How to deal with dandruff in women

As you know, skin cells are constantly renewed. After three weeks, the scalp already has new, young cells. If the skin scales begin to peel off much more intensely, then we see hair “powdered” with dandruff.

The culprit of this phenomenon is a fungus called M. Globosa, which lives on our scalp. Due to poor nutrition, excess oil secreted by the scalp or bad shampoo, this fungus can become active. During its life, oleic acid is released, which causes skin irritation and disrupts regeneration processes.

There are many special cosmetic shampoos to combat dandruff. Among them, the most famous are Seborin, Head end Shoulders, Londacare, Crisan shampoos, which usually contain zinc or tar, as well as shampoos created on the basis of medicinal plant extracts: Shampooing Antipelliculaire, Swiss Formula, Anti-Schuppen. Such shampoos are designed to clean the ducts of the sebaceous glands and relieve skin irritation, and are able to fight dandruff at an early stage of its appearance.

Medicinal shampoos for dandruff are produced not by cosmetics, but by pharmaceutical companies. These shampoos destroy the fungus that causes dandruff, and also relieve inflammation, itching and slow down the process of cell death. They are not used continuously, but as a course of treatment, usually four to six weeks. Dermatologists recommend medicinal shampoos: Nizoral Shampooing, Freederm Zinc, Dercos Shampooing, NodО D.S.

Recently, Dermazol Plus shampoo has received excellent reviews, which, in addition to antifungal and antibacterial drugs, includes a complex of zinc compounds, ketoconazole and aloe.

The content of the article

Dandruff is white flakes that appear when the dead cells of the upper layer of the epidermis of the head are exfoliated. Normally they are not visible, but when they become noticeable, this is a pathology.

Why does she appear

When changing hair care products or after coloring your hair, dandruff may suddenly appear. This means that some product contains a component that is not suitable for your skin. In this case, it is enough to start using proven products, and dandruff will disappear.

When people are nervous, they often eat a lot of sweets and starchy foods, but the body doesn’t like it, so it signals you about this with the appearance of dandruff.

There is an opinion that dandruff occurs due to a fungus that lives in every person. It provokes the appearance of dandruff when the immune system is weakened as a result of stress, hormonal imbalances, poor diet or any illness.

Dandruff treatment

Special medicated shampoos that have a strong effect are very effective. They contain different active ingredients. For example, selenium sulfide, which is part of shampoo, slows down the rate of cell division in the scalp. There are shampoos with salicylic acid, which helps exfoliate scales from the skin. Tar anti-dandruff shampoo has an antibacterial effect. It is a powerful remedy and is used rarely and in advanced cases. It is not recommended for fair-haired people, as it colors the hair darker. At the beginning of the appearance of dandruff, this shampoo can be used no more than twice a day, then you should change it to a milder product.

Massaging the scalp can help combat dandruff. If you do it before washing your hair with salt, there will also be a peeling effect.

Sea buckthorn helps with dandruff. You need to mix sunflower oil and sea buckthorn oil (1:9), rub the mixture into the roots of your hair and cover your head with a shower cap or plastic bag. After an hour, wash your hair with shampoo. It is necessary to carry out this procedure 2 times a week (a total of 10 such hair masks are required).

Nettle juice is also used in the treatment of dandruff: squeeze the juice from 4-5 leaves, pour into a container. Add beaten yolk and a couple of spoons of sour cream and mix. Add 2 tsp. mustard oil, 2 tsp. oatmeal flour (the mixture should be the consistency of sour cream). Apply the mask to the roots of your hair and cover your head. After half an hour, also wash your hair with shampoo. This method is also used for hair loss.

The benefits of burdock oil in the fight against dandruff are undeniable. Take a tablespoon of burdock oil, 2 yolks, 1 tsp. honey The mixture is applied from hair roots to ends, after half an hour, rinsed with water. The mask gets rid of dandruff, prevents hair loss and gives it shine.

Fermented milk products have been used for dandruff for a long time. Apply curdled milk or kefir to the roots of the hair, after half an hour, wash the hair with water with the addition of mustard - 1 tbsp. per liter of water. Dandruff disappears, and hair begins to grow faster, which is important for women.

It is also necessary to limit sweet, spicy, fried, fatty foods and seasonings in your diet. You should pay attention to foods rich in vitamins A and B, and foods containing coarse fiber.

Dandruff is a very common problem. Often its appearance is caused by inappropriate hair care. Due to the increased activity of the sebaceous glands, it becomes thinner and thinner, and the normal course of cell regeneration processes is disrupted. How to get rid of dandruff at home?

Treating dandruff with soap at home

Soap will help eliminate the problem. But only economic or tar. You should not get too carried away with the use of these products because of the high alkali content in them, which is not at all beneficial for curls. According to trichologists, it disrupts the hair structure.

To prevent your hair from drying out, it is recommended to use this medicine once a week. Curls are washed in soapy water. For prevention purposes, it is recommended to use the technique once every three weeks.

Tar soap is also effective. It contains a unique combination of natural components, thanks to which the problem is significantly reduced or eliminated completely. How to deal with dandruff at home? Apply soap to the roots of wet hair, foaming, and distribute throughout the curls. Rinse off after a couple of minutes, and after use, be sure to make a nourishing mask. Dandruff will disappear after two weeks of treatment.


Most anti-dandruff shampoos only wash out the top layer. It turns out that the symptoms are eliminated, but not the problem itself. Even if you switch to daily washing, dandruff will remain. The scales will begin to recover faster as they become accustomed to new conditions.

But if dandruff is detected before an important event, when there is no longer time for long-term treatment, medicated shampoo is a completely suitable solution. Be sure to familiarize yourself with the composition of the product, because if there is not a single medicinal component in it, then the result will be zero. What is the best remedy for dandruff? Ketoconozole, Zinc Pirythione, Selenium Disulphide, Climbazole have an antimicrobial effect, Octopirox and tar eliminate large dandruff, Salicylic Acid and sulfur reduce the rate of cell reproduction.

To wash if you have dandruff on your hair, you should use warm water at a comfortable temperature, but not hot. If the shampoo used is concentrated, it must be diluted with water in a ratio of one to three.

To get the effect of using medicated shampoo, you need to apply it twice. First, the product is applied to the curls, rubbed into the skin and rinsed off. Next, take a break for ten minutes and repeat the application steps again.

When choosing shampoo, it is better to give preference to stores and pharmacies, where you can see the product’s quality certificate. “Sulsena” and “Nizoral” have proven themselves to be excellent in the battle against dandruff. It is important to use medications strictly according to instructions. "Sulsena" is effective against seborrheic dandruff. The product is used once a week for three months.

Node DS+ Anti-relapse is recognized as an excellent remedy for combating dandruff. But the high cost makes the drug inaccessible to most consumers.


Medicines eliminate the fungal cause of dandruff. Of course, the cost of such products is higher than that of shampoos, but the result is guaranteed. Just don’t need to tune in to instant results.

Let it not be immediately, not after the first dose, that you get rid of dandruff. And it will last quite a long time. It is advisable to have an antifungal agent recommended by a specialist rather than self-medicate.

Essential and base oils for dandruff

Lotions, shampoos, medicines are already familiar means of solving the problem. Natural oils and home remedies for dandruff also help solve the problem. They will help you get rid of traces of the insidious “blonde” quickly. Burdock oil is considered the most effective. It is used in masks. The recommended course is three weeks. However, the product is not suitable for those with oily hair, as it makes the hair dirtier and gives it an unkempt appearance.

Burdock and tea tree

The oil is rubbed into the skin, covered with a film and a scarf on top. Leave the mask on for half an hour and wash off with lukewarm water and shampoo. The drug makes the curls a little heavier, and the hairstyle looks very advantageous: the curls are shiny, fit well, and dandruff is a thing of the past. To achieve a lasting effect, the course can be repeated after a short break.

Favorite essential oils that are effective against dandruff can act against it and normalize the condition of the skin. The most commonly used oils are cypress, cedar, eucalyptus, lemon balm, cedar, hop, geranium and rosemary oils. You can drop a couple of drops into shampoo or conditioner, and the curls will become shiny and soft again, and the whitish “snowflakes” will disappear.

It is permissible to apply a few drops of oil to your hands and rub your skin after washing. This effect perfectly activates the growth of curls. Fungal dandruff is eliminated by tea tree oil. It contains substances that kill microorganisms. The oil is also effective for treating the oily form of seborrhea.

The product can be mixed with balms and shampoos, left on the curls for ten minutes, like a mask, and rinsed off. It is better to add a few drops to your skincare products. After a couple of weeks, dandruff disappears, but the result is achievable only with regular consumption.

Castor and olive oils

Castor oil lightly rubbed into the skin will help cure dandruff and seborrhea. It is important to carry out the procedure half an hour before washing. Dry skin is eliminated, itching and flaking are reduced. It is permissible to use castor oil in combination with other products.

Olive oil has proven itself to be an excellent preventive measure. It will protect the skin from peeling and drying out, preventing the appearance of dandruff. After a massage with high-quality oil, cover your head with a regular towel and leave for half an hour. It is important to do massage every day, even with complications after seborrhea. If olive oil is included in the medicinal care product, then after using it the curls will return shine and silkiness.

Coconut and lavender

The use of lavender oil will also help cure dandruff. Thanks to its unique properties, the product reduces the fragility of curls, and with prolonged use it cures dandruff. For prevention, it is recommended to mix the product with shampoo at home: three drops of oil per cap. Lavender is left overnight for complicated consequences of seborrhea.

Coconut oil penetrates deeply into the hair. The product eliminates dryness, and adding oil to skincare products will help prevent dandruff. In order not to see the hated manifestations again, coconut oil is mixed in the same ratio with lemon juice.

Flax and sea buckthorn

Flax oil stimulates the removal of dead cells, is perfectly absorbed and washed off. To cure dry dandruff, the product is heated, then massaged into the roots, and left after a short massage for twenty minutes. Wash off with your usual shampoo. The course is a full month, three times a week. To cure dandruff, a monthly course of three masks per week is required. It is recommended to repeat prophylaxis after a month and a half. To speed up cell recovery, flax oil is mixed with burdock or castor oil for a homemade anti-dandruff mask.

Maintaining the beauty of curls is unthinkable without sea buckthorn oil. It will prevent dandruff and ensure timely disposal of dead cells. Olive and sea buckthorn oils mixed in a ratio of one to six are massaged into curls, left for forty minutes, and rinsed off. The treatment must be repeated twice a week for a couple of months. Dandruff will disappear, curls will be manageable again.

Almond and jojoba

Almond and jojoba oils are difficult to replace in care. Almond is applicable in its pure form. After dropping a couple of drops of the product onto a comb, use it to comb your hair several times throughout the day. Almond oil and other oils mixed in a two to one ratio, supplemented with lemon juice and bergamot oil, will moisturize the skin, becoming an obstacle to dandruff.

Jojoba oil is used by placing four drops on a comb. It is important to comb your hair with this accessory every day. Ten minutes before washing, you can massage your head with jojoba. According to reviews, the night mask is very effective. After getting rid of the problem, you can add jojoba to your shampoo as a preventive measure.

Home remedies for dandruff

Sea salt

Sea salt will help remove dead scales in a timely manner and prevent them from settling as whitish pollen on clothing. It contains a huge amount of useful microelements, and it cannot be avoided in the search for suitable products to combat dandruff. The fat balance of the scalp is normalized and dandruff disappears. Sea salt is massaged into the skin.

The product can be used in pure form or as part of a mask. Add to a teaspoon of salt in the form of a pair of yolks and three soaked slices of black bread, stir to a paste, apply to the hair, and leave for forty to fifty minutes. Then wash off the mixture by rinsing your hair with cool water.

The usual baking soda effectively removes dandruff. This is a recognized antifungal remedy for dandruff, gently exfoliating dead cells. The fine texture of the substance ensures the neutralization of whitish flakes stuck in the curls.

To use, prepare a solution of a tablespoon of baking soda in a glass of non-hot water, add a drop of your favorite oil, and mix thoroughly. Replacing shampoo daily with this preparation will restore the fat balance and dandruff will go away. If it is not possible to prepare the solution before use, you can add a teaspoon of soda to a cap of shampoo.

Onions are good for treating dandruff. In a short time, its decoction will get rid of the problem. To prepare the recipe, pour a small handful of husks into a glass of non-hot water and heat for ten minutes. The infusion is thoroughly massaged into the roots of the curls.

For an onion mask, three tablespoons of onion juice are gently massaged into the skin, wrapped in a warm scarf, and left for an hour. Wash off the composition with shampoo. After such procedures, dandruff disappears, and curls become shiny and strong.


Lemon is also effective in the battle against dandruff. The peels of four of its fruits, poured with a liter of non-hot water, are brought to a boil over a fire, then boiled for twenty minutes, cooled, and filtered. Rinse your curls with the decoction once a week.

An effective mask is made by mixing the juice of half a lemon and four tablespoons of olive oil. The skin is rubbed with the composition, covered with a film and a scarf. After an hour and a half, the mask is washed off with shampoo. It must be done three times a week.


A couple of regular aspirin tablets, crushed into dust, added to shampoo is an excellent anti-dandruff mask at home. You can make a similar supplement for one-time use, rather than putting aspirin in a bottle with the product.

Massage the mixture, leave for ten minutes and be sure to rinse off. It is important not to leave acid on your curls. Do not use the product on thin curls. Aspirin therapy is more suitable for fatty people. With a similar additive, the shampoo relieves itching and flaking.


Apple cider vinegar can help solve many hair problems. This is a real panacea, the most effective remedy against dandruff. To use, mix half a glass of vinegar and clean water. The liquid is slightly warmed up, applied to the skin, leaving for at least an hour. It is necessary to wash off with shampoo.

Vinegar removes dead cells and prevents hair loss. The use of such a product will return silkiness to the curls and eliminate dandruff.


How to treat the problem? “Granny’s Medicine” suggests using herbs in the fight against the insidious “blonde”. Infusions based on burdock rhizomes, celandine, oak bark, tansy flowers, chamomile, nettle and wormwood infusions help heal the problem.

Even a wonderful homemade shampoo recipe is available using herbs. For this, take a drop of rose oil for anti-dandruff hair or six drops of sage oil. Dissolve them in a teaspoon of pure alcohol. Beat the yolk mixture with a mixer and add it to the mixture. In terms of effectiveness, such a tool is much superior to ready-made ones. You can use it every day without fear of causing harm to your curls. Amazing results are noticeable a week after starting use.

A healing decoction of a glass of dry nettle and one and a half liters of water is prepared in a water bath for twenty minutes, infused and used for rinsing. With this recipe you can cure dandruff.

The hair will become stronger. The universal product is recommended to be used after each wash. Amazing purity and shine of curls are achieved after several weeks of constant use.

A couple of fleshy leaves of ordinary aloe is an effective remedy against dandruff. The juice is squeezed out of them and massaged into the skin before washing. Leave the mask on the curls for at least an hour three times a week, you can do the procedure more often.

However, regularity is important. Dandruff will recede, and curls will begin to grow quickly. To give the mask a strengthening effect, add an yolk with a clove of finely chopped garlic to aloe juice.

Anti-dandruff masks at home

For rowan infusion, pour a couple of glasses of boiling water over a tablespoon of berries and leave for a couple of hours. It is important to rinse your hair with freshly prepared product while washing. You can use spruce, pine or fir needles.

A good rinse is obtained from five tablespoons of St. John's wort, poured with half a liter of boiling water. After infusion for half an hour, you can use it for its intended purpose. St. John's wort is an excellent substitute for yarrow or linden flowers. Rinse aid is used after washing.

Pour boiling water over four large spoons of thyme, heat on fire for ten minutes, and after straining, squeeze out. Half of the decoction is massaged into the skin immediately without rinsing, the second is used the next day.

Treating dandruff at home is not very effective without a proper diet and healthy lifestyle. To get strong hair without dandruff, you need to adjust your usual lifestyle. It is imperative to observe the rules of personal hygiene, and if you follow all the recommendations, healthy and beautiful hair is guaranteed.

Dandruff and seborrhea. Very often they put an equal sign between them. This is a misconception.

Seborrhea is a disease; dandruff can be an external manifestation of seborrhea, but more often it is a cosmetic defect.

The reasons for their appearance, as well as the methods of treatment, are different. You can get seborrhea at any age.

The reasons for its appearance are not fully understood, but the risk factors under which seborrhea makes itself felt have been identified.

Today we’ll talk about the causes of dandruff in women and its treatment.

Causes of dandruff in women

Seborrhea. A disease caused by disruption of the sebaceous glands.

Seborrhea affects not only the scalp, but also other parts of the body. Let's consider the main factors that cause dandruff on the scalp in women.

Heredity. Seborrhea can be genetically programmed and passed on from generation to generation.

Taking hormonal medications. Uncontrolled use of hormonal drugs for mental disorders and stress. Use of contraceptives, use of steroids during sports, drugs for weight loss.

Diseases. The presence of seborrhea indicates problems with the ovaries, the formation of a large amount of male hormones in the blood.

Weakened immunity. Diseases of the thyroid gland, diabetes mellitus, chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, long-term use of medications lead to malfunctions in the body, weakening its protective functions.

Hormonal disbalance. In childhood, the glands that produce sebaceous secretions practically do not function. During adolescence, maturation and puberty occur. The level of hormones increases, they give impetus to the activation of the sebaceous glands.

Frequent use of electric heating devices. Hair dryers, hair straighteners, curling irons and other devices, when used systematically, dry out the hair and scalp.

Incorrectly selected hair care products. Shampoos, gels, rinses must correspond to a specific hair type.

Hair coloring. No matter how much manufacturers write about the use of natural ingredients to create coloring agents, practice confirms the opposite. The chemicals that make up dyes have a negative effect on the skin.

Masks. Homemade masks using various means to improve hair growth (pepper tincture, vitamins) can do more harm than good.

Lack of knowledge and the desire to get a quick effect lead to mistakes, which can result in dandruff.

Poor nutrition. Eating fatty, smoked, fried foods, lack of vegetables and fruits, large amounts of sweets.

Stress, fatigue, heavy physical activity.

Impact of external factors. Adverse weather conditions, polluted atmosphere.


Clinical signs of seborrhea. The disease comes in three types, each of which has its own clinical picture of development.

  1. Oily seborrhea. The sebaceous glands work hard, a large amount of sebaceous secretion is produced, the skin and hair take on a shiny, oily appearance. The resulting dandruff is large in size, oily, multi-layered. The sebaceous glands become clogged, bacterial infection begins, which leads to purulent inflammation of the deep layers of the skin. Complications: seborrheic eczema, seborrheic dermatitis.
  2. Dry seborrhea. The sebaceous glands reduce sebum production. The skin dries out and cracks. Hair becomes brittle, dry, and split ends. Dandruff is fine and dry. Itching appears, intensifying after washing your hair. Complications: red skin spots on the affected area (seborrhoids), fungal skin lesions.
  3. Seborrhea mixed type. Combines clinical signs of both types.

Clinical signs of dandruff. Skin the skin becomes dehydrated and the skin dries out. The natural cycle of separation of skin scales changes (shortens).

In a normal state, the process of skin renewal occurs in 30 days; when dandruff appears, it takes 7 days. Complications: hair becomes brittle and dry. Skin itches and turns red.

What to do, who to contact?

If no one in your family has had seborrhea and dandruff has appeared for the first time, you can try to get rid of it with special means.

If the symptoms intensify, there is no result from treatment, consultation with a doctor is required.

The question often arises about which doctor to contact. Everyone recommends a trichologist.

If you live in Moscow, it's worth looking for. In all other cases you should contact a dermatologist. The doctor will conduct an examination and prescribe treatment.

How to deal with dandruff in women?

Next, we’ll look at all kinds of anti-dandruff remedies for women.


You need to purchase medicated shampoos from a pharmacy chain. If you do not buy the product on the recommendation of a doctor, but make an independent choice, pay attention to its composition.

Natural extracts of medicinal plants will moisturize and “feed” the skin and hair follicles. If you have an individual intolerance to any substances, do not buy this shampoo, it may cause an allergy.

  1. Nizoral. Shampoo for the treatment of seborrhea, dandruff. Cleansing and healing. The active substance ketoconazole (synthetic) gets rid of fungus, restores skin damage, and stimulates a reduction in sebum secretion. Used 1-2 times a week, course of treatment is 1-2 months. Price 450 rubles.
  2. Sebozol. Shampoo of identical composition, a domestic analogue of Nizoral. Affects yeast-like fungi. It has a pleasant smell, lathers well and rinses off quickly. Can be used to prevent dandruff. Two or three applications are enough to relieve the unpleasant sensations of skin tightness and itching. Price 350 rubles.
  3. Sulsen Forte. The composition of the shampoo is cause for concern (half of the periodic table is on the list), but it is certified, has undergone clinical studies and has been approved by dermatologists. The shampoo is thick, transparent with colored splashes. It has a pleasant herbal smell (contains burdock extract). Does not require additional use of air conditioner. Price 300 rubles.

Read the tips about how to choose the right shampoo for a man or woman, as well as for dry or oily dandruff.


Professional masks are not a cheap pleasure.

Manufacturers promise with regular use beautiful, healthy hair and clean, dandruff-free skin.

  1. Jordanian mud mask Dolmen Based on Dead Sea mud, it also contains natural oils, extracts and extracts of medicinal herbs. Cleanses the skin well and strengthens hair follicles. Helps normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands. Apply once a week. The mask costs 750 rubles.
  2. Italian mask HairVital. Eliminates itching and flaking of the skin, has a moisturizing and strengthening effect. The course of treatment is 2 months, using 1-2 times a week. The price is about 350 rubles.
  3. Spanish MascMascarilla for the treatment and prevention of dandruff. A peeling mask, with microparticles and a complex of acids, gently cleanses the scalp of dead particles, restores the natural balance and heals affected areas of the skin. The price of one tube is 840 rubles.

The cheapest means, but according to doctors, and the most effective. All ointments have medicinal properties and are sold in pharmacies without a prescription. They cost from 30 to 70 rubles. The disadvantage is that the ointment is difficult to wash off.

  1. Sulfuric ointment. It is used when other means do not produce results. The treatment process with sulfur ointment is lengthy and not very convenient. The ointment is applied to dry hair, left to act for 5 minutes, then washed off. After 8 days of daily treatment, take a break and every other day treat the head with a special shampoo with tar, selenium, zinc, ketoconazole. The ointment has contraindications for pregnant women and nursing mothers.
  2. Zinc ointment. Has anti-inflammatory and antiseptic effects. For very dry skin and hair, add any vegetable oil to the ointment. Zinc ointment is harmless and recommended for the treatment of pregnant women and young children. Apply 2 times a week, the result appears gradually. The course of treatment is 1-2 months.
  3. Sulsena ointment. Successfully fights increased production of sebaceous secretions. Heals the skin and strengthens the hair. There are contraindications for use during pregnancy and lactation. Not used in pediatrics.

Traditional methods of treatment

When treating dandruff at home Burdock root, nettle, chamomile, calendula, and other medicinal herbs are used.

They are used to prepare decoctions for rinsing hair.

Also Masks and lotions based on vegetable oils, berries, fruits using mustard, yeast, and bee products are very popular.

The use of traditional methods of treating dandruff is possible only if the diagnosis is accurately established. It is not possible to cure seborrhea with decoctions and herbs.. But you can waste time and bring the disease to a chronic state.

Complex treatment

A dermatologist, after conducting an examination and establishing an accurate diagnosis, will prescribe treatment.

  1. Tablet antifungal medications.
  2. Antihistamines drugs.
  3. Topicals (shampoos, lotions).
  4. Preparations for stabilizing hormones.
  5. Immunomodulators (dietary supplements, vitamin complexes).
  6. Physiotherapy:
  7. laser puncture;
  8. electroporation;
  9. magnetic therapy;
  10. darsonvalization;
  11. cryo massage.

If dandruff is a result of cosmetic errors, they must be eliminated. Otherwise, the treatment will not work.

Useful video

TV show about the causes of dandruff:


To prevent dandruff from causing you problems, you need to follow simple rules.

  1. Lead a healthy lifestyle.
  2. To refuse from bad habits.
  3. Monitor your diet and weight.
  4. Observe hygiene rules.
  5. At the first symptoms of the disease, consult a doctor.

The rules are not complicated, and they are not difficult to follow. But your beauty and health depend on them.