
The thickness of hair depends mainly on the thickness of the skin layer covering the head, in which the hair follicles are located. With a thin layer of fat, the hair is always thin.

To increase this layer and give the hair better nutrition, the following products help:

  1. Wash your hair with bran decoction, take half a pound of bran in 2 glasses of water, let it boil twice, squeeze well and add this broth to the washing water.

  2. Rub burdock oil with some perfume into the hair roots 2 times a week to soften the burdock smell (lavender, bergamot oil, etc.).

  3. During this treatment, you must wash your hair every week, otherwise your head will have an unpleasant odor.

  4. Always wash your hair with serum (a good Muslim remedy).

  5. A very good remedy for hair growth and thickness is rubbing a tar solution. But this should not be done every day, but at least once a week, since with frequent use, the hair does not hold the curl well. Use half and half with olive oil.

  6. Mix cologne and fresh cow's milk in half, wipe the skin with this mixture, then dry for 5 minutes, comb with a coarse brush, moving from the forehead to the back of the head and from the temples to the crown. Massage is generally very beneficial for hair.

Washing your hair in nettle infusion helps prevent hair loss. For a glass of boiling water, take a teaspoon with the top of dry crushed nettle leaves and leave for 20 minutes.

Rub onion or birch sap into the skin with alcohol or cognac and a decoction of burdock root. This same product helps hair growth well.

You can simply rub raw onion juice into your skin every evening, which also strengthens your hair and gives it shine.

If your hair begins to fall out after a serious illness (typhoid, scarlet fever, etc.), then you need to do this: shave the patient’s head at the very beginning of the illness, when it has only become clear and the roots of the hair have not yet been weakened by the heat.

Shaving the head should be repeated 2-3 times at intervals of 10-15 days. When the patient gets out of bed, you need to start washing his hair every other day in fairly hot water to steam the skin well, and after washing, after wiping his head dry, rub his skin with vodka, from which the hair begins to grow quickly. But if the growth is uneven (in bushes), then you need to shave the hair again 1-2 times until it begins to grow evenly.

So you need to wash and rub until hair growth becomes normal.

Sometimes hair loss also occurs due to a lack of necessary food in the body, which includes silicon, which is necessary for the life of hair and nails. In this case, you need to eat more raw fruits and vegetables with peels, since silicon is found mainly in the peels, bread with bran (or drink just bran broth), eat cucumbers, asparagus, lettuce, parsley, beets, and strawberries.

For dandruff. It is very easy to get rid of small dandruff at first: you only need to wash your hair once a week with pure tar or ichthyol soap.

For more severe dandruff, you should wipe the scalp with a mixture of castor oil and purified kerosene in equal parts 2 times a week.

If dandruff appears from very dry skin, the hair has become dry and splits at the ends, then you need to rub in some vegetable (but not animal) oil or Vaseline 2-3 times a week; in the latter case, you need to wash your hair in the morning. This remedy sometimes helps after just a few days.

The best thing for girls is never to cut their hair from birth, as is practiced among Muslim women, who are distinguished by very thick and long hair.

In this case, it is necessary (also according to the Muslim method) to wash girls’ hair with serum from childhood.

Cutting or trimming your hair on days when the moon is waning is prohibited. An old Russian sign, but proven many times.

It can be difficult to style your hair if you have very thin hair. In this case, it is good to moisten them a little with brilliantine, which also gives the hair a beautiful shiny color.

Brilliantine is prepared as follows: mix one part of glycerin or

Hair is a unique element of our body, which not only performs a protective function, but also plays an important role in our life. They are one of the main components of our appearance and can influence our mood and self-esteem. In this article we will look at various aspects of hair life, from its appearance to its care.

Hair starts from follicles. Follicles are structures that are located under the scalp. Each follicle has its own channel through which hair growth occurs. In addition to follicles, the scalp has sebaceous glands that secrete sebum, which serves as a natural lubricant for the skin.

Hair growth depends on many factors such as genetics, age, gender and others. Depending on these factors, we can have thin or thick hair, light or dark, curly or straight. Hair serves an important function in our body as it protects the scalp and protects us from damage.

However, caring for your hair can be a challenging process. Hair can be dry or oily, brittle or damaged, so you need to pay attention to its care. One of the main ways to care for your hair is washing. Washing your hair helps rid your scalp of impurities and sebum, which can help prevent dandruff and other problems. After washing, it is important to use a conditioner or hair mask to hydrate and repair your hair. It is also important to use the right shampoo that matches your hair type.

We can use different ways to style our hair - from simple hairstyles to complex styles. Creating hairstyles can be a fun and creative process, especially if we use different accessories. For example, hair strands can be decorated with metal clips, headbands, or other decorations. Sometimes we use styling products such as gels or mousses to make our hair look fuller and fuller. The choice of hairstyle depends on the event and mood.

Apart from appearance

What is hair? Hair is dead skin cells that protect and support our head and body through the pores. In addition, they serve to retain vitamin D. The scalp is covered with a layer of hair, which acts as a protective barrier that prevents the penetration of germs and bacteria. Every day we lose hair all over our body. This loss occurs as part of the normal aging process of the skin and is used by the body in cell reproduction. During our lifetime we receive about 650,000