Zvereva Operation

How does Operation Zvereva work?

--- During this procedure, the abdomen is dissected openly, after which the proctologist removes the affected intestine. Next, the aneurysm is excised, and finally, radiofrequency coagulation is used to treat varicose veins. The final procedure will be the postoperative period, during which the patient must regularly remain in the hospital under the supervision of doctors. During this period, the doctor closely monitors the patient's condition to identify possible complications.

Dissection of the abdomen is also performed with an instrument called special scissors at the surgeon's disposal. In addition to the incision itself, muscle tissue, blood vessels and some other parts are dissected to provide free access to the problem area. It is worth noting that surgeons have extensive experience and thanks to it they make the most accurate and safe incisions. However, in some cases there may be slight blood loss. During the rehabilitation period, antibiotics are prescribed to prevent possible inflammation. After the operation is successful, the patient's condition is stabilized and then he is discharged home. Why choose the Zverev operation?

Very often, such a diagnosis is the result of a sedentary lifestyle or heavy physical activity, which has led to weakening of the walls of blood vessels. The intestinal veins become damaged due to pressure problems in the abdominal cavity, as they are located quite low in the body. All this leads to compression of the veins, and since blood actually flows into them, their walls become thinner and more brittle. This can happen due to various kinds of obstacles.

Zverev operation

Zverev's operation is a surgical intervention proposed by the Soviet surgeon A.F. Zverev in 1970, which is used to treat breast cancer. This is one of the most famous and effective methods of treating cancer of this localization.

History of creation

Before carrying out his unique operation, A.F. Zverev performed more than thirty thousand mastectomies in various clinics in various cities of Russia. His results were amazing: postoperative complications almost completely disappeared after he introduced a special incision between