A woman must be trusted!

I am a doctor, the head of an outpatient clinic for family doctors in Kyiv, and I want to say that to conduct childbirth at home you need not just a midwife, but a specially trained person.

As far as I know, midwives are not taught this in our schools. In developed countries, there are schools that train midwives to conduct childbirth at home; a whole system has been developed for training such women, monitoring them and the child in the postpartum period. We have nothing of this, but there are many swindlers.

Not a single foreign midwife will give birth at home if the woman is post-term, if there is a possibility of labor weakness, and most importantly, I never tire of repeating that patients, and especially pregnant women, must be believed, and if she says that it is necessary to the maternity hospital, then you must definitely go to the maternity hospital.

I also want to appeal to women who do not trust doctors - I am not going to defend doctors, these are the same people, there are some better, some worse, but you see, a nurse or midwife, no matter how good she is, cannot understand the etiology and pathogenesis of the disease, i.e. in a cause-and-effect relationship, they are just not taught this, they have a different task.

I often come across average health workers who believe that they know everything and can do everything, but this is not from great intelligence, and sooner or later life will punish them, which is what happened with the midwife Yulia. In this case, the midwife is 100% to blame.

But I was more struck by the statements of your reader Malina, the girl completely lacks the instinct of self-preservation, but that’s her problem.

I have 8 months. ago my son was born, I had a very difficult labor, and without adequate medical care I would not have given birth, although I carried the pregnancy to term without problems.

I also want to say this, dear women, read more, find out before you decide to give birth at home, because only a fool thinks that he knows everything.

Even if you decided to give birth at home, but at the last moment you changed your mind - don’t listen to anyone, this is not hysteria, Nature has endowed you with especially sensitive intuition at this moment, and go to the maternity hospital that you want.

I wish everyone maternal happiness and health.

Irina, 10/16/2001