How to get rid of bags under eyes at home

In this article we’ll talk about why puffiness appears under the eyes in the morning (a stormy evening the night before is not the only reason). We will also recommend cosmetics that will help eliminate them.

  1. Bags under the eyes: causes of appearance
  2. Quick fix methods
  3. General tips and tricks
  4. Salon treatments
  5. Cosmetics review

Bags under the eyes: causes of appearance

The area around the eyes is naturally prone to fluid accumulation. Loose subcutaneous fat plus thin skin, and even “caves” of the eye sockets are an ideal combination for fluid stagnation. But besides anatomical features, there are several other reasons for the appearance of bags under the eyes and morning puffiness.

The skin around the eyes is prone to puffiness for physiological reasons © iStock

Bags under the eyes can appear even at a young age, in which case it is problematic to completely overcome them with the help of cosmetics. But it is quite possible to reduce it.

If you drink tea and coffee more often than regular water, you are most likely not getting enough fluids. All drinks, except pure water, do not quench the body's thirst, but, on the contrary, act as diuretics. Oddly enough, lack of water provokes fluid stagnation and swelling.

Excess water and salt

If you drink salty foods with liters of water before bed, don't be surprised by bags under your eyes immediately after waking up.

Smoking, alcohol, and excessive consumption of sweets do not have the best effect on the appearance of the skin. Swelling in the morning is proof of this. Drink more pure, still water during parties to stimulate fluid circulation in the body.

Gadget addiction

Monitors and touchscreens are very straining on the eyes. Reconsider your relationship with gadgets or at least take a break every 30-40 minutes when using them for a long time.

Puffiness under the eyes may appear due to the fact that you use regular face cream to care for the skin of the eyelids - it is simply not suitable for this area. Tools designed specifically for this area are needed. Apply the skin cream around the eyes correctly - in the morning and/or an hour and a half before going to bed, so that the product has time to be absorbed. Eyelid cosmetics contain moisturizing ingredients that attract liquid. If you distribute the cream over the skin immediately before bed, the active substances will stagnate in the loose tissue of the eyelids.

Quick fix methods

All emergency measures to eliminate bags under the eyes are aimed at stimulating blood circulation and the outflow of fluid from the eyelid area. Here are the most effective ways.

Bags under the eyes “don’t like” cold and caffeine © iStock

Contrast compress

The change in heat and cold will cause blood vessels to contract, microcirculation to accelerate, and swelling to decrease. The main thing is to avoid extremely high and low temperatures: “ice and fire” is not the best combination for thin eyelid skin.

Lymphatic drainage

Remember a simple technique that will help “disperse” lymph flow.

Walk with light tapping movements of your ring finger from the inner corner of the eye to the ear (towards the nearest lymph node): first along the lower eyelid, then along the upper.

Pinching and stroking brows, move forward from the bridge of the nose to the temples. Repeat several times.

And one more lymphatic drainage exercise.

Stand on your tiptoes.

Press down firmly onto your heels.

Repeat several times. This way you will direct stagnant liquid in the right direction - down to the lymph nodes.

Gymnastics for the eyes

It is useful to give your eyes an unusual load, especially after a night of inactivity or long work in front of a monitor.

Look to the right and slowly move your gaze to the left.

Then up and down.

Then - diagonally.

Repeat the same with your eyes closed.

Cosmetics with caffeine

Caffeine has an excellent ability to speed up all processes in the skin, in particular lymph and blood flow. So this ingredient is most often found in creams and gels for the skin around the eyes.

Cosmetics with menthol

Menthol or mint slightly reduces the temperature of the skin, thereby “awakening” it and relieving puffiness. These components are always present in cosmetics for men - it is especially important for them that the effect is immediate.

Fast walk

Want to get rid of morning puffiness? Find a reason to walk. Twenty minute walk fast (!) step is guaranteed to disperse the liquid and relieve stagnation. Remember, movement is life.

Before any activities aimed at drainage, you need to drink a glass of water.

General tips and tricks

Adherence to a healthy lifestyle will help prevent the appearance of bags under the eyes, and if there is no genetic predisposition, then get rid of them altogether.

Proper nutrition

High-carbohydrate foods, salty foods, as well as processed foods and fast food provoke stagnation in the body. Keep this in mind when deciding to end puffy eyes.

Drinking regime

To prevent fluid from stagnating and your eyes from swelling, drink at least 1.5 liters of water per day (30 ml per 1 kg of weight). Just not before bedtime - many hours of horizontal body position and lack of movement will lead to swelling.

Daily regime

Without proper sleep there is no need to talk about beauty. Eyes tired from continuous daily work need a good rest.

Salon treatments

Any professional care for the skin around the eyes includes special techniques aimed at getting rid of puffiness.

Microcurrents, weak impulses of electric current tone muscles, activate blood circulation and move fluid. As a result, the eyelid skin becomes smoother and more elastic.

Lymphatic drainage massage accompanied by the application of a special mask, often with a cooling effect. The result is visible immediately, but to consolidate it you will need a course of procedures and regular repetition.

Cosmetics review

Remember: all products that you apply to the skin around your eyes must pass ophthalmological control, do not cause irritation and do not provoke swelling. Apply eye cream in the evening 1.5 hours before bedtime.

Bags under the eyes can ruin even the most attractive face. It’s okay if you drank a lot of water the day before, didn’t get enough sleep, and found swelling in the morning. Those who are bothered by this problem quite often should definitely find out the cause and the right ways to get rid of bags under the eyes.

However, do not rush to get scared. Most often, this circumstance is a consequence of a certain lifestyle.

Reasons for appearance

The most common causes of swollen eyes are:

  1. Increased salt content in the body.
  2. Eating spicy food.
  3. Excessive consumption of alcohol and cigarettes.
  4. Long-term lack of sleep.
  5. Nervous tension, overwork.
  6. Excess sleep.
  7. Incorrect position while sleeping.
  8. Careless facial care.
  9. Lack of vitamin D in the body.
  10. Excessive fluid intake at night.
  11. Tears.
  12. Hereditary factor.
  13. Internal problems in the body.

However, as we have already said, if the problem is permanent, hidden, the reasons may be buried much deeper. This:

  1. Diseases of the cardiovascular system.
  2. Violations of blood circulation and lymph flow.
  3. Allergic reactions to certain cosmetic components or products.
  4. Kidney diseases.
  5. Inflammatory processes in the nasopharynx and maxillary sinuses.
  6. Acute respiratory diseases.
  7. Loss of elasticity of the skin associated with age-related changes.
  8. Postoperative period.

Methods for solving the problem

If the issue is purely cosmetic and temporary, getting rid of the bags quickly will not be difficult. At home they will help you:

  1. eyelid compresses;
  2. light massage;
  3. lotions;
  4. ice cubes;
  5. express methods (spoons in the freezer).
  6. masks (from raw potatoes, potatoes and parsley, cucumber, sour cream, honey, lemon).

Express method: cold spoons

As mentioned above, cold has a calming effect on bags under the eyes and relieves swelling. This is a very interesting, but at the same time reliable way to get rid of bags under the eyes at home. Take two spoons and cool them by placing them in the refrigerator or freezer. Apply to the swollen area. Keep it until the spoons get warm. Under the influence of cold, the eyelid tightens well.

Herbal compresses

You can quickly get rid of the effect of puffy eyes using home folk remedies. Chamomile, St. John's wort, string, calendula, mint, sage, oak bark, linden. They have a calming effect and improve blood microcirculation in the soft tissues under the eyes. Pour boiling water over a spoonful of herbs. Strain and cool. Soak cotton pads in the tinctures and apply to the area of ​​swelling.

Lemon juice lotions

Cool the lemon. Squeeze the liquid out of it. Soak cotton pads in it and apply to closed eyes. Hold for 10 minutes.

Tea lotions

You will need one used tea bag. Black, fruity, herbal - at your discretion. Cool it down by placing it in the refrigerator and apply it to each eye one at a time for 10-15 minutes. Or use brewed tea.

Horsetail lotions

Pour a glass of boiling water over a spoonful of chopped and dried horsetail and heat in a water bath for 15 minutes. Cool and strain. Apply cotton pads soaked in the infusion around the eyes.

Birch leaf lotions

Young leaves are especially effective. They are not crushed, but simply filled with cold water. Leave for 7-8 hours. Make lotions and compresses and apply to areas of swelling.

Aloe vera lotions

Antioxidants and vitamin E contained in the plant have a beneficial effect on problem areas. Rub the skin around your eyes with aloe vera juice throughout the day, and very soon you will notice amazing results and quick relief from disfiguring bags.

Raw potatoes

Chilled potatoes make wonderful whitening masks. Dip cotton swabs into previously squeezed potato juice and apply to the swelling for 10 minutes.

Light massage

The massage is designed to improve blood flow to the skin, thereby stimulating the flow of oxygen into the tissues. The general relaxing effect that accompanies stroking has a good healing effect on swollen areas - it will strengthen the muscles of the eyelid and lift it.

Ice cubes

Ice copes well with the problem of swelling. Also helps remove bruises. You can use both regular mineral water and herbal cubes. Spend a few seconds, then apply to the problem area.

Honey mask

Folk remedies that are available to almost everyone will help you overcome dark circles under the eyes. Honey is a universal product and one of the best helpers in cosmetology. Apply a thin layer of it to the puffiness under your eyes. Leave for a while and rinse with warm water. Some recipes say that you can leave the honey mask under the eyes overnight.

Cucumber mask

For best results, use chilled cucumber. Cut into slices and apply to closed eyes for 15-20 minutes. Do this procedure three times a day.

Potato mask

Get rid of dark circles under the eyes using raw cold potatoes. Apply thick slices to the swollen area around the eyes. Hold for 15-20 minutes.

Sour cream and parsley mask

Chop the parsley, add sour cream, stir. Apply the paste to the area around the eyes. Keep for 20 minutes. Rinse off any remaining residue.

How to quickly get rid of bags in the morning?

It happens like this: everything is fine, there are no illnesses, but in the morning you wake up with swollen eyes. Of course, this problem needs to be solved urgently! Here are 5 ways you can overcome the bags that want to ruin your current appearance.

Of course, it all depends on the time you have during your morning preparations. Therefore, if time permits, use the tips described above: raw potatoes, cucumber, aloe, lemon, herbal infusions and ice cubes will partially or completely help get rid of the problem.

Concealing make-up

Cosmetics you will need:

  1. two concealers;
  2. matting powder;
  3. light pink blush;
  4. light shadows;
  5. lipstick in a delicate peach shade.

Properly applied makeup will help quickly hide the imperfections of puffiness and puffiness under the eyes. To be honest, it is quite difficult to hide dark circles under the eyes under a layer of regular foundation. They will still appear on the skin, while still having a purple tint. Therefore, it is better to use a good concealer for this purpose.

  1. We cover the bags. It should be applied in a thin layer. Ideally, it is better to have two concealers of different shades. The darker one is applied to the entire area of ​​swelling of the lower eyelid, the light one is applied only along the lower edge of the bags, so as not to shade the exact place where the shadow will fall.
  2. We focus on the upper eyelid. To do this, apply light pink blush on the cheekbones, namely from the middle of the cheek to the temple.
  3. There is no need to line the lower eyelid, but it is advisable to line the upper eyelid using a pencil. When finished, blend it out.
  4. Apply light shadows to the area under the eyebrows - highlight the upper eyelid.
  5. In makeup, give an important role to eyebrows. Place them beautifully, make sure they have a shape and are neat. In a word, your task is to focus your attention on them.
  6. Focus on beautifully curled eyelashes or soft, luscious lips.

Pharmacy products

If it turns out that your bags under the eyes are more likely a pathology, you should seek qualified medical help. It may be a good idea to visit a cosmetologist who will find the best solution to this issue for you and prescribe special medicinal cosmetics. This will make getting rid of circles easier and faster.

Angioprotective agents are usually used against swelling under the eyes: medicinal ointments, creams, etc. Troxevasin is a drug that quickly normalizes blood circulation and relieves swelling. They get rid of this problem with the help of hyaluronic acid, which is added to everyday cream. Heparin ointment - nourishes tissue cells, saturates with oxygen, as a result of which swelling recedes and the skin becomes elastic.

Preventing puffiness and bags under the eyes

  1. Take active care of your face.
  2. Use high-quality cosmetics without harmful additives.
  3. Reduce your salt intake.
  4. Drink more water to remove harmful substances and excess salt from the body.
  5. Get at least 8 hours of sleep.
  6. Eliminate bad habits.
  7. Eat right.
  8. Incorporate exercise into your daily routine.

You can get rid of bags under your eyes forever, the main thing is to pay due attention to yourself and your appearance.

When wondering how to remove bags under the eyes (edema), you should start by cleansing the body of toxins. Also useful:

  1. cold and hot compresses;
  2. special cosmetics;
  3. natural masks;
  4. different types of facial massage;
  5. lymphatic drainage massage;
  6. exercises to strengthen the muscles around the eyes.

If home remedies do not bring improvement, professional procedures are recommended. For example, this could be mesotherapy.

The appearance of bags, puffiness and dark circles under the eyes can indicate two different problems or ailments. However, such symptoms often occur in tandem with each other. Treat them with full attention.

Perhaps this is just a sign of chronic lack of sleep, overwork and an unhealthy diet. But such a phenomenon may indicate that the body has begun to fight some serious illness. Let's look at ways to get rid of the problem.

How to remove bags under eyes with dark circles

Identify and remove the root cause

What is the cause of darkening of the skin on the eyelids, which often accompanies bag-like formations under the eyes, and is popularly called “circles”? The appearance of “bruises” is most often associated with uneven skin pigmentation, thin skin around the eyes (through which blood vessels are visible), capillary fragility, and an excess amount of iron ions (according to scientists).

If dark circles with swelling appear periodically and are a temporary phenomenon, they may be caused by an unhealthy lifestyle. Your face may show:

  1. periodic lack of sleep;
  2. untimely rest;
  3. lack of activity;
  4. physical or mental fatigue;
  5. eating disorder;
  6. taking excessive amounts of liquid (see water consumption rates depending on weight and load);
  7. abuse of solarium;
  8. long bathing in hot water;
  9. excessive smoking;
  10. alcohol abuse.

Give up unhealthy habits

Can I fix the problem myself? What exactly needs to be done?

To begin with, stop tormenting your body with the consequences of your unhealthy habits. Want to look good? Do not abuse alcohol, stop smoking, and maintain a regimen of sufficient physical activity. Unfortunately, you have to pay for everything.

The skin of the face needs proper circulation of lymph and blood, so do not make it difficult for the body to solve this problem. As soon as you get rid of the listed causes of the problem, your face will acquire a blooming and healthy appearance.

Cold can quickly remove bags under the eyes

How to remove puffiness under the eyes? There are proven ways and means to get rid of the problem. And first of all it is cold. Exposure to low temperatures helps tighten lymphatic and blood vessels, which helps get rid of excess fluid in facial tissues.

Take advantage of an unexpected method, tested by our grandmothers and recommended by the doctors of the program “About the Most Important Thing.”

  1. Place 4 teaspoons in the freezer compartment of your refrigerator and wait until they are cold enough (but not frozen).
  2. Take 2 of them and apply them to your eyelids.
  3. When the spoons are warm, exchange them for cooled ones.

The therapeutic effect and detailed execution of the procedure are shown in the video.

Cold compresses for puffy eyes

People consider potatoes and cucumber to be the most effective home remedies. Chilled vegetables are cut into slices and placed on problem areas. Potatoes contain a lot of starch and potassium. These ingredients reduce the intensity of inflammatory processes in tissues, reducing swelling.

In the evening, apply a cold sea salt solution to your lower eyelids (a pinch of salt dissolves in a quarter glass of water). Dip pieces of cotton wool (or cotton napkins) into the solution, squeeze out a little, and hold on eyelids for 15 minutes.

Another valuable component of cold fabric compressors can be a water infusion of fresh parsley, taken in any quantity.

Alternating cold and hot compresses

  1. To prepare them, sage leaves or herbs with yarrow flowers are brewed in a thermos for half an hour (a teaspoon of plants in 1/2 cup of boiling water).
  2. After straining and squeezing the raw material, half of the solution is cooled.
  3. The procedure is done shortly before bedtime.
  4. Alternately, hot or cold compresses are applied to the bags several times (finish with cold).
  5. Lubricate your skin with one of the creams described below.

Ice cubes for swelling

Another easy to use SOS remedy for puffiness and bags. Medicinal plants used in the recipe:

  1. mint leaves;
  2. chamomile flowers;
  3. thyme herb;
  4. linden inflorescences;
  5. eyebright;
  6. rosemary;
  7. succession flowers and others.
  1. Steam a small handful of medicinal raw materials with a glass of boiling water.
  2. Let it sit until cooled.
  3. Strain the liquid by squeezing out the herbal material.
  4. Pour into freezer molds - you can use one from a fridge set, or plastic liners from chocolate boxes.
  5. Freeze and store in the freezer until needed.
  6. Use for morning wiping of the under-eye area, or as needed.

Eye masks

1. Beat the separated egg white into a foam and spread a thick layer on the swelling for 15 minutes. After rinsing, be sure to massage the moisturizing eyelid cream into the skin (with light movements of your fingertips), as the protein dries them out.

2. Add a third of a spoonful of finely ground coffee to half an egg white (you can use coffee grounds after brewing). Spread the mixture in a thick layer over the swollen areas. Rinse off after 15 minutes. The mask will tighten the skin well, removing swelling.

3. Finely chop the parsley, mix with cold sour cream, apply the mask under the eyes for 15 minutes.

4. Juice with aloe pulp will remove puffiness well, at the same time smoothing out wrinkles and lightening the blue discoloration on the eyelids. It’s easy to use: apply it to problem areas, and wash off after drying.

To increase the effect, you can add a little cucumber juice to the mask with aloe pulp and leave it overnight.

Use special cosmetics for swelling

Even if you have not yet encountered a problem, already at the age of 20 it makes sense to take care of gentle care of the skin around the eyes using an appropriate cream. Such prevention will certainly pay off in the future, guaranteeing you a good appearance.

It is recommended to use hypoallergenic preparations with a light texture and composition that suits your age and skin needs. Such cosmetics are also ideal as a base for makeup.

It will be useful to use eye creams that tighten blood vessels, stimulate blood and lymph flow, and stimulate metabolism in skin cells. It is best if their formula does not contain fat. The most effective products are those containing:

  1. vitamins K and C;
  2. retinol;
  3. caffeine;
  4. ivy extract;
  5. parsley;
  6. arnica;
  7. cornflower.

They should be applied to the skin pointwise, without unnecessary tension.

If a product is truly effective, it must contain the following three key ingredients:

  1. Hyaluronic acid microspheres that improve skin hydration.
  2. Hesperidin is a bioflavonoid that promotes better blood microcirculation.
  3. Lactoferrin is an ingredient whose ions are responsible for removing darkening of the skin.

From a cosmetic point of view, to hide the puffiness of the eyelids, you can use a corrector that matches the color.

Enterosgel paste

Traditionally used to detox the body. But it has proven itself perfectly as a decongestant, especially after a stormy night with unpleasant consequences on the face.

To remove bags and circles, rub a teaspoon of paste in a small amount of water. Apply under your eyes and go get some sleep. And in the morning, be surprised at the results obtained.

Heparin ointment

This inexpensive product belongs to the category of Beauty from the pharmacy. It is used to improve blood circulation in tissues. And as a means of unusual use, it is used to quickly remove swelling under the eyes.

To do this, apply a thin layer of ointment under the lower eyelids to the swelling twice a day.

Attention! The ointment may cause an allergic reaction. Its contact with mucous membranes is also prohibited.

Can hemorrhoid cream remove bags?

The question is now being vigorously discussed on the Internet: is it effective to use hemorrhoid cream to dissolve bags, following the example of Hollywood stars? Let's listen to the opinion of experts on this matter and see the result of their experiment.


The appearance of bags may be caused by overstrain of the orbicularis oculi muscles, or by the onset of the natural aging process of the body, as a result of which the elasticity and firmness of the muscles and skin decreases. Therefore, cosmetologists recommend very simple daily exercises that help maintain the elasticity of the skin of the eyelids, tone them, and smooth out wrinkles.

At the same time, the spasm from the circular muscles is relieved and the bags disappear, causing the eyes to become expressive and return to their natural size (increase). The complex takes less than 10 minutes and is performed while sitting. The exercises are done very slowly, without tension or pain. Each is repeated three times.

Exercise 1. Open your eyes wide and close tightly at intervals of 20 seconds. If, at the same time as your eyes, your eyebrows also tend to rise, place your fingers over them and hold them in place.

Exercise 2.

  1. Move your eyes horizontally (fairly slowly) towards each ear, as if trying to look behind it.
  2. Hold your gaze in the extreme position for a couple of seconds.
  3. Do all movements with your eyes closed.

Exercise 3. The eyeballs move from the lower corners to the upper ones, alternately in each direction. After each movement, blink your eyelashes lightly and quickly to relax your muscles.

Exercise 4.

  1. Move your eyeballs to the highest possible position, imagining that you see the top of your head.
  2. Then - to the lower position, as if looking under the chin.
  3. Repeat the same with your eyes closed.

Look at other exercises for face lifting - they improve blood circulation and also help.

Lymphatic drainage massage

One of the most popular and effective home procedures against swelling of the lower eyelids is lymphatic drainage massage. It revitalizes the circulation of blood and lymph in the subcutaneous tissues, removing blue circles with hanging bags.

It is performed softly, using just the pads of your fingers. It is best to do this while applying the cream.

Get enough sleep

Insufficient sleep affects not only weakness throughout the body, but also disfigures the appearance of the face. Is it pleasant to see in the mirror in the morning a narrow-eyed creature with bluish circles, like a panda? Therefore, ensure that you get adequate sleep.

Never sleep on your stomach or lie face down for a long time, which will cause your skin to sag and become filled with stagnant fluid.

If you have a problem with the accumulation of fluid in the tissues with stagnation, sleep with your head held high on a large pillow. Then you will stop waking up with a swollen face - the fluid will go down overnight.

Possible diseases

If the sac-like formations persist permanently, despite the elimination of the above factors, then the cause may be serious diseases:

  1. kidney problems;
  2. thyroid gland;
  3. heart, accompanied by the formation of edema;
  4. It is also worth considering the likelihood of diabetes;
  5. anemia;
  6. infectious diseases;
  7. allergies.

Solution to the problem. In all cases, correct medical diagnosis with adequate treatment is important. See treatment with soda and peroxide according to Neumyvakin.

Use natural diuretics

When dealing with swelling on the face, it is important to pay attention to cleansing the intestines of toxins, introducing into the daily diet foods that stimulate cellular metabolism, and removing excess water from the body.

Natural diuretics include:

In pharmacies you can find nutritional supplements that remove excess water from tissues. They contain, for example, extracts of nettle, dandelion, green tea, and grape seeds.

Eat less salt

It is known for certain that excess salt in food retains water in the body, contributing to swelling of tissues, including facial tissues. Therefore, after over-salted food, drink more plain water, which will remove excess salt from the body along with accompanying toxins.


Are there foods that we should eat to avoid problems?

Nutritionists say that vitamin C is important in this case because it improves the microcirculation of fluids in the tissues of the whole body. So load up on oranges, kiwis, cranberries, Brussels sprouts, and other goodies that contain a lot of this vitamin.

Cosmetological treatment methods

Is there a connection between age and bags? Do body fat increase as you get older?

In most cases, bags are a matter of heredity and constitution, but age also plays an important role. Due to the weakening of the muscle fibers of the upper and lower eyelids, the skin begins to hang in folds. Over time, they fill with fat (fatty hernias) and sag. Such defects can only be eliminated by specialists in cosmetology establishments.

Is a surgical procedure called "eyelid correction" the only solution for removing bags? Eyelid correction is certainly a good way to get rid of the problem, but only as a last resort.

Professional removal methods include:

  1. Mesotherapy.
  2. Laser lipolysis.
  3. Injection lipolysis.
  4. Blepharoplasty.

The fractional laser method can help against dark skin discoloration, but is not very effective against fatty deposits.

To summarize: I hope you got answers to your questions. Using the simple home procedures, cosmetics, and modern professional treatment described in the article will certainly help reduce or completely remove bags under the eyes and swelling with accompanying dark circles. Dr. Shishonin’s neck exercises will also help with a long-term solution to the problem.