Glands Holocrine

Holocrine glands are a type of gland in the human body that release hormones and other substances into the bloodstream. They differ from other types of glands in that they do not have secretory cells that secrete their secretions directly into the blood.

Instead, holocrine gland cells have special channels called holocrine channels that open on the surface of the cell. When a holocrine gland cell receives a signal from the nervous system or other source, it activates the holocrine channel, which releases its contents into the blood. These contents may be hormones, neurotransmitters, growth factors or other biologically active substances.

Holocrine glands are found in many organs and tissues of the body, including the adrenal glands, pituitary gland, pancreas and some others. They play an important role in regulating various body functions such as metabolism, growth, development, mood, etc.

However, like all glands, the functions of the holocrine glands can be impaired by various diseases or conditions such as diabetes, obesity, hypothyroidism and others. Therefore, knowledge about the holocrine glands and their role in the body can help in the diagnosis and treatment of these diseases.

Holoscid glands are one of the important endocrine glands, which are responsible for regulating metabolism and homeostasis in the body. The gland is located in the hypothalamus and produces the hormone Antidiuretic Hormone (ADH) or Vasopressin. This hormone is responsible for retaining water in the body, preventing it from being removed from the body. Regulation of ADH levels in the body depends on the body's need for fluid. If a person consumes more fluid than necessary, ADH levels drop, which leads to water loss, often accompanied by a state of weakness and malaise (after heavy drinking, food poisoning and liver disease). When the body is dehydrated, the hormone is synthesized more, which makes it possible to effectively combat fluid loss.

The glandular framework of the central nervous system is characterized by a relatively small mass, the ability to undergo functional rearrangements, combined forms of organization and the interrelations of homeostatic, neuroregulatory and compensatory-adaptive mechanisms. It represents not only a biochemical system, but also nervous tissue with great protective and plastic potencies. The synthetic-model role of iron in the processes of regulation of human vital functions forms aphoristically correct statements about iron, for example, “iron is life in all its manifestations.”