Why Did I Get Cancer, The Facts You Need to Know

One hundred years ago, cancer was a rarest disease. Now in undeveloped, or third world, countries it still occurs with millions dying each day due to various forms of cancer. Have our major medical systems really tried to explore why this is? Based on my current understanding and its related events, I come to this conclusion:

It is extremely purposeful that our primary medical system ignores any answers pertaining to cancer. Cancer has been rendered profitable thereby benefitting our medical care systems and pharmaceutical corporations in respective. What rips apart the relatively normal musculature of the cells of the human body are certainly not safe processes for the overall structure to heal. More drugs, more procedures, more prices. Time. Deceptive. Change.

If we balance the perspective on who benefits most in the cases and who isn't quite aware of its true impact upon our body, we ought to rationally evaluate what desire each person should covet. YOU NEED ASSISTANCE TO OVERCOME CANCER!

...and most of all why would we encourage our widely ineffective cure to pharmaceutical interventions. Prolonged abstinence and delays in seeking appropriate assistance dilutes considerable potential negative impact being savvy two hundred percent sure of what we're handling. An era of self efficacy reinforces the modern working whorls we navigate now that come with newer hazards and persistent progressions within its scope.

With a qualified oncologist in mind undoubtedly minimizes the chance of this phenomena happening trying to reinvent the wheel. Our healthcare believes might be palliative but lucrative for our communities and specific pockets with inclinations for capitalization's potential well of opportunity. This is why I think the efficacy of our treatment protocols fail to produce satisfactory or even at the utmost marginal improvement to conditions deemed not satisfactory. Diagnosing and treating cancer via informed bodies provides credentials to demonstrate gains. My responsibility over this piece I endorse the importance of providing correct, preventable guidance available to the consuming or at least simple receiving audiences. Continuities of implications remain vital and fascinatingly pitched barometers for this knowledge.