Allergic rash on the face of an adult photo

Facial allergies are a fairly common phenomenon. It appears in both adults and small children. It is very important to start timely treatment to prevent the development of more serious consequences. To do this, it is necessary to pay attention to the characteristic symptoms, as well as correctly identify the cause of the onset of a negative reaction.

The main causes of facial allergies

Allergies in the human body begin due to the response of the human immune system to foreign proteins. As a result of this, a powerful release of histamine occurs, which triggers the process of negative reactions.
The main causes of allergies on the face include:

  1. low air temperature;
  2. unfavorable environmental conditions in the form of sharp and gusty winds;
  3. direct exposure to ultraviolet rays;
  4. consumption of highly allergenic foods;
  5. the use of certain medications that have a strong effect on the human body. This applies to antibiotics and sulfonamides;
  6. close contact with plants, the pollen or spores of which provoke the development of allergic spots on the face;
  7. interaction with pets, to whose fur a person may become allergic;
  8. dust mites;
  9. low-quality or incorrectly selected cosmetics;
  10. constant stress or nervous tension;
  11. living in a poor environmental situation;
  12. hereditary predisposition to the appearance of allergic reactions on the face and other parts of the body;
  13. Frequent deep cleansing of the face, which leads to depletion of the upper layer of the epidermis.

Urticaria on the face can appear as a result of weak immunity, various chronic diseases, failure to maintain proper nutrition, as well as bad habits such as drinking alcohol or smoking.

Very often, allergies on the face are observed in women during pregnancy, at the onset of menopause, as well as disturbances in the proper functioning of the endocrine system.

The reason that provokes the development of allergic acne on the face may be one or more. The main thing is to notice the signs of a negative reaction in a timely manner in order to immediately begin a course of treatment. The development of complications, as well as the speed of recovery, directly depends on this.

Each person's body reacts differently to allergies. For one person, an allergy on the face appears with only one characteristic sign, for example, in the form of acne, for another, a complex of negative reactions becomes immediately noticeable.

The main symptoms of facial allergies are:

  1. Blisters. Allergic rashes on the face are convex-shaped neoplasms of a pale pink or purple hue. If a person develops urticaria on the face, the marks resemble a burn mark from the plant of the same name.
  2. Pustules. These are peculiar purulent formations that contain exudate. If you allow the formation of deep pustules, then a person will still have scars and specific pits on his face after a course of treatment.
  3. Scales. Grayish-white or yellow crusts are small in size. They are formed as a result of peeling of the upper layer of the epidermis. Typical places for scales to appear are the eyebrows, ears, eyelids and scalp.
  4. Crust. It refers to the secondary signs of allergies on the face. The symptom appears after drying out areas of the skin that have been inflamed. The chronic form of the disease is characterized by a dirty yellow or gray color of the crust.
  5. Redness. A red face is one of the most common allergy symptoms. Typically, red spots on the face appear on the cheeks, chin and forehead.
  6. Nodules. Papules form on the face ranging in size from 3 to 30 mm. Most often, a person has red spots in the form of swollen nodules on his face. They quickly disappear after taking medications with antihistamine properties.
  7. Contact dermatitis. Based on the name, it already becomes clear that an allergic rash on the face actively manifests itself in the place where there was contact with the allergen. The main signs of a negative reaction are the appearance of red spots on the face, swelling, itching and burning of the skin.
  8. Erythema. After the onset of an allergy, the capillaries on a person’s face begin to dilate, which leads to the appearance of red spots. Usually they rise slightly above the skin, but this is not felt to the touch. After a properly selected course of treatment, there is nothing left for red spots on the face. The erythema completely disappears from the face.
  9. Erosion. A sign of an allergy resembles broken blisters or ulcers on the face. They become a favorable environment for the accumulation of various microbes, bacteria and fungi. If treatment is not started, erosion can develop into atopic dermatitis or eczema.
  10. Angioedema (Quincke's edema). The sign is considered one of the most dangerous when allergies appear on the face. It manifests itself in the form of swelling, swelling of the eyelids (while the patient’s eyes become like small alkalis), the formation of edema on the mucous membrane of the mouth, palate, tongue and larynx.

When detected in a patient Quincke's edema It is important to immediately provide first aid measures and call an ambulance. Otherwise, suffocation may occur and, as a result, death.

Symptoms of the disease can appear after different periods of time. Depending on this, allergies on the face and neck are divided into the following types:

  1. lightning fast. A negative reaction appears 10-15 minutes after contact with the allergen. In some cases, the development time is delayed by half an hour;
  2. slow. Hives on the face, as well as all the characteristic signs of an allergy, will become noticeable only after 2-3 days.

Special attention should be paid to the symptoms of facial allergies in young children. Most often, parents notice the first signs of negative reactions after the child switches from breastfeeding to bottle feeding or when complementary foods are introduced. This is usually observed in babies under 1 year of age.

It is not uncommon for a breastfed baby to develop hives on the face after the mother has eaten highly allergenic foods.

Features of the development of an allergic reaction in a child

Young children are more likely than adults to experience various negative reactions. Their immune system has not yet fully developed and strengthened. Allergies on the face appear for the following reasons:

  1. dysbacteriosis;
  2. taking certain types of medications;
  3. hereditary factor;
  4. mother's consumption of foods that are strong allergens. This applies to exotic fruits, citrus fruits, chocolate, red berries, sweet carbonated drinks, canned food;
  5. introduction of early complementary feeding.

Facial allergies in young children usually manifest themselves in the form of diathesis or eczema. All symptoms are localized on the cheeks and forehead in the form of redness and peeling of the skin. At the same time, the child becomes restless and irritable. His routine is completely disrupted, developmental delays and weight loss may begin.

There are several features that will help parents notice food allergies on the face at the initial stage. These include:

  1. Symptoms appear extremely quickly.
  2. The clinical picture is clearly expressed.
  3. Signs are especially obvious at the site of contact with the allergen.
  4. Purulent formations appear on the affected area of ​​the skin.
  5. Symptoms of cross-allergy begin to appear.

If you do not notice the first symptoms in a timely manner and do not begin treatment for facial allergies, then the baby’s diathesis will develop into bronchial asthma. Therefore, when the first signs of a negative reaction appear on the baby’s face, parents should immediately seek help from qualified specialists. Doctors will conduct a comprehensive examination and also prescribe tests, the results of which will determine how to treat a child’s facial allergies.

General principles for treating facial allergies

For most people, appearance plays a huge role. Therefore, when red spots appear on the face of a woman or man, they try by any means to get rid of negative manifestations. Representatives of beauty especially often ask what to do if they are allergic to a face mask or decorative cosmetics.

It is important to use the correct therapeutic measures so as not to harm the delicate skin. It is strictly prohibited to use potent drugs, which are usually prescribed as the main treatment for the skin on the buttocks and arms.

The correct course of treatment is aimed not only at eliminating visual manifestations, but also at combating internal causes that could trigger the appearance of allergic acne on the face. Antihistamines work best with this task. The doctor also prescribes various sprays and lotions that have a gentle effect on the affected areas.

Before prescribing suitable treatment for a patient, the doctor must carefully study all the symptoms of negative reactions, as well as conduct a full examination of the body. This will allow you to accurately determine the causes of the allergy. Each person has his own individual characteristics, which must be taken into account by a specialist before starting therapeutic measures.

Drug-based treatment

All medications are taken only after a doctor's prescription. If you decide on your own to start or stop taking medications, you can provoke the development of complications.
Typically, specialists prescribe the following types of medications:

Tablets or syrups

These medications actively fight not only the external manifestations of allergies on the face in the form of irritation or red spots, but also have a positive effect on the cause that triggered the onset of the negative reaction. Syrups are most often prescribed to children under 12 years of age, and tablets for facial allergies are prescribed to adults. For acute allergies, it is best to take Suprastin, Tavegil or Diphenhydramine.

If an allergy on the cheek, neck or forehead in an adult has become chronic or has mild symptoms, the doctor usually prescribes:

Ointments, gels and creams for facial rashes that do not contain hormones

Local antihistamines include:

Medicines in the form of ointments and creams for allergies on the face, which will quickly heal wounds and relieve inflammation, include:

  1. Wundehill;
  2. Bepanten;
  3. Epidel;
  4. Protopic;
  5. Solcoseryl ointment.


Emollients help soften and moisturize the skin where the first signs of allergies begin to appear. They prevent the development of flaking and itching. Effective drugs are:

  1. Locobase Ripea;
  2. Topicrem;
  3. Omnica;
  4. Emolium;
  5. Dardia;
  6. Mustella Stellatopia.

For facial allergies in adults, you can use emulsions, milks, ointments, creams or gels.

Hormonal cream or ointment for the face

Medicines of this type are prescribed by doctors only in the most urgent and complex cases, when there is no positive result from non-hormonal medications. Suitable for delicate facial skin:

  1. Afloderm;
  2. Elokom;
  3. Advantan.

For the treatment of facial allergies in children, it is not recommended in principle to use medications from this group. They can trigger the development of folliculitis or make delicate skin too dry.


When a person begins to show the first signs of an allergy on the face, this indicates that the coordinated work of internal organs and systems has failed. Therefore, it is very important to quickly cleanse the body of toxins, food debris or harmful medications. The most effective sorbents include:

  1. Activated carbon;
  2. Multisorb;
  3. Lactofiltrum;
  4. Enterosgel;
  5. Polyphepan;
  6. Sorbex;
  7. Smecta.

Facial allergies can provoke the appearance of additional symptoms, which manifest themselves in the form of insomnia, irritability, and loss of appetite. A person begins to worry a lot about his appearance, which leads to serious psychological disorders, as well as the appearance of complexes, which are subsequently difficult to get rid of. To avoid this, you need to know what to do if you notice an allergy on your face. A doctor can prevent the development of negative consequences. He prescribes sedatives in the form of valerian, Novopassit, Karvelis drops, motherwort tincture, herbal sedatives or a decoction of lemon balm and mint.

How to help get rid of facial allergies using traditional recipes

You can use traditional medicine only after consulting your doctor. They cannot be used as primary treatment. Traditional recipes are used only as an additional remedy. They have been known to mankind for a long time and have been able to prove their effectiveness by eliminating external and internal symptoms of allergies on the face.

The most popular folk remedies for facial allergies include:

  1. calendula, chamomile, sage, oak bark and string. A medicinal decoction is made from them, which is used as a lotion on the affected area of ​​the skin;
  2. aloe. The plant has long been known for its unique properties. Its juice and pulp are used to eliminate skin hyperemia, which is one of the main signs of allergies on the face.
  3. nettle. A decoction is made from it, the use of which helps cleanse the human body of toxins;
  4. mumiyo. To prepare an effective remedy, you need to take 1 liter of boiled water at room temperature. Add to it 1 gram of natural balm from the mountains. The resulting composition is taken every day, 100 grams.

If after using any folk remedy allergy symptoms begin, you should immediately stop taking it. After this, it is very important to quickly seek qualified medical help. The doctor will adjust the course of treatment and prescribe medications that are suitable for treatment in a particular case. Thanks to this, a person will be able to avoid the development of complications, and will also quickly recover.

Preventive measures for facial allergies

A properly selected course of treatment will help get rid of external and internal manifestations of allergies. But every contact with an allergen will worsen a person’s condition, which will lead to resumption of the disease. To avoid relapse, you must follow a few simple rules. The main preventive measures are:

  1. Compliance with a special therapeutic diet.
  2. Introducing foods rich in vitamins, minerals and other nutrients into the diet.
  3. Elimination of all kinds of stress, emotional experiences and overexertion from life.
  4. Choose household chemicals carefully.
  5. Active sports.
  6. Choose all cosmetic products correctly.
  7. Compliance with personal hygiene rules.
  8. Clean and ventilate the apartment regularly.
  9. When exposed to the sun for a long time, use special skin protection products.
  10. During treatment, strictly adhere to the dosage prescribed by the doctor, as well as the period for taking the medications.

Allergic reactions on the face are extremely unpleasant phenomena. They bring a person not only a feeling of discomfort, but also a lot of negative emotions. All this together can negatively affect a person’s future life. Therefore, if you notice the first symptoms of an allergy on your face, you should immediately seek qualified medical help. Only qualified specialists will be able to quickly and accurately make the correct diagnosis, on the basis of which an optimal further treatment regimen will be developed.

In this article we will look at the main factors that provoke the appearance of allergic acne, the types of manifestations of allergies on the face and ways to get rid of the problem.

Skin rashes are one of the common symptoms that accompany many allergic reactions. An allergy is an aggressive response of the immune system to substances perceived by the body as foreign. Essentially, this is a malfunction of the immune system.

Therefore, treatment of allergic acne must be comprehensive, including not only topical agents, but also systemic drugs.

Causes of allergic rash

The tactics of treatment measures are determined taking into account the reasons that provoked the appearance of a rash on the face and the clinical picture of the pathological process.

Sometimes it is possible to determine the provoking factor of such a phenomenon on your own, but often only a doctor can identify the substance that caused such a reaction in the body. Therefore, if a rash occurs, it is recommended to consult a doctor.

The causes of the pathological process may be the following:

  1. use of medications;
  2. exposure to ultraviolet rays;
  3. consumption of allergenic foods;
  4. use of low-quality cosmetics;
  5. plant pollen;
  6. insect bites;
  7. contact with animals;
  8. nervous system disorders;
  9. unsuitable climatic conditions;
  10. dust mites.

Allergic manifestations on the face may appear 3-4 hours after contact with the antigen. These kinds of symptoms should not be ignored, since with prolonged exposure to the allergen on the body, damage occurs to the mucous membrane, lymphatic system, and respiratory organs.

If left untreated, this condition can cause disruptions in the body and seriously affect health.

Types and symptoms of facial allergies

It can be quite difficult to distinguish an allergy rash from acne of other origins, especially if you already have similar problems on your face. An allergic reaction can be determined based on other accompanying symptoms.

Acne caused by an allergy is most often not the only symptom. As a rule, the pathological process is accompanied by other clinical manifestations.

These include:

  1. labored breathing;
  2. hypersecretion of the nasal mucosa;
  3. increased lacrimation;
  4. redness of the eyes;
  5. coughing attacks;
  6. sneezing;
  7. secretion of sputum.

Features of the rash

Among other things, an allergic rash differs from other skin manifestations in the scale of the affected areas. Favorite places to localize such rashes are the cheeks, forehead, and chin. The patient is bothered by severe itching, a feeling of skin tightness, and burning.

The same allergen can provoke different types of allergic reactions. You can see what pimples look like due to allergies in photos on the Internet.

Most often, signs of an inadequate immune response appear in the form of:

Selecting the most appropriate therapy and understanding how to get rid of such a problem is possible only after identifying the pathogen that provoked such a reaction. To do this, you need to undergo an examination and pass the appropriate tests.

Treatment of allergic acne in adults

Only a doctor can tell you how to treat facial allergies after receiving test results. As a rule, therapeutic measures are based on the complex use of systemic and local agents.

The former are prescribed to suppress the body's painful reaction to an irritating factor. The latter make it possible to reduce the severity of symptomatic manifestations and alleviate the patient’s condition.

Topical products

  1. Boric acid. Half a teaspoon of boric acid is mixed with 200 ml of distilled water. A piece of gauze is moistened with the resulting composition and applied to the affected surface for 10 minutes.
  2. Ointments. Allergic acne on the face in adults may be recommended to be treated with external antibacterial agents. The most commonly prescribed drugs are: Levomekol, Fucidin, Levosin.
  3. In addition, hormonal ointments containing corticosteroids are prescribed. Such drugs are considered safe and practically do not cause side effects. These include Elcom, Advantan.

Preparations for internal use

Common anti-allergy medications include Fenistil, Tavegil, Setastin, Diazolin. These types of products produce a quick positive effect and are relatively inexpensive.

Their disadvantage is side effects, expressed in the form of increased drowsiness, which negatively affects performance and concentration.

Today, preference is given to new generation drugs that do not provoke such reactions. Among these medications, the most often prescribed are Erius, Telfast, Zyrtec, Claritin, Kestin.

In severe cases of pathology, corticosteroid hormonal drugs are prescribed - Triamcinolone, Dexamethasone, Prednisolone.

Treatment in infants

Allergic acne on the face of a baby is a reaction to exposure to irritating factors, ranging from the transition to artificial feeding and vaccinations, to improper care of the baby’s skin.

The basis of treatment in this case is to stop contact with the allergen. This is an important condition, since otherwise no medicine will give positive results if the child’s immunity is constantly irritated.

If an allergy appears on the face during breastfeeding, a young mother needs to follow a diet, excluding from the diet:

  1. nuts;
  2. chocolate;
  3. citrus;
  4. fresh baked goods;
  5. cottage cheese;
  6. eggs.

To eliminate the symptoms of this condition, antihistamine ointments and preparations for internal use are prescribed. When treating facial allergies in infants, the following are recommended: Advantan, Sudocrem, Bepanten.

Among the effective tablet forms of antihistamines, it is worth highlighting Claretin and Suprastin.


Treatment measures can be supplemented with the use of folk remedies. But it is worth understanding that the illiterate use of such medicines as medicines taken from traditional medicine can only aggravate the situation.

Therefore, if you experience symptoms indicating an allergic reaction, you should seek medical help.

How to treat facial allergies in adults, children and newborns?

An allergic reaction is an increased sensitivity to food, airborne pollutants, plants, and certain medications. The component that causes an allergy is called an allergen. The body interprets the allergen as a foreign harmful body and then attacks it.

An allergic reaction can occur on any part of the body, but the most common occurrence is an allergy on the face.


The most common signs of allergies include the following:

  1. skin irritation, redness, itching, swelling, blisters, peeling, crusting, rash, itching, scarring of the skin on the face;
  2. wheezing, chest tightness, cough, or shortness of breath;
  3. swelling or bumps on the face and neck, eyelids, lips, tongue or throat, hoarseness, headaches;
  4. stuffy nose, runny nose;
  5. redness of the eyes, itching, swollen eyelids;
  6. pain, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea;
  7. feeling tired, sore throat, dizzy.

Causes of allergies in adults

Seasonal allergies

Seasonal allergies occur in early spring and cause facial reactions such as redness, blistering, itching, and swollen eyelids. If you are allergic to cold, the same symptoms appear, but in this case it is necessary to avoid drafts and cold rooms.

Severe allergies can lead to allergic conjunctivitis, which is an inflammation of the lining of the conjunctiva.

Animals and insects

Some animals may cause allergic reactions. People allergic to cats/dogs do not react to animal hair or fur - the first symptoms of an allergy are caused by the saliva and individual particles of the four-legged skin.

People suffering from this allergy experience symptoms such as sneezing and drowsiness. Allergic reactions caused by animals also include hives and rashes not only on the face but throughout the body. Bites from insects such as bees or mosquitoes can cause similar symptoms.

Contact dermatitis

A rash on the face can appear upon contact with a plant or any other object containing an allergen. This type of allergic reaction is called contact dermatitis. The allergen can range from poison ivy to a food you touched or a new brand of laundry detergent.

Note. When using cheap cosmetics, a rash may appear on the face.

Symptoms do not only appear in the area of ​​the body that you touched. The most dangerous manifestation of contact dermatitis is contact of an allergen on the skin of the face or in the nose.

Food allergies are one of the most common types of sensitivities affecting the skin of the face. The severity of food allergies ranges from stomach pain after eating certain foods to rashes and swollen lips.

Severe, life-threatening food allergies can cause the tongue and airways to become swollen. This type of reaction is called anaphylaxis and requires immediate medical attention.


Drug allergies vary in severity and the types of symptoms they cause. The most common symptoms of intolerance to certain medications (or rather, some components) are skin rashes on the face and hands.

A drug allergy can also cause hives, facial swelling, and anaphylaxis.


With a disease such as eczema, rashes and peeling appear on the following areas of the body:

The cause of eczema, or atopic dermatitis, is not well understood.

People suffering from asthma or seasonal allergies are most susceptible to this condition. Eczema can also be associated with food allergies.


Anaphylaxis is the most severe manifestation of an allergic reaction. Anaphylaxis, or anaphylactic shock, is an extreme reaction of the immune system to an allergen.

Symptoms of anaphylaxis include:

  1. lack of air in the throat and chest;
  2. swelling of the face, lips and throat;
  3. hives or red spots on all parts of the body;
  4. difficulty breathing, whistling when exhaling;
  5. extreme pallor or redness of the face.

Attention! At the first symptoms of anaphylactic shock, seek emergency medical help immediately. Ignoring anaphylaxis can be fatal.


After diagnosing a food allergy, it is necessary to adhere to a certain diet that excludes foods and dishes containing the allergen from the list.

For example, if you are allergic to peanuts, all dishes containing this product are excluded from your diet. If you are allergic to milk, you need to find other sources of protein and calcium.

In addition to the ban on eating certain foods, it is highly recommended not to smell them, touch them, or eat other foods with traces of the allergen. Cutlery, dishes, kitchen surfaces and cutting boards should be completely free of unwanted products.

When purchasing salads and drinks, carefully study the ingredients. Even some soaps, pet foods, paints and glues may contain traces of food allergens.

Allergy on the face of a child

Children are more susceptible to developing rashes than adults. There are different causes of rashes in children, and the location of the rashes can give clues to the underlying cause. Symptoms such as the appearance, physical description of the rash, fever and respiratory infections make it much easier to find the cause in order to eliminate it.


Infections are one of the most common causes of rashes on the face and around the eyes in children. Skin infections caused by several types of bacteria contribute not only to the appearance of rashes, but also to the further development of allergies. The most common bacterial infection on the face in children is impetigo. This infection appears as a honey-colored, patchy rash around the lips, nose, or eyes.

In this case, the use of antibiotics is necessary to avoid complications in the form of a chronic course of the disease and allergic reactions. Another type of infection that spreads around a child's eyes is called periorbital cellulitis. This is a potentially dangerous condition that can cause an eye abscess.

Children's allergies

Allergies that are not caused by complications of third-party diseases are much less common in children. It manifests itself in the form of allergic reactions to pollen and other seasonal allergens. It is also possible to be hypersensitive to foods in your daily diet. Atopic dermatitis and allergic rashes occur in only ten percent of children under ten years of age.

Babies with lactose intolerance are susceptible to a more aggressive form of the rash, which appears at birth and only improves after using formula instead of milk. Older children are allergic to dairy, shellfish and peanuts.

Symptoms in children with seasonal allergies appear in the spring. The rash causes itching and discomfort. In some cases, it is recommended to remove foods containing allergens from the child’s diet.

Note. Any changes in diet child must be agreed upon with a nutritionist.

Systemic diseases

There are a number of diseases that affect the entire body, in which the appearance of a rash on the face is only one of many signs and symptoms. Typically, one of these diseases is lupus. Patients with this systemic, autoimmune disease are prone to developing a red rash on the face (most of which occurs around the eyes and nose).

Iron and protein deficiency can lead to a weakened immune system, which in turn can lead to allergies to certain foods. Zinc deficiency also causes facial rashes in children. In order to eliminate these signs, it is necessary to fill the deficit of missing elements.

Allergies in newborns

While most newborn rashes are not serious, some require close medical monitoring:

  1. Liquid bubblesfilled with yellowish fluid indicate a serious bacterial infection (such as herpes).
  2. Small red or purple spots on the face (“petechiae”) are caused by a viral or bacterial infection. Any manifestation of such symptoms requires immediate medical attention.

Rash on face during pregnancy

One in five pregnant women experience skin problems during pregnancy, including conditions such as acne, darkening of the skin and stretch marks. These manifestations are normal for a pregnant woman. Urticaria during pregnancy is much less common and most often goes away without complications.

Hives are an allergic reaction to food, insect bites, medications and chemicals. With the changes in hormone levels that occur in a pregnant woman's body, the body becomes more sensitive to pathogens, which causes rashes on the face and throughout the body. In most cases, this disease goes away on its own, without the use of additional medications.

What causes hives during pregnancy?

With the onset of pregnancy, the body undergoes many serious changes leading to skin problems. Pregnant women often experience aggressive bouts of itching, hives or rashes, and 1 in 150 pregnant women develop a more serious skin condition that causes blisters and plaques to appear on the face.

Hives are caused by allergic reactions. Dryness and stretching of the skin, together with other changes, makes the female body more susceptible to the appearance of rashes during pregnancy. Moreover, such a reaction over a certain period of time can be caused by almost anything that enters the body.

Common causes of hives during pregnancy:

  1. medicines;
  2. insect bites;
  3. chemicals;
  4. pollen;
  5. animal skin cells;
  6. products (milk, nuts, shellfish).

Hives can also be caused by mechanical injuries, stress, or bedsores.

Advice. To avoid aggravating the situation, do not ignore the appearance of hives; consult a specialist to prescribe medication.

Another condition that triggers the appearance of hives on the face is cholestasis of pregnancy. This pathological process also causes severe itching, nausea, vomiting and pale skin color. This condition directly indicates the presence of liver problems. Its danger lies in the spread of the rash to internal organs, which can be fatal.


Allergy symptoms such as redness, itching and swelling of the face often go away on their own within a week of onset.

A few tips will help you get rid of these signs much earlier.

  1. Avoid contact. During an exacerbation of allergies, do not touch the causative agents of your illness. To be on the safe side, avoid strong odors from soaps, powders, and detergents.
  2. Hydration. A cold compress or shower will help relieve the itchy rash for a while. Do not wash your face with large amounts of water; simply moisturize the skin on your face.
  3. Oatmeal mask. Colloidal oatmeal is a powdered oatmeal that mixes easily with water. An oatmeal mask will help soothe inflamed skin. Unfortunately, some skin types do not tolerate such products well. To avoid additional damage, use warm water, as boiling water will worsen the situation.
  4. Antibacterial cream. Hydrocortisone cream or calamine ointment are ideal for eliminating symptoms.
  5. Wet compress. Any cotton towel will do for a compress. Soak it in water and squeeze it out, then leave this compress on your face for a while. It is not recommended to get rid of the compress earlier than after 30 minutes.

Not all allergic reactions can be eliminated at home; in severe cases, consultation with a specialist is necessary.

Remember. Allergic reactions may indicate more serious illnesses.

Allergy tablets for the face

As strange as it may sound, there are no medications to treat allergies. All drugs available in pharmacies remove symptoms, but do not stop the process itself. These drugs are called antihistamines, and they eliminate swelling and reduce the amount of rash. Combination drugs such as corticosteroids are used much less frequently.

In some cases, the use of immunomodulators (for example, Isoprinosine) is allowed to reduce the body's sensitivity to the allergen.


Antihistamines are used to relieve allergy symptoms. They are available as tablets, solution, nasal spray or eye drops.

Over-the-counter antihistamine eye drops relieve itching and redness around the eyes, while nasal sprays are used to treat seasonal or year-round allergy symptoms.

  1. Over-the-counter drugs. Cetirizine (Zyrtec), Fexofenadine (Allegra), Levocetirizine (Xyzal), and Loratadine (Claritin, Alavert) come in tablet form. Brompheniramine (Dimethapp), Chlorpheniramine (Chlor-Trimeton), Clemastine (Tavist), and Diphenhydramine (Benadryl) may cause side effects such as drowsiness and weakness. Ketotifen (Zaditor), Naphazoline and Pheniramine are eye drops.
  2. Prescription drugs. Desloratadine (Clarinex) is available in tablet form and has no serious side effects. Astelin is a nasal spray that helps get rid of rashes around the nose and eyes. Prescription-only antihistamine eye drops include Optivar, Elestat, and Patanol.


Spring and early summer are the most dangerous time for allergy sufferers. It is during this period that the exacerbation begins. Poplar fluff and pollen are common in spring and can irritate the skin on the face and cause other symptoms.

In a chronic course, it will not be possible to avoid exacerbation, but you can prepare for it in such a way that the symptoms do not develop beyond the initial stage. Below are several recommendations that will help prevent seasonal exacerbation without the use of medications.

Note. Despite the fact that the symptoms subside for some time, do not forget about regular examination by an allergist-immunologist.

Drink more fluids

For hives on the face and nasal congestion, increase your water intake. Having plenty of H2O in the body will reduce the amount of mucus and help prevent the rash from spreading further throughout the body.

Considering that the body perceives certain elements as pathogens, water will significantly reduce toxicity in your body, completely neutralizing the allergen. This is an ideal remedy during seasonal allergies. If, in addition to these symptoms, swelling of the face is observed, then use the method below.

Skin hydration

Seasonal irritants affect more than just the nose, eyes and lungs. Without proper skin hygiene, allergens can cause damage to your face.

Dry skin is covered with many microcracks, which makes it more susceptible to environmental irritants. To keep your skin moist, use a regular compress with a damp towel for dry skin, and avoid makeup for a while. If this is not possible, wash off all makeup from your face before going to bed.


If you have particularly sensitive skin, use moisturizers with occlusive ingredients. Not only do they help prevent moisture loss, but they also coat the skin in a thin layer of protection that keeps pollen, smog, dirt and lint out.

Important. For all the above medicinal and cosmetic products there are individual contraindications. Before purchasing, be sure to consult with a specialist.