Vein Legs Subcutaneous Small

What is the small saphenous vein?

The small saphenous vein of the leg is one of many saphenous veins that are found in the lower extremities of humans. It is located deep in the lower leg and is one of two main veins that carry blood from the foot to the heart. Another vein that is part of the leg system is the great saphenous vein.

**Main characteristics of the small saphenous vein**

* The main characteristic of the small saphenous vein is its depth. The small saphenous vein is located quite deep, at a depth of about 2 cm. This means that venous blood flow from the legs to the heart moves quite quickly to overcome this depth of the vein. *Another main characteristic of the small saphenous vein is the absence of a valve. There is no valve in the small saphenous vein, so it operates as a one-way system with no backflow. **What diseases can arise in connection with the small saphenous vein** * Diseases associated with the small saphenous venous system can have various manifestations