Vasylenko Symptom

Vasilenko symptom is one of the manifestations of acute viral hepatitis, which is accompanied by acute jaundice. This symptom was named after the Soviet hepatologist V. Kh. Vasilenko, who first described it at the beginning of the 20th century. Vasilenko symptom is manifested by a deterioration in the patient’s well-being, the appearance of sharp pronounced swelling of the skin and mucous membranes, severe jaundice and severe pain in the right upper abdomen, as well as symptoms of hypothermia and intoxication. Subcutaneous fat quickly becomes darker, causing the skin to appear sallow in color. At the same time, the facial angles become more acute, which indicates damage to the central nervous system and eyes. The manifestation of Vasilenko's symptom can be short, but often has a characteristic course over several days. It is not the main symptom, and is often used in combination with other manifestations of acute hepatitis to diagnose the disease. Treatment of the symptom usually includes therapy for the infectious disease and accelerated bile secretion.