White stretch marks on thighs

Sometimes light stripes of varying lengths appear on the skin, which can cause significant damage to the appearance. The peculiarity of white stretch marks is that they can appear on the skin at any age and on any part of the body, depending on the degree of elasticity of the skin.

What it is

White stretch marks, or striae, are modifications of the skin, which are atrophic scars made of connective tissue. Newly formed stretch marks are usually reddish or purple in color. Over time, gradually deforming the skin and reducing its elasticity, they acquire a white tint.

When they appear

The main reason for the formation of white stretch marks is excessive stretching of the skin. Due to this negative impact, collagen and elastin fibers, which are responsible for the elasticity of the skin and its resistance to pressure, rupture.

Within the epidermis, collagen and elastin are replaced by connective tissue that typically fills scars.

The reason for this substitution may be:

  1. pregnancy. A sharp, uncontrolled increase in body volume and tension of the skin from the inside in certain places, occurring unevenly. Also, a major role in the formation of white stretch marks during pregnancy is changes in hormonal levels and cyclical processes in the female body. The skin does not tolerate stress well;
  2. hormonal changes associated with puberty or transition to menopause;
  3. weight gain, accompanied by an increase in volume in problem areas. Sometimes white stretch marks on the thighs and buttocks can occur due to increased muscle mass;
  4. pathologies of the endocrine system, disturbances of humoral regulation due to malfunctions of certain organs and systems, for example, diabetes mellitus;
  5. use of medications, leading to changes in the hormonal background of the body, weight loss or gain, correction of the nervous system;
  6. genetic predisposition to decreased collagen levels in the skin and the appearance of stretch marks.

The reason for the formation of white stretch marks can be understood by what part of the body they are located on and in what direction they last.

How to remove white stretch marks

White stretch marks on the butt, thighs and lower abdomen are especially unpleasant because they retain their visibility even after reducing body weight and volume. They are quite difficult to hide with tanning and decorative cosmetics.

Since they penetrate directly into the depths of the upper layer of the epidermis and are a kind of pothole in the skin, they will appear and attract even more attention to themselves.

Modern cosmetology offers many ways to get rid of white stretch marks.:

  1. physiotherapeutic – using special devices that stimulate skin tension and reduce the intensity of scars;
  2. cosmetic – capable of moisturizing the skin with the help of creams, ointments and wraps, making it more elastic and increasing its resistance to internal and external negative factors;
  3. injection – when the effect occurs by introducing medicinal substances directly under the skin, dealing with stretch marks from the inside;
  4. surgery (abdomenoplasty) – it is resorted to in very advanced clinical cases, when any other methods of influencing white stretch marks will not have an effect.

Before choosing a method of influence. It is best to consult a cosmetologist. He will help you choose the most rational and effective way to get rid of stretch marks.

Find out what to apply on stretch marks.

How to remove stretch marks on the chest? The answer is here.

On the butt

It is easiest to get rid of white stretch marks on the buttocks, since the skin there is the most elastic, capable of undergoing various methods of influence and maintaining the resulting effect for a long time.

To get rid of stretch marks on the butt, the following methods will help::

  1. seaweed wraps. This cosmetic manipulation is good when the stretch marks are shallow and they are not too long. In order for the skin to regain its former elasticity, it will be enough to carry out 6-12 procedures, depending on the individual characteristics of the epidermal cells of each patient. After wraps, skin tone is not only restored, but can also increase significantly. This will help prevent the formation of new stretch marks;
  2. photopigmentation. Impact of short bursts on problem areas of the body. Just 10 phototherapy sessions will activate the restoration processes in the skin and remove unpleasant white marks;
  3. microdermabrasion. Suitable for fairly patient patients, as significant discomfort may occur during the procedure. It involves polishing the skin using a directed stream of air mixed with sand. It has both a scrubbing and regeneration-stimulating effect. Stimulates collagen production under the skin;

A combination of several procedures, for example, photopigmentation and body wraps, will help you achieve a positive result much faster and maintain it for a long time.

In the case of the combined effect of several products, the skin not only regains its former elasticity, but also becomes more attractive and soft in appearance, thanks to the nourishing effect of cosmetic wraps.

On the hips

Getting rid of stretch marks on the thighs is much more difficult, since the skin there is usually rougher than on the buttocks and the connective scar tissue is located somewhat deeper.

In addition to the methods listed above, cosmetologists additionally offer the following ways to get rid of unattractive stretch marks:

  1. water procedures. Daily contrast showers with alternating exposure to jets of hot and cold water;
  2. intensive types of massage. Constant mechanical action is accompanied by blood flow and additional launch of metabolic processes. Under the skin, blood microcirculation increases, metabolism accelerates, and the saturation of epidermal cells with nutrients increases. This helps to improve skin tone and its complete restoration;
  3. enzyme injections under the skin. During such procedures, stretch marks are significantly smoothed out due to the fact that they are acted on from the inside. Tissues that have been subjected to mechanical stress, excessive tension and deformation are practically restored. However, the effect of such procedures is short-lived, and if the patient does not monitor her health and weight, the stretch marks will return;
  4. in cases where it is not possible to get rid of stretch marks through physiotherapeutic means, they resort to plastic surgery. Damaged areas of skin from problem areas are completely eliminated. The recovery period after such surgery is quite long; additional injections of enzymes and collagen will be required to restore skin elasticity.

Despite the fact that getting rid of stretch marks is quite difficult, with the right approach and strict adherence to the specialist’s recommendations, you can achieve significant results and keep your skin elastic and healthy for a long time.

Video: Important information

See what the composition of the cream for stretch marks during pregnancy is 9 months.

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Stretch marks are a common problem among women. One of the areas of our body that is most susceptible to them is the hips. There are a large number of reasons why stretch marks appear on our body, but regardless of the factor that provoked them, the question of how to remove stretch marks on the hips will be relevant for everyone. Let's consider what methods can be used for this.

Stretch marks on the thighs: causes

Stretch marks or stretch marks are internal tears in the skin that occur due to a lack of elasticity. At first they appear as red stripes, and then turn into white welts, similar to scars. Most often, stretch marks occur in areas where the skin is very stretched. This is mainly the abdomen, chest, buttocks, and also thighs.

There are several main factors that cause stretch marks on the thighs:

  1. pregnancy;
  2. sudden changes in body weight – both weight loss and sudden weight gain;
  3. endocrine disorders, hormonal imbalances;
  4. impaired tissue circulation;
  5. hereditary predisposition;
  6. lack of protein in the body;
  7. dehydration of the body;
  8. skin tension during active sports and muscle gain.

Stretch marks can appear during adolescence. The reason for this is that the body is actively growing, but the skin does not have time to stretch behind it.

Stretch marks are a common problem for pregnant women, as they gain a lot of weight during pregnancy.

With improper nutrition, the skin loses its elasticity and can tear even with minimal stress. To prevent stagnant processes in the subcutaneous fat layer, and thereby ensure the prevention of stretch marks, you need to play sports.

However, even among athletes, stretch marks are a common problem, especially if their muscles sharply increase in volume. A predisposition to stretch marks can be inherited, so those who have it should pay special attention to the issue of their prevention.

Poor nutrition, lack of protein and dehydration are also very popular causes of stretch marks. This causes the skin to dry out and lose its elasticity.

How to remove stretch marks on thighs at home: effective methods

The struggle on how to get rid of stretch marks on the thighs should be comprehensive. Initially, think about whether you have enough physical activity in your life, whether you eat right, and whether you drink enough water. These factors are key both in the fight against stretch marks and in maintaining good physical shape and health in general. Let's look at what ways to combat stretch marks you can use at home.


For stretch marks on the hips, you can massage the problem area every day, which will include light stroking, pinching, active rubbing and other techniques. Massage performed after a contrast shower is especially effective. You can use honey, vegetable oils (almond, avocado, wheat germ, etc.), essential oils (citrus fruits, rosemary, geranium, and so on) for massage. Massage helps improve blood circulation and skin nutrition, increase its tone, and speed up recovery processes. It also has a tightening and anti-cellulite effect.

Creams and scrubs

There are many effective recipes for creams and scrubs that you can prepare at home. They also help remove stretch marks on the inner thigh, since you will rub them exactly in the area where the hated stretch marks are located. Let's look at several popular and effective recipes

Cream with mumiyo for stretch marks

You will need: 50 g of baby cream or body milk, 20 ml of water, 1 g of mumiyo powder.

Preparation: mummy should be stirred in warm water, added to cream or lotion, then mixed. Massage the mixture into the skin where the stretch marks are located. The course of treatment is one month. Repeat the procedure once a day, preferably in the evening before going to bed - this way the active ingredients will work better.

Coffee scrub

Ingredients: 100 grams of ground coffee, 50 g of olive or coconut oil, water.

Preparation: pour boiling water over finely ground coffee and leave it for 15 minutes to form a thick paste. Add oil to the resulting mass. The product is rubbed into the skin, then washed off with water.

Oils for fresh stretch marks

Fresh red stretch marks on the thighs are easier to remove than old ones. The oil mixture will help with this. Use wheat germ oil or another base oil as a base. Combine it with essential oils: 1 part each of neroli and lime essential oils, and 2 parts each of lavender, mandarin and bitter orange essential oils.

All oils must be mixed thoroughly. Rub the mixture into problem areas on the thighs with light massage movements. Then apply cream.

Mask for stretch marks with yogurt and lemon zest

For this mask you will need the following ingredients: ¾ cup of natural unsweetened yogurt, 20 ml of almond oil, zest of one lemon.

Directions: Mix lemon zest with yogurt and butter. Apply the composition for half an hour on the affected areas of the thighs. Hold, rinse with warm water.

Wraps against stretch marks on thighs

Wraps are another good method to make stretch marks more visible. This procedure improves blood circulation, helps cleanse the layers of the skin, and tightens it. For wraps, different components can be used, both ready-made mixtures and those prepared independently. The following variations of wraps are considered especially effective in the fight against stretch marks:

  1. Chocolate. Chocolate wraps work very well in the fight against scars. You will need to melt a bar of good dark chocolate in a water bath or dilute cocoa powder with water or milk. The resulting mass is applied to problem areas. Afterwards, wrap the skin of your thighs with film and lie under a blanket.
  2. Wrap with mummy. To prepare the mixture, you need to dissolve 5 grams of mumiyo powder in a small amount of water, then add this mixture to 100 grams of baby cream. Mix the mixture well, apply it in a thick layer to the stretch marks, and wrap with cling film. Now it is recommended to lie under the blanket for an hour.

Ready-made cosmetic products for stretch marks

In the fight against stretch marks, you can also use ready-made cosmetics. This will save time. It is important to carefully select medications, be sure to pay attention to their manufacturers, expiration date, and composition. Remedies for stretch marks are aimed at improving blood circulation and nutrition of the skin, accelerating its recovery processes, moisturizing and increasing tone. It is recommended to choose drugs that contain the following components:

  1. hyaluronic acid;
  2. vegetable and essential oils;
  3. extracts of various plants;
  4. vitamins (A, E, C);
  5. collagen;
  6. elastin;
  7. amino acids and peptides.

Please note that such products can only be effective if you use them regularly. When using ready-made cosmetics, be sure to read the instructions and follow them. When choosing products, also consider the type and characteristics of your skin.

What cosmetology offers

Unfortunately, home methods do not always help remove stretch marks on the thighs, especially if the stretch marks are old. Then you can pay attention to the range of services offered by beauty salons and cosmetology clinics. To combat stretch marks, the modern beauty industry offers the following methods:

  1. Chemical peeling. It involves the use of acid, which is applied to stretch marks and discolors them, making them invisible.
  2. Laser peeling. A special laser device is used that burns out scars and promotes the appearance of healthy cells in their place.
  3. Ozone therapy. The skin is pricked by an ozone cocktail, which disrupts blood circulation in the area of ​​stretch marks. They do not disappear completely, but become less noticeable.
  4. Abdominoplasty. A serious surgical procedure that ensures 100% removal of stretch marks.
  5. Ultrasonic peeling. Makes the skin soft and elastic, and stretch marks less noticeable, however, does not eliminate them completely.
  6. Hand sanding. This procedure helps to even out scars and skin, making the latter smooth.
  7. Cryosauna. It has a beneficial effect on the skin, smoothes and rejuvenates it.

Each of these methods can be quite effective, however, before deciding on any procedure, it is recommended to undergo an examination to exclude possible contraindications. Only a specialist can decide which method is suitable specifically for your case, since this is determined by a large number of factors: the characteristics and type of skin, the characteristics of the stretch marks themselves, the state of health, and so on.

Stretch marks on the hips: prevention

Stretch marks on the thighs, which you can already imagine how to get rid of, may not appear if you take care of their prevention in advance. The first thing it should include is healthy and balanced diet, which must be adhered to from adolescence. Limit sweets, baked goods, fast food, fatty, smoked and too salty foods, drink enough water.

Another way to prevent stretch marks is playing sports. Due to exercise, muscles become resilient and elastic, which reduces the risk of stretch marks. Particular attention should be paid to the prevention of striae in pregnant women. While expecting a baby, use mass and moisturizing creams on your skin.

It is worth noting that even surgical and hardware procedures for removing stretch marks do not guarantee that they will not appear again. Therefore, it is always worth observing preventive measures, and the main one is a correct lifestyle and taking care of your own health.

Useful video on how to get rid of stretch marks

Today, stretch marks on the thighs are a common problem among both women and men.

Stretching (stria) is a scarring change in the skin that occurs due to a violation of the elasticity of the skin. The reason for their appearance is not always mechanical impact.

They appear due to biochemical changes in a woman’s body. Striae can be located on the abdomen, chest, buttocks, and back of the leg. They have different colors and sizes.

The stretch marks can be either dark purple or white. It depends on how long the problem has existed. Fresh stretch marks are red with a purple tint. Later they lighten up. There are photos on the Internet that will help you recognize stretch marks on the body, as well as determine the severity of the problem. Striae are not susceptible to ultraviolet radiation. This means that they are not exposed to tanning. Therefore, in the summer, stretch marks located on the hips are especially visible.

The main reasons for the appearance

Before starting treatment, it is necessary to identify the cause of the problem.

Most often, stretch marks on the thighs appear as a result of:

  1. Powerlifting and other types of weightlifting.
  2. Sudden weight gain. (This reason is the most common. The skin stretches sharply and stretch marks appear).
  3. Hormonal changes. During puberty, a strong hormonal imbalance occurs, so stretch marks can often be observed in adolescents.
  4. Taking certain medications. Especially those that belong to the group of glucocorticoids. They can provoke severe obesity.
  5. Diseases of the endocrine system. Because of this problem, many others arise, including striae. Therefore, it is important to start treatment on time so as not to worsen the situation.

The causes of stretch marks can be judged by their location. Vertical striae are most often the cause of pregnancy or weight changes. And horizontal ones signal problems of the endocrine system.

To get rid of stretch marks, one or several folk methods are often used. You can also make a homemade scrub with almond essential oil. In addition to self-treatment of stretch marks, you can resort to salon treatment. For example, for a body wrap or massage.

What causes stretch marks on the thighs: ways to get rid of them, prevention

The thinner the outer film of the epidermis, the more visible the blood vessels are. Damaged blood vessels are visible through the upper layer of the epidermis, which atrophies.

Over time, the subcutaneous tissue fills with connective scar tissue and the stretch marks fade and eventually turn white.

This explains the appearance of stretch marks on the thighs, chest and abdomen. Not only women, but also men suffer from stretch marks.

How to remove

While stretch marks are purple, blue or red, they are much easier to get rid of. This means that the process of skin atrophy has just begun and it can still be saved. The paler the stretch mark, the more difficult it is to get rid of it. Therefore, white stripes of skin that no longer contain melanin are very difficult to treat.


You can get rid of stretch marks by making your skin more elastic. There are many methods and means for this. One of the options for using vegetable oils. This method is suitable for removing fresh stretch marks. Mix 1 part neroli oil with 1 part limeta oil. 2 parts each of lavender, petitgrain and mandarin oil. The resulting liquid is rubbed into problem areas for 10 minutes with massage movements. After the procedure, rub in wheat germ oil.

Another recipe will also help cope with stretch marks on the hips. 30 ml of jojoba oil should be combined with clove, mint and lavender oils. You only need 2 drops each. 4 drops of geranium oil are also added there. The resulting mixture is rubbed into the skin daily for 10 minutes. Excess oils are removed with a napkin at the end of the procedures.

Cosmetical tools

There are a number of cosmetic products. If the rhythm of life does not allow you to spend time preparing masks yourself, then you can use ready-made products.

When purchasing such ready-made products, first of all you need to pay attention to the composition. It should include the following components: hyaluronic acid, essential oils, plant extracts, vitamins, elastin, amino acids and peptides, collagen. Effective products are not cheap, but the results are worth the money spent.


If you don’t want to wait and point your finger at the sky, then you should trust a specialist. Nowadays, cosmetologists' offices are always open to their clients. Here they will talk in detail about why unsightly and unnecessary stretch marks appear on the hips and will help eliminate them using modern procedures.

In the salons you can do the following manipulations: balneotherapy, thalassotherapy, Spa, mesotherapy course, ozone-oxygen method of accelerating metabolism in the epidermis, chemical peeling and laser resurfacing. Experts will advise which procedure to choose after the first examination. Such methods of dealing with stretch marks can be called the fastest and most effective.


Preventing the appearance of stretch marks, which spoil the appearance, especially of a girl, is much easier than treating them later. In order to avoid the problem of unsightly stripes on the thigh, buttock and stomach, you need to follow some simple rules. First, avoid sudden stretching of the skin. This applies most of all to girls trying to lose weight. There is no need to rejoice at the sudden weight loss. After all, instead of one problem, there is a risk of getting another.

Losing weight is necessary per month, but no more. You need to drink 1.5 - 2 liters of drinking water per day. After all, a lack of water in the body is one of the reasons why stretch marks on the thighs appear, and later increase. Thirdly, watch your diet. It should include more vegetables and fruits, vegetable oils and lean meats and fish. These products are beneficial not only for the skin, but also for the entire body.

Fourth, play sports. But this should be done in moderation, since excessive and sudden load will only worsen the problem. Therefore, the load should be increased gradually. It’s better to start with light running or gymnastics. It is better to avoid exercise equipment. Fifth, take a shower regularly. A sharp jet of water creates a massage effect, which is good for the skin and its external and internal condition. Sixth, monitor your hormonal levels.

After all, its change can also provoke the formation of stretch marks. This is especially true for women during pregnancy and those who have infants. During this period, a woman’s body is unpredictable. The main condition for effective and quick removal of stretch marks is timely intervention.

Until stretch marks are fully formed, they are much easier to eliminate than those that exist on the body for a long time. But even in this case, do not despair. Everything can be fixed if you use several methods at once. But you should prepare for the fact that treatment will take a lot of time and effort.