Causes of acne on shoulders

If you think that only your face matters in order to look presentable, then you have never had acne on your shoulders. In fact, this is a problem that changes the entire daily life. Pimples on shoulders influence your choice of clothing, diet, sleep and, in general, your self-confidence!

The good news is that the blackheads on the shoulders are not the same hydra that grows its severed head over and over again - in this article you will find out how to get rid of acne on shoulders and feel free to show the world your clear skin. With the right approach and treatment, your acne on your shoulders and back can become a thing of the past, and you will no longer have to be afraid of walking around with bare shoulders in the summer or choosing boring clothes in stores.

Next, you will learn how to effectively get rid of acne on your shoulders. The article presents various options from which you can choose the one most suitable for your skin. It's true that different skin types respond to different acne treatments differently, so it may take some time before you discover which acne treatment is best for your skin.

Why don't pimples on my shoulders go away?

If you're using a product that doesn't clear up shoulder acne, it's not necessarily because it's deficient in nutrients as you might think. Most likely it doesn't work because it's simply not suitable for your skin type or is not related to the reason why you have acne on your shoulders and back. But don't worry - there are many options from which you are sure to find something that will effectively treat acne.

Why do acne appear on the shoulders? Types of acne on shoulders

Pimples on the shoulders tend to be different from the more common form of acne that appears on the face. Facial acne, known as acne vulgaris, is easy to treat. It is easy to treat a form of shoulder and back acne called acne mechanica. Other types of shoulder acne that may be difficult to treat include:

  1. Pool acne – caused by ingestion or exposure to chlorinated pool water
  2. yeast infections on the shoulders - lipophilic yeast of the genus Malassezia grows on the shoulders. Their first symptom is acne.
  3. pustular rashes on the shoulder - caused by adverse reactions to antibiotics. Such antibiotics may include drugs used to treat facial acne, or chloramphenicol, hydroxychloroquine, and lithium.
  4. Pseudoscrofuloderma shoulder is a very intense form of shoulder acne. Pseudoscrofuloderma is primarily a genetic disease, but can also be caused by steroids.

It's worth noting that it's not easy to see what's going on on your shoulders and back, which is why many people only notice back acne after the obvious itching begins. Sometimes, however, shoulder acne is caused by small, preventable actions, rather than by medications or hormonal changes in the body. Here are the most common causes of back acne:

  1. Acne on the back and shoulders can occur when you constantly wear thick and tight clothes: your skin pores are deprived of “breathing space”, and acne is one of the main “tantrums” with which the pores express their dissatisfaction.
  2. Shoulder acne can happen when you don't shower after working out or when you shower too late. Various oils and fats accumulate on the shoulders after training and exercise due to sweating - if you do not get rid of them, acne becomes inevitable.
  3. Pimples on the shoulders are an allergic reaction or irritation. If you eat food that contains allergens or are around allergens, this is a very effective way for your immune system to scream “no”!
  4. Acne on the shoulders may act as a contraindication to other medications, including those used to treat facial acne. Shoulder acne may be a side effect of some other medications you are taking to treat something completely different. Shoulder acne may also be an adverse reaction to medications you are taking to treat facial acne. Strange, isn't it?
  5. Shoulder acne can be caused by harmful chemicals in shampoos and shower gels.
  6. Dietary imbalance is the cause of shoulder acne. If you lack some vital vitamins and minerals in your diet, acne may appear on your shoulders and back. This is because the shoulder is one of the parts of the body that has the most sebaceous glands.
  7. Shoulder pimples can appear when the skin pores are covered with a large amount of dead cells.

You'll likely have to work hard to understand what exactly is causing shoulder acne, and be prepared for a long journey in diagnosis and treatment. For example, if acne on your shoulders is caused by an imbalance in your diet, and you start using an exfoliating cream, the acne on your shoulders will remain and you will think that the cream is ineffective. Sometimes all you need to do to get rid of shoulder acne is stop using the cream while other times; you may need to consult a dermatologist. Diagnosing the cause of your shoulder acne is imperative to determining the right treatment, especially if you don't have the patience or time to try different medications.

Preventing acne on the shoulders

It sounds cliché, of course, but prevention is better than cure, and this is more than true when it comes to shoulder acne. Here are some tips to prevent acne on your shoulders and back, in some cases, these preventive measures are a direct cure for acne on your shoulders.

  1. Maintaining general hygiene: Surprisingly, there are not many people who clearly maintain an adequate level of personal hygiene. Namely, this is what is needed to avoid acne on the shoulders and back. It is advisable to wear clothing only once and wash it immediately after use. Don't forget about the need for regular cleaning of your living space - it's not difficult, just take steps to be tidy and live in a clean environment. You should not share the same clothes with friends or other people, no matter how clean they seem to you or how close you are to them.
  2. Sleep without clothes: Your skin needs a break, you're just suffocating it if you wear only tight clothes all the time. When you have acne on your shoulders and back, completely avoid wearing clothes while sleeping until the acne is completely gone.
  3. Shower immediately after exercise: You should cleanse your skin immediately after exercise causes you to sweat, this will stop acne from appearing.
  4. Exfoliate: Use a special glove or brush in the shower to remove dead skin cells that block skin pores and cause acne on your shoulders and back.
  5. Eat nutritious foods: Acne is often a result of poor diet. Make sure you have a balanced diet, consuming foods that are low in sugar and fat but high in vitamins.

How to get rid of acne on shoulders

There are many ways to get rid of acne on your shoulders and back. However, the most important treatment for back acne is to stop what is causing the acne. Treatment of common shoulder acne; Acne mechanical, mainly due to the above-mentioned preventive measures. However, other causes of shoulder acne require serious attention - for example, pseudoscrofuloderma, the most serious form of shoulder acne, requires a careful combination of steroids and antibacterial drugs. Some of these acne treatments can be self-administered, but it is best to seek advice and prescription from a dermatologist. Here are some ways to treat shoulder acne:

  1. Use Nicotinamide: Applying this cream once a day is enough, and you will soon begin to notice the effect on your shoulders. A study from New York University School of Medicine found that niacinamide was as effective as clindamycin, the most popular acne cream.
  2. Using acne-fighting products: Choose a cleanser that contains acne-fighting ingredients. Such products contain benzoyl peroxide or hydroxyl acids. They are very effective in getting rid of shoulder acne.
  3. For steroid acne on the shoulders, the best treatment is to stop using the steroid.
  4. Pimples on the shoulders caused by pustular rashes can be cured with penicillin. Sometimes stopping the medication that is causing the adverse reaction will also clear up shoulder acne.
  5. To get rid of shoulder acne after swimming, it is best to avoid swallowing water in swimming pools.
  6. Antifungal treatment is best for yeast infections on the shoulders that cause acne.
  7. Pseudoscrofuloderma, which is the most severe form of acne, is usually treated with steroid medications and antibiotics. Laser resurfacing helps get rid of acne scars on the shoulders.
  8. Avoid cleansers that are likely to irritate your skin.
  9. Limit sun exposure, as many of these acne treatments have sun sensitivity.
  10. If you started medicinal treatment for shoulder acne on your own and after a couple of days, nothing has changed, then it is better to stop using them and consult a dermatologist.

How to cure acne on shoulders using natural remedies

Some people prefer natural ways to treat acne. Here are some natural remedies to get rid of shoulder acne:

  1. Drink plenty of water: This seems like a common panacea for many ailments, but good hydration is really important. Drinking plenty of water alone won't rid your shoulder of acne, but it works well with other efforts to generate maximum effect. Water flushes out toxins from the body and regenerates skin cells.
  2. Avoid using shampoo, conditioner, and hairspray that contain chemicals that are harsh on the skin. It is best to use herbal cleansers and cleansers that are friendly to your skin.
  3. Use tea tree oil: This is an effective natural remedy to get rid of acne—and not just on your shoulders. Tea oil works as an antiseptic and antibacterial agent. Mix a few drops with another natural oil and treat your shoulders after showering. NEVER use pure tea tree oil because it is in a super concentrated form and your skin will simply burn.
  4. Use natural detergents and cleaning products for clothes. Detergents contain harsh chemicals that can cause harmful reactions on the skin.
  5. Use a natural sunscreen: Using a natural, organic sunscreen based on natural ingredients is a must, as conventional chemical sunscreens only “preserve” acne on the skin.
  6. Eat the right fats: While fats are essential for the body, you need to consume only healthy fats. The quality of your skin is a result of the quality of the fats you consume.
  7. Apple Cider Vinegar: This product works like magic. Apple cider vinegar literally clears acne from your shoulder in hours. Soak a cotton ball in the vinegar solution and gently wipe the skin on your shoulders, then take a shower (because vinegar has a pungent smell). Apple cider vinegar can be very concentrated, so if your skin is sensitive, dilute it with water or oil before applying. If irritation occurs, please discontinue use.

Shoulder acne can be a mild problem that is not difficult to get rid of by taking some precautions, or shoulder acne can be a complex case that requires serious dermatological attention. Whether you prefer chemical acne treatments or natural acne treatments, the most important thing is to save yourself the hassle of causing serious personal discomfort.

Author of the article: Lisa Shefchik, "Moscow Medicine Portal"©

Denial of responsibility: The information provided in this article on how to get rid of shoulder acne is intended to inform the reader only. It is not intended to be a substitute for advice from a healthcare professional.

The problem of acne on the shoulders has, to one degree or another, affected most of the population of our entire planet.

Rashes can appear in a person of any age and gender. Pimples are not only unsightly, but can also indicate serious illnesses.

It is worth taking your health seriously and understanding the causes of such a problem as a rash on the back and shoulders.

Types of acne that can appear on the shoulders

It reflects on the skin in the form of a watery rash. Small pimples often appear initially on the face, but can also affect the shoulders.

This disease occurs with a very high body temperature and other symptoms similar to those of the flu - runny nose, cough, weakness.


With chickenpox red pimples appear in the upper back, on the shoulders, on the neck.

Subsequently, the rashes spread throughout almost the entire body. They are accompanied by itching.

These pimples are very large and are located on random parts of the body.

The rash causes severe itching.

But the hives disappear quite quickly - in three to four days - so the disease does not pose any particular danger.

Cystic acne

This rash is caused by deep subcutaneous infection.

The disease is accompanied by the appearance of dark, dense spots on the back and shoulders, as well as large pimples filled with pus.


First, comedones appear on the skin.

Later they become infected and inflamed, which leads to the appearance of very large, sometimes even purulent, pimples.

We also advise you to study information about the features of treating acne in an adult: cleansers, creams and lotions, diet.

And if the first four types of acne disappear when treated for the corresponding disease, then acne requires a special approach. And in order to fully get rid of such a problem, it is worth thoroughly studying the reasons for its occurrence.

Causes of acne on shoulders

Properly functioning glands make our skin well-groomed and smooth, but excess sebum clogs into the pores and causes inflammation.

But what causes such deviations in functioning?

Let's divide the causes of acne on the shoulders and back into external and internal.


  1. Wearing synthetic clothing. Such materials do not allow the skin to breathe, and also do not absorb sweat, which causes clogging of pores.
  2. Wearing clothes that are too tight. In this case, as when wearing synthetics, skin breathing is difficult. Also in this case, the rash can be caused by excessive friction of clothing against the skin.
  3. Allergic reactions. The modern world is replete with various not entirely useful substances - this can be food, certain medicines, and cosmetic products. It is necessary to carefully monitor the effect of certain products on the body and, in case of any changes, respond promptly.
  4. Bad habits. Smoking and drinking alcohol undoubtedly leaves its detrimental mark on the condition of the skin. Bad habits also include unhealthy eating - fast food, sugary carbonated drinks, eating too fatty or too spicy foods.
  5. Lack of vitamins. It is vitamin deficiency that complicates the functioning of all organs, including the skin.
  6. Stress. Various nervous tensions increase the production of hormones that are responsible for the functioning of the sebaceous glands.
  7. Long hair They can also make it difficult for the skin to breathe properly and cause acne to appear on the shoulders.
  8. Peeling. This cosmetic procedure can destroy the upper protective layer of the epidermis and provoke various rashes.
  9. Excessive amount of ultraviolet radiation. Excessive exposure to the sun is also detrimental to your skin.
  10. Failure to comply with hygiene rules.
  11. Squeezing pimples. Unfortunately, this kind of error is very common. Such actions can lead to infection of comedones and their inflammation.

Internal reasons

  1. Puberty. During puberty, there is an active production of hormones that can cause skin problems.
  2. Pregnancy or post-abortion period. Such events are also accompanied by changes in hormonal levels.
  3. Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, dysbacteriosis.
  4. Diseases of the endocrine system, in particular the thyroid gland.
  5. Liver diseases.
  6. Disorders of the genitourinary system.

A detailed description of the causes and mechanisms of formation, types and degrees of acne is here.

Did you get acne during pregnancy? The main thing is not to panic or get upset, because this is a temporary phenomenon.

How to get rid of acne on shoulders?

It is necessary to go to the hospital in a timely manner to avoid progression of the disease.

In addition to a visual examination, the following studies may be prescribed by a dermatologist:

  1. blood analysis;
  2. examination for dysbacteriosis;
  3. Ultrasound of the gastrointestinal tract;
  4. hormone analysis.

Based on the results of the research, the attending physician will prescribe a course of necessary medications. This includes antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory drugs.

Ozone therapy, a course of microcurrent therapy or darsonvalization are also prescribed.

In severe cases, immunomodulators and hormones are used.

You should also perform the following simple procedures at home:

After just a few days of such procedures, visible results are noticeable.

You can also take baths with this solution. There must be water light pink color, otherwise the skin may become stained and dry out too much.

Application may cause some burning, but it is quite tolerable.

  1. Rubbing painful areas alcohol tincture of calendula.
  2. Washing with tar soap. It will dry out inflammation.
  3. Washing with a hard sponge. This massage will increase blood flow to the skin.
  4. Taking a bath with sea salt, decoctions of chamomile, calendula, celandine, string.
  5. Using masks from clay or algae with the addition of a few drops of tea tree essential oil.
  6. A course of multivitamins and brewer's yeast.
  7. Diet.

What you should categorically avoid if acne appears on your shoulders:

  1. Wearing clothes made of synthetic materials. Give preference to natural fabrics - knitwear, cotton, satin.
  2. Wearing clothes that are too tight. Buy loose models in which the skin can fully breathe.
  3. Use of massage oils. They can cause clogged pores.
  4. Active solar procedures. Ultraviolet light in small doses is very beneficial for the skin and is even used to treat acne, but its excess amount is harmful.
  5. Using washcloths made of artificial materials.
  6. Use one towel for face and body.
  7. Eating junk food.


To maintain healthy skin, you should adhere to the rules of a rational, healthy diet. It would also be appropriate to give up bad habits. Tar soap and decoctions of various herbs should become constant companions of water procedures.

Acne is one of the most annoying skin problems. When the unfortunate acne appears on the back, we don’t see it, but that doesn’t make it any easier. We suggest you fight.

  1. Acne forms
  2. Why acne appears on the back: reasons
  3. Bacne in women and men
  4. Prevention
  5. Cosmetics review

Acne forms

For such a phenomenon as acne on the back, dermatologists in the West have already come up with a special term - “bacne”, from the English. back (“back”) and acne itself. In fact, the location of acne is not of fundamental importance. Acne is a single problem, a common disease, which is distinguished by the severity of its manifestation, that is, the intensity of the rash.

No matter where they are, pimples behave the same way. At the same time, blackheads (comedones) and red rashes appear. Internal pimples that develop under the skin are also often a concern. They can be quite painful to the touch as they put pressure on the nerve endings.

The most unpleasant thing is ripe pimples with a white head that you really want to squeeze out. But this cannot be done, so as not to worsen the situation.

You will most likely only think about the problem of acne on your back when you put on an open dress. © iStock

So, the main forms of acne:

  1. non-inflammatory: closed and open comedones;
  2. inflammatory: pustules, papules, spots, cysts.

Why acne appears on the back: reasons

The main cause of back acne in teenagers and adults is excess sebum production.

  1. The pores through which this oil comes to the surface of the skin often become clogged.
  2. In the clogged duct of the sebaceous gland, opportunistic propionbacteria acne actively develop. They are part of the skin microflora and do not cause harm as long as the natural cleansing processes of the skin are not disrupted. But in the absence of oxygen, these anaerobic bacteria begin to multiply intensively in the nutrient medium, which is sebum.
  3. As a result, inflammation begins and a pimple forms.

Since there are most sebaceous glands on the face, shoulders and back, acne occurs in these areas.

What causes malfunction of the sebaceous glands? For treatment to be effective, it is important to understand the causes, which fall into two categories.


Genetic predisposition to increased sebum production.

Hormonal surges. Normal for teenagers, in adulthood they signal problems in the body in both men and women.

Disorders in the digestive system. For example, an imbalance in the intestinal microflora leads to the activation of pathogens in general. Among the reasons may be poor absorption of certain substances, lack of vitamins, especially A, as well as groups B, C, D and E.

Stress and lack of sleep. It has been proven that stress hormones increase sebum production.

Acne on the back is more difficult to control than on the face. Because in addition to internal reasons, there are specific external ones.

UV rays damage the skin; as a result of excessive sunbathing, its local immunity is reduced. © iStock


Clothes and underwear

Dresses and shirts made of non-breathable synthetic fabrics (we are not talking about high-tech synthetics) create a favorable environment for the growth of harmful bacteria. After all, on the back, in addition to the sebaceous glands, a lot of sweat glands are concentrated.

The strap of a tight bra or top can also rub the skin unsuccessfully, thereby causing inflammation.


The sun is commonly believed to dry out acne. But this, unfortunately, is an illusory effect. UV rays damage the skin. Excessive sunbathing reduces local skin immunity. And after trying to fight acne with the help of the sun or - what is even worse and more dangerous - a solarium, acne returns in an expanded form.

Improper care

It turns out that even showering can be done incorrectly. If you first wash your body and then start washing your hair, dirty water with the remnants of shampoo and conditioner will flow down your shoulders and back, increasing the risk of inflammation.

It is also inappropriate to use body oils in this area.

Bacne in women and men

There are no fundamental gender differences in the formation of acne. Although there are some peculiarities.

In women, acne on the back, as a rule, indicates a fairly serious form of the disease. It is important to consult a dermatologist, undergo examination by a gynecologist, endocrinologist and gastroenterologist.

Acne in women is often associated with diets that lead to hormonal imbalance. Along with extra pounds, health and beauty go away.

In representatives of the stronger sex, acne is often more pronounced than in women, and in most cases is associated with surges in the level of male sex hormones.

In representatives of the stronger sex, acne is most often associated with surges in the level of male sex hormones. © iStock


For cleansing, choose shower gels without perfumes, based on acids, enzymes or triclosan.

Use a body scrub several times a week, then apply a toner to your shoulders and back, followed by a treatment for problematic skin.

Disguising your bakne only makes sense if you are planning a formal appearance in a dress with an open back. For camouflage, a concealer with a dense texture is suitable.

To eliminate single pimples, you can use SOS products for local application, such as Vichy Normaderm Hyaluspot.

Cosmetics review


As a complement to shower gels (or instead of them), it makes sense to use cleansers designed for problematic facial skin.

Ultra-cleansing gel with brush “Clean Skin Active Exfopro”, Garnier

The salicylic acid-based gel provides effective cleansing with the help of 170 elastic bristles and does not injure the skin.

Gel, scrub, mask “Clean skin 3-in-1”, Garnier

This universal product can be used for washing, exfoliating, intensive care as a mask (apply for 3 minutes, rinse with warm water).

  1. Due to eucalyptus and zinc extract, it mattifies the skin, reduces excess sebum production, and cleanses pores.
  2. Exfoliation is provided by pumice microparticles, which also help fight blackheads.
  3. White clay deeply cleanses the skin, evens out the color and texture of the face.


Since the skin on the back is dense, scrubs can be used daily. The exception is products with hard abrasives; they are best used 1-2 times a week.

Do not use scrubs under any circumstances if there are pustules on the skin or severe inflammatory processes.

7-in-1 deep cleansing scrub Pure Zone, L’Oréal Paris

Thanks to salicylic acid and exfoliating particles in the composition, it reduces the number of pimples and comedones and prevents their reappearance. It also helps tighten pores and eliminate oily shine. Suitable for daily use.

Exfoliating scrub “Clean Skin Active”, Garnier

Charcoal in the product absorbs impurities and excess sebum. Salicylic acid promotes skin renewal and cleanses pores. Use up to 2 times a week.

Additional care

Serum for correcting acne and age-related skin changes Blemish & Age Defense, SkinCeuticals

Copes with increased activity of the sebaceous glands, visibly cleanses pores, and reduces the likelihood of imperfections. Recommended, including before performing cosmetic procedures. Active ingredients include salicylic acid, glycolic acid, citric acid, and dioic acid, which fights acne-causing bacteria. Apply 4-5 drops morning and evening to the face and problem areas of the body after cleansing the skin.

Spray oil control Serozinc, La Roche-Posay

Spray with zinc is universal and easy to use. It can be applied in the morning after cleansing and renewed throughout the day for a mattifying effect. Tightens pores and prevents breakouts.