
Sound is the oscillatory movement of particles of an elastic medium, which propagates in the form of waves in the air and is perceived by the human hearing organs. A person can perceive sounds with frequencies from 16 Hz to 20 thousand Hz, and with tissue conduction - up to 22.5 thousand Hz.

Sound is important to our hearing. It helps us recognize the various sounds that surround us in everyday life. For example, the sounds of music, speech, cars and other sounds that we hear every day help us navigate our environment and understand what is happening around us.

In addition, sound plays an important role in communication between people. We use sounds to communicate information to each other, for example when talking, singing or using various musical instruments.

Also, sound can be used in various fields of science and technology. For example, sound is used in medicine to diagnose diseases, as well as in acoustics to study the properties of sound waves.

Overall, sound is an important element in our lives and plays an important role in many aspects of our activities.

Sound waves are vibrations that travel through the air and are transmitted through various materials. These vibrations can occur at different frequencies, and humans perceive sounds at frequencies between 16 Hz and 21 kHz.

There are many sounds in nature that we hear every day. It could be the sound of the wind, the rustling of leaves, the singing of birds, the rumble of a thunderstorm, the barking of dogs, the laughter of children, the sound of a doorbell or the sound of a purring car. But when we add music or other sounds to our daily activities, it becomes easier for us to tune in and relax.

Many sounds can heal our body. The sounds of rain and the sound of the sea surf can reduce stress levels and lower blood pressure. Sound therapy helps treat pain, relieve fatigue and insomnia, and also restore vigor after surgery. In addition, music can lower blood sugar, increase libido, and improve mood and sleep. Many professionals claim that sound can lower blood pressure, slow the heart rate and slow down aging. Some experts believe that music since the 60s can lower body temperature. Sound is a part of our daily life that affects our feelings and emotions. And its study should be a priority for anyone who wants to live a healthier and fuller life.