What does it mean to be a dad?

For a man, fatherhood is not the most important thing in life. For him, work and career come first. And you shouldn’t blame the stronger sex for selfishness and insensitivity. It’s just so inherent in nature that a man is always the breadwinner and breadwinner, and a woman is the keeper of the home.

But, despite the constant employment of men, their complete exclusion from participation in raising children is unacceptable. The child needs not only maternal, but also paternal affection and attention. He closely monitors the behavior of his parents and tries to imitate them, and as an adult, he may build his family according to the model of the one in which he grew up. Therefore, it is very important that he sees a worthy example of both parents in front of him.

The desire to have children in men is almost always unconscious, at the level of instinct. They are unconsciously driven by the desire to prolong their family, to prevent it from disappearing.

Just like women, future fathers should think about whether they are ready for such a responsible step and what they can give to the child. They need to take this event seriously.

Psychologists have found that if a woman feels like a mother already during pregnancy, then men begin to feel their paternity even not immediately after the birth of the child. Therefore, in order to quickly realize his responsibility, a man should prepare for the birth of a child together with a woman and then help her take care of him.