Visceral massage of the abdomen and internal organs

For many centuries, massage has improved our health, strengthened our muscles and raised our vitality. One massage technique helps cure various diseases, another keeps our body in excellent shape. Visceral massage is a universal technique that can cure diseases of internal and external organs.

Treatment with visceral massage is based on the impact of internal organs using certain pressure and tapping. The second name of this massage technique is “Old Slavonic massage”, because it was practiced by our ancestors since ancient times. The word "visceral" means internal.

Today, specialists from Europe, America, and China pay special attention to visceral massage. It has been observed that the visceral massage technique significantly improves blood circulation and the functioning of internal organs. Many diseases of our body are directly related to the formation of stagnation and spasms. Thanks to visceral massage, stagnation of internal organs is eliminated, metabolic processes are normalized, and any functional disorders disappear.

Old Slavonic massage of internal organs restores the body as a whole, improving lymph circulation. The positive effect extends to the chest, head, legs, and arms. Old Slavonic abdominal massage removes blockages in the intestines, cleansing and eliminating spasms. As a result, a person gains an improved appearance, acne and redness disappear. Even cellulite disappears.

visceral massage

Massage of internal organs

Indications for use

The procedure is effective for both sick and healthy people. The patient will solve his health problems, and the second will maintain his health at the proper level. For which diseases is massage especially effective:

  1. gastrointestinal disorders (ulcers, colitis, constipation, digestive disorders);
  2. diseases of the liver, pancreas, gallbladder disease;
  3. kidney disease (prolapse, urolithiasis, urinary incontinence);
  4. diseases of the genital organs;
  5. for gynecological diseases;
  6. cardiovascular diseases;
  7. restoration of metabolism, elimination of fat deposits;
  8. respiratory tract diseases;
  9. ENT diseases;
  10. diseases of the spine;
  11. elimination of pain syndrome.

What results can be achieved - rejuvenation of the body, restoration of the functioning of internal organs, complete cleansing of the body.

The visceral massage technique is very effective in the treatment of gynecological diseases. As a rule, diseases of this type are directly related to the development of inflammation, which visceral massage copes with quite well.

This massage combines well with other procedures, which gives better positive results. Thus, in combination with hirudotherapy, it is possible to treat such serious diseases as fibroids, uterine prolapse, ovarian cyst, etc.

If you combine massage with wraps, you can get rid of cellulite, fat deposits and stretch marks without resorting to surgery.


Before performing, be sure to read the contraindications. These include:

  1. oncological diseases;
  2. heat;
  3. acute infectious diseases;
  4. serious disorders of internal organs;
  5. acute tuberculosis;
  6. thrombosis;
  7. bleeding of internal organs.

Old Slavonic massage

Massage diagnoses every organ

Execution technique

The massage must be performed by a specialist at a certain angle of pressure. Experienced massage therapists will perform a completely painless procedure that will feel pleasant, involving every organ. During the massage, the patient's reaction to the techniques performed is monitored.

By pressing on a certain organ, the massage therapist moves it in the desired direction.

Direction of movements

Direction of movements

During the procedure, various massage accessories can be used. For example, massage cups, pots and even leeches. Cupping massage is carefully placed on the stomach and each organ is “pressed” in the desired direction. This massage improves overall immunity and stimulates metabolism in organs. By improving blood circulation, intestinal motility improves, waste and toxins are eliminated.

By pressing on each organ, you can accurately diagnose how seriously damaged a particular organ is. At the first session, all techniques are carried out in a gentle manner. gradually the intensity of movements increases. Gurgling in the stomach will indicate that the procedure was carried out correctly - the spasm of the bile ducts has been relieved.

If you want to completely heal your body, improve the condition of your skin, digestion, and internal organs, visceral massage is more suitable for this than ever.