Zinsser-Cole-Engman Syndrome

Zinsser-Cole-Engman syndrome

Synonyms: Cynoderma, Porphyria cutanea, Endemic hypermelanosis

Zinsser-Cole-Engman syndrome (Zinsser, Zinker-Cole, Kohler, Zinger - Kinzser, Kinszer, Kinser, Kinsser, Kinscher, Kinzier, Kinsier, Kinzer) is a rare hereditary skin disease that manifests itself in the form of changes in pigmentation of the skin and mucous membranes , as well as hair pigmentation disorders. The syndrome was first described in 1947 by German dermatologist Fritz Zinsser, American dermatologist Nathan Cole and American dermatologist Frank Engman.

Zinsser-Kolla-Enguic fever (Zinsser-Kolla-Enghim syndrome)

It could be called Zinsser-Cola-Evin syndrome if someone had thought of combining all three famous dermatoses into one disease. As a matter of fact, the first of them, a disease named after the American pathologist James Francis Engman, appeared as a result of skin manifestations of Zinsser's disease. Zinsser called this cutaneous form of tuberculous lupus “yellow leprosy,” and Engman called it “plaque tuberculosis.” Bo