Vitamin face creams in the pharmacy

Many women use pharmacy face creams as an alternative to expensive branded cosmetics. After all, it is not always possible to buy an effective cream from a well-known manufacturer, which has gained fame as an effective remedy in the fight for youth and beauty due to its high cost.

Products of the middle and budget class do not always meet the high requirements of quality, efficiency and safety. No one argues that they can be used, but the expected results are not always achieved.

Pharmacy products are distinguished by affordable prices, proven quality and safety, since these products undergo strict control at many levels.

Efficiency of pharmaceutical products

Consumers have already managed to make a rating of face creams from the pharmacy, which have not only been tested according to all the necessary parameters, but have also received their assessment from the millions of women who have used them.

  1. Pharmacy cosmetics are used to treat such common dermatological problems as acne, acne, rosacea, and comedones. Many are actively fighting age-related changes no worse than hardware rejuvenation procedures
  2. Pharmacy products compare favorably with their “cosmetic counterparts” due to their balanced, well-chosen and safe composition. The principle of naturalness in creams is observed above all, but the presence of innovative substances of synthetic origin is absolutely harmless and justified.
  3. Combinations of moisturizing, nutritional and medicinal functions in pharmaceutical creams make it possible not to mask the problem, as usual cosmetics do, but to solve it at the root. That is, to influence the cause, and not to mask the consequences.

Important! All pharmaceutical cosmetics do not contain harmful synthetic components: fragrances, dyes, emulsifiers, stabilizers, preservatives. All of them can cause the development of an allergic reaction, even if up to this point the woman has not observed such a tendency in herself.

From all of the above, one conclusion emerges - pharmacy analogues of expensive anti-aging cosmetics are quite capable of coping with the problems of age-related changes, while providing a therapeutic effect on some dermatological phenomena.

Why do they have such a low cost?

Pharmacies are not cheap these days. Medicines are quite expensive. The question naturally arises: why are the creams in this establishment comparatively cheaper than their counterparts in cosmetic stores?

Let's think logically:

  1. a good pharmaceutical cream is a complex of substances that are simple in nature and do not require large production costs;
  2. fragrances and dyes are synthetic substances that have considerable cost. They are not used in pharmaceutical products;
  3. by and large, they were created as a “related product,” that is, the inventors did not set out with the sole goal of obtaining certain substances of a given spectrum. In the course of research, positive qualities were identified that also affect the processes of rejuvenation;
  4. Most of the products offered are medicines for completely different diseases, but due to their positive effects on cosmetic problems, they are successfully used in this industry.

Cheap and effective pharmaceutical creams are not a myth or a publicity stunt, as you understand. These funds are already in demand as medicine.

Important to remember. Before using any cream from a pharmacy, it is better to consult a dermatologist to eliminate the risk of side effects. Especially if you have a problem with your facial skin that your usual cosmetics cannot eliminate.

Rating of the best cheap analogues from the pharmacy

We will look at the best pharmaceutical face creams, but we will also pay attention to the non-trivial use of medicines that are intended to solve completely different health problems.

But before moving directly to the rating, let's look at what miracle drugs guarantee us:

  1. improving blood supply to tissues;
  2. regulation of the sebaceous glands and reduction of sebum production;
  3. delivery to the deep layers of the dermis of substances necessary for normal life (vitamins, macro and microelements);
  4. stimulation of the production of your own collagen and elastin;
  5. smoothing skin texture, minimizing wrinkles.

Along with this, deep hydration, nutrition, toning and getting rid of medical defects (acne, acne, pimples, dermatoses and others).

We advise you to look at the review of the best budget pharmacy products for skin beauty:


Among pharmaceutical face creams, the company's products take the lead in the segment of the best moisturizers. "Laura". The line of anti-aging products includes day, night and eye cream.


  1. phytoestrogens;
  2. peptide complexes;
  3. panthenol;
  4. fat and water soluble vitamin complexes;
  5. hyaluronic acid;
  6. antioxidants.

The skin becomes smooth, elastic, deeply hydrated, gets rid of flaking, and acquires a healthy and radiant color.

Cream F99 originally intended to combat eczema. For cosmetic purposes, it is used to eliminate pimples, acne, various types of rashes and peeling of the skin. The face becomes moisturized, the relief and tone are evened out. The skin becomes soft, velvety, and elastic.

Moisturizing pharmacy cream Pharmateiss cosmetics “Topping up vitamins” improves metabolic processes in the deep layers of the epidermis and dermis, moisturizes, prevents aging, evens out the tone and texture of the face.


Pharmacy creams in this segment are represented by a variety of products.

A simple and affordable product can replace expensive collagen ointments in pharmacies. retinoic ointment. This product is based on vitamin A, which is rightly called the “vitamin of youth”. It stimulates the production of its own protein compounds, which are responsible for the youth and elasticity of the skin. After applying the code, it becomes soft, elastic, and toned. Small wrinkles are smoothed out, deep wrinkles are visually reduced.

Anti-stress product – pharmacy "Enterosgel".It is enough to apply a small amount of gel before going to bed, especially to the area around the eyes, and in the morning you will find in the mirror a beauty without bags or bruises under the eyes. If you treat the entire face, swelling goes away, the epidermis is cleansed of toxins, and is saturated with all the microelements necessary for normal life.

Lierak brand cream are highly efficient. They contain plant extracts. Moreover, exactly those parts of plants in which the activity of the components is the highest are used. Well nourishes the epidermis for any skin type. The texture of the cream is light, does not clog pores, absolutely hypoallergenic cosmetics.


Among all anti-aging products, the first place is rightfully occupied by drugs from the Vichy company. Although this is a cosmetology company, its products are positioned not so much as cosmetics, but as medicinal preparations for solving many problems.

Vichy Ultraleaf – the cream is unique in its composition. It contains plant extracts, oils and active ingredients of synthetic origin (absolutely safe for humans). Antioxidants provide reliable protection against negative environmental factors, help fight free radicals, and prevent age-related changes in the epidermis. The face becomes elastic, matte, fresh. Wrinkles are smoothed out, the overall relief is leveled. Moreover, the effect is noticeable after just a few days of regular use.

Regenerating face cream Bepanten. The basis of its composition is pantothenic acid. This is the second name for vitamin A, which has a rejuvenating effect on the skin by enhancing regeneration processes at the cellular level. It has a calming effect on problem skin, nourishes epithelial tissues well, and stimulates internal metabolic processes. The face becomes elastic, elastic, acquires an even tone and relief, inflamed areas disappear.

From a series of extraordinary uses of drugs - "Tiogamma". The medication is used for drip administration and consists of pure alpha-lipoic acid. This is a powerful antioxidant that removes free radicals, effectively fights tissue aging, smoothes wrinkles, and evens out skin tone. You need to wipe your face with the solution twice a day for a week. Then a break for a month and the course can be repeated.

Attention! Suitable only for oily and problem skin, as it has a drying effect.

Facial ointments for wrinkles from the pharmacy are products based on vitamin A, E - “Radevit”, Heparin ointment, Solcoseryl.

What cheap facial care products are available at your nearest pharmacy? We advise you to find out how to save money and not pay twice!

The world's best brands offer you the most popular facial skin care products. Millions trust them!

If you have already crossed the age threshold of 40+, then pharmacy ointments will not help you. Read about effective care for aging skin by following the link.


Therapeutic face creams are best used after consultation with a specialist. After all, the effect will depend on which one you use.

The list of the best medicinal face creams can be quite impressive. But pay attention to contraindications, side effects and, of course, the indications. It is possible that you simply do not have them and then it will be useless to expect results.

"Tsi-Klim" - a domestic product that is indicated for women during menopause, when hormonal changes occur in the body, provoking changes in the epidermis. All processes malfunction, the production of vital substances slows down and age-related changes become very noticeable. The products contain phytoestrogens, plant extracts and vitamin complexes that moisturize, remove hyperpigmentation, and stimulate the production of own protein compounds in the dermis and epidermis. As a result, wrinkles are reduced, tone is evened out, and the face becomes elastic and velvety.

Curiosin gel designed to fight acne. But along with these qualities, it has a beneficial effect on the skin of the face. Namely: accelerating skin regeneration processes at the cellular level, deep hydration, strengthening blood vessels and eliminating traces of pigmentation. The skin is smoothed, wrinkles are minimized, and the oval shape is tightened.

Arnica ointment – based on a medicinal plant extract. Does not contain any chemical compounds. But it can cause an allergic reaction if you are hypersensitive to the flower or other components of the product. It fights rosacea well, eliminates spider veins by strengthening the walls of blood vessels and improving blood flow in the epidermis and dermis.

For problem skin

For facial skin with certain problems, products with targeted action are used.

Ointment "Apilak" based on bee products (royal jelly, wax, propolis, honey). Effectively fights acne and oily skin.

Zinc ointment – a remedy for acne, pimples, oily skin, comedones. After it, it is recommended to use a moisturizer, as the ointment has a strong drying effect.

Heparin ointment – against swelling under the eyes, blue circles, rosacea. By improving blood microcirculation, it prevents the appearance of wrinkles, especially in the area around the eyes.

Are you still not sure which cream to choose to amaze everyone with your radiant and youthful face?! Then read our article and go to the pharmacy - they will definitely help you.

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“Beauty requires sacrifice” - this is the popular truth. And we add: material ones too. After all, high-quality cosmetics are often obscenely expensive, and not everyone can afford them. However, there are also personal care products that will not break your budget, and you can buy them at any pharmacy.

Bright Side I have compiled a list of cheap products that work no worse than expensive creams and procedures.

1. Succinic acid

Succinic acid improves cellular respiration and blood circulation. Cosmetics manufacturers add this ingredient to anti-aging products. And all because succinic acid restores the elasticity of skin tissue, returns a healthy complexion and relieves puffiness.

  1. At home, it is easy and simple to make an effective mask from succinic acid to combat dilated blood vessels on the face. In pharmacies, this product is usually sold in tablet form, so it needs to be crushed properly.
  2. 1 tsp. powder (this is 2-3 tablets) mixed with 3 tbsp. l. water and apply to face. Leave the mask on for no more than 10–15 minutes, otherwise you may feel dry. Instead of water, you can use aloe juice (not to be confused with aloe alcohol tincture).

2. Baby cream "Tick-tock"

The Tic-Tac cream contains provitamin B, which prevents glycation (deposition of sugars on skin collagen fibers). This cream removes byproducts that are formed during oxidative processes and smoothes wrinkles.

  1. Apply the product to your face before going to bed as a nighttime treatment. The cream is not too greasy, but excess can be blotted off with a paper napkin.

3.Cream “F-99” bold

Dermatologists prescribe F-99 cream to people who suffer from eczema. But this product has also found application in cosmetology, primarily due to the high content of vitamin F and polyunsaturated fatty acids. The cream inhibits inflammatory processes, stimulates collagen production and preserves the skin framework. In addition, vitamin F retains moisture in the epidermis and prevents the appearance of wrinkles.

  1. You need to apply F-99 cream an hour before bedtime. The course of treatment is 2 weeks. In winter, when the indoor air is dry, this product is simply irreplaceable.

4. Valerian capsules

Valerian is traditionally used as a sedative and sleep aid. However, this plant is used not only in medicine, but also in cosmetology. Valerian smoothes the skin and tones the facial muscles. It is also great for inflammation and sunburn.

  1. Puncture the capsule and apply its contents to the face, including the area under the eyes. With daily use, the effect will become obvious in less than a week.

5. Mumiyo

Shilajit is an organic substance. Its origin is still unknown, but it is known that it contains at least 85 minerals and important amino acids. Manganese and copper, which are part of mumiyo, make the skin more elastic and elastic.

  1. To combat early stretch marks, mumiyo powder or tablets should be mixed with any cream (preferably anti-cellulite) and applied to problem areas. True, you shouldn’t expect quick results, but with regular use the skin will smooth out significantly.

6. Calendula ointment

The main purpose of this ointment is to heal wounds and abrasions. Calendula flowers contain carotenoids (fight acne), coumarins (stimulate cell renewal) and flavonoids (protect the skin from external influences). Thanks to these substances, calendula ointment fights fine wrinkles and removes rashes.

  1. This product has a very thick consistency; it should be applied in a thin layer to problem areas (under the eyes, on nasolabial folds) no more than once a day.

7. Castor oil

Castor oil is a natural moisturizer and anti-inflammatory that is often used for cosmetic purposes. The oil's ingredients penetrate the skin and stimulate the production of its own collagen and elastin.

  1. Castor oil is used against shallow wrinkles around the eyes as follows: a few drops of warm oil should be applied to the skin in this area using a cotton pad. After 10–15 minutes, the remaining oil can be removed using a paper napkin. This procedure must be repeated once a week.

8. Eleutherococcus

A pharmaceutical preparation with a difficult-to-pronounce name “Eleutherococcus extract” is a well-known tonic and general strengthening agent. Eleutherococcus raises blood pressure and improves appetite. But it also has a use in facial care: it tightens and smoothes the skin.

  1. For a lifting effect, you need to add 1 drop of tincture to the nourishing cream immediately before application. Important: The tincture contains alcohol, so you need to be careful with the dosage so as not to get dry skin.

9. Methyluracil

Methyluracil ointment is intended for the treatment of wounds, burns and dermatitis. It stimulates skin cell renewal and improves local immunity. It also protects delicate skin from the aggressive effects of sunlight. But we also really need methyluracil to bring beauty. It is especially useful for those who suffer from dry lips and constant cracks in the corners of the mouth.

  1. Apply the cream to problem areas for 15–30 days. The thin skin of the lips will have time to renew itself, and minor inflammations will heal.

10. Polysorb

Scientists have developed polysorb to combat poisoning or allergies. But its beneficial properties can also be used in facial care. The main component of this powder, silicon, improves skin protection, and with regular use, smoothes out fine wrinkles and removes rashes.

  1. Apply a mixture of polysorb and warm water to your face in the form of a paste. You need to keep it for no more than 10–15 minutes, and then rinse with warm water. This mask is suitable even for sensitive skin.

11. Vitamin C in ampoules

Vitamin C improves immunity, helps the body synthesize collagen, and also regulates hormones. When used externally, vitamin C tightens the skin, improves complexion and fights age spots. Ampoules with a liquid solution are suitable for this. Important: an open ampoule must be used immediately, because the active substance is quickly destroyed in air.

  1. The simplest mask with ascorbic acid is made like this: for 2 ampoules of solution you need to take 1 tsp. warm boiled water, mix and apply to face. It is better to leave the mask until the morning and wash it off immediately after waking up. Boiled water can be replaced with mineral water. It is dangerous to apply undiluted acid to the face: it can damage the skin.
  2. Moisturizing mask. Ingredients: 1 tsp. glycerin, 5 drops of vitamin and 1 tsp. mineral or rose water. Mix all components and apply for 15 minutes. Vitamin C tightens pores, and glycerin moisturizes the skin.

12. Fish oil capsules

In addition to the fat itself, the capsules contain vitamins A, D and F. And also decosahexaenoic acid: it controls the functioning of the sebaceous glands and smoothes out wrinkles. Fish oil easily passes through cell membranes and penetrates deep into the skin.

  1. The fish oil ampoule needs to be pierced and its contents applied to the area around the eyes. Before the procedure, do an allergy test. But it is better not to leave this remedy until the morning: it is very active. Wash it off after 15-20 minutes.

We have already tried a couple of products and were pleased with the results. Which of the things described in the article are you ready to use?

Anti-aging professional cosmetics are usually offered at a high price. For this reason, you can use inexpensive but effective pharmaceutical products for facial rejuvenation, which can smooth out wrinkles, remove swelling, and whiten age spots on the skin. There are many drugs, both for women and men, that have a lifting effect and are used to care for aging skin and deep peeling.

Pharmaceutical preparations to provide a rejuvenating effect, smooth out fine wrinkles:

  1. Taufon. This type of ophthalmic preparation is developed on the basis of taurine. It is recommended to wipe your face morning and evening for 7 days. Then you need to take a break for 4 weeks. If you regularly use Taufon, metabolic processes improve, which gradually leads to smoother skin and the appearance of a healthy appearance.
  2. Retinol acetate. Thanks to the inclusion of vitamin A in the structural formula, after applying Retinol acetate, the regenerative functions of the skin are activated, which makes it tightened and velvety. For a week, you should wipe your face with cotton wool soaked in the preparation in the morning and evening. This is followed by a break of 25 days.
  3. Zinc ointment. Effectively rejuvenates the skin and fights acne. If you only need to remove the source of inflammation or acne, then apply a small amount of the product to the problem area. In order to smooth out wrinkles, it is necessary to distribute the mass in a thin layer once a day. Since there is a drying effect, after washing off the drug, you should use a moisturizer 30 minutes later. After a week, a two-week interval is arranged between rejuvenation sessions.
  4. Thiogamma. Used to normalize lipid metabolism. After just two courses of use, there is a noticeable smoothing of fine wrinkles, the functioning of the sebaceous glands becomes balanced, and the healthy appearance of the skin returns, acquiring a smooth texture. It is more convenient to use a solution used for injection. It is used morning and evening instead of tonic. After complete absorption, apply cream. Results become noticeable within a month.

It is more difficult to cope with pronounced folds, especially nasolabial folds, and deep wrinkles characteristic of age-related changes after 50 years.

Effective pharmaceutical drugs:




Course of application


Contains vitamins A, E, D, is able to eliminate even deep folds, while simultaneously improving complexion

Use daily as a night and day cream

After a month, stop using it for two weeks. Then, if necessary, cosmetic procedures are resumed

When applying a drug containing vitamin B5, the metabolic processes of the epidermis are improved and collagen is produced. The severity of even deep wrinkles gradually decreases

Distribute with massage movements without pressure up to three times a day

Perform for a month, and then repeat the course after 2 weeks

An ointment containing birch tar, xeroform, and castor oil has an antiseptic and softening effect. The effectiveness of masks based on liniment, when used regularly, lies in the drying of sebaceous secretions. Tired, oily skin becomes fresh, pigment spots lighten

The ointment is absorbed quickly. Apply it without pressure in a thin layer. The procedures are repeated after 6 days

The course lasts 60 days. Repeat after 4 months

The structural formula of Actovegin contains glycerin and natural dialysate. This drug accelerates tissue regeneration, restores the elasticity of the skin, and normalizes metabolic processes.

Apply to cleansed skin morning and evening

The average course duration is 3 weeks. If repeated procedures are required, they are performed after a month

A multicomponent drug containing horse chestnut and calendula extracts effectively relieves inflammatory lesions, promotes the healing of damaged tissues, and prevents the negative development of pathogenic bacteria. When used, it returns freshness to the skin, activates blood supply and oxygen exchange. The contours of the oval face acquire clear contours within a month

Three procedures must be completed in a week

The maximum duration of the course is a month. Repeated after 28 days

A gel containing hyaluronic acid quickly restores elasticity, eliminates existing wrinkles, moisturizes the deep layers of the epidermis, and eliminates inflammation.

Use morning and evening

After 1.5 months of use, you need to take a month break

Due to the inclusion of vitamins A, E, D in the structural formula of this product, a lasting effect is observed in the fight even against deep nasolabial folds

You must first cleanse your face and leave the applied shark oil on for 30 minutes. Then carefully remove excess ointment with a soft cloth. Use three times a week

The average duration of use is 2 months. Repeated sessions are practiced after a monthly interval

Proper use of pharmaceutical drugs helps to actively resist skin aging and smooth out wrinkles.