Hass - lettuce

Wild lettuce is similar in potency to black poppy.

Galen says: “The coldness of garden lettuce is not sufficient, on the contrary, it is similar to the coldness of water from ponds, and its moisture is coarser than the moisture of beets, and more delicate than the moisture of mallow.” It is said to be between cabbage, quinoa and mallow in terms of hydration and drying.

And I say: the one who said that lettuce is cold to the third degree expressed the judgment that it is bad and has little nutrition, but this is not so. It looks like he's cold to the second degree.

Actions and properties.
Lettuce does not cleanse, does not knit, and does not release nature, because it does not contain saltiness, astringency, or other similar qualities. The blood that comes from it is more praiseworthy than the blood that comes from other vegetables.

The most nutritious lettuce is boiled; it is useful when changing water. Unwashed lettuce is better than washed: washing makes it more plump, like all cold vegetables. It is quickly digested, and if consumed in wine, it prevents diseases from intoxication.

Wild lettuce is similar in potency to black poppy.

Tumors and acne.
It is cooling and useful as an ointment for hot swellings and for erysipelas, if the inflammation is not too great and severe. Sometimes it is used to treat fire burns.

Tools with joints.
Lettuce is a useful medicinal dressing for sprains.

Organs of the head.
Lettuce puts you to sleep and relieves insomnia, whether raw or cooked. It is useful for delirium and sunburn of the head, and is a cure for blockage in the nostrils.

Organs of the eye.
The milky juice of wild lettuce heals corneal ulcers, especially if mixed with human milk. The milky juice of garden lettuce is close to it and serves as a medicinal bandage for hot inflammation of the eyes. Milky juice of wild lettuce field with lacrimal fistula; Long-term use of it causes blurred vision.

Breast organs.
It increases milk supply and softens the breasts.

Nutritional organs.
It is useful for thirst, heat and inflammation in the stomach. Lettuce is good for the stomach and is quickly digested; eating it with vinegar stimulates the appetite. Eating it is beneficial for jaundice. Eruption organs. a Lettuce seeds dry male semen, moderate sexual desire and are useful for frequent emissions. Lettuce greens have less effect in this regard than its seeds. As for the milky juice of lettuce, it is given to drink in water in the amount of half a dirham to expel the watery chyme; The milky juice of garden lettuce, if large, is close to the milky juice of wild lettuce. Lettuce itself does not strengthen or weaken, since it is not salty, not tart, and does not cleanse, but it does drive away urine. The milky juice of wild lettuce drives away menstruation.

The milky juice of wild lettuce is given to drink from the bite of karakurt and scorpion.