White Type Heart Defect

White type heart disease (Syn.: Pale type heart disease), also known as Peripheral severe cardiomyopathy, is a serious heart condition that can lead to serious complications, including heart failure and even death. This is a rare but dangerous condition that affects young people and usually begins with chest pain or shortness of breath.

White or pale type heart disease (BPT or PHTC) is usually diagnosed in people between the ages of 20 and 40, although it can occur at any age. Symptoms include chest pain, shortness of breath, dizziness, fatigue and difficulty breathing, which can be very frightening and life-threatening.

PPT occurs due to various causes, such as genetic predisposition, heart failure, coronary artery disease, and some types of cardiomyopathy. Symptoms of PCTK, which can vary from person to person,

White heart defect appeared thanks to the Greek physician Eustachius in the 17th century. In my father’s homeland, it was nicknamed “white heart” disease, because in some cases with this disease, only a large heart is visible on a chest x-ray, but otherwise it turns out to be unsaturated with blood: the vessels of the lungs are embolized. Blood from the heart has difficulty making its way through the veins blocked by the embolus to the lungs. Due to lack of blood, lung tissue dies and the lung stops breathing. This pathological condition develops over a fairly long period of time and precedes the appearance of signs of chronic pulmonary heart failure and is fatal. Such lesions are classified as heart defects.

Heart defects can develop due to various diseases of the heart and its membranes, and they will be named after that disease. for example, a heart defect develops due to a congenital defect - “blue heart” (anomalies in the development of the right or left aortic arch and its descending part). The diagnosis of “blue heart defect” is also true for adults, while for children they speak of the congenital defect “pale heart defect”. Depending on the nature of the pathology