Yellow egg capsule.

Yellow capsule: properties and applications

Yellow water lily (lat. Nuphar lutea) is a perennial herbaceous plant of the water lily family. It is widespread in the European part of Russia, Western and Eastern Siberia and Central Asia and grows in lakes, quiet river creeks and other bodies of water with clean standing or slowly flowing running water.

The rhizome of the yellow capsule is thick, fleshy, 3-4 cm long, covered with scars, which are traces of annually falling leaves. The leaves come directly from the rhizome. The lower leaves are translucent, with a heart-shaped base. In drying up reservoirs the leaf blade is smaller. The roots extend directly from the rhizome and take root at the bottom of the reservoir.

The yellow egg capsule blooms from June to September. The flowers are yellow, solitary, spherical, floating. The seeds are ellipsoidal in shape and ripen in July - September.

The yellow capsule is widely used in medicine, cooking and industry. The rhizomes are eaten boiled or salted and added to flour when baking bread. Extracts are used for tanning leather and as a dye for various fabrics. The seeds are used as a coffee substitute and are also used as food for waterfowl. The rhizome is a proven remedy against cockroaches.

Yellow capsule is also a valuable medicinal plant. Rhizomes, leaves and flowers serve as medicinal raw materials. Rhizomes contain alkaloids (nufaridin, deoxynufaridin, nufarin), vitamin C, carotene, phenolcarboxylic acids (transcinnamic, etc.), higher fatty acids (palmitic, arachidic, etc.), tannins, steroids, coumarins and higher aliphatic carbohydrates.

Egg capsule preparations have moderate diuretic, contraceptive and bacteriostatic effects. After taking them, relaxation of the smooth muscles of internal organs, a decrease in blood pressure and the death of protozoa are observed. The decoction is used for tuberculosis, inflammation of the urinary tract and kidneys, stomach cramps and bedwetting in children, gout, rheumatism, skin diseases and other diseases. Egg capsule preparations can also be used to reduce swelling, improve blood circulation and relieve pain.

Despite its many beneficial properties, yellow capsule also has some contraindications. Thus, it is not recommended during pregnancy, hypotension, hypothermia, individual intolerance and other diseases. Before using yellow capsule as a medicine, you must consult your doctor.

In general, yellow capsule is a valuable plant that finds its use in many areas. Not only is it a medicinal plant, but it is also used in cooking and industry. However, before using it, you should consult your doctor to avoid unwanted consequences.