number of nozzles Battery life Manufacturer Price (in rubles)
VACU Beauty Gezatone electric 3 20 minutes France 1800
"TULIP" manual 2 not limited Russia 100
CELLULESS & CEHULOSSS electric 1 30 minutes China 1200
"Anti-cellulite Pro" electric 2 30 minutes China 1900
VACU Expert electric 5 40 minutes France 4900

Vacuum massagers are an excellent help in the fight against cellulite. Don't expect them to help you on their own. But if you choose the right device and combine massage procedures with sports, the results will not be long in coming.

Despite the fact that obesity has recently become a global problem for humanity, cellulite remains a female disease, as it mainly affects girls. It is difficult to combat it, and in the final stages it is only possible with the help of plastic surgery. Therefore, it is very important to notice the symptoms in time in order to stop them in the early stages. It doesn’t hurt to choose and buy the right anti-cellulite body massager. Such a device will have not only a healing, but also a preventive effect. It will improve blood circulation and bring many benefits to the whole body.

Types of anti-cellulite massagers: what to look for

The nature of cellulite is such that it can appear not only in obese people. Even true skinny people who have never gained more weight than normal sometimes suffer from this problem. However, more often it is still more common among those for whom excess weight has become a constant companion. Many people have heard that a good solution would be to buy an anti-cellulite massager at home. This is true, let's figure out what types and types of equipment the cosmetics industry offers.


The most popular are such effective cellulite massagers. They have a number of advantages.

  1. The price of equipment is usually significantly lower than other (mechanical, electrical) analogues. Any person with any income level can buy something similar.
  2. You can perform all manipulations with problem areas completely without outside help, on your own.
  3. When used regularly, such massagers do a very good job of eliminating nodules and adhesions in lipid tissue.

1. Wooden and combined with wood

Around the mid-nineties of the 20th century, brushes for dry anti-cellulite massage were developed. Most often they are made from environmentally friendly wood and horse or boar hair. However, they come with silicone or even plastic parts. You should choose more natural materials, as well as bristles that suit you personally. For more delicate, sensitive skin, it is better to take softer equipment, for example, from a horse's tail.

A wooden anti-cellulite massager is really effective if you use it regularly for quite a long time. It exfoliates dead epithelial cells, much better than a regular washcloth or even a scrub, accelerates blood and lymph, and causes a significant improvement in metabolism.

Usually this equipment looks like a regular brush, but sometimes it is equipped with additional bumps. For convenience, it is equipped with a long handle to make it easier to reach all problem areas.

2. Tape

Another type of massager, which is often also made of wood parts. These types of belts are toothed rollers connected in a special way on a rope or plastic base. They are equipped with special handles for easy grip. With regular use they give very good results after a month of use. You can also use them yourself, without outside help.

3. Rubber

Such devices are a rubber structure covered with small or large protrusions-pimples. Most often they are made in the form of balls or slightly elongated cylinders. In addition to the anti-cellulite function, the equipment has other indications. For example, they will help develop upper and lower motor skills after injuries, operations, and restore their mobility.

4. Massage mittens

This type of equipment can seriously compete with the popular massage brush. Essentially, it's just a glove made of silicone. Its working surface is covered with teeth, spikes, protrusions and convexities of different lengths and shapes. On the inner surface of the palm it also has a number of convexities that prevent slipping.

There are also other options made from alternative materials, for example, from coarse fabric, sponge, etc. They are also highly effective, but only with regular massage sessions. More often they are used not as a brush on a dry body, but rather during a bath or shower.

5. Cupping for massage

Many people remember that our mothers and grandmothers fought coughs and other colds with the help of glass jars. Like those “antediluvian” products, new anti-cellulite devices are based on the principle of creating a vacuum. Modern jars are usually not made of glass, as they used to be. They are made of rubber or dense silicone. They are equipped with special handles that will be convenient for moving the installed can over the body.

In the process, lipid nodules are warmed up, blood flow and lymph movement improves, and more oxygen reaches the surface of the skin. To use such a massager you will need some skill, but after practicing a couple of times, anyone can learn how to use it.

6. Massage rollers (rollers, rollers)

Another rather convenient option for a hand massager is rollers or rollers made from different materials. They can be rubber, silicone, plastic, wood, polyester, polyvinyl chloride and others. Such rollers may have different degrees of rigidity, as well as protrusions, spikes, pimples of different shapes and lengths on the surface. Low price, high efficiency with regular use, ease of use. All this will make such massagers available to everyone who wants to fight the “orange peel”.


Just fifty years ago, no one even imagined that cellulite would become a widespread problem. Today, technological progress offers many different devices designed to combat it. Hardware massage differs from manual massage in its high efficiency. Some are intended exclusively for professionals, so they can only be found in salons, while others can be easily bought for your home.

7. Electric massagers with replaceable attachments

This type of equipment is also called vibromassagers, since their action is based precisely on vibration. The vibration is transmitted deep into the tissue, where fatty compactions and nodules are broken up. In addition, muscles and ligaments are significantly strengthened, blood flow, lymph flow and metabolism are enhanced. They come in three main types: vibrating belts, compact hand-held massagers, and those with a stand and straps.

  1. Vibro Shape “Perfect silhouette”.
  2. US Medica Bikini.
  3. BodyShaper Gezatone “Body Sculptor” AMG114.
  4. Beurer MG80.
  5. BodyShaper Pro Gezatone AMG125.
  6. Vibra Tone.
  7. US Medica Miami.
  8. Casada CelluMax.
  9. WelbuTech Maxion MX-M200.

8. Massagers-simulators

If you have sufficient funds, it is better to get a vibrating massager with a stand. They are much easier to use than manual ones, and you can work better and on more problem areas. For example, you can give preference to the Kampfer MAGIC KV-1103, Kampfer BLASTER KV-1102 or Family 135 E models. However, the choice is always yours.

Both manual and automated devices usually come with several interchangeable attachments designed for different types of influence. For more information about this, you can find out their instructions for the purchased device. Using such large exercise machines you can also strengthen muscles, ligaments and joints, and tone your muscles.

9. Ultrasonic electric massagers

It is interesting that the human ear does not perceive ultrasound, but it still has its effect on our body. Based on the effects of high or low frequency tones, similar massage devices were invented. They are effective only for lipid tissue, while they have no effect on the skin, muscles, joints and body fluids. Professional salons even have a special procedure for cellulite – cavitation. However, there is also compact equipment that can be used even by a non-professional.

  1. Reton AUTn-01.
  2. BioSonic 1130 Gezatone.
  3. US MEDICA Velvet Skin.

The effectiveness of such equipment has been tested and proven. Therefore, despite the rather high price, they are popular. The best modern models can combine ultrasound with vibrations or even vacuum.

10. Vacuum models

Another revolutionary invention in terms of efficiency is a vacuum massager for cellulite. It is based on the same principle as the banks already mentioned earlier in our article. However, a vacuum is created in it using a special pump. Devices are usually equipped with several attachments, and also have not one, but several specific operating modes. This will allow you to individually select the strength and intensity of the massage.

  1. Gezatone VACU Expert.
  3. US MEDICA Delicate Silk.
  4. Celluless MD "Anti-cellulite Pro".
  5. Gezatone Vacuum Beauty System.

However, if for some reason you are afraid or cannot buy equipment of this kind, you can try it out by going to the salon for a vacuum anti-cellulite hardware massage procedure. This way it will immediately become clear whether such equipment is suitable for you or not.

11. Infrared massagers

This type of equipment, in addition to vibration massage, also has infrared light sources that warm even the deep layers of the skin well. At the same time, the heads of the massagers themselves do not warm up, so there should be no unpleasant sensations.

  1. Medisana ITM.
  2. Beurer MG21.
  3. Beurer MG100.
  4. Medisana IVM.
  5. uShiatsu GESS-129.

Before buying something like this, go to the doctor, get tested and get tested. This type of equipment has quite a few contraindications. It is very important to know in advance whether such a massager will do you more harm than good.

12. Pneumatic massagers

In the salon version, the procedure is called pressotherapy. It is based on the pressure created by pumping air. However, not everyone can afford to purchase such a bulky and expensive design. Therefore, you can find a portable option for yourself, made in the form of boots, cuffs, belts and other things.

This massager cannot be called popular, and like the previous one, it has quite a lot of contraindications. But this will help not only fight cellulite, but also prevent the development of varicose veins.

13. Hydromassagers

Another effective, and also popular type of “orange peel” massager is special hydromassage. A good example would be the notorious Charcot shower, the effectiveness of which no one will question. However, only a really rich person will be able to install the equipment at home.

However, there are various analogues, including massage Jacuzzi baths, where problem areas and areas are massaged with streams of water. They also sell special mattresses that can be placed directly in the bathroom in an ordinary city apartment. The cost is quite affordable and the efficiency is high.

14. Myostimulators

The devices emit low frequency currents that affect the lipid layers of the human body. In addition, under their radiation, rapid regeneration of the skin occurs, it is rejuvenated, smoothed, and becomes more elastic. Myostimulants are also used for the treatment of many diseases, for example, osteochondrosis, arthrosis, arthritis, scoliosis. It is used during recovery after various operations and injuries.

The portable device resembles a vibration belt in appearance; it is attached in the same way using belts with buckles or Velcro. It will help cope not only with cellulite, but also in general fight excess weight, varicose veins and other problems.

Please note that the greater the power of the purchased device, the more efficient it will be. Therefore, you need to closely monitor this indicator. Many studies have shown that many low-power models have no effect at all.

General rules of use: benefits and harms

However, it is not enough to just buy even the most expensive massage device; you need to learn how to use it correctly. Otherwise, you won’t be able to get the result you want. It is best to read the included instructions; they are usually written in clear language that everyone can understand. However, if this is not enough for you, let's look at general tips and tricks.

How to use an anti-cellulite massager

Never forget to prepare for the process. You will have to make an effort, learn by heart all the massage lines along which you will need to move. This will help get rid of discomfort, as well as the formation of hematomas.

  1. It doesn’t hurt to slightly warm up the skin before the massage. Apply a little cream or special oil, rub it with your fingers, and only then begin the massage.
  2. Movements are made only in a circular motion or from bottom to top, but not back and forth.
  3. Start from the stomach and waist, for which it will be convenient to lie on your back with your knees bent. Five minutes for each zone and two for the stomach will be enough.
  4. Next you can move on to the buttocks, thighs and legs. Most often, cellulite is concentrated there, which needs to be gotten rid of. Therefore, pay more attention to the most problematic areas, somewhere from three to five to eight minutes, depending on the degree of neglect.
  5. If necessary, massagers can also be used on the arms and back. However, it is unlikely that you will be able to cope here without outside help. The standard processing time is two to three minutes.
  6. If you notice excessive redness, feel a burning sensation or pain, it is better to stop the procedure immediately so as not to cause trouble.
  7. You should always start with a low level of intensity and gradually increase it.
  8. It is optimal to carry out such procedures in the first half of the day, as they can give a noticeable boost of vivacity and energy. However, not everyone succeeds in something like this. Therefore, you can postpone the procedure to the evening, but no less than half an hour after eating, and also two to three hours before a night’s rest.
  9. The best regimen for anti-cellulite massage is two to three times a week. You don’t have to “torment” your body every day, otherwise you might end up with bruises.
  10. After a month of regular skin manipulation, you need to give yourself a rest. The break should be at least two weeks.

At the final stage, it doesn’t hurt to lightly pat the areas where you just worked with the massager. After this, you can take a warm or contrast shower and treat your skin with anti-cellulite creams.


  1. Cellulite grade 1-3. If you have the 4th, then no massagers will simply help, except for plastic surgery, there are no means of influencing it.
  2. Accumulation of excess fluid in tissues (edema).
  3. Fast fatiguability. This works especially well with legs, which need to be as relaxed as possible in the evening, after a hard day at work.
  4. Excess body weight. Such massagers will help break down excess fat so that it can be removed by the circulatory and lymphatic systems.


  1. Dermatoses of different etiologies.
  2. Violations of the integrity of the skin (wounds, scratches, cuts).
  3. High body temperature.
  4. Hypertension.
  5. Oncological problems.
  6. Autoimmune diseases.
  7. Phlebitis or lymphadenitis, varicose veins in the acute stage.
  8. Pregnancy.
  9. Rheumatism.
  10. Intoxication, psycho-emotional overexcitation, as well as psychoneurological disorders.
  11. Problems with the gastrointestinal tract.

The problem with cellulite is solved with the help of a vacuum massager. Thanks to it, at home, the skin will become elastic and tightened in a short time.

Operating principle of a vacuum massager

This drug works on the principle of suction. During use, the massager sucks the skin simultaneously with the fat layer that is located under the skin, thus creating a vacuum, which stimulates and enhances blood circulation on the surface of the skin.

If you constantly use this method, the following will happen:

  1. metabolic processes are activated;
  2. the flow of oxygen in the subcutaneous layer will increase;
  3. the flow of nutrients in the subcutaneous layer will increase;
  4. the appearance of cellulite will decrease;
  5. the structure of the skin will improve;
  6. Stretch marks will become less noticeable.

How a massager helps to cope with cellulite

Regular use of a vacuum massager, the effect of which appears after 5 or 6 procedures, will help resolve the following problems:

  1. fat deposits in the abdominal area;
  2. fat deposits in the buttocks and thighs;
  3. double chin;
  4. skin laxity;
  5. facial contours;
  6. skin aging;
  7. stretch marks after pregnancy;
  8. heaviness in the legs;
  9. muscle pain;
  10. constant fatigue, stress;
  11. cellulite.

Is it possible to completely get rid of cellulite only with the help of a vacuum massager?

Cupping massage, thalassotherapy, anti-cellulite massage and other cosmetics are all effective methods in combating the problem. They will certainly help restore the condition of the skin, but only for a sustainable and lasting effect will you need to change your lifestyle.

For example, you need to start:

  1. actively engage in sports;
  2. get rid of bad habits;
  3. eat healthy and balanced.

Indications for use

As a cosmetic procedure, massage is performed in order to:

  1. activate the blood flow process;
  2. better supply tissues with oxygen;
  3. activate lymphatic drainage;
  4. enhance metabolism.

As a therapeutic purpose, massage is performed in order to:

  1. eliminate cold symptoms;
  2. eliminate pain and spasms in muscles;
  3. eliminate swelling;
  4. activate metabolism;
  5. eliminate headaches;
  6. cure insomnia;
  7. cure nervous disorders.

For each patient, the number of sessions is selected individually.

To fully recover, an average of 6 to 20 sessions will be required. Massage is also carried out if the internal organs are lowered, then the procedure is performed on the stomach. If you need to cure hypertension or other diseases, then massage should be carried out simultaneously with medications, as well as acupuncture or manual therapy.


The vacuum massager for cellulite is contraindicated for use with the following problems:

  1. heart diseases;
  2. skin diseases;
  3. skin injury;
  4. neoplasms;
  5. severe venous diseases;
  6. bearing a fetus in the 2nd and 3rd trimester;
  7. renal or liver failure;
  8. thrombophlebitis;
  9. heat;
  10. acute infectious diseases;
  11. birthmarks;
  12. dark spots;
  13. diseases of the circulatory system;
  14. oncological diseases;
  15. tuberculosis;
  16. lung abscess.

Advantages and disadvantages

The advantages and disadvantages of a vacuum apparatus can be considered in the following table:

pros Minuses
skin rejuvenates; the high cost of some models;
mood improves; poor quality manufacturing and assembly;
pain symptoms are eliminated; if the device is abused, the breasts may sag and mastopathy may occur;
affordable price; If massage is abused, bruises may appear on the body.
ease of use;
ability to operate independently.

Types of massagers

There are different types of cellulite devices:

  1. manual;
  2. electrical;
  3. professional;
  4. hardware.

Manual ones include special flasks with suction cups. They are used for vacuum massage. The procedure is performed independently.

Manual ones are also divided into:

  1. wooden, which in turn can be: with a handle, put on a brush, on ropes, various reels;
  2. tape, they are very comfortable and compact. You can easily use them yourself. To do this, the tape on which the reels or rollers are attached is pulled from one end to the other. Thanks to this massager, the massage turns out to be like a pinch;
  3. rubber, thanks to them the massage is gentle. During this procedure, the deep layers of the skin are not affected at all. The massager can be oval or square in shape, on which rubber spikes are attached;
  4. in the form of mittens, they are very convenient to use in the bathroom. They look like rubber gloves. There is another version of these mittens, more complex, when the rubber mitten consists of attached massage balls. The main thing is not to forget to use a special product during massage;
  5. canned, can be either glass or rubber. They are also used for treatment purposes, but not many people use this method, since pain is possible during the procedure;
  6. in the form of brushes, the option is considered the most optimal to overcome cellulite. Can be made of different materials, for example, rubber, wood, plastic. After 2 months of use, the result will be visible;
  7. in the form of rollers, is very rigid in composition. A spiked roller is attached to the handle and rotates. If you overuse this method, bruises may appear.

These massagers are very easy to care for; after each use, you just need to rinse them in warm water and then dry them. This way they will last for a long time. Electrical devices include devices of various sizes. The only difference is the additional or mechanical effect, which can be varied due to the switch.

This type of massage can be compared to a whole range of sports activities. Professional devices include stationary devices used in medical or sports complexes. Procedures can be prescribed on the recommendation of specialists at this institution.

Hardware devices can be in the form of:

  1. electric massagers with various attachments (point, roller, muscle, soft);
  2. myostimulants;
  3. infrared massagers;
  4. ultrasonic;
  5. vacuum;
  6. massagers – simulators (vibrating massagers, rollers).

Device selection criteria

Before you buy a medical device, you need to find out which models can be found on store shelves.

Reliable brands will be from well-known manufacturers, such as:

A Russian-made vacuum massager for cellulite is of good quality and good price. The Chinese manufacturer most often has low quality and, accordingly, a cheap price. The French manufacturer surpasses its competitors in quality and price. When choosing a device, it is necessary to pay attention to the kit, as well as the presence of nozzles, since they must be of different sizes.

They need to be changed more often during use.

It is worth considering that each device must have modes with a switch that allow you to control the suction power. Compactness and the ability to use the device on batteries or a rechargeable battery are another important point in choosing a device. If you buy a small massager, it will be convenient to take it with you when traveling.

Also, when choosing a massager, you need to consider the following:

  1. a manual device helps to eliminate cellulite only at the initial stage;
  2. for sensitive skin, it is recommended to choose a massager from rubber or silicone attachments;
  3. the most effective are those devices that are made with fingers or long teeth, due to which the deep layers of the skin can be affected;
  4. a massager with a longer handle is able to reach the most inaccessible areas;
  5. if the skin is in poor condition, only a hardware massager that has a diverse set of functions is suitable;
  6. For the lazy, a hardware massager is more suitable, since the process itself requires a lot of effort and patience.

Preparing the skin for massage

The vacuum massager, thanks to the instructions that come with the device, can be mastered without much difficulty. It will help get rid of cellulite and other problems.

The main rules will help you use the massager correctly:

  1. the skin must be cleansed of impurities;
  2. Before the massage, the skin must be lubricated with a special oil; you can also use an anti-cellulite cream intended for massage;
  3. do not make sudden manipulations when performing a massage;
  4. movements should be smooth and slow;
  5. the first procedure should be short-term;
  6. During the first procedure, you need to influence the skin with minimal suction power, then, as you become accustomed, the power can be gradually increased;
  7. There should be no pain during the massage;
  8. You cannot use the hardware device too often and for a long time, otherwise hematomas may appear.

Rules for using a vacuum massager, step-by-step instructions

Before performing a massage, you need to perform a number of steps:

  1. take a hot shower to warm up your body. This is necessary for the effectiveness of the session and to reduce the likelihood of discomfort;
  2. rub the body with massage movements, applying cream or oil, especially in problem areas;
  3. after the cream is absorbed, you can begin the anti-cellulite massage;
  4. It is necessary to fix the suction cup of the device in the problem area. To begin with, set the minimum impact;
  5. the power should be increased gradually, and there should be no discomfort;
  6. the suction cup needs to be moved from one problem area to another;
  7. movements must be performed smoothly and softly;
  8. after completion of the session, the skin should be lubricated with moisturizer;
  9. It is advisable not to lie down to rest for 2 hours after the end of the procedure.

What areas can be massaged?

The procedure is recommended to be carried out in such parts of the body as:

  1. stomach, side areas, hips, buttocks. Excess fat accumulates most in these places, and therefore you can get a greater effect from a vacuum massage;
  2. back, thanks to massage in this part of the body you can relax;
  3. chest area, thanks to massage in this area, you can tighten the skin and also eliminate stretch marks;
  4. neck and face, for this area massage jars are used smaller in size and more carefully than in other parts of the body;
  5. arms and legs, in this part of the body the massage is performed more delicately.

Other body parts to avoid are:

Popular brands of vacuum massagers: review, characteristics and prices

A vacuum massager for cellulite can be selected from the following wide range. Below are the most popular devices.

Cellules MD

The drug is intended for massage:

Has a bowl with a double roller, 1 nozzle, adapter and charger.

The massager can do the following:

  1. restore skin;
  2. rejuvenate the skin;
  3. reduce pronounced cellulite;
  4. eliminate excess weight;
  5. Can be used with anti-cellulite oils and creams;
  6. can be used as an anti-cellulite and cosmetic session on the face.

The cost of this drug is approximately 1500 rubles.


Made in France. The product is equipped with 4 attachments so that you can massage your face and body more effectively. Vacuum massage is performed using attachments with rollers of various widths. Very convenient and compact to carry. The average cost is 2500 rubles.

Anti-cellulite Pro

Thanks to this electric massager, you can stimulate all the functions of the skin, thereby increasing its elasticity and tone. The device has 2 speed modes, due to this you can control the strength of the massage. The kit also includes 2 attachments designed for different areas of the skin. The average price is 1900 rubles.

VACU Beauty Gezatone

Manufacturer: French company.

The electric device is designed to massage all areas of the body:

The massager is capable of performing 4 types of massage:

  1. restorative;
  2. anti-cellulite;
  3. tonic;
  4. lymphatic drainage

Thanks to him, the following will happen:

  1. swelling will go away;
  2. 2nd chin will decrease;
  3. the chest will tighten;
  4. muscle spasms will be eliminated;
  5. due to deep fat treatment, excess liquid will be released faster;
  6. fatty tissues will begin to break down.

The price of this device varies from 1800 rubles. has a body, 3 attachments, and a battery. Charges within 8 hours. Device weight no more than 225 g.

Medical body massager “TULPAN”

A hand massager costs significantly less than its competitors. They can also eliminate problems associated with cellulite, improve blood circulation, and make the skin smooth. It can be purchased at a pharmacy for a ridiculous price, about 120 rubles.

Vacuum massager for cellulite CELLULESS & CEHULOSS

A vacuum massager for cellulite (electric) will help:

  1. eliminate subcutaneous fat;
  2. restore blood circulation;
  3. normalize metabolism.

Recommended for use on the body only. Costs approximately 1200 rubles.

Bradex KZ 0071

Manufacturer: Chinese company.

The massager is intended for such body parts as:

Thanks to this massager you can:

  1. improve blood flow;
  2. accelerate the outflow of lymph;
  3. in a gentle mode, suitable for sensitive people;
  4. reduces the appearance of cellulite.

Price on average from 800 rubles. It has 2 attachments, a battery, 2 massage modes, 3 speeds, the weight of the device is no more than 260 g.

Medisana AC 855

Manufacturer: German company. The drug allows you to perform not only vacuum massage, but also vibration.

With this option you can:

  1. tighten and make facial skin elastic;
  2. effectively overcome cellulite;
  3. due to infrared radiation, affect blood flow;
  4. enhance the result of vacuum massage due to vibration and rollers;
  5. strengthen tissue.

Has basic functions and an adapter.

Ommassage Extra Slim VK-100

Manufacturer: Chinese company. Can be used all over the body. It has a bowl with double rollers, a nozzle with 1 roller, a charger, and an adapter.

The device can help with the following:

  1. eliminate excess fat;
  2. reduce the occurrence of cellulite;
  3. increase the elasticity of the skin;
  4. the skin will smooth out within a couple of weeks.

The device weighs no more than 200 g and costs somewhere from 1350 rubles.

Cans as a vacuum massager: choice, rules of use

Simple Soviet glass jars for massage against cellulite are not suitable, since in ancient times they were used only to cure colds or bronchitis. Currently, more effective banks have appeared, which are made of various materials suitable for treatment. They can be used independently or with the help of professionals.

They are:

  1. rubber;
  2. silicone;
  3. glass with pump;
  4. plastic;
  5. with valve;
  6. magnetic;
  7. with pump.

How to use massage cups correctly to avoid pain and bruises?

The following recommendations will help with this:

  1. it is necessary to gradually increase the procedure time;
  2. It is recommended to thoroughly lubricate the problem area with special massage oil;
  3. the jar needs to be squeezed and pressed tightly to the body;
  4. movements when massaging the abdomen and buttocks should be circular; on the legs, the movement should start from the knees up to the buttock;
  5. movements with banks must be done quickly without delay;
  6. if necessary, interrupt the session, the jar must be torn away from the body, slightly squeezed with a brush, then the vacuum effect will be stopped;
  7. the area of ​​the body should be relaxed; if the abdominal area is being massaged, it is better to do it while standing;
  8. During the session, the patient’s skin should turn slightly red;
  9. after the session you should feel warm;
  10. in order to consolidate the result, you need to visit the pool or do body wraps.

Thanks to a vacuum massager, you can not only eliminate cellulite, but also reduce excess weight and the depth of wrinkled folds. In addition to all this, you can improve your health, for example, by using a massager to reduce pain in joints and muscles. However, only an integrated approach will help achieve excellent results.

Author: Belaeva Kristina

Useful videos about vacuum massagers and rules for their use

Review of the modern vacuum massager Gezatone Vacu Pro:

Cupping massage for cellulite: