What are the dangers of teenage pregnancy?

Teenage pregnancy is one of the most serious social problems in our country and around the world. Teenage girls who become pregnant are often unprepared for such responsibility and are exposed to great risks, both for themselves and for their future children. In this article we will look at the dangers of teenage pregnancy, what psychological, physiological and social problems it entails.

Teen pregnancy statistics show that the majority of early pregnancies are unplanned. About 70% of pregnancies end in abortion, 15% in miscarriage and only 15% in childbirth. Early or teenage pregnancy is considered to be the condition of pregnancy in teenage girls aged 13 to 19 years. According to surveys, only a third of sexually active teenagers use condoms, another third practices interrupted coitus, and the rest do not use anything. 5% of schoolgirls surveyed faced the problem of early pregnancy.

The psychological problems that arise in teenage girls when they find out they are pregnant can be very serious. Shock, shame, guilt, confusion, reluctance to accept what happened, fear, shock and panic are all natural reactions to such news. At such an early age, it is difficult for girls to cope with the surging problems and their emotional side. Teenage girls are not always able to decide for themselves what to do with pregnancy. They are faced with a painful choice: to continue or terminate the pregnancy? Therefore, it is very important that a teenage girl has a person next to her whom she trusts and who can help her cope with the feeling of hopelessness and make the right adult decision.

The physiological problems associated with pregnancy in teenage girls can be very serious. Although the course of their pregnancy does not have any significant differences from the pregnancy of adult women, the following trend is observed: the younger the expectant mother, the greater the risk of complications and the likelihood of any pathology in both herself and the child. Risks for a pregnant teen may include anemia, hypertension, morning sickness, preeclampsia, low birth weight, and other problems.

Social problems associated with teen pregnancy can also be serious. Teenage girls who experience early pregnancy are often unprepared for motherhood and do not have enough experience to raise a child. They may face problems at school, lose their friends, have financial difficulties, etc. In addition, such girls may be subject to social stigma, which can lead to negative emotional consequences.

Overall, teenage pregnancy is a serious problem that entails many psychological, physiological and social problems for teenage girls. It is very important to provide them with support and assistance so that they can make the right decisions and cope with any problems that arise. There is also a need to educate teenagers and parents to reduce the risk of teenage pregnancy and help young people make responsible decisions about their sex lives.