Food Culture

Food culture

Do we ever think about whether we are eating right? Surely, you have to do this, and with age more and more often. Some people ask this question consciously, while others are prompted to such thoughts by sudden onset of stomach cramps or upset digestion. Be that as it may, at a certain age everyone comes to a simple thought - if you want to live a long life, eat right. If you don’t want to, eat when you have to and whatever comes to hand.

Of course, for most people the former is much more attractive than the latter. But the question immediately arises: what is proper nutrition?

Here, first of all, it should be said that there is no need to attach great importance to the dietary instructions “for everyone” that are replete with dietetic reference books. All people are different. With its own activity of metabolic processes, with various culinary traditions, habits, and so on. It's no secret: what, say, an Armenian loves, a Kalmyk may not like. Therefore, we warn you that the concept of “proper nutrition” itself is abstract and very approximate.

And although this topic is very extensive, we can identify, as we see it, fundamental principles, the observance of which allows us to talk about proper nutrition:

  1. Try to follow the traditions of your national cuisine. In other words, experiment less with your own stomach when you are away from home for a while.

  2. Stick to having breakfast, lunch and dinner. In other words, eat at least three times a day and, if possible, at the same time. In between, you can also have a light snack.

  3. Know when to eat in moderation and leave the table with a slight feeling of hunger.

  4. Of the two great desires - to sleep and to eat - always choose the first. Rest a little and only then start eating.

  5. Food must be fresh. Prefer simple cooking. Eat less fried, smoked or baked foods. Fruits and vegetables are best eaten raw.

  6. Drink plenty of fluids; eat more garlic - at least one or two cloves a day. Garlic is easy to swallow without chewing. This way you will get an excellent natural antibiotic.

  7. Don't eat anything your doctor doesn't recommend.

Following these rules of sensible nutrition promises you a long, disease-free life. Try to count which items you are already doing and what you still need to work on. Eating healthy depends largely on our habits and willpower.