Collagen cream

Every woman undoubtedly wants to use a cream with collagen for the face, heeding the advertising claims of manufacturers. After all, they promise unsurpassed hydration, a lifting effect, and the elimination of literally all signs of age-related skin changes. Should we believe such statements? Let's figure it out together.

Beneficial properties of collagen for the face

Before you begin to understand the usefulness of this component, you need to find out what exactly this mysterious collagen is and how it can influence the aging process?

Collagen is a special protein that is present in the connective tissues of the human body. 70% of the substance is contained in the epidermis and dermis, and only 30% in bones, cartilage, and joints. It has a spiral shape, which maintains the elasticity and firmness of the skin. Absorbs water in truly enormous quantities - 30 times its own weight, which ensures the maintenance of the water-lipid balance of the dermis.

Collagen face cream is a very new phenomenon in the cosmetic products market and causes mixed reactions from specialists. According to the results of laboratory studies, products containing this protein compound are designed to solve the following problems:

  1. stimulate the production of its own substance, which guarantees natural skin renewal;
  2. prolong the youth of the epidermis and dermis at the cellular level;
  3. effectively and deeply moisturize;
  4. have a lifting effect;
  5. increase elasticity, firmness, density of the skin;
  6. eliminate age-related pigmentation;
  7. remove or minimize cosmetic defects in the form of scars, scars, post-acne;
  8. level out folds and wrinkles;
  9. prevention of soft tissue ptosis.

What better could we wish for if we have a remedy that is practically an elixir of youth, over which medieval alchemists struggled for many years?!

Modern cosmetologists have many complaints about this product. But there are two main ones:

  1. The collagen molecule of animal origin has a very impressive “size” and a priori cannot penetrate into the cells of the epidermis and dermis. The cream creates a film on the surface that clogs pores, preventing gas exchange, which is fraught with negative consequences;
  2. products containing this component are addictive, and over time the skin ceases to independently produce “native protein”. This state of affairs can accelerate the withering process. That is why it is recommended to use creams with collagen only after 40, when our body has not yet stopped producing collagen, but its production is already noticeably reduced.

Why are we talking about animal collagen? Because this type of protein contains the majority of products on the market, since its production is the least expensive and the products have a budget price.


Several types of collagen may be present in face cream. But in principle, there are 4 of them today and each of them has its own positive aspects and disadvantages.

  1. Animal collagen is extracted from bovine protein. As we have already mentioned, the majority of products with it are on the market. These are cheap products, not of the highest quality and not very safe. They can cause clogged pores, impede cellular respiration and create more problems than there were before using the cream.
  2. Vegetables are made from wheat germ. It has the ability to penetrate inside cells, stimulate its own processes of protein synthesis, and restore the structure of the epidermis and dermis. In addition, the plant type of protein contains phytoestrogens - analogues of female sex hormones. On the one hand, it seems to be good, because the result will not take long to arrive. On the other hand, although there are no proven harmful effects of this substance on the female body in terms of changes in hormonal levels (the amounts are very small), this, even a minimal, prospect cannot be discounted. Another disadvantage is that products with plant-based collagen cannot be called budgetary.
  3. Marine is extracted from mollusk shells and is considered the most effective version of the protein compound, since the molecules are so small that they easily penetrate inside the cells, having a positive effect on all processes. But this variety often causes allergic reactions. Products containing it require special storage conditions, as they are very sensitive to external influences (light, humidity, temperature). The shelf life of the natural product is very short, so manufacturers are forced to add preservatives to the composition. A significant drawback is that all these products belong to the premium class and their price does not please the average consumer.
  4. Collagen hydrolyzate is a representative of the edible series of substances that is used in the production of dietary supplements. But it is also found in creams (quite rarely). These products are ideal for oily skin types.

Council of cosmetologists. If you decide to start using face cream with collagen, buy it at a specialty store or pharmacy. And under no circumstances should you use the products before you have seen age-related changes that can no longer be corrected by conventional cosmetics.

You can learn more about why collagen is added to cosmetics from the video:

How to choose a cream with collagen?

You need to choose a good cream with collagen for the face, guided by certain criteria:

  1. If possible, give preference to products with marine collagen, as it is the most effective;
  2. animal protein is suitable for dry skin types;
  3. cream with hydrolyzate is ideal for oily epidermis;
  4. the price of a good product cannot be low. But also pay attention to reviews about the chosen product;
  5. if the type of collagen is not indicated in the annotation, it is most likely animal protein;
  6. pay attention to the list of ingredients and their place in this list. If collagen is listed at the very end, then its amount is small and the cream is unlikely to be effective;
  7. read the storage conditions - products with sea protein must be stored in the refrigerator;
  8. Carry out a tolerance test to avoid an allergic reaction.

You can find the best face creams with collagen after reading reviews on forums. But consider the opinions of not only consumers, but also experts.

Review of the best cosmetics

To facilitate the selection process, we present an overview of products in this segment with real expert ratings.

La Soyul – premium cream based on marine collagen extracted from fish scales. The composition also contains macadamia oil, which has a calming effect, nourishes the epidermis well, saturates it with vitamins and helps fight free radicals. The cream has a pronounced anti-aging effect, tightens the oval of the face, smoothes wrinkles, moisturizes and maintains an optimal level of moisture in the cells of the dermis for two days after use.

Collagen rejuvenating cream for the skin of the eye contour from Libriderm. As the name suggests, the place of application is the area around the eyes. The composition contains, in addition to protein, plant extracts, vitamin E, glycerin and camelina oil. The product soothes and softens the skin, removes signs of fatigue, bags and circles under the eyes, and gives freshness to the entire face. However, in relation to pronounced wrinkles, it is powerless.

Facial cream alpha collagen Caviale – a budget option with a rather interesting composition. It moisturizes, nourishes and refreshes the skin well. This is a good product for the first use (so to speak) of protein cosmetics. But if you want to achieve a pronounced lifting effect, then this product will not meet your expectations.

Cream-serum for eyelids “Self-rejuvenation” from the “Black Pearl” series. Very popular and deservedly loved domestically produced cosmetics. This is a worthy representative of anti-aging cosmetics with collagen, designed to eliminate age-related manifestations around the eyes. Perfectly brightens and soothes the skin, tones and gives elasticity. Reviews are contradictory. Some talk about the exceptional effectiveness of the product, others about its complete uselessness.

Cream "Cora-matrix" - a product not only with collagen, but also with elastin, which is an equally important substance responsible for the elasticity and firmness of the face. Designed for night care and skin restoration. The composition also contains plant extracts and natural cosmetic oils that improve complexion.

Collagen face mask Japan Gals Pure 5 Essence – an excellent product for daily use (as manufacturers position their product). In a sealed bag you will find a cotton mask impregnated with a special composition with slits for the eyes, nose and mouth. You need to use it every evening, pressing tightly and smoothing it on your previously cleansed face. Gives skin elasticity, smoothness, evens out color, moisturizes and fights wrinkles (but shallow ones).

Esfolio Collagen Korean-made cream with hydrolysate, designed for effective evening care for oily skin. The composition contains milk protein and seaweed extracts.

The Korean facial skin care system includes many creams with collagen. It is perfect for ages 15 to 45 years.

Collagen face masks can be prepared at home and used once a week. However, such products cause skepticism among cosmetologists, although women speak very flatteringly about them.

Conclusion - trust, but verify. To use or not to use and which collagen cream is up to you to decide. But you need to try all means, because beauty is the most powerful weapon.


Every year, more and more representatives of the fair sex strive to look beautiful and young, using all possible means for this purpose. One effective way is to use various preparations containing collagen. Advertising claims that such products are a real elixir of youth. Is this really true, what effect do creams have on the skin, and are collagen products suitable for everyone? We will try to get answers to these and many other questions by examining the types, principles of action, advantages and disadvantages of drugs.

What is collagen

This is a fibrillar protein, the main component of connective tissues (skin, cartilage, bones, tendons). Collagen is responsible for their elasticity and strength, filling and connecting the intercellular space. The mass of the substance in the body is 25-35% of the total amount of protein. The collagen molecule has a helical shape, twisted to the right and consisting of three alpha chains.

These threads, along with elastin, are found in the third layer of the skin and together strengthen the framework of the epidermis and are responsible for its external condition. Glycosaminoglycans located in the intercellular fluid help improve the functions of the substance and stimulate its production. These substances increase the turgor of the dermis and provide structural support to skin tissues.

Types of collagen

With age, the natural production of collagen molecules in the body slows down, wrinkles appear (most of all in the mouth, forehead, eyes), so there is a need to compensate for the deficiency with dietary supplements, other drugs and cosmetics. To choose the right product with collagen, it is important to know what types of protein exist. There are three types of substance:

Obtained from cut skins of cattle, meat and bone substance of birds by cleaning and crushing

Has a softening, moisturizing, healing effect

May cause allergies, does not penetrate the skin well due to the large size of the molecules

Produced by hydrolyzing protein from wheat germ

It has a small molecular size, due to which it is easily absorbed by the dermis, saturates the tissues with vitamins, minerals, amino acids, stimulates the production of natural elastin and collagen

The production of plant-based collagen fibers requires large material costs, so products with them are not cheap

Extracted from the skin and bone mass of fish

Has a high percentage of absorption, most similar to human

May cause allergic reactions, is expensive due to special requirements for the production and storage of the substance

The principle of action of collagen cream

Natural fibrillar protein is very important for our body. The positive properties of the substance immediately become noticeable to those who give up bad habits that contribute to the destruction of spiral threads and use drugs that replenish the lack of collagen. Being in the composition of creams, collagen gets on the skin and, under the influence of body temperature, becomes a participant in a chemical reaction. The result of the process is low molecular weight water-soluble compounds that enter into metabolic reactions, stimulating the regeneration of cellular material.

The effect of collagen cream

The effectiveness of collagen creams is still a topic of debate among cosmetologists, but they still have a positive effect on human skin. The main thing is that the products are of high quality. The following effect is observed from the use of cream with fibrillar protein:

  1. slowing down the process of withering of the dermis;
  2. stimulation of self-rejuvenation functions;
  3. moisturizing, skin tightening;
  4. removal of facial and age wrinkles;
  5. resorption of scars;
  6. elimination of pigmentation;
  7. formation of the oval face;
  8. prevention of drooping of the upper eyelids.



Continuing the topic of contradictions on the part of cosmetologists about how useful collagen is for the face, it is worth knowing that they are not groundless. The basis for the controversy was factors that are also a disadvantage of drugs containing synthetic protein:

  1. Addiction after prolonged use, which slows down the natural processes of production of collagen compounds.
  2. Cheap products include animal protein, which does not penetrate the skin, but creates a protective film on top, preventing the organ from performing its natural functions.
  3. All cosmetic products of this type have age restrictions.

At what age can you use collagen cream?

Up to a certain age (approximately 30-35 years), the human body naturally produces the required amount of collagen to maintain skin health, ensure elasticity and firmness. Young people are not recommended to use anti-aging creams, since the dermis, receiving protein from the outside, will stop producing its own. Cosmetologists recommend starting to use creams with collagen compounds no earlier than 35-40 years, when natural processes slow down, there is not enough fibrillar protein and the skin loses its properties.

There are different cosmetics with collagen - for the face and body, with different types of protein and other excipients. You can select and buy such products in any specialized cosmetics store or order from an online store, where you can also arrange delivery of your purchase by mail to Moscow, St. Petersburg and other cities. Manufacturers often hold sales, product promotions, and offer discounts, as a result of which you can purchase goods relatively cheaply.

Collagen face cream

Anti-aging night face cream with collagen from Libriderm fights age-related changes in your skin while you sleep. The product has a delicate texture, a pleasant aroma, providing the epidermis with elasticity, energy and radiance. After just two weeks of regular use, wrinkles will smooth out, and the skin will become more toned, refreshed, and rested. By creating an airtight film on the surface, liquid loss is reduced. Basic indicators:

  1. model name: Dina+ LLC, Libr >Cream mousse from the Merz company performs three functions at once: deep nutrition due to the rapid absorption of small collagen particles, moisturizing by creating a protective film on the surface of the skin with large molecules and saturation with amino acids that stimulate the synthesis of natural protein. Brief characteristics:
  1. model name: Merz;
  2. price: 742 rubles;
  3. characteristics: Germany, volume – 50 ml; for all skin types, contains pectin, serine, arginine, proline;
  4. pros: quickly absorbed, moisturizes;
  5. cons: not found.


For body

The Medical Collagene 3D company presents a series of anti-aging hand creams, because this part of the body is the calling card of every woman. The product is well absorbed, moisturizing the skin, and collagen compounds give youth, tenderness and beauty. Basic indicators:

  1. model name: Medical Collagene 3D hand cream;
  2. price: 239 rubles;
  3. characteristics: Russia, volume – 75 ml, moisturizing, suitable for all skin types;
  4. pros: affordable price;
  5. cons: not found.

Women's feet also need hydration and nutrition, and Medical Collagene 3D took care of this by creating a line of foot products. Creams not only saturate the feet with moisture and retain it, but also promote healing and prevent cracks. Short description:

  1. model name: Medical Collagene 3D foot cream;
  2. price: 230 rubles;
  3. characteristics: Russia, volume – 75 ml;
  4. pros: cheap;
  5. cons: not found.


With marine collagen

The La Soyul company presents products with marine protein, which have a low molecular weight, due to which they are easily and quickly absorbed by dermal cells. This ensures a powerful lifting effect, active hydration and maintenance of moisture levels for 48 hours. Basic indicators:

  1. model name: La Soyul;
  2. price: 1100 rubles;
  3. characteristics: Korea, volume – 50 ml, daily, age – 35+, skin type – any;
  4. pros: removes wrinkles around the eyes;
  5. cons: very expensive.

The main component of the Tiande Marine Collagen cosmetics line is hydrolyzed marine collagen, which has maximum absorption capacity. In addition to the rejuvenating effect, the day cream increases skin turgor and performs protective and healing functions. Short description:

  1. Model name: Tiande Marine Collagen;
  2. price: 1150 rubles;
  3. characteristics: daily, volume – 30 g, age – 35+;
  4. pros: improves complexion;
  5. cons: expensive.


With collagen and elastin

The company Christina produces and sells anti-aging products with collagen and elastin. 8 moisturizing components along with hyaluronic acid effectively saturate the skin with moisture without leaving an oily sheen. Azulene has an anti-inflammatory effect, relieving redness and irritation. Calendula oil and clove extract disinfect, and vitamins A and E protect against harmful external influences. Basic indicators:

  1. model name: Christina Elastin Collagen Azulene Moisture Cream;
  2. price: 810 rubles;
  3. characteristics: Israel, volume – 60 ml, suitable for normal skin,
  4. pros: has a cooling effect;
  5. cons: not found.

The “Self-Rejuvenation” series from the Black Pearl company is aimed at eliminating age-related changes in facial skin. Thanks to its light texture, the cream penetrates perfectly into the skin, saturating the fibers, saturating them with nutrients, protein and elastin. Short description:

  1. model name: Black Pearl, Self-rejuvenation 26+;
  2. price: 160 rubles;
  3. characteristics: Russia, volume – 50 ml, universal, for normal, combination skin;
  4. pros: suitable for the neck and décolleté, inexpensive.
  5. cons: not found.


How to choose collagen cream

The modern market of cosmetic products offers a wide range of creams with collagen molecules, hyaluronic acid and other components that tone the skin, providing the epidermis with moisture, elasticity and youth. The advertisement for each product states that this particular drug is the best. You shouldn’t believe absolutely all slogans; when buying an anti-aging cream, adhere to the following criteria:

  1. Compound. If the word collagen is in one of the last positions in the list, then the content of the substance is minimal.
  2. Type of protein threads. The most affordable are preparations with animal collagen, but such creams are ineffective. Products with sea protein are considered the best, just be aware of the possibility of allergic reactions.
  3. Price. This indicator should not be the main one for you, since it is not a guarantee of the quality of the product, but products with marine and vegetable protein, unfortunately, are not included in the budget group.
  4. Best before date. High-quality cosmetics contain marine protein spiral threads, which quickly deteriorate when exposed to sunlight. If you find such products with a long shelf life, then you have in your hands a product with synthetic preservatives.



Milana, 37 years old I recently bought a cream from the Israeli company CHRISTINA. I would like to immediately note the delicate texture of the product, which makes it easy to apply to the skin. The drug moisturizes the dermis well, gives it velvety, elasticity, tightens pores and evens out the tone. Among the shortcomings, I highlight the long shelf life, apparently due to the presence of preservatives.

Tatyana, 40 years old After several unsuccessful attempts to rejuvenate her face with expensive products, she bought a night cream-matrix with collagen and elastin from the KORA brand. After application, the effect is immediately felt - the skin becomes soft, moisturized, and peeling goes away. If, after 40 minutes, I sprinkle my face with tonic (as recommended by the manufacturer), I get up more refreshed in the morning.

Ekaterina, 42 years old I purchased CAVIALE Collagen face cream in one of the inexpensive stores. I’ll say right away that it will not remove wrinkles, since apparently it contains animal protein, but it moisturizes the skin very well. If you only need this effect, then I advise you to purchase the product. Moreover, the price is quite affordable, and the cream lasts for a long time.

Modern advertising has a great influence on people. She is able to convince a gullible consumer of anything. This is especially true in the beauty industry. Today, collagen-based preparations are popular. But before you make your final choice, it’s worth finding out what function a face cream with collagen performs. Does our skin need it and is it capable of rejuvenating it? This and much more needs to be understood in more detail.


Collagen and its functions

Collagen is a special protein that is present in tendons and ligaments; moreover, it fills the empty space between muscle fibers. Its main function is to bind and provide strength, firmness and elasticity to connective tissues.

Of course, collagen fibers are maximally elastic at a young age, but over time their elasticity is lost, as a result of which the skin sags and wrinkles appear. This is most pronounced in the area of ​​the mouth, eyes and forehead. This process is caused by the lack of the required amount of moisture in the cells: on the one hand, collagen does not allow its loss, and on the other hand, it can absorb it (it absorbs volumes of liquid that are 30 times greater than its own weight).


Operating principle

The collagen molecule is a protein helical thread. It is due to this that the elasticity of the skin is determined by the quality and quantity of collagen fibers consisting of glycosaminoglycans. With a low level of glycosaminoglycans, the springs weaken and cease to retain moisture, which leads to sagging and stretching of the skin.

Scientists are still struggling with the question of whether it is possible to somehow influence additional collagen production. There are several methods: expensive salon procedures - mesotherapy (injection of cocktails based on collagen and hyaluronic acid under the skin), etc. A less expensive method is a cream with collagen and elastin for the face, but experts are still arguing about the effectiveness of such preparations.


Benefits of Collagen

  1. stimulates the processes of natural rejuvenation of the skin;
  2. preparations containing it perfectly moisturize and tighten the skin;
  3. perfectly fights age-related pigmentation of the epidermis;
  4. elimination of age and facial wrinkles;
  5. slowing down the process of skin aging;
  6. the likelihood of drooping upper eyelids is reduced;
  7. scars are eliminated;
  8. A quality face cream with collagen can be used to care for your eyelids.



  1. Regular use of such creams can lead to addiction, as a result of which the aging process may even accelerate.
  2. Animal collagen, which is part of most budget products, forms a film on the skin that interferes with the normal functioning of the epidermis.
  3. Has clearly marked age restrictions.

In a specialty store or pharmacy you can always find a variety of special skin care products containing collagen, but some may be confused by the cost, the fluctuations of which are quite significant. Many ladies, naturally, may have a desire to save money, but in most cases this will be done in vain. Today, four types of collagen are used in cosmetology, each of them has its own characteristics, advantages and disadvantages. And this is worth understanding in more detail.

  1. Animal. Its main advantage is its affordable price and long shelf life. It is made from components extracted from the skin of cattle. The main disadvantage of this type of collagen is that it is impractical to use. Animal protein molecules are so large that they are unable to penetrate the skin. They only form a film on the surface of the epidermis that clogs the pores.
  2. Vegetable. Collagen, which is extracted from wheat germ, is considered safer and more effective. However, such creams are not cheap.
  3. Nautical. Face cream with marine collagen is a luxury product, and not everyone can afford it. However, it is the marine variety of collagen that is considered the safest for humans. Marine collagen is perfectly absorbed by skin cells and effectively fights age-related skin changes. However, preparations with marine collagen are not ideal - they can cause allergic reactions, and they have a short shelf life.

In addition to the types listed above, you can find drugs in pharmacies that contain collagen hydrolyzate. Such products are intended for oral administration. Mandatory certification of such drugs is quite problematic and “slippery”, so there is no need to talk about safety in this situation.

At what age can you use collagen face cream?

Since collagen is a natural substance, up to a certain age the body is able to independently renew and synthesize it. In youth, this protein is produced in exactly the amount necessary to maintain the skin in a healthy and beautiful condition. With age, this ability decreases, and then a cream with anti-aging collagen for the face will come to the rescue; it is precisely created in order to replenish the missing amount of this protein.

Young girls are prohibited from using preparations with collagen. The skin will become lazy and stop producing this protein on its own ahead of time, while the damaged areas of the skin will not be able to renew themselves. Simply put, young skin “cannot live” without this drug. Products with collagen will have to be used constantly.

The most optimal age for using collagen is 40+; it is rare that experts prescribe such creams to women aged 35 to 40 years. Withered skin needs reinforcement with auxiliary components. This is where a facial moisturizer with collagen is a great choice.


Buying Tips

Today, the market is ready to offer a large number of products containing collagen. Each manufacturer never tires of convincing potential buyers that their products have miraculous properties. However, you should not rely solely on advertising, otherwise it can lead to disaster.

Of course, you should not subject every purchased drug to laboratory testing, but you still need to exercise minimal caution. When purchasing a face cream with hyaluronic acid, collagen or other active substance, you first need to pay attention to the following aspects:

  1. Type of collagen. As we found out earlier, it is best to avoid using animal collagen. If such information is not present on the packaging, most likely they want to “slip” you a low-quality product.
  2. Best before date. Luxury, high-quality creams are often made on the basis of marine collagen, which loses its beneficial properties with prolonged contact with sunlight. If you find a drug with a long shelf life, then most likely it contains synthetic preservatives.
  3. Price. The cost of the drug cannot be a key criterion when choosing, however, it is animal collagen that does not have the desired effect that is budget-friendly. It is best to choose plant collagen, but products that contain it very rarely fall into the budget segment.
  4. Compound. If the word Collagen is located closer to the end in the list, then its content in the cream is insignificant.


Collagen face cream: reviews from cosmetologists

Despite the optimistic picture, cosmetologists are still in no hurry to recommend face cream with collagen. The main reason is that most drugs contain animal collagen. Collagen molecules are quite bulky chemical compounds that cannot enter the body through pores. Therefore, most often this anti-aging collagen cream for the face is washed off with water after application.

In most cases (especially for cheaper cosmetics), lifting, skin hydration and other miraculous properties are a myth. However, such cosmetics also contain auxiliary components that can have a positive effect on the skin.

Specialists also mention collagen creams prepared at home. This is not a very good solution. The effect will be minimal, but the risk of remaining with an allergy is very high.

Common myths about collagen

Myth one. Collagen from food can slow down the aging process. The body is a complex system that does not “trust” anyone. Proteins coming from food are first broken down into their components (amino acids). Only after this the body begins to independently build its own proteins. Because of this, there is no guarantee that a dish containing collagen will turn into collagen in the body.

Myth two. Subcutaneous injections are a panacea for aging. The same principle works here as with the collagen menu. Proteins injected under the skin are also initially broken down. The advantage of such procedures is that the protein is immediately injected under the skin and does not go through the entire digestive chain. The resulting amino acids have a much greater chance of turning back into collagen, which is necessary for aging skin.


The most effective method of preserving youth is to prevent the destruction of the “youth protein” already present in the body. To do this, you need to avoid exposure to UV rays on the skin, give up bad habits and reduce sugar consumption. If you decide to purchase an anti-aging collagen cream for the face, reviews, recommendations from cosmetologists and doctors should become a decisive factor in your choice.