Sauter Cannula

Zautora Cannula is a thin, flattened at the end and curved cannula for introducing air into the cavity of the anterior chamber of the eye. It is used to restore the eye cavity after surgery such as cataract removal or lens replacement.

The cannula is made of plastic or silicone and has a diameter of about 0.3 mm. It is placed on a syringe that contains pressurized air. When the cannula is inserted into the eye through a small incision in the cornea, air escapes through the end, creating pressure that expands the cavity of the eye and allows it to restore its shape.

The Zautora cannula can be used both for the treatment and prevention of eye diseases. For example, it may be useful in treating glaucoma, which is one of the most common eye diseases associated with increased intraocular pressure.

Although zautora cannula is considered a safe treatment, it may still have some risks and complications. Therefore, before using it, it is necessary to conduct a thorough examination of the patient and ensure that there are no contraindications.

Overall, the zautora cannula is an effective and safe method of restoring the ocular cavity, which can help patients suffering from various eye diseases.