What can fir oil help with?

Fir oil is a unique natural product that can bring enormous health benefits. It has been known for its medicinal properties for many years and is used in folk medicine to treat various diseases. What is fir oil and how to use it?

Fir oil is obtained from Siberian fir needles by cold pressing. It contains many useful substances, such as vitamins, phytoncides and essential oils. It is thanks to this unique composition that fir oil has a powerful antiseptic and anti-inflammatory effect.

Most often, in order to benefit from a medicinal plant, it must be prepared somehow - steamed, kept in a water bath, mixed with other components. However, fir oil is a unique natural preparation that is almost ready for use. Before you start using fir oil, you need to check if you are allergic to it, and also adhere to dosages, since this is a taiga drug with a very “strong character”.

One of the most common ways to use fir oil is to treat colds. If you have a severe cough, you can add 2 drops of fir oil in equal proportions with any other vegetable oil and drop it on the root of the tongue. The cough should go away in just a few days.

Fir oil is also very effective for a runny nose. Lubricate the nose and bridge of the nose with oil, drop a drop into each nostril. Thanks to its antiseptic effect, the normal condition of the throat will be restored very quickly. Inflamed tonsils can also be lubricated with oil.

For bronchitis and pneumonia, inhalations are recommended. Just drop a few drops of fir oil into a bowl of boiling water, cover with a towel and breathe in the healing aroma for 10-15 minutes. After inhalation, it is advisable to rub the oil into the collar area of ​​the back, chest and feet. This will help enhance the healing effect.

For radiculitis, fir oil is rubbed into the lumbar area and other sore spots with a massage. The course of treatment is 10-15 procedures. 5-6 drops of fir oil will help against angina pectoris - drop them on your palm and rub into the heart area (to avoid attacks, do 3-4 rubs a day).

And most importantly, don’t forget about the aroma lamp. Charge it with a few drops of fir oil. In addition to the pleasant smell, it will help disinfect the room and relieve you of seasonal colds.

In conclusion, fir oil is a unique natural product that can be of great help in the treatment of many diseases. However, before using it, you need to check if you are allergic to it and stick to the dosage. Thanks to its antiseptic and anti-inflammatory effects, fir oil can eliminate many symptoms of colds, respiratory tract infections and other diseases. Try using it and feel its healing effect.