Biorevitalization restrictions after the procedure

Many ladies know that after biorevitalization you should not rub the skin puncture site, apply cosmetics or go to the bathhouse. But besides these prohibitions, there are others that are no less important. They also affect the result of the procedure, making the skin either peachy-velvety (if you follow them) or not particularly beautiful (if you neglect them). A good cosmetologist must conduct a thorough consultation on skin care after biorevitalization even before it is carried out. Of course, the absence of contraindications and the correct procedure technology are no less important. Often complications are caused by the fact that the filler is inserted incorrectly - either too close to the skin, or vice versa - too deep.

What should not be done after biorevitalization?

The cosmetologist should not only tell you what not to do after biorevitalization, but also give a written reminder in case the patient forgets something. There are, in principle, few restrictions after the procedure, but the main prohibitions are as follows:

  1. Sports activities.
  2. Visiting the solarium, sauna, bathhouse.
  3. Applying decorative cosmetics.
  4. Alcohol and smoking. However, the latter is simply undesirable.
  5. Taking certain medications.

The cosmetologist's recommendations should concern not only prohibitions, but also procedures that will affect the skin after biorevitalization in the most positive way. This is the use of special ointments prescribed by a doctor, timely visits to a cosmetology clinic in case of any problems, proper nutrition, and hygiene. What you should not do after the procedure is touching, especially massaging your face, or rubbing the puncture site. You should not provoke infection into the wound.

The cosmetologist will tell you about the prohibitions after biorevitalization:

Is it possible to play sports?

This cannot be done after biorevitalization of the face. Any cosmetologist will tell you that sports activities are strictly prohibited during the first 3-4 days after the procedure. For what reason can you not play sports after biorevitalization? Firstly, physical activity increases body temperature, and after such a procedure this is undesirable, and, secondly, the appearance of sweat is a direct path to the fact that the puncture marks will become regularly inflamed, and therefore heal much more slowly. Playing sports is commendable, but not immediately after an injection rejuvenation procedure. How much to limit sports activity, and whether it is possible to play sports after biorevitalization - the doctor must decide in each specific case. His verdict will be based on the condition of the skin after the procedure and the speed of wound healing.

Important! The rate of skin regeneration is different for everyone. Don't panic if, with proper care, the papules and redness don't go away after 2 days, like your best friend's. Just continue caring according to all the rules.

When is it allowed to use the sauna and solarium?

Sudden changes in temperature, as well as high humidity, are a sure way to expand skin pores and blood vessels, and this will in no way affect the condition of the punctures in the best way. A sauna can provoke the appearance of rosacea, redness of the injection site, and the onset of infectious inflammation. In addition, as in the case of sports, sweat corrodes the wounds left after the procedure, so the question of when a bath is allowed after biorevitalization will be decided depending on how quickly they heal. Punctures should be disinfected and not heated. Any changes in the composition of the skin (and tanning provokes increased production of melatonin) will also be detrimental to it during the rehabilitation period. Here is the answer to the question of why you should not go to the bathhouse or solarium for the first time after biorevitalization. If you violate this restriction, the skin will begin to peel off and the healing effect of hyaluronic acid will go not to make your face well-groomed, but to eliminate the consequences of the violation.

What kind of face masks can you make and creams can you apply?

Habitual skin care and decorative cosmetics are strictly prohibited in the first days after injection procedures with hyaluronic acid. Injection marks should be constantly disinfected - antiseptics that do not contain alcohol are suitable for this (it will cause discomfort and can contribute to sharp redness and peeling of the skin area after the procedure). This could be Miramistin or Chlorhexidine.

In addition, you can use alginate masks and sheets or fabric with collagen. It is better not to apply them at all for the first 2-3 days, and then they are even indicated for removing excess fluid from the tissue. Prevention of edema is the key to rapid tissue regeneration after the procedure. For the first two weeks, it is better not to use foundation and powder - they will clog the pores and healing will be much slower. It is better to apply makeup with a base underneath.

How to wash your face properly after biorevitalization?

It is not recommended to wash your face at all for the first 2-3 days after the procedure. The skin is cleansed using special lotions and tonics, which a cosmetologist should recommend before biorevitalization. Then you can wash your face with soft, cool, preferably boiled water. It is worth using a neutral gel or foam as a cleanser. They should not dry out the skin to prevent peeling. After washing, the skin should be gently blotted with a towel, but under no circumstances should it be rubbed. Hot water is contraindicated - it can contribute to the displacement of the gel and provoke the appearance of subcutaneous balls, and besides, it disrupts the functioning of the sebaceous glands.

Attention! Washing your hair should also be postponed until later. The bath must be replaced with a shower with warm (in no case hot!) water. Shampoo can provoke an allergic reaction on damaged skin, so it should not be used.

Smoking and alcohol after the biorevitalization procedure

It is better to refrain from bad habits. Smoking dries the skin and can displace the gel that was used to level out wrinkles around the lips, so smoking after biorevitalization is undesirable. Alcohol is even more harmful. It dilates blood vessels and the flow of arterial blood is also able to move the filler. As a result, hyaluronic acid is washed out before it even has time to act. This is especially true for those who like to drink cocktails, which is strictly prohibited. Also, drinking even a small dose of alcoholic beverages causes swelling and should be avoided. Therefore, alcohol should not be taken for at least 4-5 days after the procedure, and it is better to avoid headaches about the consequences - do not drink for 2-3 weeks until the maximum effect appears.

Should I refrain from wearing makeup?

Restrictions after the biorevitalization procedure also apply to makeup. It is strictly forbidden to do this for the first 2-3 days - cosmetics (especially foundation and powder, even mineral powder) can get into the wounds and cause inflammation. After a certain period of time, you can carefully apply makeup to your eyes and lips, provided that the facial biorevitalization affected other areas. And only after 2 weeks can you use your usual means of applying makeup, but it would be nice to apply aloe vera gel as a base for the first time. Cosmetologists are often asked whether it is possible to do a facial massage after the procedure. In no case! This will not help the fillers to distribute evenly under the skin, as some people think, and will not speed up tissue regeneration. But it can move the gel and cause an infection. Therefore, it is worth using cosmetics and carrying out other procedures after a sufficient period of time.

And when you can do a facial massage after biorevitalization, a cosmetologist will tell you. 2-3 weeks after the procedure, medium or superficial peeling is indicated, which must be carried out under the supervision of a cosmetologist. After it, the skin will renew itself faster, looking younger and fresher.

What should you apply to your face after biorevitalization?

For the first 2-3 days it is better not to use creams at all - they are prohibited. Instead, you should smear the puncture areas with gels or ointments, which will help with tissue regeneration and relieve swelling. If you absolutely need to go outside into the bright sun, you need to smear your skin with a cream with a high level of protection against exposure to sunlight. As for ointments, some apply Lyoton to hematomas, and others apply Troxevasin. Bepanten, Traumeel-S and other ointments will help heal wounds. But they should only be used if there is a problem. The question of what to apply to the face after biorevitalization is best answered by the cosmetologist who performed the procedure. He will accurately determine the condition of the patient’s skin and the presence of problems.

On a note! There is no need to use hormonal ointments. You should not apply oils, even those with a regenerating effect - they can clog both puncture sites and pores.

Additional advice from a cosmetologist on care

Before the biorevitalization procedure, it would be good to do a series of peelings. This way the drug will be better absorbed and work more effectively. The last of them should be carried out no later than a week before the procedure.

Since biorevitalization is aimed at moisturizing the skin, you need to drink water (at least 2.5 liters per day). The water must be purified, melted or mineral without gas. Your skin condition will be much better.

If the swelling does not go away, you can wipe your face with ice cubes from chamomile infusion, linden infusion or plantain juice (bought at the pharmacy). But this can be done no earlier than 2-3 days after the procedure.

You cannot massage or try to smooth out the bumps and irregularities that may arise after biorevitalization. They will go away on their own with proper care.

A patient's memo should be given after biorevitalizants. A good doctor will definitely provide contact information for quick communication in case of need.

Taking some medications is as dangerous as massage after biorevitalization. It is especially important to avoid taking certain anticoagulants, antibiotics, and acetisalicylic acid (aspirin).

For the first few days it is better to sleep on your back. Nevertheless, you should change the pillowcase for a clean one, and to be sure, iron it on both sides. The next day, repeat the ironing procedure.

The cosmetologist's recommendations and advice are strictly followed. But you should also check the doctor himself before deciding on the procedure. Please note that there is a certificate for separate training in biorevitalization technology and a license for the drug that he recommends. You need to contact reputable clinics that value their own reputation. Medicines and syringes must be opened in front of the patient immediately before the start of the procedure.

You should not carry out the procedure on critical days. It will be much more painful and the rehabilitation process may take longer.

If all rules are followed, the recovery period will be reduced to a minimum period. Prohibitions and restrictions that are strictly followed are barriers to the occurrence of various complications. The desire to have flawless skin will come true quickly if you help the doctor and your own body.

Even 30-40 years ago, it was difficult to imagine that you could quickly rejuvenate your face with injections without any plastic surgery. But modern technology has given us such a miracle. Naturally, women are rushing to take advantage of new opportunities, and the popularity of beauty injections is growing every day. However, few know that a good specialist and quality drugs are only part of success. The result depends no less on whether the patient does things that are prohibited after biorevitalization.

Features of hyaluronic acid

Hyaluronic acid is a substance extremely necessary for the human body. So he produces it himself. But with age, less and less. Since hyalunon is present in all tissues, its deficiency immediately affects the appearance. The skin takes on a grayish tint, becomes covered with wrinkles, joints begin to crack, and visual acuity decreases.

Hyaluronic acid obtained in the laboratory can be used as an anti-aging agent due to its properties. Injected under the skin, it:

  1. deeply moisturizes it;
  2. activates collagen synthesis;
  3. restores lost volumes;
  4. accelerates metabolic processes;
  5. stimulates tissue regeneration;
  6. removes acne and traces of them;
  7. helps get rid of pigmentation;
  8. smoothes out small wrinkles.

Thus, the procedure improves the condition of the skin not visually, like many others, but actually. That’s why cosmetologists and their patients love her so much. But the effectiveness of biorevitalization strongly depends on how correctly the patient behaves before and after it.

Main prohibitions

To ensure that the results after the procedure last longer, cosmetologists always explain to patients what things they definitely cannot do after facial biorevitalization. The list of restrictions is not that long. But it must be strictly observed. And there are very real reasons for this, which experts told us about.


Doctors prohibit drinking alcoholic beverages not only after, but even before the procedure. Ethanol promotes the rapid breakdown of hyaluronic acid, and the effect of biorevitalization will last for several weeks at best. But this is not the only unpleasant moment.

By dilating blood vessels, alcohol provokes the formation of extensive bruises and even hematomas when capillaries are damaged by a needle. Accelerated blood flow removes drugs from the body faster.

In addition, ethanol destroys the vitamins present in most biorevitalization cocktails. You will have to abstain from it a day before and at least a week after the procedure.


Many people are interested in whether it is possible to actively engage in sports after biorevitalization. You shouldn't do this. Intense physical activity increases blood pressure and speeds up metabolism. This shortens the duration of action of drugs injected under the skin by several weeks.

In addition, in the first two days after injection biorevitalization, intensive restoration of damaged skin occurs.

Injection wounds heal completely within 48 hours. During this period, it is advisable to exclude all factors that irritate the skin. And the sweat produced abundantly during training is one of them.

Sauna and solarium

You should always hide damaged skin from ultraviolet radiation. The sun is not dangerous only if the procedure was carried out using a needle-free method. In this case, the protective properties of the epidermis are enhanced. After injections under its influence there is a high risk of post-traumatic pigmentation.

Hot water, like alcohol, dilates capillaries and increases blood flow. Accordingly, the following are prohibited for a week after biorevitalization: baths, any type of sauna, Russian bath, washing and showering with water whose temperature is above 45 o C.


Passionate fans of decorative cosmetics who cannot even take out the trash without makeup will not feel too comfortable. After biorevitalization, a person needs peace and rest. Therefore, in the first days you can apply minimal makeup: just eyeliner and a little mascara on your eyelashes. If the lips are not affected by the injections, then lipstick or gloss is not prohibited.

Foundations, powders, and silicone makeup bases will have to be put aside for at least a week. They get into wounds, clog pores and slow down skin restoration processes.

In addition, the main task of biorevitalization is deep hydration. And the products listed above usually contain substances that dry out the skin.


Some medications are also blacklisted. First of all, blood thinners. They stop taking them 7-10 days before the procedure. You can resume the course of treatment no earlier than after two weeks, if you do not plan to repeat the session in the near future.

Biosynthesized hyaluronic acid, present in most drugs today, is a product of the vital activity of staphylococci, from the remains of which it is carefully cleaned. But in this form the drug is incompatible with antibiotics. You should not drink them two weeks before the procedure and a month after.

Massage and salon treatments

Also, within 2-3 weeks after biorevitalization, it is highly undesirable to do massage and hardware salon rejuvenating procedures:

  1. Firstly, they are simply not needed - hyaluronic acid will do all the necessary work.
  2. Secondly, they activate metabolism and speed up blood flow with all the currently undesirable consequences.

A ban is also imposed on scrubs and all types of peeling, especially chemical peeling. After hardware procedures, it destroys the thin protective film that forms and neutralizes the effect. After injection methods, it additionally irritates the skin and can provoke inflammatory processes.

What is possible and necessary?

Usually cosmetologists themselves tell patients in great detail what to do and what they can apply to their face after biorevitalization. Those who listen to their advice and comply with the restrictions listed above usually do not experience side effects or complications.

This is what facial care should look like after biorevitalization:

  1. For two days, it is advisable not to wash your face with running water, but simply wipe your face with non-alcohol lotion.
  2. Be sure to carefully treat the wounds twice a day with an antiseptic until they are completely healed and do not pick off any crusts that have formed.
  3. During the first days, sleep on your back, preferably on an orthopedic pillow, so that the drug is distributed as evenly as possible.
  4. In case of severe peeling, use a moisturizer 3-4 times a day, being sure to remove the previous layer.
  5. For several days, try to avoid sudden changes in temperature, and in frosty or windy weather, use a protective cream.
  6. Buy it and before going outside on a sunny day, be sure to apply a product with a UV filter of at least 30.
  7. Control facial expressions - they should not be too active, as this also contributes to the breakdown of hyaluronic acid.
  8. Monitor the level of humidity in the room - if the air is dry, the preparations will draw water from the skin.
  9. To resolve bruises and swelling, you can use pharmaceutical ointments: Traumeel, Troxevasin, Girundin, etc.

A lot of controversy arises about when you can start smoking after biorevitalization. Ideally, never, since nicotine narrows capillaries and accelerates destructive age-related changes. But if it is difficult to give up a bad habit, then you can return to it no earlier than the third day after the procedure.

Summing up

According to patient reviews, biorevitalization is really well tolerated and can work wonders. The result can be easily assessed by comparing photos before and a month after the procedure. But this is only provided that all recommendations and restrictions are followed. Otherwise, various troubles may arise.

Giving up bad habits, proper nutrition, a moderate lifestyle, quality cosmetics and good sunscreen can prolong the results. For some, after 5-6 procedures it lasts for more than a year. And for preventive purposes, 1-2 sessions, performed once every 6-9 months, are sufficient.

Biorevitalization is considered one of the most popular cosmetic procedures; it allows you to get rid of skin defects and increase its elasticity in a short time. Some medications contain chemicals that can have a negative effect on the skin. Each organism is individual, its reaction to the components of a particular drug may be unpredictable. The consequences of biorevitalization often manifest themselves in the form of local reactions and disappear within a few hours. To avoid problems, it is also recommended to know what can be done after biorevitalization and what cannot be done.

General information

There are two types of biorevitalization: injection and laser. The point of both procedures is to saturate the skin with hyaluronic acid and other beneficial components. The correctors used provide skin hydration and promote the production of its own collagen. The procedure is painless; injections can be administered to a variety of parts of the body.

Positive consequences of the procedure:

  1. moisturizing effect, smoothing the skin, increasing elasticity;
  2. synthesis of collagen and elastin;
  3. elimination of wrinkles;
  4. health improvement;
  5. restoration of the structure of the skin.

The procedure is carried out over 3-4 sessions with a break of 2-4 weeks, the effect lasts for 6-12 months.

Precautionary measures

Before carrying out biorevitalization, it is recommended to verify the qualifications of the cosmetologist; it is necessary to check the certificates and license for the drug. Before the procedure, you should check the expiration date of the drug and the integrity of the packaging. It is recommended to contact only experienced specialists; reviews on the Internet and recommendations from friends can help with your choice.

The patient himself must treat the procedure as responsibly as possible, follow all recommendations, and properly care for the skin. The cosmetologist must be informed about the tendency to allergies and taking medications.

Possible negative consequences

Biorevitalization is a procedure during which injections of hyaluronic acid of varying concentrations are injected into the dermis; after injections, bruises and papules may remain on the skin. Papules after biorevitalization usually go away on their own within 1-3 days. Special gels and ointments will help eliminate swelling and bruising, including Troxevasin, Lyoton, Traumeel S, and heparin ointment.

In some cases, the composition is unevenly distributed under the skin, resulting in the formation of bumps and bumps. When performing biorevitalization, you may also experience a feeling of pain, itching, and dryness. Very rarely, the components of the drug can cause allergic and inflammatory reactions.

Causes of side effects:

  1. individual characteristics of the body;
  2. neglect of the rules of the procedure;
  3. violation of the drug administration technique.

All defects most often disappear the very next day, the skin is restored and saturated with moisture. Cosmetologists always warn patients about possible consequences and recommend methods to eliminate them. There is also an opinion that the main reason for such a skin reaction is the low qualifications of the specialist and lack of experience.

What should you not do after the procedure?

The cosmetologist usually warns the patient during the first visit that it is not recommended to do so; compliance with the restrictions allows you to enhance and consolidate the result, as well as prevent the occurrence of side effects.

During the first day it is not recommended:

  1. touch your face with your hands, massage the treated area;
  2. use regular or decorative cosmetics.

Some patients ask whether it is possible to drink alcohol after biorevitalization. Drinking alcohol immediately after injections can lead to increased swelling of the face, so drinking alcohol is allowed only after 8-10 hours.

What not to do during the week:

  1. load the body in the gym;
  2. visit a sauna, bathhouse and other places with high humidity levels;
  3. expose the skin to temperature changes;
  4. use new creams;
  5. take aspirin and other anticoagulants.

Some restrictions apply for a longer period; for two weeks you should avoid sunbathing, solarium and some cosmetic procedures, including peeling and plastic surgery. That is, if you are going to the sea, then it is better to do the biorevitalization procedure in advance, or after returning.

What can and should be done

The cosmetologist gives individual recommendations in each individual case, but there are also general rules. If side effects do not disappear within 3-4 days, but only intensify, you need to see a doctor immediately, consultation will also be required if an allergic reaction occurs.

All cosmetics prescribed by your doctor must also be used. Most often, such drugs have antibacterial and antiseptic properties; their use will significantly reduce the likelihood of infection at injection sites. The minimum period of use is 3 days, during which all defects disappear.

It is very important to observe restrictions on visiting the bathhouse, solarium, swimming pool, and gym. Following the rules will protect your health and reduce the likelihood of complications.

Biorevitalization is considered one of the most effective rejuvenation procedures; when performing it, it is very important to choose the right cosmetologist. After the procedure, bruises and papules may appear on the skin, which will disappear within a few days. Before carrying out the procedure, it is necessary to check the tendency to allergies; if any, the procedure should be abandoned. Skin care after biorevitalization involves the use of special creams and compliance with restrictive measures.

One thought on “What not to do after the biorevitalization procedure”

It turns out that you can’t exercise in the gym during the biorevitalization course?