Ileus, similar to kulanj

Ileus sometimes occurs from all those causes from which kulanj occurs, so with regard to the causes, manifestations and treatment of ileus, one should refer to what has been detailed in the paragraphs on kulanj. Often this disease begins as a result of the ingestion of various poisons that produce ileus, and sometimes it is due to the retaining force of the intestines, which seizes the contents of the intestine and locks it. One of the differences in judgments about ileus and kulanj is that ileus comes from a disorder of simple nature more often than kulanj comes from it. For the most part, ileus arises from a cold nature, especially if it turns out that the stomach is very hot, as well as from volvulus, strong winds and an abundance of mucus; Sometimes it is caused by untimely drinking of cold water. With wind ileus, the pain due to the formation of a blockage is stronger than the pain from rupture of the layers of the intestine, and it even seems that all the harmfulness of this disease is caused precisely by the blockage, and this is the opposite of what occurs with kulanja. Tumor ileus occurs very often, more often than tumor ileus, and it is a very dangerous disease; There are also numerous cases of ileus from divergence of the abdominal walls. Fecal ileus causes very severe pain. Kulanj often turns into ileus, and this seems to happen even in most cases.

Ileus most often kills on the seventh day. It passes from one person to another, transmitted through the pestilent air, and is transferred from country to country, from climate to climate, just as incoming diseases are transferred. Hippocrates says: “If hiccups, vomiting, confusion and spasms occur during repeated kulangzh, then all these are dangerous signs.” And these signs appear during kulanj due to the complicity of the stomach and brain. And Hippocrates also says: “When ileus occurs from retaining urine and releasing it drop by drop, the patient dies on the seventh day, unless a fever begins and profuse sweat flows because of it.” Galen does not know the reasons for this. With mucous and windy ileus, fever also has a beneficial effect. If bad vomiting, vomiting and hiccups intensify and become more frequent, then ileus kills. The good quality of urine in a bottle with this disease does not indicate great well-being; there is nothing to say about bad urine. The worst type of ileus is one in which feces are ejected overhead; it is called “smelly” ileus. This is followed by one in which the sweat is offensive and smells like feces; then one in which the breath is offensive, then one in which the belching is offensive, and finally one in which the lower winds are offensive.

Signs. Signs of ileus are pain above the navel, complete absence of discharge below and little benefit from enemas, as Hippocrates says. Sometimes the stool rushes upward, and the patient regurgitates feces, worms and “pumpkin seeds.” His breath and belching are fetid, and sometimes even his whole body is fetid.

These signs do not deceive the doctor, and a delay in the release of anything from below is necessary in this disease, while a strong eruption of feces in the vomit is not necessary, and it intensifies only when the patient’s condition is dangerous. However, the urge to vomit and its attacks with ileus occur more often than with kulanj, because this ailment is rooted in the intestines located closer to the stomach than the hearth of kulanj. Also, attacks of melancholy and sadness, heart failure, fainting, insomnia and coldness of the extremities - all this happens more often with ileuss than with kulanja. The feeling of heaviness with mucous and fecal ileus is greater than with kulanja, because ileus occurs in an organ that is higher located, weaker in substance and less stable in the body. Swollen eyes sometimes appear more with ileus than with kulanja.

Then there are signs of varieties of ileus, similar to those of varieties of kulanja, such as the location of the pain, its movement, little benefit from enemas. However, with ileus from poisons, other signs indicate this even before the disease intensifies: if the cause is poison, this sometimes causes weakness, muscle relaxation and palpitations at the very beginning of the onset of the disease, before the pain intensifies and worsens; This is also indicated by the absence of another obvious reason. If ileus is due to the holding power of the intestines, this is indicated by greater hardness of the feces, rapid eruption of feces in vomit, absence of fever and absence of a great loss of strength;

Treatment. The treatment of ileus is close to the treatment of kulanja, but it is only stronger. Drinking medicines are more useful with it, but enemas are also necessary, because if the medicine is taken from above and lingers, then the enema from below will turn out to be a good assistant to the drinking medicine, no matter whether the enema preceded it or followed later, depending on the need. Whatever remedy precedes, the subsequent must be weaker. Often the pain of ileus calms down if you drink hot water, because the water will reach the sore spot and dissolve what causes pain. Some believe that it is best to first dilate the intestine by carefully inserting the bellows, and then do an enema so that the medicine can easily reach the distant place. Bloodletting here is more necessary than with kulanja, and if there is a tumor, it is mandatory. You should also resort to bloodletting if there is severe pain that makes you fear a tumor. Sometimes with this disease, bad juices are dispersed throughout the body, since they cannot be removed, and the body becomes fetid; if bad juices are dispersed throughout the body and it is difficult to expel them by relaxation, then bloodletting becomes necessary. Rubbing the limbs also prevents bad matter from deepening, causing pain when deepened.

The use of gliding agents, the nature of which is somewhat hot, as well as hot mucus with castor oil, helps with almost most types of ileus, except, of course, bile and very hot tumor; A decoction of dill with salt and olive oil boiled with these two substances, or rubbing heated olive oil into the body are also useful. Mucous ileus is treated with the same drinking remedies discussed in the paragraphs on kulanj, as well as sabur pills, sagapen pills and iyaraj pills; all this is taken with castor oil. Or they use moderate enemas that excrete downwards.

Wind ileus is used by the same drinking remedies that help against the winds, which were mentioned in the paragraphs about kulanj, and enemas, so that the enemas help what they drink; or they put a lot of cups on the upper abdomen. It is often necessary to cut the skin adjacent to the sore spot; sometimes this diverts matter to the walls of the living creature. Ileus caused by nature is treated in ways known to you: by changing the nature and emptying the juices, in accordance with what was said in the corresponding paragraph about kulanj. Hot tumor ileus is treated as we indicated when talking about kulanj; cold tumor ileus is also used. as stated in the paragraph about kulanj - it is best to drink castor oil in an infusion of roots or with the laxative cassia - and other well-known therapeutic measures. Or they take both spikenard, dill, laurel drupes, flaxseed, fenugreek, marshmallow seed and horehound seed - a mithqal each, three roots - seven mithqals each, figs - five pieces, cordia - twenty pieces; All this is boiled and given to drink with castor oil or bitter almond oil.

Biliary ileus is treated with remedies similar to those used to treat the corresponding kulanj; Barrely ileus is also treated as was said in the paragraph about kulanj. Ileus from the divergence of the abdominal walls is treated by giving the patient a position that facilitates the return to the place of what fell during the divergence, and by tightening the diverged place - ileus, which arose as a result of the holding force of the intestines, is treated with the help of fatty substances that cause slipping, and decoctions from fattened chickens , chickens and lambs. These fatty decoctions are taken in the form of isfidbaj and zirbaj; They are especially useful if you put dill, Nabataean leek roots and almond oil in them and then make a moist, soft, lukewarm enema. Fecal ileus is first treated with mild enemas, and then gradually progresses to strong ones.

After this, the patient is given special laxatives for stool so that the remaining feces are removed. When treating ileus from poison, first induce vomiting, for example, with hot water and sesame oil; Sometimes it is necessary to add a little turbite or radish seeds to the emetic. After this, they drink “big teryak”, badzachrome and similar means. Sugar water is prescribed for drinking, and fatty meat broth is given for food. If patients have continuous vomiting and do not take food, they are given medications mentioned in connection with a similar condition in kulanj. Sometimes it is possible to stop vomiting and keep food in the stomach if you give them bread soaked in hot, boiling water. As for ileus caused by astringent, astringent or sticky food, its treatment is close to the treatment of the corresponding type of kulanj, but the most useful here are the remedies that are sipped and drunk.