Hair Ball

Hairballs are small balls of hair that can form in a person's stomach or intestines. They can be random or formed as a result of certain diseases. Hairball formation can lead to serious complications such as intestinal obstruction, infection, and even death.

How are hairballs formed? Hairballs are trichobezoars - lumps of hair mixed with other substances. They are formed due to improper splitting of hair and its connection with other digestive substances. This occurs when hair passes through the stomach and intestines, where it can mix with stomach acid and bile.

What symptoms might a person with a hairball exhibit? If the hairball has blocked the intestines and is causing an obstruction, symptoms may include abdominal pain, bloating, and vomiting. The person may also experience discomfort when urinating and difficulty passing stool.

There are several reasons why hair balls can form. The most common cause is the consumption of certain foods such as cheese, meat or fatty foods. This can lead to the formation of a hairball and the development of intestinal obstruction. Other causes may include diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, such as intestinal diseases and stomach ulcers. It can also occur due to an increase in body hair, which can be caused by hormonal changes or aging.

If you or someone you love is experiencing symptoms related to hairballs, it is important to see a doctor as soon as possible. He may perform blood, stool, and urine tests to determine if there are any conditions that cause hair balls. If necessary, special procedures may be required to eliminate the hairball.