Anti-cellulite massage before and after photo reviews

LiLiana 025

I have been struggling with cellulite for a long time, but I noticed improvements only recently. For a long time I tried to do anti-cellulite massage for myself, bought all sorts of special creams and oils, but I was not happy with the result. Maybe she felt sorry for herself and didn’t massage so actively, because they might say the procedure is painful – I can’t hurt myself. I thought, since I can’t lose weight and get rid of bumps on my skin at home, then I’ll go to a specialist. I read reviews about anti-cellulite massage and salons that offer such services. I decided that I would do a vacuum massage and signed up.

When I arrived, the master first took measurements of my “fifth point,” hips, and waist. Then they recommended scrubbing, and after that they applied some fragrant oil and began the procedure. As soon as they turned on the device and touched the skin, everything seemed fine, but when they started moving it back and forth over my cellulite areas, I thought I was going to die, it hurt a lot. They worked on each leg for about 15 minutes, less on the stomach.

In general, what's the bottom line? After 2 days I go to the 7th session (they said I need 10 in total), there really is an effect, and a significant one. I managed to lose weight (volume decreased by 2.5 cm), my skin tightened and the tubercles are practically no longer visible. I specially took a photo before the first procedure, I also take it after each session (I want to clearly see the effect before and after). Who doesn’t believe in the power of anti-cellulite massage, look at my photos, I’m attaching them. My advice is don’t be afraid, be patient, do it and be beautiful.


I also decided to leave a review and want to share my results. I did a home anti-cellulite massage. Unlike Liliana, she was not lazy, she made every effort - she massaged her problem areas every day, and did not use any special products. I recently became a mother, so I always have baby oil at home, and that’s what I used. I won’t be unfounded, here are my photos before and after the two-week course. How do you like the result?!

I did a manual massage and also used a massager (a plastic thing with rounded spikes, you can buy it at Oriflame). First, I warmed up my body in the bathroom, then I went over my cellulite with coffee grounds, washed it off, thoroughly dried my skin, and went on to the massage. She applied the oil, then pinched with both hands to create a large fold of skin and move it without letting go from bottom to top. This pinching technique is very effective; you can get rid of cellulite in just 3 weeks. But there is one condition - massage every day.

When my hands got tired, I rubbed myself with a massager, sometimes I asked my husband to help (of course, he didn’t really want this, so what to do). This summer, the three of us already went to the sea - I was in a bikini, and I wasn’t the least bit shy. My husband said that I have the body of a sixteen-year-old (by the way, I’m almost thirty). Go ahead girls, don’t be lazy, love yourself!

M@rish@ 85

To be honest, I thought I would never get rid of my cellulite - I tried to massage myself, when it didn’t help, I went to a massage parlor. There was a young girl massage therapist there, oh how she kneaded me, my eyes were almost rolling out of my head from the pain. After these procedures I was all blue, I even became scared, but they assured me that this was how it should be.

I only lasted 5 sessions (12 were needed). When the blue discoloration faded, I didn’t notice any special changes, well, I think that’s it, I’ll remain a chubby cellulite. But no, I once saw an advertisement that a fitness center was running a promotion - they offered to combine training with an anti-cellulite massage, so I decided to try it.

I’ve been going for almost two months now, the result amazed me - fitness training, massage and proper nutrition (by the way, the menu was compiled by a professional nutritionist) worked a miracle. For many years I thought that anti-cellulite massage meant pain and bruising, but nothing like that. Yes, there is discomfort, even slight soreness, but no bruises.

Every week I took pictures of myself in the locker room of the fitness center. You can also look at my amazing result. I am sure that one massage is not enough, you need to radically change your lifestyle. Physical education, proper nutrition, and in addition a professional anti-cellulite massage, is the only way to get rid of orange peel forever.

&By Nadin&

I won’t talk much about the effectiveness of the massage (the photos will say it all for me). I want to tell you about the massage itself. This is not just a procedure that is carried out in every salon - it is a Thai massage with an anti-cellulite effect (to be honest, I had cellulite somewhere between stages 1 and 2, well, these bumps are not very noticeable).

I don’t know if we have such a service, because I had this massage when I was working in Thailand - it was complete relaxation. The salon offered me a range of services - first scrubbing, then wraps and oil massage (with oils) for cellulite. All this fun lasted 2 hours. They rubbed me, rubbed in aromatic oils, stroked me, and in between they took me to the shower. Then they gave us a soft robe and left us to rest for a short time. Then everything was repeated. In total, I showered three times during one session.

The feeling is unearthly. After the session, the girls served me aromatic tea - it was bliss. When I left the salon, I wanted to flutter. I went for a massage like this twice a week and when I had to fly home (I had been in Thailand for more than 2 months) I paid attention to my body - it became toned, smooth and there was not even a hint of cellulite left. If I find something similar here, I’ll definitely go there.

Magda Cvetochnaya

I am bursting with emotions, I want to show off everything - I can finally wear skirts above my knees, I no longer have cellulite. And since everyone here attaches photos, here are my pictures with ugly forms “before” and chic “after” of the anti-cellulite massage and wraps program.

Losing weight and getting rid of cellulite have always been a fixation for me, but somehow it didn’t work out (either there was no money, or time, and, frankly speaking, I was too lazy to do it myself). In general, I still found the required amount - I needed more than 40 thousand for the full course.

At the salon, the master suggested that I alternate between manual and roller-vacuum massage, and then consolidate the result with an anti-cellulite wrap. This is how they worked out all the problem areas for me. In 15 sessions, I lost almost 4 kg (not enough, of course, but that’s okay), and most importantly, I got rid of cellulite. Hurray, hurray, hurray.

True, the massage therapist said that it would be necessary to repeat the course at least 2-3 times a year, but for the sake of beauty, I am ready to part with any money.


Oh, girls, why spend that kind of money, buy yourself massage jars and do it yourself - no worse. I specially took a photo before the start of the procedures and, of course, photographed what happened at the end (I show it without being embarrassed, although I would never have posted this on the Internet before).

So, I bought jars, took olive oil, added a couple of drops of aromatic ether and that’s it, you can begin the “execution”. At first I did it myself. I put the can down, let out the air, started to drive it - it hurt, I shouted to my husband to come. I say, come on, I can’t do it myself, if you want a beautiful wife, give her a massage. What do you think did. Moreover, he massaged me every other day, the poor thing had nowhere to go.

Of course it hurt, I scolded him, but everyone survived (by the way, there were no bruises, only redness). Now we can admire the result together. This is how you can defeat cellulite for little money. These jars are reusable, so massage whenever you want. Oh, I forgot to say, if you have varicose veins or vascular problems, this massage cannot be done, it will be even worse.


I also agree that to fight cellulite you don’t have to spend a lot of money, it’s better to spend it on a new wardrobe, so I do massage myself, and have been doing it for a long time. When I first started, I photographed myself all the time, after each procedure, this encouraged me not to quit what I started.

To be honest, I didn’t have any special skills, I warmed myself up as best I could, but even this gave results. To make my hands glide better, I used regular baby cream. Then I read that you can add essential oils and vitamins to it, and that’s what I did. Over the years I have gained experience, watched a lot of videos, even completed express courses, now I do it not only for myself, but also for my friends.

At the age of 35 (now I’m almost 40), I joined the gym, learned to eat right, and periodically give myself anti-cellulite massage. Without exaggeration, I sculpted my body myself and I’m proud of it!


It is clear that self-massage saves money, but as for me, I would never get rid of cellulite if I kneaded myself. I always have more important things to do and don’t have enough time for a massage, but I wanted to get rid of the orange peel. I couldn’t leave the house because I was a small child, so I found a masseuse who came to the house.

Whether you like it or not, whether you have time or not, the massage was done regularly. She brought with her a warming cream, which continued to work even after the massage (it seemed to break down fats). The masseuse kneaded me with her hands and rolled me over my body with a stick that looked like a rolling pin. The sensations were not pleasant, it hurt, there were even small bruises.

But by the middle of the course (I paid for 10 sessions), the bruises had disappeared and the pain had dulled - a completely tolerable procedure. After each massage, I asked the masseuse to take photographs of my problem areas. By the end of the entire course, I sorted the photos from 1st to 10th and couldn’t believe my eyes - the result is amazing, see for yourself.

I had the second stage of cellulite, now it’s difficult to see the tubercles with the naked eye, my legs and butt are almost perfect. I agreed with the masseuse that in a month we would repeat the course. By the way, calling a professional to your home turned out to be cheaper than going to a salon (I paid less than 10 thousand rubles for the course). Like this.

Video on topic

Anti-cellulite massage is a very popular procedure. This popularity is due to a number of reasons, the main one of which is a noticeable effect after just a few procedures.

What does the result depend on?

The effect of anti-cellulite massage is influenced by many factors - the stage of cellulite development, individual characteristics of the body, lifestyle and nutrition. Let's take a closer look at this.

Cellulite has several stages of development:

  1. Edema.
  2. Micronadular stage.
  3. Macronadular stage.

At the first stage, cellulite is practically invisible. The patient feels that her body is slightly swollen.

At the edema stage, the skin remains smooth, although the body has already started the process of fluid retention. The pressure inside the tissue increases. Because of this, fat deposits thicken.

The micronadular stage of cellulite occurs when fluid compresses the arteries. Externally, the connective tissue becomes similar to a honeycomb. The unevenness of the skin will only be visible when squeezed.

The macronadular stage occurs when cellulite is already visible to the naked eye. People call it “orange peel”. When tissue is compressed, a painful sensation appears.


To achieve the best result, you need to balance your diet and drinking regimen. Avoid fatty, fried and salty foods.

Replenish the menu with fish, seaweed, boiled chicken and dairy products. Eat more vegetables and fruits in season.
Water will also help in the fight against cellulite if you drink at least 2 liters a day.


Gym classes, morning exercises or just walks before bed - choose an acceptable type of physical activity for yourself.

Remember, movement in this case is not only life, but also beauty.

When will the effect be visible after an anti-cellulite massage?

The result of anti-cellulite massage depends on many factors. But, on average, 6-8 sessions are enough for the effect to become noticeable.

Although you shouldn’t stop there. In salons, they often prescribe a standard course of 10 sessions. Experts recommend carrying out anti-cellulite massage every other day, that is, one course will take 2-3 weeks.

The effect of different types of procedures

Many people who want to get rid of the “orange peel” face the question: What type of massage to choose - manual, cupping, machine?

Manual massage

Manual or manual massage can be performed either independently or with a massage therapist. The average duration of the procedure is 45-60 minutes. During this time, problem areas of the abdomen, buttocks and thighs are massaged.

At home, if you decide to massage yourself, you can use dry rubbing equipment - a mitten, a brush with natural bristles or a terry towel.

Manual massage is recommended for patients with the initial stages of cellulite.

The effect becomes noticeable after 5-7 procedures. According to many patients, it manifests itself faster than after cupping or hardware.

Advantages of manual massage:

  1. The massage therapist controls the depth of impact on the tissue, therefore does not leave bruises or hematomas;
  2. Manual massage can be performed for varicose veins;
  3. The massage tactics are simple, so you can carry out the procedures yourself.

The main disadvantages of manual anti-cellulite massage are the high cost (if you contact specialists) and dependence on the human factor. It is worth taking the choice of a massage therapist especially seriously.

How to do anti-cellulite massage with vacuum cans at home - all the details.

He must have the appropriate qualifications. Be careful, if a massage therapist has many clients in one day, then most likely he is doing a poor job.

Doing a massage for several hours in a row is very difficult, so even professionals in their field tend to get tired.

The average cost of a manual massage in a salon varies from 1800 to 4000 rubles/hour.

As mentioned above, the effect of a manual procedure is noticeable only after 5-7 sessions, so a course of manual procedures can hardly be called cheap.

Cupping massage

Photo: Cupping massage

Vacuum or cupping massage – treatment and prevention of cellulite using special cups. You can do it yourself, at home or in a salon. It’s quite easy to learn, just watch a video on the Internet.

The duration of the procedure is 25-30 minutes. The recommended course duration is 15-20 sessions. The price of a can is 10-80 rubles. In Moscow salons, vacuum procedures cost an average of 1,500-3,000 rubles.

The effect of these procedures will become noticeable after completing at least half of the course.

Benefits of cupping massage:

  1. It can be done at home;
  2. The drainage effect breaks down the “matrix” of tissue to which cellulite is “attached”, this allows it to penetrate deeper into fat deposits;
  3. Cupping anti-cellulite massage does not require much effort, unlike manual massage.

However, this procedure also has its drawbacks. Cupping massage can leave bruises on the skin. Sometimes it happens that the pain persists for a long time, and discomfort occurs even when the problem areas come into contact with clothing.

Hardware massage

Photo: Hardware massage

Hardware massage is done only in salons. In terms of technique, it is very similar to canning. Mechanical massagers are equipped with additional suction cups and rollers.

Hardware massage has a number of advantages over manual massage:

  1. It is less painful;
  2. A mechanical apparatus does not get tired, unlike a person;
  3. Provides deep penetration, this massage eliminates the hardest collagen deposits;
  4. The intensity can be adjusted depending on the level of sensitivity of the patient's skin.

The price of hardware massage is lower than that of manual and cup massage. The cost of procedures starts from 1000 rubles per session.

The effect of hardware massage becomes noticeable after 5-7 procedures.

Unlike manual procedures, mechanical procedures are more likely to injure blood vessels. Therefore, before signing up for a massage, you need to study the contraindications.

Myths about anti-cellulite massage

Everyone wants to achieve quick results from a massage. Some believe that after such procedures you can lose excess weight.

This is the first myth. It is impossible to lose weight after a course of anti-cellulite massage.

Experts recommend first getting rid of extra pounds, and only then starting to even out your skin. If everything is done in combination, then the effect is possible. But provided that you eat right, lead a healthy lifestyle and work out in the gym.

The second myth is that anti-cellulite massage must be painful and leave bruises. It is not true. During the manual massage procedure, unpleasant or painful sensations may occur, but bruises should not remain.

It all depends on the professionalism of the massage therapist. Bruises are possible after undergoing cupping or hardware procedures.

Myth three - there is an opinion that anti-cellulite massage cannot be combined with physical activity. This is also incorrect. With an integrated approach to treatment, the effect occurs much faster.

Experienced massage therapists recommend combining anti-cellulite treatments with training in the gym. This will help restore elasticity to the skin and become firm and attractive.

Anti-cellulite massage of the buttocks Watch and read.

Contraindications for anti-cellulite massage:

  1. Skin inflammation.
  2. Ulcers.
  3. Violation of the integrity of the skin.
  4. Autoimmune pathologies.
  5. Tuberculosis.
  6. Active phase of rheumatism.
  7. Dermatosis.
  8. Extensive moles on the massaged area.
  9. Gynecological diseases.
  10. Malignant and benign tumors.
  11. Pregnancy.
  12. Phlebeurysm.
  13. Acute infectious diseases, fever.

The treatment and prevention of cellulite should be taken very seriously. An integrated approach, combining a course of therapy with proper nutrition and an active lifestyle will ensure the achievement of a positive result in a short time.

Video about the effectiveness of cupping massage

Photo: before and after

I am 30 years old.
Pronounced cellulite appeared several years ago. I periodically take anti-cellulite massage courses. I started with manual and decided to try hardware.
The effect of the procedure on the face. Advice - go to the gym. Then you can keep your figure in good shape, I recommend it to everyone.

I do manual anti-cellulite massage only in combination with gym classes.
I balanced my diet and lost extra pounds. The effect of the procedures became noticeable after 4 sessions. I continue to eat right and go to workouts. I will definitely undergo similar procedures.

I do hardware anti-cellulite massage in the salon. Costs less than manual.
The massage lasts 25 minutes. It was a pleasant procedure, I can’t say about the effect, I only had one session. I hope for a good result. I read reviews, many praise hardware massage.

I do manual massage myself after a shower. A friend advised me to buy jars at the pharmacy.
According to her, there is an effect from the procedure. She has been doing anti-cellulite cupping massage for several years now. Need to try.

Anti-cellulite massage is included in the price list of every beauty salon.

This is a fairly effective means of combating extra centimeters and an effective weapon in the war for beauty.

If the procedure is carried out correctly, you can expect the desired effect and positive feedback. Read more about the technology for combating “orange peel” in the material below.

How to determine the appearance of “orange peel”?

You need to know the enemy by sight - in places where cellulite is localized the skin texture changes. Traditionally cellulite recognized by pinch: If you grab the skin with your index finger and thumb, you will find indentations in the resulting skin fold.

Why does cellulite appear?

Cellulite most often occurs in women, and practically never occurs in men. Among women less skin thickness, but greater thickness of the subcutaneous fat layer. The anatomical features of female skin are determined by reproductive function. During pregnancy, the skin must be capable of significant stretching. In women's skin, there is a parallel arrangement of connective tissue fibers, so fat tissue cells can be “pressed” through them.

Affects the formation of cellulite level of female sex hormones (estrogens): it provides an increase in the level of hyaluronic acid in the dermis, increasing the activity of the sebaceous glands and thereby - increase in water content, promotes a change in soluble collagen and its transformation into an insoluble form.

Cellulite occurs, in most cases, due to poor nutrition and excess weight.

Less commonly, its appearance is affected by smoking and hormonal changes. He will be the companion of those women who lead a sedentary lifestyle.

One of the most effective methods of eliminating cellulite is anti-cellulite massage.

Types of anti-cellulite massage

  1. lymphatic drainage – dispersal of lymphatic congestion in adipose tissue;
  2. Thai – alternative medicine influencing the energy zones of the body, active points;
  3. canned – vacuum massage, toning the subcutaneous layer;
  4. honey – stimulates the subcutaneous layer, accelerating the circulation of lymph and capillaries4
  5. dry rubbing – massage with a brush, washcloth or roller;
  6. classical – manual massage of the subcutaneous layer;
  7. Chinese – energy massage of the whole body;
  8. Spanish – a variety of massage techniques in one;
  9. French – light stroking massage corresponding to the speed of lymph flow;
  10. Brazilian – massage with bamboo sticks to activate metabolic processes in the tissue.
  11. European – classic massage taking into account the characteristics of the figure;
  12. saline – rubbing with sea salt;
  13. hydromassage – massage with directed water jets;
  14. ultrasonic – hardware ultrasound massage;
  15. modeling – special massage of problem areas to normalize the distribution of fat cells.

Massage techniques for various areas

In most cases, this procedure is carried out using one of four methods.

First affects the thighs, abdomen and buttocks. To carry it out, you need to clench your hand into a fist and rub your knuckles over the indicated places until the skin turns red. This action improves blood circulation.

Second type concerns the hips, knees and buttocks. Now you need to close all your fingers together, keeping your palm open, and rub the problem areas in a circular motion.

Third used for thighs and forearms. You need to grab a piece of leather with your fingers and pull it up. True, the level of effort should be limited, otherwise hematomas may form.

AND last type is used for thighs, abdomen and buttocks. With your index finger and thumb folded, you need to massage problematic parts of the body.

The concept is not limited to this Anticellulite massage. To carry out such a procedure, numerous additional tools can be used, for example, brushes and vibrating massagers. Oils and creams, salts and coffee are also widely used to help liquefy stagnant deposits and accelerate blood flow.

The benefits of anti-cellulite massage

The basis of the effect is improvement of blood circulation.

As a result of anti-cellulite massage, improves metabolism in the body, rejuvenates cells. In addition, the procedure prevents food from stagnating in the intercellular space.

In many ways, a person’s external beauty is determined by the condition of their cells.

Anti-cellulite massage helps speed up the process of cell renewal and removes excess moisture from the body. Do not forget that it also relaxes the muscles of the human body, expelling stagnant waste.

Benefits of massage:

  1. improvement of the condition of capillaries;
  2. activation and acceleration of lymph nodes;
  3. improvement of skin color and texture;
  4. prevention of fat cell enlargement;
  5. prevention of cellulite;
  6. pleasant feeling after the procedure.

Pros and cons

Anti-cellulite massage helps some, but not others.

Perhaps the contrast of opinions is explained by the fact that people do not approach the procedure quite correctly. The technology of the procedure is not followed or the established deadlines are not met. In addition, you should not rely entirely on this method to get rid of cellulite. It should supplement with exercise and proper nutrition, then everything will work out.

Anti-cellulite massage: before and after photos

It is advisable to complement the massage with shock wave therapy. Read more about this procedure.

In addition, thalassotherapy or seaweed wrap are great for getting rid of cellulite.

Getting rid of it ourselves

Before the massage, the skin needs to be prepared - to get rid of dead cells: a scrub is suitable for this, which will remove all excess and warm up the epidermis. Next, apply cream or oil with an anti-cellulite effect.

The massage begins with light movements with gradually increasing pressure on problem areas. Manipulations should be regular and strong, but not allowing redness of the skin. The massage is carried out along the lymphatic drainage lines and the movement of blood outflow - on the legs from the knee to the pelvis, the inner side of the thigh is massaged from the bottom up. It’s also worth finishing with careful and relaxing actions.

The number of procedures should be 10-12, they should be repeated every other day. The duration of the massage should not exceed 30 minutes. After completing the course, it can be repeated after a four-day break.

It is better to do a massage in the morning so that activity during the day increases the effect of the procedure. In the evening, you can complement the massage with a wrap.

Attention, contraindications!

Anti-cellulite massage is contraindicated during an allergic reaction on the skin. If you carry it out during an allergy, then you can easily increase the area that will be covered with stains.

The skin at the site of the rash may be injured.

It is also worth refusing the anti-cellulite procedure if who is expecting a baby or has recently given birth and is breastfeeding the baby.

In the first case, there is a risk of stimulation of the uterine muscles. This can cause premature labor.

In the second case, during breastfeeding, the procedure is not worth carrying out due to the fact that it puts a huge burden on the body. A A woman still needs to recover after giving birth.

If there is fever and temperature, then anti-cellulite massage cannot be performed either. Otherwise the load on the heart will double due to an additional increase in body temperature. This is a common occurrence during this type of procedure.

If there are diseases of the circulatory system, then massage will also be contraindicated.

In the presence of atherosclerosis or thrombophlebitis, the consequences can be quite dire.

The walls of blood vessels in these cases are depleted. And the procedure will give them additional blood flow.

There are certain restrictions for massaging the abdominal area. This is one of the most popular types of fight against cellulite. But the procedure will have to be abandoned, if there is nausea, vomiting or any diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

The procedure cannot be performed during inflammatory processes of the genitourinary system.

The procedure should be avoided during menstruation.

Additionally, watch a short video about the effect of anti-cellulite massage: