Bioptron in cosmetology reviews

Those who have used it are particularly interested in reviews on use for facial skin (enlarged pores, dull complexion, wrinkles, etc.). Well, in general they write that it is a miraculous remedy. Write who used it, what were the results? experts

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Kostenich Lyudmila Stanislavovna

Psychologist, Art therapist. Specialist from the site

Marina Aleksandrovna Baydyuk

Psychologist, Analytical psychologist. Specialist from the site

Valeria Bertnik-Yuryeva

Psychologist, Psychologist-guide. Specialist from the site

Pukemova Olga

Psychologist. Specialist from the site

Nevzorova Sofya Igorevna

Psychologist. Specialist from the site

Alina Sysoeva

Psychologist, Coach and Trainer. Specialist from the site

Juran Marina Vladimirovna

Psychologist, Family child psychologist. Specialist from the site

Ekaterina Alekseevna Vasyukhina

Psychologist, Crisis counseling. Specialist from the site

Spiridonova Nadezhda Viktorovna

Psychologist. Specialist from the site

Vera Vladimirovna Zolotykh

Psychologist. Specialist from the site

In our family, the whole family has been using this lamp for about 6 years. The thing is very useful. Colds and herpes can be cured immediately in the initial stages. Wounds, pimples, some kind of inflammation on the face, body, everything heals and goes away much faster. I can’t say anything about wrinkles, I’m only 20 myself, and my mother has almost no wrinkles anyway. I can’t say if it’s because of the lamp or if it’s just so beautiful to me.
In general, the thing is worthwhile, universal, and very necessary.

I took the MCH from my mother to use. I have a rather problematic chin area, so let me try it. The instructions show how a girl with a terrible face turned into a beauty in a week. Honestly, it doesn't help me. Although, probably, the healing goes a little faster, but for me it is very insignificant, then the face becomes inflamed again. I wouldn't buy it for 250 euros. But this is my personal experience.

We bought it, I have very problematic skin, it didn’t help me, so I advise you better not to waste money. to spend it usefully

It's a pity for the money spent. A runny nose can only be treated well. And that's nonsense.

You shouldn't say that! Bioptron also helps to treat - read the instructions and follow them. No one promises miracles in a week, but with CORRECT and REGULAR use the result will be excellent!

I once took it from a friend, treated a rash, everything healed much faster than without her

Buy bioptron only from medical program managers in Russia.

Svetlana, with “correct and regular use”, chamomile decoction will help)
it's not worth the money.

I got a mole from it

worth the money and even very much, the whole family uses it and cures almost everything, runny nose, throat, acne, etc.

It perfectly treats not only the runny nose, pimples and warts, but also all joint diseases, the skin of the face and hands smooths out and even becomes much smoother to the touch, reduces attacks of bronchial asthma, relieves pain, in particular after fractures, swelling quickly resolves after rhinoplasty , there is practically no swelling after dental implantation and implant rejection, by the way.

I remember when I was a child, my mother warmed my nose with a blue lamp when I had a runny nose - I remember it helped.
But I found an interesting article on Bioproton:

To date, more than a million BIOPTRON devices have been sold worldwide. The BIOPTRON Light Therapy System is approved for use in medical practice. The main element of the BIOPTRON Light Therapy System is an optical tube with a halogen lamp as a light source, whose spectral characteristics are close to those of the sun, but without the ultraviolet component.
More about lamps:

People, maybe you can rent it for 2-3 weeks? We can’t cure a child’s runny nose, otherwise we can’t cure it for 3 months. And in the clinic only 4 times for 4 minutes, and the next course is only in 2 weeks. It doesn’t help in fits and starts, and it’s expensive to buy(

I will sell the bioptron for 30, I took it for 128
All documents

Selling zepter bioptron pro, after maintenance, very good condition. Stand included
Bought before the crisis for 130,000, will sell for 39,000
For any questions, please contact 8 92 five 73 four thirteen zero one

We have this device at home (as many as 3). I am skeptical about such things. I know that I need to use it consistently and according to the instructions, but I don’t have the patience for this and I give up. However, I remember that I had a wart on my finger for several years. She didn’t bother me and I didn’t even fight with her. But then I started to get a lot of complexes because of her. I warmed it with bioptoron 2 or 3 times for 2 minutes and stopped. Then, after a few days, I noticed that the wart had disappeared. I still didn’t understand where she went. It either resolved or fell off. This is my only experience with bioptron. Now I want to try to treat the boil. If it helps again, I'll write a comment =)

I used Bioptron to boost my immunity. In general, the treatment is good, but I was confused by the price. Then I found an equally effective device (even better), which has a much lower price. The device is a Rikta brand, if anyone is interested. It heals very well and is easy to use.

I used the “miracle lamp” several times in 2003. My parents bought it for 16,000 rubles, with an average monthly salary of about 3,000. They didn’t really notice the effect. As a result, the lamp stopped shining. In order not to upset my parents, I decided to fix it. I took it apart, and inside there was a small circuit board and a light bulb. I took this light bulb in the hope of finding something similar. And lo and behold! I found the same one in an electrical store for 30 rubles! I checked all the inscriptions on the light bulbs: everything is identical. I installed it, and the mega-miracle lamp worked as before. Nobody else used it. Tip: turn on the chandelier at home and stand under it for a few minutes, the effect is the same, but cheaper!


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Physiotherapeutic devices produced by modern organizations differ in design options and principles of influence on the body. A device called “Bioptron” is attracting quite a lot of interest. It is used primarily in reflexology and physiotherapy. It is worthwhile to become more familiar with the operating principle of this equipment and understand its purpose. It will also be useful to consider the reviews of doctors, which are left in large numbers.

Bioptron - what is it?

The operating principle of this device is based on the influence of polarized light. It is this that causes a certain response from the body. A beam of light is directed to the problem area, resulting in a reflex reaction. Laser correction, which is used in ophthalmic practice, is in many ways similar to this type of light therapy. The debate about how effective devices like Bioptron are has been going on for a long time. If you refer to its instructions, you can find a lot of indications. It’s hard to believe that a beam of light can cure not only acne, but also, for example, prostate adenoma. Most doctors do not speak well of Bioptron. But it’s worth talking about everything in order.

Bioptron - indications from the point of view of doctors

In the instructions for this device, as noted above, you can see a lot of dubious indications. But doctors believe that it can be used primarily to eliminate burns, superficial damage, acne and dermatitis. In other cases, Bioptron is useless.

Bioptron - contraindications for use

Typically, manufacturers of such equipment options try to list as many contraindications as possible, even if they have not been identified in practice. This is done for several purposes at the same time. Firstly, a large list of contraindications indicates the “seriousness” of the device itself. Accordingly, they trust him more. Secondly, if you list many contraindications, you can subsequently protect yourself from consumer claims. That is, this is a kind of “insurance” that can be used when problems arise in patients.

What contraindications does the manufacturer name? The most important of them and recognized doctors are:

  1. General contraindications to physiotherapy. We are talking about severe exhaustion, the presence of serious inflammatory processes, and high temperature.
  2. Any neoplasms, including benign ones. As is understandable, with them they try to protect the body from any influences, even if sometimes this is not entirely rational and does not even have a basis.
  3. Photodermatosis. Perhaps the most serious contraindication. With it, indeed, Bioptron can cause serious harm.
  4. Pathologies of cerebrospinal fluid exchange (also called cerebrospinal fluid), pathologies of blood circulation, cerebral vessels.
  5. Damage to the central nervous system, especially in children. This also includes prematurity and, in general, any damage to the nervous system in childhood.
  6. Pregnancy and lactation. This contraindication is given in all cases, since it is unknown what can harm the mother and child.

These are perhaps the most important situations in which Bioptron can be harmful. At least, it is under these problems or conditions that the manufacturer does not recommend using the device. When contraindications for Bioptron become known, doctors’ reviews of this device are also worth considering. And don’t delude yourself, because doctors won’t praise the device too much, since they know about its real capabilities.

Bioptron - reviews from doctors

“The effect is no more than a massage”

There are many devices that can be used in physiotherapy practice and get good results. But Bioptron cannot be classified as such. The whole essence of his work comes down to increasing blood flow in the area to which the light beam is directed. Of course, you might think that this is a rather useful effect. Indeed, there are benefits from this. But the same result can be achieved if you simply massage on the appropriate area. Therefore, I don’t see much point in using this device and, especially, in purchasing it. These are just extra expenses, and quite impressive ones at that.

“Helps with lesions and skin rashes”

The mistrust of Bioptron expressed by many doctors is understandable. The manufacturer extols the capabilities of this device too much. On the other hand, you should not consider it completely useless. As far as practice shows, the qualities of Bioptron turn out to be very useful if used correctly. For example, it is indeed indicated for eliminating injuries or abrasions. I know cases where such a device also helped with quite serious injuries - fractures, sprains, and so on. I can also recommend using Bioptron to eliminate some skin problems. It helps well with acne vulgaris, dermatitis and irritation. Otherwise, no significant therapeutic effect was noticed from this equipment.

"Useless when used alone"

Unfortunately, the potential of light therapy as a treatment modality has been largely overstated. Therefore, Bioptron cannot be called a truly effective device. It only helps with a limited number of problems. In addition, the type of device itself is also of great importance. The fact is that it is available in several models. There is a Bioptron for use in a sanatorium. This is quite a massive piece of equipment with a lot of power. And a completely different matter is the portable Bioptron, intended for use at home. Its power is low, and without the participation of a specialist it will be completely useless. Therefore, if you use light therapy, then only in suitable conditions and under the supervision of a doctor.

Based on your numerous requests, we are posting instructions: Bioptron light and color therapy in cosmetology!

So, first you need to understand why to use light and color therapy in cosmetology:
• To prevent the appearance of the first signs of aging
• To strengthen the skin, make it radiant, restore its smooth, rested appearance
• Highly effective combination for rejuvenation
• For effective penetration of vitamins, minerals and amino acids into the skin
• For nutrition and rejuvenation
• To stimulate the production of collagen and elastin
• To stimulate metabolism and blood circulation

What is each color used for?

• Red: improves microcirculation and fills the skin with energy (aging skin)
• Orange: eliminates cellulite, increases skin hydration and elasticity. To stimulate trophic action and lymphatic drainage, 24 hours after mesotherapy.
• Yellow: Eliminates wrinkles and fine lines, prevents swelling.
• Green: correction of enlarged pores on the skin, rosacea, pigmentation.
• Blue: calming effect, antibacterial effect, hair problems.
• Indigo: smoothes scars and eliminates stretch marks.
• Purple: to remove redness, swelling and bruising.

How to use?
*If Bioptron is used as a mono method, then apply the appropriate color to the area to be corrected, for 4-6 minutes for each zone. Then with a polychromatic filter for 5 minutes.

*If in combination with cosmetics, then there are 2 options for use: 1) If the cosmetic is not dense (serum), then it is applied before using Bioptron. 2) If it is dense (cream) or has a glowing effect, then after a session of Bioptron light and color therapy.
*In combination with invasive methods to eliminate visible signs of irritation after the procedure, incl. hematomas, accelerates the healing process. In this case, 5 minutes blue and 5 minutes polychromatic.