Speech therapy massage: main types and recommendations for use

As you know, everything in a person is interconnected: all organs, all systems, tissues are a single whole. Not a single problem that arises in our body can be addressed locally. This also applies to speech. Significant problems of the speech apparatus cannot be solved by articulatory corrections and breathing exercises alone. Speech therapy massage is needed here. Today, a sufficient number of different techniques for performing logomassage are known. Today we will consider the technique and methodology, which in the future can be carried out at home.

The main role of logomassage

The procedure is a certain mechanism, which, when launched, changes the state of the muscles, nerve endings, tissues and vessels of the speech apparatus. This procedure is based on one of the techniques that normalizes aspects of speech pronunciation, as well as the emotional state of a person who undoubtedly suffers from disorders of the speech apparatus.

Often, massage is used for dysarthria, as well as for its erased forms - stuttering and voice disorders.

In general, the procedure has a positive effect on the entire body. The secretory function of the skin is restored, lymph and blood circulation improves. In the process, you can observe a significant improvement in metabolic processes. Under the influence of massage techniques, gas exchange occurs between blood and tissues. A kind of oxygen therapy occurs.

The reflex effect, thanks to the techniques, affects the entire lymphatic system, significantly improving vascular function. The muscular system undergoes significant changes: the elasticity of muscle fibers increases, muscle performance increases, and the strength of contractile function increases. It is worth remembering that there is a relationship between the force of influence and the techniques used. Depending on what effect you want to achieve, relaxation or excitability, different techniques are performed with varying degrees of intensity.

Thus, logotherapy has a positive effect on the entire body as a whole, having a largely positive effect on the muscular and nervous system, which play one of the main roles in the speech-motor process.

Speech therapy massage

You can eliminate problems with the speech apparatus

  1. Restoring the tone of the muscles of the articulatory apparatus and reducing defects in the articulatory muscles.
  1. Elimination of contractility deficiencies by influencing the group of muscles that are involved in the functioning of the peripheral speech apparatus.
  1. Strengthening the pharyngeal reflex.
  1. Preparation of articulation organs for the formation of voluntary movements.

This procedure cannot be performed if the following diseases are detected:

  1. Infectious diseases
  2. Skin diseases
  3. Stomatitis
  4. Conjunctivitis
  5. Convulsions

The massage should be carried out in a warm, well-ventilated area. As a rule, the procedure is carried out in cycles of 15-20 sessions, with breaks every other day. After a month, sessions can be repeated. In some cases, when massage cannot be performed so often, the procedure is performed less frequently, but over a longer period of time.

Depending on how old the child is, the degree of violation detected, and also taking into account individual characteristics, the duration of the procedure varies. Initial sessions last from 2 to 5 minutes, final sessions – up to 20 minutes.

Main types

Classic manual massage is performed using several methods: classical therapeutic, acupressure, hardware.

Therapeutic massage is performed directly on the damaged area or near it, without taking into account the reflex effect. Stroking, rubbing, kneading and vibration are performed - the main massage techniques.

To perform this type, use brushes with soft bristles or spatulas.

Acupressure locally affects biologically active points, providing a relaxing or stimulating effect.

Hardware is performed using vibration, vacuum and other devices.

The child can perform massage independently. Self-massage involves kneading your face with your hands and kneading your tongue with your teeth.

Speech therapy massage

You can perform the procedure at home

It is performed to reduce the increased tone of the speech muscles. With the help of facial massaging, facial means of communication are formed, as well as the development of the oral sphere, which takes an active part in the normal nutrition of the child and the development of the speech apparatus. The child must take a position in which tonic reflexes appear to a minimum extent.

Relaxing the neck muscles

  1. Before you begin massaging the articulatory muscles, it is necessary to relax the neck muscles. The child should lie on his back or half-sitting so that his head hangs back.
  2. You need to hold the child's head from behind with one hand, and with the other, begin to perform circular movements clockwise, and then counterclockwise.
  3. Next, we begin to slowly and carefully turn the child’s head to the sides and rock back and forth (5 times).

Relaxing these muscles helps to relax the root of the tongue. To achieve the effect of relaxing the oral muscles, light stroking and patting of the muscles of the neck, face, and lips are performed. Movements should be light, soft, from the periphery to the center. Each movement should be repeated 5-8 times.

Relaxation of facial muscles

  1. Relaxation of this muscle group is performed by stroking the forehead area, moving from the center to the temples.
  2. This is followed by stroking from the eyebrows to the scalp.
  3. Stroking the eyebrows from the bridge of the nose to the sides.
  4. Light strokes from the lateral line of the forehead, moving along the cheeks to the chin.
  5. Light minor tingling along the lower jaw.

Relaxation of the labial muscles

  1. This muscle group is relaxed by stroking the lips.
  2. Stroking from the corners of the mouth to the center of both the upper and lower lips.
  3. Lightly stroking the nasolabial folds from the wings of the nose to the corners of the mouth.
  4. Lightly tapping your lips with your fingertips.
  5. If there is asymmetry of the facial muscles, a greater number of massage movements are performed on the affected side.

These techniques are performed to strengthen muscle tone. The techniques are performed at a fast and energetic pace. Movements are carried out from the center to the periphery. Techniques such as stroking, rubbing, kneading, and pinching are used. After the first 5 weaker techniques, the strength of the impact increases. Each movement is repeated 10 times.

Strengthening facial muscles

  1. Strengthening occurs by stroking the forehead, from the center to the temples.
  2. Stroking eyebrows.
  3. Rhythmic stroking of the cheeks from the chin to the ears.
  4. Kneading the zygomatic muscle, which is performed with spiral movements.
  5. Cheek pinching.

Strengthening the labial muscles

Strengthening the lip muscles is done by lightly stroking and pinching the lip area.

This procedure should be performed before meals or 1.5 hours after meals. The patient should assume a lying position.

First, the gums are massaged using horizontal movements along one side of the gum. During movements, salivation increases greatly, so give the child the opportunity to swallow saliva. Next, similar movements are performed on the other side of the gum. They are followed by vertical movements.

The palate should be massaged with a finger along the midline, with a slight lifting of the soft palate. This movement must be repeated 10-15 times.

The palate is followed by massaging the tongue. Techniques such as stroking, patting, and vibration are performed. You need to massage in the front-to-back direction to the gag reflex area.

You should always monitor the child’s behavior and condition during the procedure. If he is in a negative mood, use various distractions: songs, toys, rhymes. The child will definitely feel your mood and calm down.