How to get rid of cellulite reviews photos

Hello everyone))) This post will be long, I first typed it in Word and then copied it here)))

I decided to share with you my experience of fighting cellulite...maybe someone will be interested)))

I am 21 years old, with a height of 167 cm, I weigh somewhere around 55-57 cm. My volumes are 80-64-92 (OB was 94, but after the procedures I lost 2 cm). I won’t show you a photo without clothes, because I once threw my figure here, my husband saw it and I got a p*ss))))

By the way, at the age of 18 my weight was 65 kg. I had photos from those times, but I deleted them. Then my friends said that I was fat (((I decided to prove to them that I could lose weight... and I lost weight to 55 kg.

Since then, PP and sports (at home) have been my friends.

Many people say that to get rid of cellulite you need to eat right, drink 2 liters of water a day and exercise. This is true... but I’ll be honest - all this did not get rid of cellulite... it became smaller, but the problem did not completely go away.

I had cellulite for a long time, but I didn’t pay attention to it because I thought, “Everyone has it, even very thin people... and even teenagers!”

I have stage 1 cellulite – this is when cellulite is still in its “infancy”. It is not always possible to see it on the skin; the skin at first glance is smooth and even... but at the same time flabby. The first stage can be determined by squeezing the skin tightly with your palms.

But one fine day, I realized that I wanted elastic skin, without cellulite. Since PP and sports didn’t help much, I decided to start cosmetic procedures.

I'm not the wife of a millionaire, I don't have money for beauty salons. So I started doing all the procedures at home.

I’ll say right away that I bought everything I needed in pharmacies and ordered on the website

I decided to approach the fight against cellulite comprehensively:

I will not describe all the principles of PP now. Many girls wrote about this both on the Internet and even on

Massage can be different: honey, dry rubbing, manual, vacuum. For myself, I chose a vacuum one.

I bought these vacuum massage jars at the pharmacy for 72 UAH.

For massage you can use either a good fatty cream or oil. You can take a store-bought product, or you can make it yourself.

To make anti-cellulite massage oil, you need to add 10-15 drops of essential oil to 30 ml of base oil (peach, almond, apricot, olive grape seed).

For example: Mix 30 ml of olive oil with 3 drops of essential lemon oil, the same amount of juniper oil, add two drops each of orange and lavender oil. Or about again - almond oil. Add: essential oils of orange, juniper, cypress, patchouli - 3 drops each. Or add essential oils of orange and lemon - 5 drops each.

I bought myself this massage cream.

By the way, not all expensive products are good. Cheap creams and oils can also be very effective. I bought this cream for 59 UAH. All cosmetics from this company are very good.

Before the procedure, I went into the shower, warmed up the skin thoroughly, lightly massaged it and cleansed it with a scrub. You can buy a scrub, or you can make it.

I made myself a coffee scrub. Here is the prescription:

·100 g ground coffee;

30 ml olive oil

Preparation: mix coffee and cinnamon. Add boiled water. Attention! Add water by eye until the coffee and cinnamon are completely wet. Then add olive oil and mix well. I store the scrub in a container on a shelf in the bathroom along with shampoos.

Scrub the skin well, wash off the scrub, enjoy smooth skin))))

Next, apply cream or oil to damp skin and place the jar. I squeezed it like this in my hand and “attached” it to the skin.

And with smooth, slow movements we begin to massage. I did the massage based on this picture.

During the massage, the skin warms up and turns red. And because of the cream it also bakes)))

I spent 10 minutes on each leg. I had a massage every other day. First you need to do 15 procedures, then take a break for 1-2 months and you can repeat it again.

I think everyone knows that wraps are different. Search the Internet for any recipe you like. I made the wraps according to this recipe:

Blue clay – 2 tbsp

2-3 drops of red pepper tincture

Orange and juniper essential oil – 5 drops

Preparation: mix blue clay with cinnamon. Add water by eye until it reaches the consistency of sour cream. Add 2-3 drops of red pepper tincture and 5 drops of essential oils. Mix everything well.

Before the procedure, the skin also needs to be well warmed and cleansed. I just cleaned it with shower gel. Apply our mixture to problem areas and wrap with cling film. We put on warm pants or leggings and go about our business. You need to walk like this for 40 minutes to 1 hour. I’ll say right away that it will be a little hot because of the pepper. After the time has passed, rinse everything off with warm water. I did the wraps every other day. A total of 10-15 procedures are needed. Then take a break and you can do it again.

Many people buy anti-cellulite creams and naively think that it will immediately get rid of cellulite... but at the same time they eat buns and sweets. My friend, before flying to Cyprus on vacation, bought herself an expensive cream, it seems for 700 UAH. She has never played sports and eats everything. She applied that cream for a whole month, and then complained to me that such an expensive cream did not help.

Just a cream from cellulite will not get rid of you... I repeat that the problem needs to be approached comprehensively. The cream can be used as an additional remedy in the fight against cellulite. I bought this one for 90 UAH.

After a shower, I apply it to damp skin and rub in until completely absorbed. Oh, this cream))) Your butt and legs will burn... but the burning sensation will be pleasant.

I made a schedule for my anti-cellulite program)))

Monday: 40 minutes of strength exercises, vacuum massage, anti-cellulite cream in the evening after a shower.

Tuesday: 40 minutes of strength exercises, body wraps, anti-cellulite cream in the evening after a shower.

Wednesday: 30-40 minutes of cardio, vacuum massage, anti-cellulite cream in the evening after a shower.

Thursday: 40 minutes of strength exercises, body wraps, anti-cellulite cream in the evening after a shower.

Friday: 40 minutes of strength exercises, vacuum massage, anti-cellulite cream in the evening after a shower.

Saturday: wraps, anti-cellulite cream in the evening after a shower.

Sunday: anti-cellulite cream in the evening after shower.

By the way, sports used to be 3 times a week... now every day, except weekends.

Maybe someone thinks when I have time for everything))) I already have time for everything))) Somehow I adapted and got used to it))) I go in for sports in the presence of my daughter, she plays quietly, and I wave dumbbells)))) Sometimes she laughs, when I start jumping. I also give massages near my daughter. When I get ready for procedures in the bathroom, I take Zlata with me. We have heated floors. I give her something interesting and while she is busy, I quickly warm up and scrub))) I do the wraps when she is sleeping. I have time to cook and clean the house too.

Perhaps it will be much harder for mothers who work to take time for themselves.

I specifically started doing all the procedures at the end of summer))) Because all the work in the garden and vegetable garden was over))) In the fall, my husband tidies up the garden and garden, I don’t even bother there anymore)))

Well, before and after photos to prove it))))

Skin on the front of the thigh)))

I still haven’t completely gotten rid of cellulite... but the result is already very pleasing. It remains on the back of the thigh... I’ll show you

I barely took a photo... I had to twist my leg

I'm on a break now. Then I plan to do wraps 2 times a week and vacuum massage every other day. I ordered these oils for myself for a massage.

Well, that seems to be it))) Girls, everything is in your hands. The main thing is not to be lazy, be patient and give yourself some time)))

I hope that my post will be useful to someone... it took me so long to type it

Good mood to you all

I’ll say right away that with my height of 165 cm and weight 52 kg, I HAD quite pronounced cellulite! I did cupping massage for 2 months, every day for 20 minutes. BUT everything remained unchanged ((
So! Month. and he is no more! I alternated between a honey massage day and a cupping day (20-30 minutes a day). After the honey massage, I take a contrast shower with a scrub (mix ground coffee with shower gel). Twice a week I take a bath in essential oils (juniper, orange) . In addition to all this, I excluded sugar, sweets, flour, too much salt, coffee. I wouldn’t say that I’m eating healthy, but still. I drink a lot of green tea.
Well, it seems like everything)) Result: the butt is toned, elastic, without dimples! My pride! I wish everyone good luck. Your text, if it’s not a secret, how long did it take you to completely delete it??

Girls, I’m very glad that I reduced this infection!))))

I finally found a recipe for getting rid of cellulite! For the first time in my life I am leaving my review on the Internet, because... I think it can be useful to many. I am a lazy person by nature, but hardy. Those. I’m too lazy to stick to a daily diet and go to the pool and gym, and I don’t have time. But all kinds of burning creams, rubbing, kneading and massages with my husband’s strong hands, injecting ozone in huge portions... HORROR. It hurts, it’s a waste of money, but there’s no point!
I am not inclined to be overweight: I am 35 years old, weight 55 kg with a height of 165 cm, but my legs and hips were in terrible lumps, completely jelly. I walked around exclusively in trousers, now I’ve completely forgotten about them. I wear dresses and skirts and I’m happy, I’m a woman.
1. Vibrating massage belt (approx. 2,500 rubles) (it’s very pleasant in the evening, after a delicious dinner, to lie on the sofa, watch TV and alternately apply the belt to your calves, thighs, buttocks, even to your feet) for no more than 30 minutes in total.
2. Fucus - algae (approx. 80 rubles in the pharmacy 36.6) I drink 1/2 tsp once a day at lunch.
3. Laminaria - also seaweed - I sometimes drink in the evening as a cleanser.
Nothing bothers you, and algae is very beneficial for the whole body. You just need to learn how to drink them
And in order to lose weight, I know that the “Lose Weight in a Week” suitcases from Leovit are very helpful (my sister really lost weight)

There are many such topics here, excuse me for repeating myself, but let’s now talk not about how and how you can get rid of it, but about those who REALLY got rid of it! Are there any such things at all? Otherwise, in other topics they only write advice about cellulite, but I haven’t seen a single message from those who have completely gotten rid of it.

I got rid of cellulite! Now I will describe in detail how this is done.
Take a small amount of honey (natural, not crystallized) and apply it to the problem area (stomach, thighs, buttocks, etc.), having first measured the volume of this area in cm. Rub the honey evenly over the skin. Next, with smooth movements, you glue the palm of your hand to the skin and sharply peel it off. At first, the hand will easily “come off”, but when the honey is absorbed into the skin, it will become more and more painful (tolerable).
After some time, you will see that a white coating will appear on the surface of the skin - this is subcutaneous fat! There will be more and more of it, you will see how it will begin to remain on your hands and the honey will lose its effect. Wash everything off your skin. Take a meter and measure the circle. At least minus 3 cm! Everything took no more than 20 minutes.
The next day, repeat the procedure, but it is possible that after it the volume of the problem area will become larger, not smaller - this is a slight swelling, it will go away in a couple of days.
In short, do this for 5-6 days or 14-15 (every other day) and you will be satisfied with the result.
I wish you success and results!
This is really true. I’m tormented by vague doubts that this is how the fat comes out right away)

24. It was the case - I never took contraceptives, but there was always cellulite and my hair always fell out. So don't talk bullshit.

I have never suffered from excess weight. To be honest, I generally considered myself very slim. I’ve been doing ballroom dancing since childhood, so I’m used to constant workload. Even after school and college, I consistently forced myself to go to the gym a couple of times a week so that my body wouldn’t forget what physical activity was. I also can’t be called particularly sweet-toothed - I’ve never overeated and haven’t been seen in front of an open refrigerator at night.

But at the age of 27, I noticed that my skin was no longer so tight and elastic. I tried all kinds of serums and body creams to make my silhouette more toned. Having raised a panic, I began to read all the articles about cellulite - I really didn’t want to hide under a pareo on the beach!

It turned out that the first and even the second stage of cellulite is actually the norm. And this is exactly what happened to me. I had a complete feeling that my whole body seemed to be a little swollen. The skin remained smooth and even overall, with no obvious orange peel. And this, by the way, is the first sign that things will soon become very bad. The body has already begun to retain fluid in the body.

This happens very simply: fat cells process nutrients and form waste products, which are released into the intercellular fluid. These wastes gradually accumulate, squeezing the lymphatic vessels. The result is that 60-70% of the fluid, for which the lymphatic vessel is responsible for pumping out, remains in the body. This is where the feeling of puffiness or swelling arises. But at this stage, 30-40% of the fluid is still removed from the body through the veins.

My mistake was that I simply did not fully realize the importance of this stage. At this point, it was enough just to increase the load and start going to the sauna to “drive” excess water from the body.

Three more years passed, and sport remained just a memory. My legs became much denser, and that same “orange peel” was already clearly visible, even if I squeezed the skin just a little.

The fact is that at this stage of cellulite development, the venous system can no longer cope with stagnant fluid, and the pressure inside the tissues only increases. Fat deposits become dense due to the fact that swelling has increased and the tissue has become tense. At this stage, it would be good to actively go for lymphatic drainage procedures. These are hardware techniques that use current to improve lymph outflow. Naturally, at 30 years old, I still believed that my body could handle it on its own, I just needed to replace the elevator with stairs, and dessert with celery salad.

By the age of 35, it became clear that I had an increased predisposition to cellulite, which means that the methods of struggle should be more active.

At first I tried to simply lose weight, but the kilograms were disappearing from everywhere except the blocked areas. The cosmetologist predicted the third stage of cellulite, turning into the fourth. Lymphatic drainage is practically useless at this stage. And if suddenly they offer it to you, then the specialist simply does not understand the methods of eliminating cellulite, because now it only needs to be “broken” with the help of a forceful (and very painful) massage.

The extreme stage of cellulite, which I almost reached due to my own laziness, is stage four. At this stage, the skin on cellulite areas is always cold and even has a bluish tint. In this case, only lipoaspiration, or liposuction, will help, that is, a full-fledged operation to remove fat.

It’s good that I limited myself to 15 sessions of serious power massage, after which I had to rest for a couple more days, like after a marathon. This is not stroking or a light warm-up of the cervical-collar area, but a real struggle.

In the fight against cellulite, the most important thing is to understand in time that there is a problem (and almost everyone who feels at least the slightest swelling of the body has it). Don't rely on the power of anti-cellulite products alone or on your ability to use a massage brush in the shower. Go straight to the beautician to save money and time and increase the number of successful beach photos.