Vein Emissary Parietal

The emissary parietal vein is one of the veins belonging to the sinus system; are large, branching veins parallel to the large continuous crescent-shaped depression of the meninges and emerging in almost all of their branches as a continuation of the venous vessels.

In total, there are about 47 venous sinuses in the human body, which play an important role in regulating intracranial pressure and cerebrospinal fluid circulation. When a traumatic brain injury occurs, cerebrospinal fluid begins to accumulate in the brain due to disruption of normal outflow. This causes a rise in cerebrospinal fluid; in adults it can rise to the level of the midbrain. The constant flow of cerebrospinal fluid through the carotid veins can provoke cerebral hypertension. In this case, the compression injury can be compensated by venous drainage, namely the pressure inside the skull.