Blisters and blisters

There are two types of blisters. Some are formed from a watery liquid that immediately rushes under the skin due to the boiling of juices, due to which the matter rises upward, and the skin turns out to be denser than the subcutaneous layer, and the liquid cannot pass through and a watery blister remains. Other blisters contain blood instead of watery fluid and fester under the skin.

As for cleansing the body and bleeding, then they do what you already know, and prescribe the same regimen and nutrition as mentioned above. When the blister barely appears, lentils or pomegranate peels, or the bark of its branches, boiled in water, are immediately applied to it; All this is placed on the sore spot warm after boiling and softening. If the blister does pop up, and you want to treat the blister itself, then thick, painful blisters should be pierced with a needle and their contents should be allowed to flow out, and thin ones sometimes burst on their own, but this should not be expected, but on the contrary, you need to pierce them too and Carefully, little by little, squeeze out the liquid contained in them. After this, the blisters necessarily either go away or ulcerate; if they become ulcerated, they are treated with plasters containing white lead, lead oxide and the like, especially those containing, for example, orris root, as well as plasters for creeping and corrosive erysipelas, herpes and other diseases mentioned above.

Complex medicine. Take lead oxide - rittle, old olive oil - one and a half rittle, arsenic - rittle; arsenic is boiled in olive oil until the broth stops sticking, and then arsenic is poured into it.

And here is another useful medicine for blisters that form on the genitals, on the lips and similar places, and in general on organs that are more in need of drying. They take kalkatara and kalkadis - eight parts of each, bavrak - two parts, grind with water and consume; Goat feces with honey is also useful.

When the scabs and spoiled meat fall off and healthy meat appears, they are treated in the same way as simple abscesses are treated.

Sometimes scabs and spoiled meat are removed with already known medicines, and in Alexandria they are removed with the help of herbs called sarakias, tarchas and tarabahicus; Chamomile oil also drives them away perfectly. In general, it is very correct to remove scabs and treat the remaining wound in the same way as benign wounds are treated.

A good medicine of ancient doctors, which was attributed to one of the new ones. They take equal parts of anzarut, sabur, incense, white lead and verdigris and the same amount of Armenian clay as they got and prepare nuts from this. They are dissolved in vinegar and spread, layer upon layer, until a strong constriction occurs and a scab is formed, which either falls off of its own accord if there is liquid underneath, or must be removed and driven away. Do this until the scab falls off completely.