Boro plus instructions for use purple reviews

Boro plus cream is an antiseptic created on the basis of natural ingredients. Eliminates inflammatory processes, relieves itching, fights fungi and much more. Suitable for any skin type, including children from 6 months, teenagers with acne. It smells nice, acts quickly, and is absolutely safe.

Description of the cream

The universal product combines the innovations of modern cosmetology and the natural power of medicinal plants. It has a pronounced antiseptic, antipruritic, anti-inflammatory, antifungal effect.

Copes with the following skin defects:

  1. suppuration;
  2. weathering;
  3. scratches, abrasions;
  4. frostbite;
  5. cuts;
  6. superficial burns;
  7. eczema;
  8. herpes;
  9. impetigo;
  10. boils;
  11. cracks on the chest during feeding;
  12. postoperative scars;
  13. insect bites;
  14. irritation on the face, hands;
  15. after shaving.

Thanks to natural ingredients, the cream can be used by children from birth. Suitable for the skin of women and men of any age. The drug has a light, pleasant structure that is quickly absorbed and does not leave a greasy film.


Boro Plus cream is a drug for the whole family that should always be present in your home medicine cabinet.

  1. Helps young children get rid of insect bites, frostbite, and chapping. Relieves irritation when using diapers and sunburn. It is a first aid remedy for scratches and abrasions.
  2. For teenagers, the cream is suitable as an antiseptic and anti-inflammatory agent. Eliminates all defects of problematic skin. Thanks to its light natural structure, it does not clog pores, is quickly absorbed, and does not disrupt the functioning of the sebaceous glands. Can be used at any time of the year.
  3. During breastfeeding, women use Boro Plus cream if there are cracks in the nipples. The product eliminates irritation that occurs when contacting household chemicals. First aid medicine for burns that occur due to exposure to ultraviolet rays, hot objects, water, steam. In winter, it restores the skin after frostbite and chapping. Used as a prophylactic. Eliminates cracks on hands and heels.
  4. Men use the cream in similar situations. But most often after shaving. The product soothes the skin, moisturizes, creates a protective film, prevents irritation, inflammation, and allergic reactions.

Indications for use are skin conditions with inflammation, irritation, and loss of integrity of the skin.


The Indian-made drug includes a large number of medicinal plants, which together provide a quick healing effect.

  1. Basil or tulsi. Moisturizes the skin, eliminates dryness, roughness, and irritation. It has a pronounced anti-inflammatory, analgesic, and antiseptic property.
  2. Sandalwood. Soothes, cools the skin, relieves irritation and inflammation.
  3. Turmeric. Natural antiseptic. A powerful antibacterial and anti-inflammatory agent that is used for cuts, abrasions, and scars after surgery.
  4. Kuchari. Included in many antibacterial agents. Fights fungi and bacteria. Used for psoriasis, lichen, dermatitis of various origins. Eliminates skin defects - blackheads, pimples, enlarged pores, papillomas, warts. Eliminates itching, used for herpes.
  5. Aloe. Moisturizes, soothes, relieves itching.
  6. Vetiver. It has a pronounced cooling effect, due to which the skin quickly calms down after injury or damage.
  7. Nim. Used for various skin diseases. Removes inflammation and irritation. Has a tonic effect.
  8. Margosa. Fights pimples and acne. Prevents the appearance.
  9. ginger lily. Is a natural antibiotic. Helps cope with pimples, acne, dermatitis. Prevents inflammation.

Talc, water, lanolin, and paraffin are used as auxiliary components.

What is the difference between the tube: green, purple

The cream is available in 2 forms. A striking distinctive feature is the color of the tube - purple, green.

  1. The structural difference lies in consistency. In green packaging, the cream has a lighter structure, is applied in a thin layer, is absorbed very quickly, and does not leave a greasy sheen. More suitable for those with dry, sensitive skin, young children, and diapers for babies.
  2. The cream in the purple tube has a denser structure. Absorbs somewhat slower and leaves a protective film. It is very effective to use to eliminate cracked nipples, lips, roughness on the hands, severe frostbite, burns. More suitable for adult skin, dry or combination.

The principle of action of green and purple creams is no different. Both are excellent antiseptics.

Instructions for use

The treatment is applied to clean skin in a thin layer several times a day. The duration of therapy depends on the problem that needs to be solved. It is necessary to use until the effect follows. However, if there is no noticeable improvement within a week of use, you should seek help from specialists. When applied to nipples, the composition must be washed off with warm water before the next feeding. Then process again. For insect bites, especially mosquitoes, lubricate the affected areas three times a day. The skin is restored the very next day.

A contraindication for use is individual intolerance to the components, which happens extremely rarely and manifests itself in the form of skin irritation and itching. The cream smells good, does not cause side effects, and is sold in pharmacies without a doctor's prescription.

Reviews from women about green Boro plus


“I really liked the cream for its light structure, pleasant smell, and effect. The first time I encountered it was when the child began to experience irritation from diapers. The pharmacy initially offered expensive products in the form of Bepanten and the like, then they offered this cream. I read the composition. I liked the natural ingredients. Just what a baby needs. The irritation went away quickly and practically did not occur when using the cream. Used it three times a day. I am satisfied with the effect, I have already recommended it to many mothers. An inexpensive natural drug with a quick effect. However, I think that it is not entirely advisable to use it for cracked nipples. Since the strong floral scent lingers for a long time, it can scare a child away.”


“Dad bought us the cream when the baby was bitten by mosquitoes in the summer. I won’t say that the spots go away immediately, but it eliminates the itching instantly. Then I checked it on myself. Then I began to read the instructions and discovered its wide spectrum of action. As a result, now he is always in our house. It helps me with sunburn, cracked lips, dry hands, rough skin on elbows and knees. I smear any abrasions or cuts on the child. My husband uses it periodically after shaving. I really like the product. For all occasions. It's inexpensive. You can find it in any pharmacy.”


“I bought a cream for mosquito bites in the summer, then I found another use for it. Strengthening my nails. After removing the polish, I apply the cream to the nail plate. I make face masks for the problem area. I cleanse my face of dirt, blot it with a napkin, distribute the product onto my nose, cheeks, forehead, and leave for 20 minutes. Then I remove the residue with warm water. As a result, there are no blackheads, the skin is smooth, even, without visible pores, no acne, the tone is even. My skin is normal, the only problem is enlarged pores on my nose, periodic pimples before my period. The cream copes with these problems no worse than expensive cosmetics.”

Women's reviews about purple


“I bought it for mosquito bites for my child. I really liked the smell, light structure. Even though it is classified as a fatty cream, I didn’t feel it, and neither did the child. Absorbs quickly, no greasy shine. It eliminates itching immediately, I tested it on myself. Swelling and redness disappear within 3 days. Then I had a problem - I got sunburned. It was burning all over my back, arms, and thighs. I remembered Boro Plus with its instructions. I applied it in a thin layer and my skin immediately calmed down. There were no blisters. I used it for 3 more days. The effect surprised and pleased.”


“Saves Boro Plus all year round. In cold weather from frost, wind, cracked lips. In summer, in general, it’s a lifesaver. Instantly helps with corns, calluses, rough skin. Irritation occasionally occurs upon contact with washing powder or dishwashing detergent. The cream helps in 1 day. Always with me when going outdoors. From scratches, insect bites, abrasions, bruises. It absorbs quickly, smells pleasant, and the aroma remains for a long time. I like!"


“Family lifesaver. I liked the purple one better. I found the main difference for myself - it smells nicer. Otherwise it works the same way. I've been using it for about 5 years now. Helps my children and husband. Who cares about what - cracks on the lips, bruises, scratches, pimples, eczema, cuts after shaving, and so on. I believe that such a product should be in every home, especially if there are children. Helped my sister with a small rash on her forehead when she was a teenager. A remedy for any age. There are absolutely no side effects, it suits everyone, the skin after it is soft, smooth, just peachy!”

Boro-Plus is a universal, inexpensive cream that should be in every family's medicine cabinet. It is suitable for treating both adults and children. When used, side effects are unlikely, because the composition of the product is natural.

It is available in green and purple tubes, but their composition is practically the same.

Action and composition of the product

Boro-Plus is an antiseptic with a wide spectrum of action. It has a pronounced antifungal and antibacterial effect. Quickly heals any skin damage, including burns. Helps relieve itching after insect bites. Prevents wound suppuration and frostbite.

Thanks to the active components contained in the cream, unpleasant symptoms of various skin diseases (itching, swelling, burning, redness) are eliminated.

Read also: What Boro-Plus drugs help with - consider creams, lip balm

The composition of purple and green Boro-Plus is almost identical, it includes the following components:

  1. Sandalwood – has an anti-inflammatory and antiseptic effect, helps cleanse the skin of pathogenic microorganisms and prevent tissue infection. The extract also relieves various unpleasant symptoms of skin diseases and refreshes.
  2. Tulasi – antibacterial and antiseptic natural substance that regenerates the skin. Well moisturizes.
  3. Kapoor Kachari – a natural antiseptic, has an antifungal effect. Used to prevent tissue infection.
  4. Nim – tones, soothes irritated skin, eliminates burning and itching.
  5. Turmeric – heals and regenerates damaged tissues, used in the treatment of dermatitis.
  6. Licorice extract – has a powerful anti-inflammatory and regenerating effect, improves blood microcirculation and metabolic processes in cells.
  7. Aloe extract – moisturizes, disinfects and soothes the skin. Promotes saturation with a complex of active substances.
  8. Vetiver – a substance suitable for any skin. It gets rid of rashes, cleanses, and helps in the fight against peeling and irritation of the skin. Normalizes the functioning of the sebaceous glands, strengthens the skin.
  9. Talc – a mineral natural component that absorbs and removes excess moisture and lipids. Tones the skin, eliminates bad odor.

Users note the following difference between the green and purple tubes of cream:

  1. violet denser consistency, greasier, more difficult to distribute, excellent for skin care in the winter season;
  2. green It feels like it has a wider spectrum of action, can be used to fight acne, it is easy to apply, and quickly relieves inflammation.

Indications for use

The instructions for use of green and purple Boro-Plus cream list the following indications:

  1. frostbite of the epidermis;
  2. chronic skin diseases;
  3. insect bites;
  4. the presence of acne and rashes;
  5. boils;
  6. burns;
  7. scratches, abrasions.

In fact, this is not the entire list of indications; the cream is universal, therefore it is used for many other skin problems:

  1. suitable for the care of dry, irritation-prone skin;
  2. can be applied by men after shaving;
  3. used to heal cracked nipples during breastfeeding;
  4. and also to eliminate skin irritation in infants (from diapers).

Contraindications and side effects

The main contraindications are a tendency to allergic reactions, intolerance to any components in the composition of the product.

During pregnancy and breastfeeding, the use of the cream is not prohibited, but you should consult your doctor before use.

Side effects - skin rash, swelling, urticaria.

How to use it correctly

The drug is applied in a thin layer to previously cleansed skin several times a day until the tissue is completely restored.

For cuts and scratches, wash the damaged skin, apply a small amount of cream to the wound, and bandage it.

Boro-Plus is not addictive, so if there is no allergic reaction to the drug, it can be used for a long time (within reasonable limits).


The product is very popular and is used by a huge number of people. Side effects are extremely rare. Most often, people are dissatisfied only with the strong smell of the cream.

If Boro-Plus is not suitable for you for some reason, you can choose its analogue (preparations containing panthenol).

P.S. Please leave your review of Boro-Plus in the comments.



All information posted on the site is taken from open Internet sources and is provided in its original form. We are not responsible for its accuracy, and in no case do we encourage self-medication. All articles are for informational purposes only.

Before using any products or recipes, we recommend that you consult your doctor!

Boro Plus is a line of medicinal cosmetics that includes several effective skin products. The line includes balms, gels, ointments and creams used for cosmetic and dermatological problems.

Boro Plus Cream is an indispensable complex in every family’s medicine cabinet. Ointments are successfully used to eliminate many dermatological problems. For example, for acne, dermatitis, and care for problem skin. Let's look at the instructions for using Boro Plus.

Features and varieties

Boro Plus creams can be purchased at your nearest pharmacy. These are drugs based on natural ingredients, made in India. The Boro Plus line includes:

Multifunctional ointment "Boro Plus" (in a green tube). It is used as a cosmetic product, a drug for the treatment of dermatological problems, and as an anti-burn drug. The ointment contains extracts of kapur kachari, turmeric, and sandalwood. Consumers love it for its versatility.

Boro Plus ointment purple - a classic cream from the line is used as an antifungal and antiseptic agent. It is successfully used to relieve itchy skin, for example, after an insect bite. The ointment contains lanolin and paraffin, so there are several contraindications: using the cream for oily skin, acne, allergic reactions..

"Boro Plus Acne Relief" is a targeted drug for the treatment of acne, that is, acne. The product contains anti-inflammatory and antiseptic components: camphor, clove and eucalyptus oil, as well as others. Active components quickly cope with inflammatory processes of the skin, stabilize the functioning of the sebaceous glands, and have regenerating properties.

Antibacterial soap is an excellent addition to the anti-acne complex.

Hand and nail product is a skin-restoring and vitamin-rich treatment for problem areas of the hand and brittle nails. The gel contains a complex of oils and red lily extract. The cream significantly restores dry, weakened hand skin and saturates the nail plates with vitamins.

Cream for rough skin of elbows and knees “Intensive therapy”. Dry skin in the elbows and knees is a serious problem that causes quite a bit of discomfort: cracks, wounds, and rough calluses appear. Boro Plus fights them, nourishing and restoring the skin. In addition, the cream actively fights against pigmentation disorders. Acts as a restorative and regenerative agent.

Lotion based on rose water, extracts of basil, lemon, acacia, turmeric. Used as a body care product. Has a healing, toning and moisturizing effect on skin of any type.

Foot care cream “Boro Plus” is a specialized remedy for calluses and corns, and perfectly heals cracks on the feet and heels. Contains nutmeg oil and chamomile infusion, which have an anti-inflammatory, moisturizing and healing effect.

Antibacterial talc powder. It has a deodorizing and tanning effect.

Protective cream for all skin types. Used as an additional means of protection against the adverse effects of wind and frost.

Antiperspirant. A highly effective product regulates sweating in risk areas.

All products in the line are developed based on ancient Indian potions. The ointments contain only natural ingredients, which makes them quite popular among consumers.

Boro Plus for feet

Composition, action and features of Boro Plus creams

The products of the Boro Plus line, the instructions for use describe this, are made from natural ingredients that act on the source of the problem in a gentle but effective manner. To create creams, balms and ointments, centuries-tested ingredients were used:

  1. Green tea extract has an anti-inflammatory effect;
  2. Natural vegetable oils nourish the skin and have a regenerating effect;
  3. Extracts of medicinal herbs (chamomile, red, white lily, aloe and others) relieve inflammation and irritation, relieve itching and swelling;
  4. Spices and essential oils tone the skin and have a healing effect;
  5. Some products contain natural talc, lanolin, dimethicone - these substances play a binding role, having an additional effect on eliminating the problem.

Thus, the “Boro Plus” series can be considered natural cosmetics, tested over a long time by Hindu doctors. The drugs actively combat any skin problems and are used both in cosmetology and dermatology.

Indications for use

Boro Plus ointments are universal products that should be in both the first aid kit and the cosmetic bag of any home. As a medical product in dermatology, Boro Plus is used to treat:

  1. abrasions, wounds, cracks as a healing therapy;
  2. frostbite, can be used as a prophylactic;
  3. sun and mechanical burns;
  4. chronic and acute skin diseases, for example, dermatitis, eczema, erythema;
  5. fungal lesions, including those affecting the feet and nails;
  6. rashes and rashes due to allergic reactions of various etiologies;
  7. cracked nipples during breastfeeding;
  8. purulent skin lesions, boils;
  9. insect bite sites.

In cosmetology, Boro Plus is used as the main means of combating acne. A correctly selected complex allows you to get rid of not only acne lesions within a month, but also minimize the consequences of acne: scars, scars and white spots.

The natural substances included in the composition allow you to create balanced skin care for any type. Creams actively cope with age-related changes, such as the appearance of wrinkles, dry skin and pigmentation disorders. With regular use of Boro Plus, the skin acquires a healthy matte tint and unevenness is smoothed out.

Thanks to its unique formulation, the cream can be used as a “diaper” product for children of the first year of life. In addition, it copes well with diaper dermatitis in babies.

Let's look at the indications for the two most popular Boro Plus creams and ointments. The instructions for use describe similar indications, but there are still minor differences.

Cream Boro Plus “Regular”:

  1. dry skin;
  2. boils;
  3. herpes;
  4. mechanical and sunburn;
  5. skin cracks;
  6. mechanical skin injuries;
  7. calluses;
  8. pimples and acne;
  9. insect bites;
  10. cracked nipples during breastfeeding.

Boro Plus Cream “Herbal Aroma”:

  1. acne and acne;
  2. bacterial infections;
  3. purulent skin lesions;
  4. chapped lips;
  5. dry skin;
  6. Zaids;
  7. cracked heels;
  8. with fungus on the legs;
  9. cleaning skin pores.

Instructions for use

Depending on the purpose, methods of use may vary. It is important to remember that when choosing “your product” you should pay attention to the characteristics of the problem, as well as individual skin parameters.

If Boro Plus cream is used to treat acne, then it is more advisable to apply the ointment using a bath sponge or stick locally, gently lubricating the area around the acne. It is recommended to carry out the procedure three times a day. In the same way, ointment is applied for other skin diseases (herpes, eczema) and for the treatment of wounds, cracks or abrasions.

For cosmetic purposes, products are applied to the entire surface of the area. Depending on the problem, the products are used as a day or night cream. Products for legs, elbows and knees are used as night compresses. For example, to remove cracks on the sole, you need to apply a thick layer of cream overnight, and then put on woolen or special socks.

Important! Always apply the cream or gel to clean and dry skin. If Boro Plus is used for the first time, it is recommended to conduct a test to determine skin tolerance.

To heal wounds and burns, the ointment is applied to already dried skin; it is not recommended to lubricate wet or bleeding surfaces.

When treating ulcers and boils, use a cream under a bandage. To do this, ointment is generously applied to the area of ​​damaged skin and covered with gauze or cotton bandage.

Contraindications and side effects

Each of the components of the drug can cause individual intolerance or allergies. Side effects of the ointment include:

  1. skin rashes;
  2. urticaria, peeling;
  3. itching and burning in the area of ​​application;
  4. redness.

If negative reactions occur when using the drug, it is necessary to cleanse the skin of the product and stop using it.
However, as studies and many years of experience have shown, adverse and allergic reactions when treated with Boro Plus products and ointments occur quite rarely.

Boro Plus products and ointments are used only externally; it is worth limiting the application of the cream to any mucous surface.

It should be used with caution during pregnancy and lactation. Despite the fact that the drug is poorly absorbed into the blood and acts mainly locally, you should first consult a doctor.


There are no complete analogues to Boro Plus products. However, it is worth noting products that are similar in action. These drugs include healing ointments:

  1. D-Panthenol - the drug is widely used for skin diseases, cracks, diaper rash and rashes;
  2. Bepanten - similar in composition to the previous product, it also contains the active substance dexpanthenol, which has an antiseptic, healing and soothing effect;
  3. Cream Vitamin F 911 is a completely natural ointment based on natural ingredients, has properties similar to Boro Plus;
  4. Silcalfate Avenue, an ointment containing zinc, also has a healing effect.

However, these products can hardly be called safe, since they contain chemicals that can cause negative skin reactions, unlike Boro Plus ointments, which are made based on natural ingredients.

Boro Plus series creams can be purchased at a pharmacy or cosmetics store. The cost of the product is quite low and does not exceed 150-200 rubles, depending on the representative of the line. This significantly distinguishes it from similar drugs. In addition, the unique natural composition of the drug attracts

Boro Plus ointment has been holding its position on the market for several decades. Due to its unique properties, almost every home has some product from the series. The most popular are creams in green and purple tubes.


Consumer reviews of Boro Plus products are always only positive.

I use Boro Plus green cream for my daughter’s diaper rash. She is already 6 months old. We use it from birth. We are pleased with the result. The skin rash disappears overnight, despite wearing a diaper. The cream was recommended by my mother-in-law, who has been using the product for 20 years.

I suffer from herpes on my lips. I tried a lot of remedies: both expensive and cheap. But only Boro Plus helped. A good product at a reasonable price.

Alexey, 32 years old

I am a mother of many children. You understand that I face problems every day. For abrasions, burns, diaper rash in babies - Boro Plus is simply irreplaceable. A universal ointment for all occasions. I use it myself as a night cream. The skin became smooth and beautiful.
Maria, 35, years old

Boro Plus creams and ointments are a universal remedy that, in a gentle form, actively acts on problem skin; it is not without reason that millions of women and men, elderly and young people use these products to solve simple and complex skin problems.