How to quickly remove facial swelling after alcohol

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  3. How to remove swelling from the face after drinking alcohol

How to remove swelling from the face after drinking alcohol

The morning after drinking alcohol, lovers of strong drinks experience characteristic swelling of the face. Although, we note that it can occur even after a small amount of alcohol in people leading a relatively healthy lifestyle. Why does this happen and how to get rid of swelling?

Having consumed a small amount of alcohol, we often do not experience any particular discomfort associated with a hangover, but swelling in the face reminds us of the feast. Swelling after alcohol can occur either periodically or constantly. For some, such swelling does not appear the next morning, but a day after drinking strong drinks. Many researchers associate such manifestations with alcohol toxicosis, low-quality alcoholic drinks or the wrong snack.

Experts have noticed a trend according to which post-alcohol swelling develops mainly in people who lead an unhealthy lifestyle and do not adhere to a specific regimen. However, sometimes a tumor in the eye area is found in people who do not have a tendency to abuse alcohol and drink alcohol rarely and in small quantities. As a rule, facial swelling in this case is caused by a combination of salty snacks and alcoholic drinks. Moreover, their strength usually does not matter.

Fluid accumulation and stagnation in tissues lead to swelling of the face. However, one must understand that when the face swells after drinking alcohol, water retention also occurs in other organic structures, it just does not appear outwardly. After all, when the face swells, it is most noticeable.

Causes of facial swelling

Ethanol is almost always to blame for the appearance of swelling on the face due to alcohol abuse. It overloads all organic systems, forcing them to function in an extreme mode, which gradually leads to disruption of their activities. Therefore, alcoholics often exhibit renal, hepatic or cardiac insufficiency.

Usually, not only the face, but also the limbs suffer from the accumulation of excess fluid, which indicates an already existing imbalance in all organic systems. Although alcohol has a negative impact on the entire body, swelling of the eyes in the morning is associated with disturbances in the urinary system. Most often, fluid stagnation in tissues occurs due to:

  1. Acid-base imbalance;
  2. Disturbances of ionic balance in tissues;
  3. Alcohol dehydration.

If the patient has a history of swelling, then alcohol will only worsen this problem. Swelling of the eyelids and face after excessive drinking is a very common picture. But fluid retention and, as a result, swelling can also occur:

  1. with protein deficiency;
  2. when drinking large amounts of liquid in the evening;
  3. if you abuse foods rich in salt and fat, for example, nuts, smoked sausage or pickles;
  4. with pathological processes in the cardiovascular or genitourinary system;
  5. with a lack of sleep, due to the fact that after a celebration with the use of alcohol, the body is not able to fully rest, since it is engaged in the metabolism of ethanol and its elimination;
  6. due to the incorrect position of the body during sleep after alcoholic libations, when the head is located below the body and legs, therefore, when you wake up in the morning, you have to look for a way to remove swelling from the face.

In the presence of these factors, alcohol acts as an additional cause, overloading already weakened systems and causing swelling.

How to remove swelling from the face

The time it takes to restore the previous appearance depends on the person’s age, weight, general health of internal organs, alcohol history and hereditary characteristics. If alcohol dependence does not last long, then the swelling from the facial tissues will subside within 24 hours; if you have a significant alcohol history, this may take several days.

Although alcohol has a negative effect on the entire body, swelling of the eyes in the morning is associated with disturbances in the urinary system. To remove swelling from the face and avoid its appearance in the future, you must first avoid drinking alcohol. If, after withdrawal, the puffiness of the face does not disappear, you should consult a specialist. As general recommendations, experts advise drinking at least 8 glasses of liquid per day. You can drink tea with medicinal herbs that have a diuretic effect. Such herbs include celandine, St. John's wort, chamomile or calendula. In addition, such herbal teas will help cope with withdrawal symptoms, speeding up its end.

You can also relieve puffiness from the eyes through the external use of herbal decoctions. It is necessary to moisten cotton pads with them and apply to the eye area. Massage procedures work well for puffy eyes. To perform a massage correctly, you need to lie down or sit half-sitting. Then it is necessary, starting from the center of the face to the edges, to perform stroking, pinching and patting movements, while not stretching the skin.

Such a massage helps restore blood and lymph flow, improve skin metabolism, which subsequently helps get rid of bags around the eyes. The massage time is a quarter of an hour. To better consolidate the effect, after completing the massage procedure, you can apply a cooling compress, which will also help get rid of headaches.

How to quickly remove swelling from the eyes

Sometimes there is a need to remove swelling from the face quickly. What can help in such a case? The fastest in this regard are considered to be diuretic drugs (Furosemide, etc.). But diuretics do not cure the problem itself, they only relieve symptomatic manifestations, however, stagnant processes in the tissues still continue. Therefore, to quickly eliminate puffiness, experts recommend drinking more fluids, adding activity and movement. Such actions help to achieve normalization of organic metabolic processes.

Among the quick ways to combat post-alcohol puffiness, the most popular are:

  1. Ice cubes made from herbal infusions. If such incidents happen very often, it is better to freeze the herbal decoction in advance of the feast. To quickly remove swelling from your face in the morning, you need to massage your face with these ice cubes. It is recommended to use calendula, celandine or chamomile decoction as a raw material for ice;
  2. Strong tea leaves also help to save the situation and “save face”. You need to moisten a napkin in strongly brewed green tea extract and apply it to your face. It is better to use chilled tea leaves;
  3. A potato mask quickly copes with facial puffiness. To do this, raw potatoes are grated through a coarse grater and squeezed. The mixture is placed in gauze and applied to the face. You need to keep this mask for at least 15 minutes;
  4. A cucumber, which is crushed in the same way as a potato, and then placed on the face, is a good way to eliminate puffiness. Women will especially like this mask, since it not only eliminates puffiness, but also whitens.

The most effective way to eliminate fluid stagnation in tissues after alcohol is the use of diuretics, but they can only be taken after a medical recommendation. If puffiness on the face occurs regardless of the use of strong drinks, then it is necessary to be examined to identify the probable causes of the swelling.

Every cell of the human body experiences the destructive effects of ethyl alcohol. Swelling after alcohol occurs in almost everyone who drank it the day before. The entire body suffers from the toxic effects, and only due to the fact that it is able to neutralize all harmful substances and then remove them does a person not die after drinking strong drinks.

Many people do not know why the face swells and what to do to remove visible marks, especially when it is necessary to quickly regain the lost shape and look presentable. Of course, the most reliable way is not to drink alcohol, but if this is not possible, you need to have effective ways to combat swelling at home.

Causes of swelling after drinking alcohol

Before you begin to understand the causes of swelling that alcohol provokes, you should understand exactly what is called edema in medicine. This is excessive accumulation of fluid in tissues, internal organs and the space between cells. When the face is swollen, bags appear under the eyes, the eyelids swell, and general swelling of the face appears.

In general, this condition is not a pathology, but in some cases it can warn that there are certain problems in the body.

Experts have identified a number of factors why swelling occurs after alcohol:

  1. alcohol intoxication;
  2. allergy to alcohol and products that contain it;
  3. kidney diseases. Ethyl alcohol entering the body reduces the filtering and excretory abilities of the kidneys. Since the fluid is not removed in the required amount, it accumulates, causing swelling. In people with such diseases, after drinking strong drinks in the morning, the face and eyes swell;
  4. heart failure. Alcohol disrupts blood circulation, slows down metabolic processes, excess fluid is simply not removed in a timely manner;
  5. With hepatitis and cirrhosis, the liver cannot fully cleanse the blood of incoming toxic substances. The fluid, which is part of the blood structure, settles in the tissues surrounding the vessels, causing swelling of the face.

People who are accustomed to consuming too much salt notice swelling even without drinking alcohol. The face may swell to a greater extent. Sometimes the problem may not be alcoholism, but the age, individual characteristics of a person and his tendency to edema. Heredity and gender must be taken into account.

Methods for relieving puffiness

In order to remove the rumpled look as quickly as possible, you should know how to relieve swelling after a hectic evening or even several days. It is best to approach such a task comprehensively. Alternative medicine has effective ways to combat hangovers and swelling. The situation will help stabilize the use of a certain group of medications.

Do not forget that the body needs to be thoroughly cleansed of toxic products.

Of course, the speed of getting rid of edema depends on how long a person has been abusing strong alcoholic drinks. This is also influenced by age and the general condition of the body. A healthy person will be able to neutralize all the consequences of what he drank the day before much faster.


Medicines that are well known to everyone help to effectively relieve swelling after drinking. You should know the specifics of taking them to get the desired result.

  1. Aspirin is able to break up microclottes formed in the blood by alcohol. They are the ones who cause swelling. To look impeccable in the morning, you should take aspirin no later than 6 hours after drinking alcohol.
  2. Magnesia should be used as indicated in the instructions for the drug. It replenishes the missing amount of magnesium, removes swelling, and the appearance improves significantly. Another advantage is the ability to reduce the load on the liver and speed up the body's recovery process.
  3. Veroshpiron – promotes the rapid removal of excess fluid from the body. Maximum dosage 200 mg. Should be taken 1 time per day. The duration of taking the drug depends on the duration of alcohol consumption.

In alcoholics who constantly drink alcohol, swelling may not disappear even if they take these medications. The condition may worsen. In this case, self-medication is strictly prohibited. A person needs inpatient treatment under the supervision of qualified doctors.


Self-massage helps to quickly restore metabolic processes. If you do this with ice cubes, you will be able to speed up the blood flow and reduce the swelling that appears. Regular ice is suitable for the procedure, but frozen decoctions of chamomile, calendula or sage will be of great benefit. They are often prepared for cosmetic purposes.

Ice massage can be done for no longer than 6 minutes without putting strong pressure on the skin. Active movements can lead to injury, and prolonged exposure to cold can lead to hypothermia, which is also undesirable.

Lymphatic drainage massage is quite easy to do and effectively helps reduce swelling. To implement it, you must follow general recommendations:

  1. use your fingertips to actively knead the skin in the temple area, moving towards the center of the forehead;
  2. continue active massaging, directing movements from the temples to the collarbones;
  3. make several circular movements around the eyes;
  4. massage the temple area, heading towards the eyes, then make movements from the neck to the collarbones.

Each movement is performed at least 10 times. In this case, you should not actively press on the skin. This may cause irritation and stretching. It is best to use a small amount of massage oil.

In cases with slight swelling of the face, this will already be enough to improve the appearance.

There are a couple more secrets on how to quickly get rid of minor facial swelling:

  1. make a paste of 1 strawberry, pureed through a sieve, and a couple of drops of olive oil. Distribute the finished composition evenly over the face, leaving for 30 minutes. The recipe is contraindicated if you are allergic to berries;
  2. A fresh cucumber, pre-chilled in the freezer for 15 minutes and cut into small circles, will help in this situation. They need to be applied to the eyes for 15 minutes, trying to relax as much as possible during this time;
  3. You should brew some tea, wait for it to cool, add chopped fresh parsley to the glass. Then squeeze out the greens a little, distribute them evenly over your face, leaving them to wash with water at room temperature for 10 minutes;
  4. A good remedy is contrast compresses. To do this you will need 2 pieces of gauze, folded several times. Soak the first one in warm water, the second one in cold water. They take turns applying to the face for a minute.

Relieving severe swelling

It is quite difficult to remove a swollen face after prolonged drinking. In advanced cases, this becomes impossible to do without qualified medical care.

At home, to eliminate severe swelling, it is better to use an integrated approach. This way you can achieve the desired result.

During this period it is necessary:

  1. avoid drinking alcohol;
  2. carry out a general cleansing of the body from accumulated toxins. Sorbents are suitable for this: Smecta, Activated carbon, etc.;
  3. you should increase the amount of clean water consumed, this will speed up the detoxification process;
  4. to cheer up and tone the body, you need to increase physical activity: walking in the evenings will have a beneficial effect on your appearance;
  5. work and sleep patterns should be restored. Adequate rest will allow the body to fully recover in a short time and eliminate swelling.

Nutrition plays an important role in the recovery process. Heavy foods are excluded. It is better to fill your diet with healthy proteins, vegetables, fruits, add fish, and dairy products.

What is prohibited to do

Many people do not know that habitual actions can not only not speed up the disappearance of edema, but can also worsen the condition. During the recovery period it is prohibited:

  1. consume hot food and drinks. Evaporation entering the skin will provoke an increase in swelling due to the appearance of micro-burns of the dermis;
  2. You need to exclude salty foods from your diet and reduce your salt intake so as not to provoke fluid retention;
  3. During the recovery period, taking a bath and hot shower is replaced by contrasting water procedures, so the body will get into shape faster.

Everyone knows that alcohol causes the eyes and face to swell, but only some people have effective recipes that allow them to quickly regain their lost shape. Toxic substances contained in strong drinks poison every cell of the body; this should be taken into account before lavish feasts, so as not to regret it in the morning, looking at yourself in the mirror.

The causes of facial swelling are varied. Some of them are associated with diseases of internal organs, others with poor lifestyle choices, especially heavy drinking of alcohol. Removing puffiness from the face after drinking alcohol is not so easy, but sometimes it is necessary. For example, if you need to go to work in the morning or have an important meeting. In this article we will look at the most effective methods.

Allergies and other factors as the cause of swelling

Swelling of the face is caused by diseases of the cardiovascular system, kidneys, bruises, and the consequences of rhinoplasty - a surgical operation during which defects associated with the shape and size of the nose are eliminated.

Swelling of the face can occur due to inflammation of the kidneys. Swelling first appears under the eyes, and then can spread to the entire torso, arms, and legs. In bedridden patients, swelling is noticeable in the lower back, in the area of ​​which mild pain is felt. Treatment in this case is carried out by the attending physician using medications.

Refusal of a healthy lifestyle and alcohol abuse also leads to swelling of the face - excessive accumulation of fluid in the tissues. First of all, we must remember that the condition of swelling is caused by allergic reactions of the body to alcoholic drinks. Especially often in recent years, among young people who want to “have a blast” in their free time, such an undesirable and dangerous disease as Quincke’s edema, or angioedema, occurs, which can cause the death of those who drink alcohol. Its onset is a rash of varying sizes that appears and disappears suddenly. But this is a danger signal! It is necessary to quickly remove swelling if swelling of the larynx begins: swelling can cause suffocation.

Quincke is the reason why it is necessary to urgently contact the ambulance service so that qualified specialists have time to save the patient’s life. This disease is the lot of not only alcoholics, but also people who are allergic to alcohol.

The first thing to do is cleanse the stomach of toxic substances using a solution of potassium permanganate, and the patient takes activated angle, the amount of which depends on the weight. If the patient is severely intoxicated, the gastrointestinal tract is cleansed with an enema. Treatment of a hospitalized patient is carried out in a hospital after examination. The patient must strictly follow the doctor’s instructions and not drink a drop of alcohol during this period.

How does the body swell as a result of intoxication?

In the morning, many people experience slightly noticeable swelling of the face. This phenomenon should not be particularly disturbing, since after washing with cool water, the swelling will disappear. But how does swelling develop after alcohol? Edema is not a disease. This is a symptom of pathology, a deviation from the norm, perhaps a signal of a developing illness. Based on the location of the swelling on the face, the doctor can guess which organ is malfunctioning.

When a person drinks alcohol, his body literally suffers from disruptions in the metabolic process and in the functioning of individual organs. The body's water balance is disturbed, since alcohol that enters the blood partially leaves the bloodstream, taking water with it. This mixture is absorbed by the soft tissue membrane and swelling appears. And although there is enough water in the body, there seems to be no dehydration, but it, the water, is not in its place. Part of the H2O is intensively excreted from the body through urine and sweat. The volume of circulating blood becomes smaller, and kidney failure occurs. The person begins to feel thirsty. Taking another portion of the drink affects the face, which becomes puffy. If the appearance of edema becomes obligatory upon consumption, it means that the patient has developed an alcohol addiction. In chronic alcoholics, facial swelling cannot be removed: it becomes a calling card. It should be noted that with alcohol abuse, swelling inevitably appears on the legs.

If the intoxication is strong, you need to quickly get rid of poisoning, that is, intoxication: cleanse the gastrointestinal tract using activated carbon. Drinking plenty of fluids and inducing vomiting afterwards will also help. After this, it is recommended to drink ordinary, preferably cold, water often, but in small quantities. It doesn’t help - the doctor prescribes a drip, and sedatives, nootropics, and vitamins are introduced into the body of the drunk.

Swelling of the face can be a signal of VSD - vegetative-vascular dystonia, a disorder of the functions of the heart and its vessels. The disease may also be accompanied by numbness in the arms and legs. One of the ways of prevention in this case is getting rid of bad habits, a correct, healthy lifestyle, eliminating and avoiding situations that lead to overload of the nervous system and a stressful state. Light physical labor, physical therapy, massage, and swimming will help get rid of the edematous state of the face with this diagnosis. In this case, it is very important to visit your doctor annually and undergo a full examination. When indicated, it is necessary to begin treatment to avoid chronic consequences.

But let’s return to the conditions for combating edema outside a medical institution. Folk remedies for eliminating clear signs of past libations are teas made from herbs that have diuretic properties. These herbs can be purchased at a pharmacy or prepared in the summer by collecting them in meadows, gardens and forests. These are the following magical healers:

Lemon, cranberries, watermelon, pomegranates, radishes, Brussels sprouts, and beets grown in a summer cottage or bought in a supermarket will also help.

Drinking green tea and coffee is quite effective.

Swelling can also be relieved with the help of cold compresses and masks, for which the gifts of the earth are also often used:

  1. Potato,
  2. Root and greens of parsley and dill,
  3. Cucumber,
  4. Raspberries.

They are ready in an instant. For example, peeled raw potatoes are grated on a fine grater, the pulp, after squeezing it out, is placed on cheesecloth. This compress is placed on the problem area for 20 minutes. The same can be done with parsley root. And chopped parsley and dill are mixed with sour cream and also applied to the face.

Excellent helpers in improving the condition of facial skin and eliminating swelling are fresh cucumber slices or raspberry and blackberry pulp. With their help you can also remove swelling. Swelling is relieved by ground coffee or cocoa powder diluted with lemon juice.

Of course, after these procedures you must not forget to wash your face.

Eating pickled apples, sauerkraut, drinking cucumber or tomato brine restores the normal appearance. Fermented milk products improve the condition of the whole body:

Plus, a hearty breakfast! A contrast shower and a light facial massage give the body a good boost to get rid of the consequences of intoxication.

How to relieve swelling around the eyes and lower extremities?

Swelling around the eyes will disappear if pieces of frozen herbal infusion or ice cubes wrapped in cloth are applied to them. Puffiness of the face should not be a cause for great concern if it goes away on its own within a few hours after drinking alcohol. But you need to understand that this is the body’s cry for help, which means you need to find the strength to provide this help as soon as possible. The main thing is to try to avoid the temptation of a hangover. It will in no way improve the sufferer's appearance.

In addition to the listed procedures, it is necessary to limit salt intake, since it is not involved in the removal, but in the retention of water in the body.

Swelling caused by drinking alcohol can be relieved in the following ways:

  1. Take tablets: Smecta or Polyphepan,
  2. Drink tea with lemon on an empty stomach,
  3. Water your feet with cool water
  4. Make a foot bath with sea salt,
  5. Make salt wraps for your limbs.

If it is impossible to get rid of swelling in either way, you need to visit a doctor to identify the cause of facial swelling and, if necessary, begin treatment for a disease, one of the symptoms of which is facial swelling. Although alcoholism is very difficult to treat.
