Viril Syndrome (Hyperandrogenic Conditions)

The appearance of secondary male sexual characteristics in women, due to the increased content of male sex hormones in a woman’s body. A consequence of dysfunction of the adrenal cortex, ovaries, long-term treatment of women with large doses of androgens.


  1. Hair growth on the face, limbs, back, chest, abdomen, male pattern hair loss on the head;
  2. Change in voice timbre (voice becomes low);
  3. Development of a male body type;
  4. Breast atrophy;
  5. Menstrual irregularities from oligomenorrhea to amenorrhea;
  6. Hypertrophy and virilization of the clitoris;
  7. Reduction of the uterus, atrophy of the endometrium and vaginal mucosa.

Testosterone levels in the blood increase, and urinary excretion of testosterone and 17 ketosteroids increases.

Treatment for tumors of the ovaries or adrenal cortex is surgical.