Bags under the eyes before menstruation

Every time, when you come home in the evening, you simply collapse from fatigue, your legs become like the legs of an “elephant”, and in the morning you are bothered by bags under your eyes, swelling of your face and in general - you feel like a balloon and every day you become more and more inflated more. The presence of edema is indicated by such signs as traces of clothing elastic bands on the skin. In addition, if you press your finger on the front surface of the leg for 30 seconds in the place where the bone is as close as possible to the surface of the skin, then even with slight swelling there will be a dimple that does not go away for quite a long time. How to help you and what to do is the topic of our conversation today.

In fact, swelling does not occur out of nowhere, but is a signal that something is wrong with your body. The causes of impaired outflow and fluid retention in tissues are different, and therefore hydrostatic edema is distinguished, in which the main role is played by an increase in pressure in the capillary; hypoproteinemic, the main reason for the formation of which is a decrease in the content of proteins in the blood plasma, especially albumin, and a decrease in the colloid-osmotic (oncotic) pressure of the blood plasma with the release of fluid from the bloodstream into the tissues; membrane-genic, the formation of which is caused by an increase in capillary permeability due to their toxic damage, inflammation, and disturbances in nervous regulation. It is also customary to distinguish between general and local edema. General edema develops in diseases of the heart, kidneys, liver, and gastrointestinal tract; local swelling - for diseases of the veins, lymphatic vessels, and allergic inflammation. Local edema is associated with a specific organ or area of ​​the vascular bed and is easily distinguishable from general (generalized) edema.

So, in order to begin treating edema, you need to identify its cause.

If your legs swell

The most common swelling is swelling of the legs. Generally, mild swelling at the end of the day is not a cause for concern. If you spend the whole day on your feet, standing for a long time increases the pressure in the capillaries of your legs - this leads to swelling. Relaxing with your legs elevated will help you get rid of the problem.

If you have swelling due to consuming a large amount of liquid the day before, from heat or fatigue, then special foot baths will help relieve swelling in your legs. The most effective bath: add sea salt to cool water at the rate of 2 tbsp. spoons per 1 liter of water, or several tablespoons of pine extract. Soak your feet for 5-10 minutes, then pat dry with a towel.

Swelling in the legs may indicate the presence of other diseases. For example, severe swelling of the soft tissues of one or both extremities, which does not stop for a short period of time (from several hours to several days), is not typical for varicose veins of the saphenous veins. The cause of damage to one limb is often acute deep vein thrombosis, and two - thrombosis or acute heart failure. (Deep vein thrombosis can be a complication of varicose veins. The mechanism of formation of edema in the legs in chronic heart failure is the same as in varicose veins. But they are characterized by some features. One of the main ones is a pronounced dependence on body position: if a person maintains constant physical activity, the swelling has a symmetrical location on both legs, mainly on the legs, and in bedridden patients - in the lumbar region.

General swelling before PMS

Most women, a few days before their period, begin to swell in their eyes: the ankles increase in volume, the eyelids swell, the face becomes puffy, the gums and joints swell. Add here drowsiness, bad mood, headache, etc.
For many, after their period ends, all symptoms go away. If this does not happen to you, you should consult a doctor to prescribe treatment. General recommendations include adjusting your diet in the days leading up to the onset of menstruation. First of all, try to eliminate salty foods. Salt retains water in the body, and this causes swelling. Sadly, your favorite candies, melt-in-your-mouth ice cream and other desserts can also cause fluid retention. Although it seems strange, you need to drink more these days. By filling your body with a large amount of fluid, you give additional stress to the kidneys, which begin to intensively flush out excess salt and sugar from the body. Drink as many herbal teas as possible from chamomile and peppermint. These herbs have an anti-edematous effect. For edema, you can also take diuretics, but you should not abuse them. It is better to make it a rule to eat a bunch of parsley: it has an excellent diuretic effect, but does not put too much strain on the kidneys. But if swelling accompanies you not only on certain days, but has become your constant companions, do not delay your visit to the doctor. Edema can be a symptom of cardiovascular disease and venous or renal failure.

Puffiness under the eyes

Eye swelling is a fairly common problem. If eye swelling bothers you quite often, then you should consult a therapist. After all, the causes of eye swelling can be allergies, kidney disease or hormonal disorders. Puffiness under the eyes can also occur due to excessive fluid intake before bed, lack of sleep, abuse of alcohol, spicy or salty foods. It is better to keep all these bad habits to a minimum.

However, if you do find swelling under your eyes in the morning, there are several simple ways to quickly deal with the problem. You can make compresses from herbal infusions. To combat eye swelling, brew chamomile, dill, sage or parsley, cool the decoction, then soak cotton swabs in the infusion and apply to the eyes. To prepare a chamomile decoction, you need to pour some dry chamomile inflorescences into a cloth (any scarf), roll them into a bag and place them in a bowl with boiling water and leave for 5-10 minutes. Then, while the “bags” are still warm, place them on both eyes. This compress is used for severely inflamed eyes and swollen eyelids. In addition, with regular use (2-3 times a week), it protects against the early appearance of wrinkles around the eyes. You can also use chamomile tea bags. If you don't have time, you can get by with a couple of tea bags chilled in the refrigerator or pieces of ice made from water or milk.

If the cause of morning swelling is kidney stones, you should consult a urologist. Renal edema is soft, watery, mobile. Most often appear in the morning. The process begins with the face and eyelids, then the whole body swells.

Edema in pregnant women

Most often, edema in healthy pregnant women who do not have cardiovascular or renal pathology appears in the second half of pregnancy. Usually the legs swell first, then swelling of the arms, abdomen, and face may occur. The latter is especially upsetting for expectant mothers. After all, the eyelids swell the most on the face. This is due to the anatomical features of this area. There is loose fiber located there, which, like a sponge, is ready to retain liquid.
In the morning, swelling in the legs is less noticeable, because at night the fluid spreads evenly throughout the body. But during the day, when you spend more time on your feet, the fluid goes down, accumulating mainly in the ankles, on the back of the feet, on the shins, where the pressure of a finger can cause a slowly leveling hole. Skin with edema is pale, tense and smooth.
To know exactly how much fluid accumulates in the body and is removed from it, you can compare the daily amount of fluid drunk, urine excreted and the body weight of the pregnant woman. All these restrictions are justified: the kidneys will not experience increased stress, which means that swelling will not occur and blood pressure will not increase. If an expectant mother wants to make any changes to her diet (limit herself in certain foods or, conversely, add something), first of all, she needs to consult a doctor.
Swelling, which is almost always associated with pregnancy, disappears soon after birth. After childbirth, a lot of fluid that accumulated during pregnancy is lost. Women are usually pleasantly surprised to find that the swelling in their arms, ankles, legs, neck and face (which is common in almost every pregnancy) has gone away within a few days.

Quincke's edema

As a result of an insect bite, unusual food, etc., local swelling may develop, which is called Quincke's edema. Quincke's edema is a reaction to various biological and chemical factors, often of an allergic nature. Named after the German physician Heinrich Quincke, who first described it in 1882. Manifestations of Quincke's edema are enlargement of the face or part or limb. The color of the skin does not change.
Treatment of angioedema includes, in addition to medications, mandatory identification of the allergen or other provoking factors and their elimination.
Angioedema differs from ordinary urticaria only in the depth of skin damage. Edema of significant size most often appears in places with loose tissue - on the lips, eyelids, cheeks, oral mucosa, and genitals. In typical cases, it disappears without a trace after a few hours (up to 2-3 days). Patients with moderate to severe reactions should be hospitalized.
Usually the itching and fever go away over time. Swelling of the face, mucous membranes of the mouth and throat, causing an attack of suffocation, is dangerous. In this case, you must immediately call an ambulance!

How to deal with swelling?

If swelling is not associated with any diseases, then the following tips will help:

  1. reduce fluid intake, especially in the evening before bed
  2. Avoid fried foods; it’s best to steam foods
  3. drink a decoction of flaxseed: 4 tsp. seeds, pour 1 liter of water and boil for 15 minutes. Strain the broth and take 1/2 cup warm 3 times a day for 2-3 weeks.
  4. do physical exercise, swimming in particular
  5. spend more time outdoors
  6. give up high-heeled shoes
  7. for facial swelling, lubricate problem areas with potato juice

Yoga will help you cope with swelling (not associated with serious diseases!). Here are some exercises that will help disperse accumulated fluid.

Viparita Karani Mudra

Lie on your back on the floor, do not put anything under your head. Legs extended, arms at sides, palms pressed to the floor. Slowly raise your legs to about a 30-degree angle and hold in this position. Pushing your hands off the floor, raise your legs to a vertical position. Stay there for a few seconds. Continue lifting, tilting your legs toward you, lifting your pelvis off the floor. Grab your lower back with your hands, place your elbows on the floor. Holding your body in your arms, straighten your torso. The head lies on the floor, the back is straight, the legs are extended vertically upward. Breathe freely and naturally, preferably deeply enough, but without straining. If it is difficult to keep your legs vertical, you can tilt them slightly toward you, but so that the plane of your gaze does not intersect your feet. Tilt your legs towards your head, remove your hands, place your palms on the floor and, leaning your hands on the floor, very slowly and carefully - vertebra by vertebra - lower your torso to the floor. Lower your legs and lie on your back for a while, relaxing. At the mastering stage, it is necessary to perform Viparita Karani Mudra twice a day - morning and evening, not forgetting to stretch the spine in each movement: the pelvis “moves” up from the shoulders, the head in a horizontal direction. The “stretching” of the spine is thus carried out from the base of the cervical spine, pressed tightly, but without force, to the floor. The vertical axis of the pelvis in the holding phase continues the axis of the spine. The legs are vertical due to the flexion of the body at the hip joints, and not at the lumbar spine. It is important! You should master the climb to Viparita Karani carefully and very gradually. A weak Mula Bandha is maintained throughout the entire exercise. When the exercise has been mastered so much that staying in the fixation phase for five minutes does not cause any difficulties, you can move on to the one-time practice of Viparita Karani Mudra and perform it only in the morning. After completing the Viparita Karani Mudra, it is necessary to relax in a supine position, taking at least the same amount of time as the fixation phase lasted. Don’t look at the clock—focus on your subjective sense of time. Breathing during relaxation is natural.

Salamba Sarvangasana

Place a blanket folded in four on the floor. Lie flat on your back with your legs and feet touching each other. Tighten your knees and extend your arms close to your body. Keep your shoulders pointed down and away from your head. Palms point down. The head and neck should be in line with the spine. Stay in this position for a while, breathing normally. Exhale and bend your knees so that they are above your chest. Stay in this position for 5 seconds. Place your palms on the floor and lift your waist and hips, keeping your knees bent and allowing them to go behind your head. Support the upper back of your thighs with your palms and lift your torso. Inhale and exhale. Raise your hips further and support your back with your hands.
The body from shoulders to knees is now perpendicular to the floor. The top of the sternum touches the chin. Keep your palms on your back, where your kidneys are, with your thumbs toward the front of your body and your fingers toward your spine.
Contract your butt muscles so that your lower back and tailbone remain pulled in, and straighten your legs toward the ceiling.
Stay in this final position for 5 minutes, breathing normally. Gradually increase the duration. At the initial stages of training, 2-3 minutes are enough. At the same time: press your palms and fingers into your back to straighten your entire body from armpits to toes; do not let your elbows diverge to the sides, keep them as close to each other as possible, pointing inward; point your shoulders back and away from the direction of your head; move the tops of your arms towards each other.
Exhale, bend your knees and gradually lower your buttocks and back down in a sliding motion without jerking your spine. Remove your palms from your back, lower your buttocks down to the floor and straighten your legs.

Urdhva Prasarita Padasana (Stretched Legs Up Pose)

Bend your legs and press your entire back toward the floor. Extend your arms behind your head. Bring your shoulders toward the floor. As you exhale, extend your legs vertically upward. Actively lengthen them by pressing your pelvis to the floor. Point the inner edges of your feet upward. Lengthen the inner sides of your ankles while drawing in the outer ones. Guide the front of your thighs toward your pelvis, drawing your kneecaps in evenly. Don't hold your breath, keep your head straight. Perform the pose for 1 minute.

Before the days that are called “critical,” most women feel “not at their best.” The stomach and lower back hurt, dizziness, nausea occur, heart rate increases, skin rashes appear, and sudden mood swings, irritability and a tendency to depression have become almost the norm. Unfortunately, such conditions become the subject of inappropriate jokes: premenstrual syndrome (PMS) has long been the talk of the town, although one should not joke about health. Normal physiological processes should proceed calmly, although doctors consider some discomfort to be acceptable: after all, hormonal changes. Today we will talk about such an unpleasant companion of critical days as swelling before menstruation. Is this the norm or a deviation? What should I do and how can I, if not completely get rid of it, reduce swelling before menstruation?


Why does swelling occur before menstruation?

Swelling before menstruation is a common manifestation of PMS. A few days before menstruation, they appear in the vast majority of women, but medical science cannot yet explain the reasons. A woman is a mystery not only for science, and it is hardly worth demanding exact answers, but there are many assumptions.

Estrogens, sex hormones produced by ovarian follicles, are considered the main “culprits,” although no specific evidence has been received: it is assumed that they retain sodium in the cells and fluid is also retained - hence the swelling. At the same time, it is rarely mentioned that estrogen levels are high not before menstruation itself, when swelling appears, but in the middle of the cycle.


It is also believed that at this time the level of progesterone, a hormone produced by the corpus luteum of the ovary and performing many functions, drops (progesterone is responsible for the normal cycle, endometrial renewal and the ability to become pregnant; removes excess sodium, having a diuretic effect). Before the onset of menstruation, the level of progesterone increases and decreases before the onset of menstruation; During menstruation, the body produces very little of it. However, swelling also goes away with the onset of menstruation; Progesterone cannot be “blamed for everything,” but it is still generally accepted that a decrease in its level contributes to the accumulation of sodium.

At the same time, prolactin, which is responsible for the production of breast milk, “comes onto the scene”: the egg is ripe, which means it is necessary to act. It can also retain fluid, especially if the cells are sensitive to it.

Another hormone, ACTH, affects the production of estrogen and progesterone, and during stress the pituitary gland produces more of it: this also has a direct bearing on fluid retention.

The other side is associated with a lack of vitamins and minerals and an excess of harmful substances, but this topic is too broad. Let us briefly recall: in many women, PMS manifests itself in an increase in appetite (this is normal - the body “reserves” in case of pregnancy) and an exacerbation of taste preferences. Modern people have a lot of the latter, with an abundance of all sorts of “sweets” and ready-made products: it’s easy to get used to and difficult to give up.

Often, before menstruation, women “allow” themselves spicy and salty, smoked and fatty foods: the body is already prone to swelling, and then there are these “supplements”. Sweets and fatty milk, baked goods and canned marinades also contribute to the accumulation of water - especially against the background of stress, which is often “eating” during the manifestations of PMS.


At the same time, you don’t want to move, there is a desire to “lie down in a warm hole” - also “intended by nature” - and feast on something: activity decreases - fluid is retained in the tissues.

Another opinion, not without foundation: by accumulating, the liquid protects the female body from dehydration, which is possible due to blood loss during menstruation - nature also took care of it. Nutrients are also removed from the blood - for example, B vitamins and iron: a protective mechanism does not seem superfluous.

This is fine?



You can drink peppermint infusion for swelling before menstruation 5-6 times a day. Boiling water (1 liter) is poured into 30 g of dry raw materials, the container is covered and left for about an hour: the swelling goes away quickly.

Other diuretic herbs: burdock, motherwort, chamomile, parsley, corn silk, hawthorn (flowers and fruits), etc.

Good day, my dear readers. I think that you will not deny that the beauty of your face directly depends on the health of your skin. The most capricious area of ​​the face is the area around the eyes. This is where the first signs of skin aging appear - crow's feet, bags and dark circles. Something needs to be done about this. To begin with, I propose to understand why bags under the eyes of women appear. It’s not for nothing that they say: informed means armed 😉

Why do bags appear under the eyes?

This problem can be caused by various factors. Often it serves as a symptom of serious diseases occurring in the body. There are the main reasons that cause swelling of the eyelids in women:

  1. Glomerulonephritis, pyelonephritis and other kidney pathologies. Because the kidneys stop functioning properly, fluid accumulates in the body. Naturally, this leads to swelling, including the eyelid area. The surest way to deal with bags is to consult a doctor to be cured of kidney pathologies.
  2. Allergic reaction. Swelling can occur when an allergy-causing substance is inhaled or through the conjunctiva. This reaction can occur after using low-quality skincare and decorative cosmetics. If the problem is caused by cosmetics, you need to replace them with better products. If even after this the swelling does not go away, you need to go to an allergist.
  1. Diabetes. Swelling occurs when glucose levels increase. To eliminate the problem, you need to normalize your blood sugar.
  2. Strict diet. Wanting to be slim, women follow very strict nutritional systems. During such weight loss, the body does not receive enough nutrients that are important for it. As a result, this is reflected in the skin - it becomes pale and thinned. Hyperpigmentation appears on it. To cope with this problem, you need to replenish your diet with foods rich in vitamins A, K, E, C. Food containing zinc and iron will also help remove puffiness and dark circles.
  3. Changes in hormonal levels. Swelling can be observed several days before menstruation, as well as during pregnancy. When carrying a baby, you need to consult a doctor.


Why do they form under the eyes in healthy women?

Even healthy women have eyelids that swell from time to time. This could be due to various factors. Most often it is lack of sleep. The recommended sleep duration is 7-8 hours. If you do not get enough sleep regularly, this will lead to exhaustion of the body and weight gain.

Lack of sleep causes overstrain of the eye muscles. As a result, their oxygen demand increases

The body triggers hyperperfusion in this area of ​​the body. Dark circles appear under the eyes. Against the background of pale skin (this is exactly what it becomes due to chronic lack of sleep), bruises will be clearly visible.

Prolonged wakefulness leads to lymphostasis and venous stagnation. Bags appear under the eyes. Quality rest and correction of sleep patterns help cope with this problem.

In addition, prolonged stay at the computer can provoke the formation of bluish bags in the eyelid area. A high-risk group includes girls who sit in front of a monitor all day. Due to severe eye strain, blood flow increases. As a result, the vessels expand and are more clearly visible through the thin skin. At the same time, swelling is observed.

To get rid of this problem, it is important to take regular breaks from work. During such breaks, I advise you to go out into the fresh air. And don’t be lazy – do eye exercises every day.

Here are simple gymnastics for bags and circles under the eyes. You can do this exercise every day.

In addition, swelling can be provoked by ultraviolet radiation. The body, wanting to retain moisture, accumulates it in the fat layer. Therefore, sunbathers should think about whether their hobby is safe.

Reasons for appearing in the morning

This problem can be caused by the following factors:

  1. Accumulation of fluid in the body. Usually the eyelids become puffy in the morning if you eat salty food at night. As you know, salt retains water inside the body, which is why edema occurs. The same effect is observed after drinking alcohol before bed. By eliminating the consumption of salty foods and alcohol, you can prevent the development of this problem.
  2. Incorrect position of the head during sleep. When you sleep, your head should be slightly higher than your body. Otherwise, in the morning you will be looking at a swollen face in the mirror. To avoid this, take your choice of pillow seriously.
  3. Not drinking enough water during the previous day. As paradoxical as it sounds, to avoid bags under your eyes, you need to drink enough water. If you don't drink enough, your body begins to store liquid in reserve, like a camel 🙂 The minimum daily intake is 2 liters. In this case, 2/3 of this volume should be consumed before 2 pm.
  4. Tears before bed. They say that crying is sometimes useful, because with tears the body is freed from toxins. But I don’t recommend doing this before bed. You won't look very attractive in the morning.
  5. If you don't remove makeup in the evening. The skin will not rest at night and swelling will appear after sleep. To prevent this from happening, use micellar water to remove makeup.
  6. Oxygen starvation. This problem is more often encountered by those women who spend most of their time indoors. And also those who lead a sedentary lifestyle. To prevent this from happening, spend more time in the fresh air and play sports.

I think you will be interested in this educational video. Be sure to watch it.

What do permanent bags under the eyes mean?

It turns out that the color of the skin in the eye area can tell a lot about a woman’s health. And also choose an effective remedy to combat this problem.

By the way, cosmetologists use a rapid test that determines the causes of such puffy dark circles. You need to gently press the lower eyelid with your fingertips. Then the skin should be slightly pulled down and held in this position for half a minute.

If the skin darkens after such a procedure, then the reason is rooted in age-related changes. If its color remains unchanged, the problem is caused by an allergen. But circles that have become less noticeable indicate that you have a problem with blood vessels.

More often, puffiness of reddish, brownish, yellowish or bluish tints occurs under the eyes. Why they appear and how to remove them, I will tell you. A lot of useful information on this matter is contained in the article “how to get rid of dark circles using cosmetic methods.”

Blue circles

Bruises often appear due to a hereditary predisposition. Typically, such women have very thin skin on their eyelids. Capillaries are visible through it. They give blue to this area of ​​the face.

Bruises can also be caused by deterioration of venous outflow. Their presence may indicate that cerebral circulation is impaired. They also indicate that there are problems with blood pressure.

Moreover, blueness under the eyes is observed due to lack of sleep. This “beauty” can occur after prolonged work at the computer or as a result of recent stress. Blue circles are also observed in pregnant women and women whose bodies are experiencing strong hormonal changes. Those who have bad habits - smoking, abusing alcohol - may face the same problem.

In some cases, therapy should be aimed at eliminating the root cause of the problem, and the bags will go away on their own. And sometimes it’s enough just to change your lifestyle by giving up bad habits. For details on what needs to be done at home, read this article.

Brown circles

Such dark bags are in most cases nothing more than pigmentation. Melanin is simply unevenly distributed on the skin. Typically, this phenomenon is encountered by those ladies who have impaired pigmentation. Sunbathers are also susceptible to this problem.

Moreover, a brownish tint to the eyelids can be observed with vitamin deficiency. This happens with poor nutrition, and also when girls go on strict diets.

Diseases of internal organs can also provoke brown circles. Therefore, if, after tidying up your diet, you do not notice any improvements, do not hesitate. Seek help from your doctor. He will refer you for diagnostics, and based on the results, he will prescribe medications. If you follow the doctor's instructions, you can remove even large dark bags.

Red circles

One of the reasons for this phenomenon is infectious and inflammatory diseases occurring in the body. These include adenovirus infection, sinusitis and conjunctivitis.

Also, redness on the lower eyelids is observed due to microhemorrhages in the blood vessels located under the eyes. The released red blood cells are oxidized. As a result, the area turns reddish-purple.

Red circles also appear in women with a hereditary predisposition. Usually such women have snow-white, delicate skin. It is very thin in the eye area. Therefore, here the skin is translucent, and the blood capillaries underneath are clearly visible.

If the problem is provoked by dysfunction of certain organs and systems, then you will not be able to cope with “beauty” on your own. First you need to eliminate the disease - the root cause. After this, the red circles usually go away.

Yellow circles

Yellowness under the eyes develops under the influence of the following factors:

  1. excessive stress;
  2. high levels of carotene;
  3. problems with the gallbladder or liver;
  4. lack of rest;
  5. dysfunction of the circulatory system;
  6. prolonged exposure to direct sunlight;
  7. bad habits - excessive drinking and smoking.

If the problem is not caused by serious illnesses, it is enough to get rid of bad habits and rest. Usually the circles go away pretty quickly. Homemade cosmetics and folk recipes will help speed up the process.

And yellowness in the lower eyelids, caused by pathologies of internal organs and systems, requires additional medical intervention. The doctor will monitor the situation throughout the treatment, focusing on the patient’s condition and test results.

I think that today's article will be very useful to you. Now you can constantly monitor the condition of your eyelid skin. And if necessary, act immediately to prevent the situation from worsening. Be sure to send a link to the article to your friends - they also want to look perfect. And don't forget to subscribe for updates. And that’s all I have for today: bye-bye!