Pean clamp

Specialty clamp P eana clamp

In the 80s of the last century, a wonderful surgeon, Professor Nikolai Mikhailovich Pliss, came to the clinic of neurosurgery and the ENT Research Institute of Children's Hospital No. 3 in Leningrad. At that time he became the main pediatric neurosurgeon in the country and did a lot for the development of pediatric neurosurgery in our city. Among the patients was a girl, Tamara O. At the age of 6 months, she was first treated for bilateral laryngeal stenosis. 9 months later she developed signs of respiratory distress. As is customary in such cases, it was decided that an operation - resection - was necessary. We chose the time at the end of the day, around 20:00, so that after the operation we could immediately bring Tamara out of anesthesia. The operation was performed by the parents, since my mother was a nurse at a neurosurgery clinic. And in the same year, Tamara’s sister Vera’s baby Sashenka P. fell ill, and at 5 months he was diagnosed with stage 3 laryngeal stenosis. Professor N.M. Pliss operated on both patients. After successful resections, the children soon returned to their normal lives.

It was Nikolai Mikhailovich who established the presence of several types of stenoses. He discovered the fact that stridor (noisy breathing) can be a sign of compression of the trachea or bronchi from the outside. “What kind of diagnosis can we talk about if a child’s trachea is compressed, and they tell him that he has asthma, allergic rhinitis, etc.?” he was indignant. To study data on the spread of various forms of dysphonia - conditions accompanied by changes in voice, Dr. Pletnev, Tatyana’s mother, developed a card index with photographs of voices. This file is also available in the department; photographs are also used in adult patients during operations to remove cysts of the resonator area. Prof. N.M. Pliss constantly pushed us to new searches. An example of this is the case history of Vera Andreevna B., who fell ill at the age of three with a slight stenosis of the larynx, but due to improper treatment the stenosis gradually developed.