Cream with badger fat

A unique folk remedy with a composition that is practically never found in nature - badger subcutaneous fat. The medicinal properties and contraindications for this remedy have been known to folk medicine for several hundred years, and in the modern world they have not lost their unique significance for human health.

Badger fat - medicinal properties

The beneficial properties of badger fat are formed due to the natural state of the animal’s body: before hibernating, the body deposits all the useful substances in the fat, and by using it in a state of suspended animation, the animal will be able to provide itself with everything it needs. How is badger fat useful for humans, what are the contraindications? External and internal use helps get rid of a wide variety of health problems:

  1. tuberculosis;
  2. bronchitis;
  3. pneumonia;
  4. decreased immunity;
  5. problems with the gastrointestinal tract;
  6. wounds, burns;
  7. skin diseases;
  8. joint problems, injuries;
  9. potency disorders in men.

Instructions for use

The insert for regular rendered badger lard describes different uses, which depend on the existing disease. To treat gastrointestinal problems, to boost immunity and for dry coughs, take the folk remedy orally without additives or with milk as indicated in the instructions. To treat pneumonia, colds, and bronchitis, rub it in the chest area to achieve a warming effect. Badger fat can easily heal wounds - the instructions for use advise applying the product twice a day, after washing the wound, to enhance the healing properties.


In capsules

The use of badger fat for medicinal purposes is more pleasant if you drink it in a processed form in capsules, the price of which is no more than other dosage forms. The properties of the folk remedy remain the same, but do not cause inconvenience or unpleasant sensations. Badger fat in capsules is suitable for those who often experience stress and need to support the body from the inside. It is useful to give capsules to a child: the form of the tablets is much more pleasant, and the medicinal properties for the child’s body are irreplaceable:

  1. enriches with fat-soluble vitamins;
  2. saturates with beneficial lipids, essential amino acids;
  3. nourishes with B vitamins, carotene, tocopherol, therefore has a strong tonic effect on the child’s body;
  4. strengthens the immune system, helps resist hypothermia and viruses.

Ointment Badger

What does badger fat cure if used externally? Pharmacies sell an effective product at an affordable price and a salvation for many mothers - Badger cream for children. The cream is used for the prevention and treatment of pneumonia, colds, bronchitis, and severe cough. Badger ointment is made on the basis of natural rendered lard, but has a milder effect and a minimum of side effects on the child’s body.

Barsukor - instructions

Badger fat – solution in pure form or in capsules. It is produced under the name Barsukor - its instructions provide for oral use only for children from three years of age. Pediatricians prescribe this medicine for the treatment and prevention of rickets, dystrophy, as well as bronchitis and atopic dermatitis in children. Before taking it, you need to carefully read the instructions, contraindications, medicinal properties, because individual intolerance is possible.


Sustamed with badger fat

What does badger fat, which is part of medicinal creams, help with? Sustamed with badger fat is an indispensable savior in many home medicine cabinets, because the healing properties of the balm help adults and children. Sustamed balm is used:

  1. to relieve swelling of muscles and joints;
  2. for a runny nose - apply to the sinuses;
  3. in case of hypothermia - to warm the chest and feet.

The balm has an analgesic, anti-inflammatory effect, helps relieve muscle tension, and improves blood circulation. It is recommended to use Sustamed as a prophylactic for those who are predisposed to colds and hypothermia. The balm has a beneficial effect on joints: relieves fatigue, improves microcirculation of joint tissue, enriching it with vitamins, minerals and essential amino acids.

Badger fat - application

Natural badger fat treats many diseases - its medicinal properties and contraindications have been known to folk medicine for hundreds of years and do not lose their relevance. How to take badger fat in a particular case depends on the form of release and the disease:

  1. for colds in children, rub the chest and feet; given orally with warm milk and honey (3:1:1);
  2. for adults with weakened immunity, take a tablespoon orally per day, washed down with milk or tea;
  3. according to many reviews, it is effective as part of other medicinal products for the treatment of tuberculosis - a mixture of rendered lard, aloe juice and honey (2:1:2), taken three times a day;
  4. restoring strength after illness, a mixture of the main ingredient and propolis (1 g), a teaspoon of medical alcohol, butter 50 g, honey 100 g - mix the composition 1:1 with milk and take orally 2-3 times a day (for rubbing for joint diseases this composition is mixed not with milk, but with alcohol);
  5. in its pure form it is used for dermatitis, wounds and ulcers, applied to pre-antiseptically treated skin.


When coughing

Badger fat helps adults and children with coughs, which can be used from the age of 3. By rubbing the fat mass in the area of ​​the chest and feet, you can warm up the body tissues well, and the heat is retained for a long time and acts like a medicine, because tissues are saturated with vitamins, minerals and polyunsaturated fatty acids, thereby increasing immunity.

For bronchitis

Judging by many reviews, it is beneficial and effective to treat lung diseases with badger fat, using it externally and internally. Badger fat helps against bronchitis if you drink this remedy in melted form, mixing it with milk, or with honey. This composition soothes coughs, softens mucous membranes, and increases local and general immunity. If there are contraindications to use, then medicinal properties can be obtained from external use by rubbing the chest at night.

Badger fat for pneumonia

In parallel with traditional treatment, badger fat is used for pneumonia. The main role of the folk remedy is to support the body’s defenses, enhanced nutrition with vitamins and essential amino acids. The effect of warming up tissues and improving blood microcirculation when rubbing the skin is not least important in the treatment of pneumonia. Read the instructions for correct use.

During pregnancy

Official medicine does not recommend using badger fat during pregnancy, because its effect on a woman’s body during such a period has not been fully studied. But sometimes the expected benefits of use are much greater than the possible harmful effects. The main benefit for pregnant women lies in the immunostimulating properties of badger fat, which are necessary for the woman’s body during such a period.


In cosmetology

Badger fat is widely used in cosmetology - creams are made based on it to care for the skin of the face, hands and the whole body. These creams treat acne, get rid of allergic rashes, redness and dryness. The most popular use of such compositions is for rejuvenation. The secret of the effect lies in the antioxidant composition of fat, on the basis of which not only creams, but also masks are made. The price of such home remedies is pleasantly surprising.

For hemorrhoids

To treat a delicate disease, fat-based capsules and suppositories are often used. Badger fat for hemorrhoids in capsules is prescribed as an independent remedy in the initial stages or in parallel with drug treatment. Natural capsules act as a sedative, have an anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect, and support local immunity.

For psoriasis

Thanks to the biologically active substances in its composition, badger fat is effective for psoriasis - it has a strong healing effect. Before using any product to treat skin diseases, you must find out if you have an allergy. If the body reacts well to the folk remedy, you can treat the skin by applying the composition to the affected areas in a sufficient layer, preferably in its pure form.


For burns

When making ointments with extracts of medicinal herbs - plantain, chamomile, celandine - badger fat is used in folk medicine to enhance the healing properties for burns. Such remedies cope well with pain and prevent the appearance of blisters. Burns are simply treated with melted fat to completely cover the affected skin. There is no need to apply bandages or dressings after treatment. In severe cases and extensive damage to the skin, you should definitely consult a doctor; under no circumstances should you treat yourself.

For tuberculosis

Badger fat helps against tuberculosis and general exhaustion of the body. A more pronounced healing effect is observed when using such a folk remedy in combination with other equally powerful folk remedies: honey, propolis, infusions of medicinal herbs. The price-quality ratio for such a remedy is as favorable as possible: a record-breakingly useful composition for a weakened body is difficult to find among traditional medicines with similar properties and price.

How to take badger fat for prevention

It is known that subcutaneous deposits are obtained at a time when the animal is preparing for hibernation: by this time the maximum amount of useful substances has accumulated in it. Scientists have even found that the fat deposits of hibernating animals are immune to snake venom, remove decay products, salts of heavy metals, and significantly strengthen the immune system. How to take badger fat for prevention correctly? It is useful in its pure form: you need to drink a tablespoon a day. Before taking preventive medication, you should consult your doctor and find out about contraindications.


Badger fat - contraindications

Even such a useful remedy as badger fat has contraindications and warnings for use. The instructions for use describe in detail how badger fat works - contraindications, indications and possible side effects will help you understand the specifics. Contraindications are:

  1. chronic pancreatitis – people suffering from pancreatitis do not have enough enzymes that break down lipids;
  2. liver dysfunction – for a weak liver, fat can become heavy;
  3. disruption of the biliary tract - disruption of the breakdown and absorption of lipids occurs;
  4. people who have any problems with the gastrointestinal tract - any heavy load on the gastrointestinal tract causes disruption for the whole body.

It is not recommended to take badger fat orally to children under 6 years of age due to the fact that it can put a huge burden on the liver and digestive system; the harm from this may outweigh the expected benefit. For the same reason, doctors do not recommend the product to some pregnant and lactating women. It is worth remembering that, as with other medications, individual intolerance may occur, especially in people who live in areas where the badger does not live and have not eaten its fat.

The retail cost of badger fat depends on the dosage form: the price for capsules varies from 120 to 300 rubles, in its pure form in bottles - 400-500 rubles. for 250 ml. If you need large volumes for preparing creams, masks and treating the whole family, then it is better to buy such volumes in an online store, where a liter of rendered lard can be found at a favorable price - up to 2000 rubles. Creams on this basis with a combined composition have a low price - from 100 rubles per 30 ml tube. You can order them inexpensively in specialized stores, whose catalogs often have a much wider selection.



Valentina, 48 years old The medicinal properties of badger subcutaneous fat and its contraindications have been known to me for a long time, because in our family coughs and colds have always been treated with its help. I remembered this wonderful remedy when problems with joints appeared. I rub Sustamed ointment at night, and in the morning I feel significant relief. I’ve been taking treatment for about a month only with ointment, and I can already see the effect.

Alina, 25 years old, Badger ointment was recommended to me by my pediatrician when my son and I began to frequently cough. With its help, we finally got rid of a dry cough that was not eliminated by syrups and tablets. After such an effect, you don’t want to feed your child with pills anymore; it’s better to learn to use the benefits of traditional medicine, the price of which is more pleasant and the effect is better.

Nikolay, 44 years old Anyone who has encountered the problem of psoriasis knows how difficult it is to fight. I have tried so many ointments that I no longer remember them all. As soon as there is stress, the skin becomes covered with terrible spots, and they do not completely disappear for several years. They recommended an easy recipe with badger lard, I started using it recently, I’ve already seen the effect and the price is better than other creams.

Balm-cream Barsukor is a massage medicinal cosmetic product for external use. Contains natural oils, plant extracts, vitamins. Has a softening, warming effect. Suitable for all skin types. Used for the prevention and treatment of respiratory diseases, eliminates defects of dry, sensitive skin.


Features of the drug

The massage baby cream-balm has a light texture, spreads well, and is quickly absorbed. Does not contain aggressive components or harmful components. Designed for children's delicate epidermis, taking into account all its features.

Barsukor is well tolerated and does not cause side effects, with the exception of individual intolerance to the components. To avoid an allergic reaction, it is not recommended to use the drug for children under 3 years of age; conduct a sensitivity test before active use.

A small amount of cream is applied to the elbow. Observe the condition of the skin and sensations for 30 minutes, for children - for 12 hours. The presence of redness, rash, burning, itching is grounds for refusing to use the product.

Barsukor does not contain flavorings, the smell is specific and disappears after a while. After application, it is quickly absorbed and does not leave a greasy shine or mask effect.



Barsukor is a baby massage product with a warming, caring effect. The drug is intended for the treatment and prevention of respiratory diseases. Helps get rid of inflammatory processes in the upper and lower respiratory tract. Treats the throat, nose, lungs, helps cope with cough.

  1. Warms hands and feet after a long stay outside in cold weather. Prevents disease.
  2. Increases the body's resistance to viral and respiratory infections. Strengthens the local immunity of the skin, making it resistant to pathogens.
  3. The active components of the cream relax muscles and eliminate pain. Barsukor is used before and after physical activity.
  4. Prepares the skin for massage manipulations.
  5. Nourishes, moisturizes, softens, and fully cares for dry epidermis.
  6. Used for thermal and sunburn, chapping, frostbite.
  7. Eliminates peeling, heals microcracks, restores lipid balance, helps quickly return to normal.

Cream balm Barsukor is equally effective on children's skin and the epidermis of an adult. A universal remedy for the whole family, which should be present in your home medicine cabinet.



The active components of the drug are oils, plant extracts, and vitamins. Each of them performs its functions, and together an excellent therapeutic result is obtained.

  1. Badger fat. It is the main component of the cream and contains a large amount of nutrients, fatty acids, and vitamins. Fat helps strengthen the immune system, relieves inflammation, and protects the skin from the influence of external negative factors. Softens, relaxes, relieves spasms. It has a warming effect, activates blood flow, relieves tension.
  2. Peppermint oil. It has an antiseptic and antibacterial effect. Eliminates pathogens concentrated on the surface of the epidermis. It has a relaxing effect, relieves pain, and relieves inflammation. Mint makes breathing easier and relieves bronchospasm.
  3. Camphor oil. It has a softening, warming, tonic, calming effect. Fights infection, restores lipid balance. Heals wounds, eliminates dryness of the epidermis, activates metabolic processes. It has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the heart and lungs, and helps to cope with a runny nose and nasal congestion.
  4. Pepper extract. Affects blood microcirculation, expands capillaries, promotes rapid, deep penetration of other active components into tissues and layers of the epidermis. Thanks to increased blood flow, the flow of oxygen to cells increases and natural processes are activated. It is the pepper extract that provides a noticeable warming effect. Pepper plays the role of a stimulant, triggers natural mechanisms, forces the body to resist and fight pathogenic microorganisms.
  5. Vitamin E. Necessary for the skin, stimulates metabolism, participates in the formation of immunity, strengthens muscle fibers.
    Auxiliary components help active substances penetrate into the deep layers of the epidermis, ensure easy application, and preservation of beneficial properties for 2 years.

Instructions for use


It is recommended to apply the product in a thin layer, distributing with massage movements. The frequency of use and application characteristics depend on the patient’s age, health status, and purpose of use.

To prevent colds and muscle pain

The cream is applied to the chest, back, and heels. Massage for several minutes. The procedure helps the active components to be absorbed faster and activates blood flow. To prevent viral and respiratory diseases, the procedure should be carried out before bed, after a shower, or taking a bath. Prevention of muscle pain is carried out immediately before or immediately after physical activity. The active components of Barsukor relax muscles, relieve fatigue and tension.

Treatment of acute respiratory viral infections, acute respiratory infections

The product should be applied to the chest area, upper back, and feet. The maximum number of applications per day is 4 times. It is recommended to do a light massage for a minute after use. Be sure to carry out the procedure before daytime or nighttime sleep. After treating the skin, wrap the patient in a warm blanket and put on woolen socks. So that the body warms up and has time to sweat. Along with sweat, infection and toxins come out. Therapy lasts from 3 days to several weeks until complete improvement of well-being.

Treatment of skin pathologies

Frostbite and chapping lead to drying out of the epidermis, microcracks appear, and a feeling of tightness. Badger should be applied to problem areas several times a day until the condition is completely normalized.



Apply a small amount of cream, distribute over the entire surface of the body where you want to massage - back, legs, arms. Start manipulation.
In the treatment of viral and infectious diseases, Barsukor is used as part of complex therapy.

Use for children under 3 years of age

Pediatricians prescribe the drug to infants and children under 3 years of age, despite manufacturers' prohibitions. The frequency of application is reduced to 1 time per day before bedtime. It is mandatory to initially conduct a sensitivity test. If during therapy a rash or redness appears at the application sites, treatment should be discontinued.

Barsukor is sold in pharmacies, there are no difficulties with purchasing. The tube capacity is 50 ml. The average price of a baby massage product is 60 rubles. differs up and down depending on the regional location of the pharmacy and the pricing policy of the institution.



You can leave your reviews about the drug Barsukor, they will be useful to other users of the site!


“The product cannot be called natural. It contains a lot of parabens, fragrances, petroleum jelly, glycerin and a fair percentage of chemicals. There is much less badger fat in it than all this crap. It is not for nothing that manufacturers warn that children under 3 years old should not use it. If we talk about effectiveness, it didn’t help us. My daughters got sick, I bought it as an auxiliary warming agent - none of them felt any relief. I have 3 daughters.”


“We tried it for a cough. The illness passed, but the cough made itself felt from time to time. Our pediatrician prescribed Barsukor. Used it for 2 weeks before bedtime. The cough is gone. Now we use it constantly for colds. Helps well with a runny nose and nasal congestion.”


I bought Barsukor for myself, although I had long since left childhood. When I have a cold, I rub it into my chest. There is no immediate effect, but it eliminates coughing attacks, I noticed. I lubricate my legs if I feel muscle pain. I rub it in well, massage it, and put on leggings. By morning everything is fine. The cream does not bake at all, does not pinch, the warming effect is weak, but the therapeutic effect is present.”

From one name Taiga the smell of pine emanates. And, in fact, the smell of this cream-balm is pine.

What does Taiga Balsam consist of? This product consists of: cedar and fir oil, badger and bear fat, CO2 extract of hot pepper.

Let's look at the components of Taiga Cream and what effect they have:

  1. Cedar oil. This is pine nut oil; its healing properties cannot be overestimated. It has such unique properties that it has no analogue. Since ancient times, cedar oil, rich in vitamins and microelements, has been taken internally and treated for skin diseases. This is a powerful antioxidant; it contains 5 times more tocopherol (vitamin E) than olive oil. Nourishing and softening the skin, thanks to its excellent composition, cedar oil regenerates weakened and diseased cells. Bogatyr taiga cedar oil carries heroic energy. In pharmacology, extracts and oil concentrates are used. Cedars growing in Siberia have the richest composition in terms of quantity and quality in comparison with cedars growing in other places.
  1. Fir oil.When applied topically, fir oil irritates the nerve endings of the central nervous system and restores organ function. It has a vasodilating effect and, when applied to the skin, improves microcirculation of blood and lymph in joint tissues; relieves pain and has an anti-inflammatory effect. Thanks to its composition (more than 35 microelements), the oil nourishes the skin, penetrates deeply and restores its structure. Powerful antiseptic: kills almost all germs, viruses, pathogenic microorganisms.
  1. Badger lard or badger fat. Contains a large number of microelements and vitamins. As well as unsaturated and polyunsaturated, special fatty acids. These acids are irreplaceable. They are not produced by the body; they come only from food. They control metabolic processes and the state of the immune system. When there is a lack of polyunsaturated, important fatty acids in the body, harmful cholesterol is produced and clogs the blood vessels. This leads to the development of cardiovascular diseases. Vitamin “A” in badger fat cream blocks the development of diseases of the respiratory system and excretory system. B vitamins provide energy to the body’s biochemical processes. In badger fat, the ratios of all components are balanced, because the badger accumulates fat to survive the winter.
  1. Bear fat. Our ancestors also knew about the healing properties of bear fat. Hunters brought trophies, bear meat and bear fat replenished the strength of sick and weakened people. Bear fat taken internally to treat diseases and prevent many ailments. He responds well to pulmonary diseases. For skin problems, apply a bandage with bear fat to the affected area. It also gives good results for colds. Treats diseases of the gastric and intestinal tract. Bear fat cleanses the body of toxins; it is taken for rickets and dystrophy. Components bear fat cream penetrate the body's cells and correct damage, which is why it alleviates the course of the disease or cures.
  1. CO2 extract of hot pepper.When you rub the body with the balm, it warms up; the cream-balm has an analgesic effect and helps dilate blood vessels.

Each of the components of the cream-balm Taiga capable of healing a person. Combining them in a cream-balm gives a synergistic effect. The components work as a team and enhance each other's effects.

Recommendations for the use of cream with badger and bear fat

Cream with badger fat recommended:

  1. for respiratory diseases;
  2. for the prevention of viral infections;
  3. for skin problems for rapid regeneration.

How to use Taiga cream? For pulmonary and colds, the cream-balm is rubbed in a circular motion into the chest area (do not rub on the heart area) and the patient is wrapped in a shawl for one and a half to two hours. To prevent viral infections, the cream is applied to the area near the nose.

Release form. The cream is sold only in a 50 ml plastic jar.

How to buy? In order to buy taiga cream-balm with badger and hedgehog fat and fir, art. 1026 (produced by Don - fir products) at a price of 350 rubles. in Moscow or any other region of Russia - you just need to place an online order on the website or place an order by calling +7 (800) 775-19-94 and we will deliver Don products to you - fir products as soon as possible.

Attention! This product is a dietary supplement or health product and is not a medicine. Consult your physician before use.

Video about the product Taiga cream-balm with badger and winter fat and fir
