What is the importance of water for a bodybuilder?

Let's start with the fact that all life on our planet appeared and exists only thanks to water. If this substance were not on our Earth, then we would not exist, and there would be nothing and no one around. As you know, a person consists of 80% water.

But here’s the question: what percentage of this vital substance does not the average person, but an athlete-bodybuilder involved in building muscle mass consist of? And in general: what importance does water play for a bodybuilder? Do we really need it? And how much should you consume? Let's try to figure this issue out...

It is believed that an ordinary person needs to drink about 30 ml per kilogram of weight per day.

That is, we take our weight, multiply by 30, divide by a thousand, and get the number of liters we need to take during the day. Moreover, an important point: this is only water! All kinds of soups, sauces, tea, coffee, juices, protein shakes and other liquids do not count! This applies to the average person... What about the bodybuilder?

Not a single process inside our body occurs without the participation of water. There is breathing, blood circulation, and metabolic processes - here everything is really tied to it. Well, as you know, in a bodybuilder these processes proceed much faster than in the average person. A bodybuilder eats more often: at least six times a day, instead of the usual three or four, and works physically much more intensely, in general, he leads a hyperactive lifestyle, one might say that his internal processes proceed at an accelerated pace... Therefore, he needs to consume much more water than an ordinary person - about one and a half times. But there is another important point: the more muscle mass you gain, the more water you will need for full recovery and high-quality overcompensation. Therefore, a lot depends on the athlete’s level of training. Professional bodybuilders competing in serious competitions need to increase this norm by two, or even three times!

  1. Buy good purified drinking water from trusted places. For example, I buy my water from the Aqualider company - excellent quality plus prompt delivery to anywhere in my city - very convenient. I'm happy.
  2. Installing a smart, expensive filter on your tap is also a pretty good solution. The main thing is just don’t forget to change it periodically, otherwise with our water even a decent filter flies away in a matter of days, and, as you know, a clogged filter is as good as no filter at all.
  3. Constantly use a jug with filter elements, and filter all received water through it - an option similar to the previous point. However, filters are expensive and wear out quickly.

Well, that’s probably all we planned to tell you in this article. Remember to always drink the right amount of water and avoid being thirsty, because this is how the body tells us about the need for urgent refueling. Remember that without enough water, you will not see any positive muscle growth. So drink, and you will be happy!

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