Coconut oil for tanning

With the arrival of warm days, you want your body to acquire a beautiful and light tan. When going to enjoy sunbathing, you need to remember to take some protective equipment with you. As the latter, you can use not only store-bought cosmetic products, but also coconut oil for tanning in the sun. Reviews about this natural product are in most cases positive, and all this is thanks to the natural composition, which does not contain chemical components. How to properly apply this oil to the skin? Are there any contraindications to its use and how to choose this remedy? Let's figure it out.

Benefits of Coconut Oil

Products of natural origin are in many ways not inferior to cosmetics that fill the shelves of stores and pharmacies. The main advantage of coconut oil is its natural composition. Unlike sprays, balms and creams, it does not contain chemicals, which do not always have a positive effect on the condition of the skin.


Natural coconut oil for tanning contains hyaluronic acid, a natural moisturizer. If you neglect sun protection while tanning, you may encounter problems such as itching and dry skin. Coconut oil performs two tasks - it moisturizes the skin and at the same time protects it from the negative effects of ultraviolet radiation.

This natural product has another advantage - instant absorption after application. Moreover, the oil promotes increased melanin production, which will allow you to tan faster and maintain a beautiful chocolate shade for a long time.

Natural coconut oil for tanning, thanks to the active action of fatty acids and other equally beneficial microelements, helps maintain the healthy structure of the epidermis during sunbathing. Coconut oil is also characterized by antimicrobial and antifungal effects. Thus, with its help you can prevent the development of skin diseases, which can be picked up in crowded places.

How to use?

Coconut oil, as a tanning product, can act as a skin protectant against dehydration. Its SPF is 6, so girls with fair skin should not rely on full sun protection with its help. This product is ideal if the skin is already a little tanned or is considered dark in itself.
To avoid sunburn, it is advisable to mix coconut oil with store-bought lotion or prepare a cream based on oils.

You can apply the composition of oil and purchased product directly on the beach. To do this, just add a drop of melted butter to the milk or cream.
At home, you can prepare a product whose components will be olive or castor oil, coconut oil. For a homemade product to protect your skin, you need to add shea butter to it, as it has an SPF of 16.

You need to combine the components in a 2:1:1 ratio (olive oil, coconut oil and shea butter). Oils in solid form should be slightly heated so that they acquire a liquid consistency. To make the product more effective, you can add vitamin E to it.

When to apply?

How to use coconut oil for tanning so that it shows its protective properties and helps the skin gain a beautiful shade after sunbathing? It is advisable to prepare in advance for going to the beach. This will allow the oil to be absorbed and perform its functions. You need to apply oil to your body after taking a shower. After 15 minutes the procedure can be repeated. During this time, the product will be completely absorbed and will not leave a sticky film on the skin.


After swimming in a pond, the protective layer must be renewed.
Coconut body oil for tanning is usually used to intensively moisturize the skin and restore it after visiting the beach. If redness appears on your skin after sunbathing, coconut oil will also help solve this problem. Paired with panthenol, it soothes inflamed skin, relieves itching and dryness.

Coconut oil for tanning in solariums

You can enjoy a beautiful tan all year round and you don’t have to go to warm countries to do this. Tanning in a solarium is a procedure that is in great demand. It is especially in demand in mid-spring, when young ladies begin intensive preparations for the beach season.

A lot has been said about the dangers of solariums, but if you really want to get a light chocolate shade and at the same time maintain healthy skin, you need to adhere to the rules of protection. In this case, tanning oil will come to the rescue. Which one is better to choose for solarium and how to apply it correctly? Coconut oil can cope with this task. However, it is important to remember that on its own it does little to protect the skin from ultraviolet radiation, so it needs to be combined with more powerful sunscreens. It should be applied in the same way as coconut oil for tanning in the sun. Reviews of this protective product indicate that it helps speed up tanning and perfectly moisturizes the skin.


Before applying the product, you need to shower using a scrub or peeling. Such cosmetic products will eliminate the stratum corneum and promote an even tan. If you plan to go to the solarium for 8-10 minutes, a single application of the protective combined composition will be sufficient. For a longer session, apply the product twice.


When should you not use coconut oil for tanning in the sun? Reviews that it can provoke allergies are extremely rare. However, this remedy still has a number of contraindications. Girls with oily, acne-prone skin should avoid coconut oil. As mentioned above, coconut oil does not have a high protection factor, so it will not be able to protect fair-skinned people from the scorching sun. In other cases, coconut oil can be used without fear.

Tanning rules

Despite the value of coconut oil, you should not rely on protection from the harmful effects of ultraviolet rays. Its protection factor is negligible, so you need to sunbathe with it, adhering to certain rules:

  1. Avoid being in the sun between 11 a.m. and 4 p.m. It is during these hours that the sun shows its aggressive side. Instead of an even, beautiful tan, you can get serious burns.
  2. Apply tanning products to your skin in the shade.
  3. Do not use perfumes or products that contain alcohol before going to the beach, as they can cause pigmentation.
  4. After swimming, the protective layer must be renewed.
  5. Use coconut oil for tanning in the sun, reviews of which indicate its naturalness and effectiveness.

How to choose coconut oil?

Coconut oil can be refined or unrefined. The first-press product undergoes primary filtration. Its cleaning is carried out mechanically, and the composition is devoid of any synthetic components. As for refined oil, during the purification process it loses some beneficial properties.


It is best to give preference to oil that is placed in a transparent container. The point is that this way you can see its color. If it turns out to be dark yellow, this will indicate that it is not sufficiently cleaned. High-quality oil should be transparent. A slightly yellowish tint is also welcome.

The melting process of coconut oil begins at a temperature of 25 degrees, so at a lower temperature it can acquire a solid consistency. However, under such conditions it does not lose its beneficial properties and effectiveness.

Thai coconut oil: where to buy and how much it costs

Thailand can rightfully be called the birthplace of coconut oil. In this southern country it is in great demand because it is famous for its powerful moisturizing effect. Thai coconut oil for tanning is considered one of the most popular products among the local population and guests of the country. It can be found here in almost every retail outlet. However, for tanning it is better to purchase a high-quality product from a pharmacy or supermarket.


How much does coconut oil cost? Product prices in Thailand depend on volume. For a 100 ml bottle you will have to pay about 200 rubles, for 250 ml – 600 rubles. A 0.5 liter bottle will cost 1,000 rubles, and 1 liter – 1,600.


Popular Coconut Oil Brands

The trading market offers a huge selection of coconut oil from various manufacturers. The most popular products include:

  1. Samui Nature coconut oil is a cold-pressed product that can be used not only for body and hair care, but also consumed internally. The oil is completely safe because it undergoes a gentle cleaning process and does not lose its beneficial properties.
  2. Harnn offers oils purified using the most gentle fermentation method. Elite series products are ideal for sensitive skin.
  3. Coconut oil from the ArgiLife brand is considered the most budget option. Affordable price and acceptable quality make it a popular product among consumers.

Regardless of how much coconut oil costs, it is extremely important to study its composition at the time of purchase. Preference should be given to a product marked “100% coconut oil”.

In cosmetology, coconut oil is very popular as a tanning product. Experts highlight the refined product, since it contains a maximum of useful substances, is completely purified from possible impurities, is transparent, yellowish in color and lacks any aroma. Thanks to him:

  1. the epidermis is protected from the harmful effects of solar (ultraviolet) rays
  2. the formation of burns and severe redness is almost impossible
  3. the tan applies evenly, the skin becomes a chocolate shade with “notes” of bronze
  4. the oil penetrates the cells of the dermis and retains moisture there, preventing drying
  5. accelerates regenerative processes, ensures rapid healing of various injuries
  6. cools the skin at excessively high air temperatures, makes it firm and elastic
  7. has a weak antibacterial effect, therefore protects against microorganisms that are found in natural bodies of water
  8. increases the immunity of the dermis at the cellular level, softens keratinized areas.

How coconut oil helps sunbathe on the beach and in the solarium:

  1. Coconut oil creates a thin film on the surface of the skin that can reflect the sun's rays.
  2. The tan spreads evenly over the epidermis, and it is possible to achieve a chocolate-bronze color.
  3. It can also be used on the face, even if its dermis is sensitive and dry. You will definitely get a tan with it and your skin will be shiny.
  4. Coconut oil, with its powerful protective properties, does not block the production of vitamin D, which is synthesized from the sun and strengthens the musculoskeletal system, skin and overall level of immunity.
  5. When penetrating into the deep layers of the skin, the oil can stimulate the production of its own melanin. Together with the sun's rays, it is possible to obtain the desired shade of tan much faster than using other sunscreens.

During periods of particularly high solar activity, coconut oil may simply not provide the proper level of skin protection from ultraviolet rays.. Therefore, experts recommend mixing it with a suitable sunscreen on such days, which has a high level of SPF protection (50+).

If you plan to visit the beach or go outside on a sunny day, then use coconut oil according to the following algorithm:

  1. Take a shower, thoroughly washing the surface of the skin of the entire body and lightly scrubbing it.
  2. Dry the dermis, but do not rub it with a towel - just blotting is enough.
  3. Lubricate the surface of the skin with coconut oil using gentle movements - massage, circular and rubbing, but without applying force.
  4. Treating the skin with a mixture of sunscreen with the desired SPF with the product in question. To do this, you can use a mixture of coconut oil, shea butter and olive oil in a ratio of 1:1:2, respectively.
  5. Update every hour and a half. This will provide constant protection and nutrition to the cells.

Coconut oil in solarium copes well with a high degree of radiation, and its can be used in combination with professional cosmetics (the product is added in an amount of 1/3 of the volume of the cream).

How to properly use a mixture with coconut oil in a solarium:

  1. 2-2.5 hours before the visit, you need to take a shower and cleanse your skin with a mild scrub. Dry dermis is treated with refined coconut oil, distributing it with gentle massage movements throughout the body and face.
  2. Immediately before the session (literally 5 minutes), the skin is lubricated with a mixture of cream and coconut oil. Before this (after the shower and before the procedure), you cannot use perfume, deodorant or any other cosmetic products.
  3. If the tanning procedure in a solarium lasts more than 10 minutes, then immediately after the cessation of exposure to UV rays, the skin should again be treated with pure coconut oil.

Regular daily use of coconut oil will prevent the formation of redness and burns on exposed areas of the body.. Even if you are planning a walk, it is worth using it.

How to properly protect yourself:

  1. Be sure to take a warm shower before going outside, cleansing your skin with any emollient. Rinse your body and face with cool water.
  2. Dried skin is lubricated with coconut oil, intensively rubbing the body, rubbing the product into the epidermis. Then you should wait 10-15 minutes and you can get dressed and go outside - during this time the oily sheen will disappear from the skin.

With this sequence of the procedure for applying coconut oil, you can confidently count on the absence of redness and burns, peeling and keratinized areas, even after prolonged exposure to sunlight.

If you have already received a burn, the skin is very red, then you need to wash your body with warm water and shower gel or soap (they must have emollient properties) and gently pat your skin with a towel (do not wipe!). Then coconut oil (refined) is applied with gentle massaging movements.

If there are clearly signs of burns on the skin and there is swelling, then after a shower you can use the following mixtures:

  1. coconut oil + Panthenol in equal quantities
  2. the product in question + aloe juice in a 2:1 ratio.

You can quickly soothe the skin and reduce the risk of burn progression with natural unrefined coconut oil. You need to take a piece of such a product and treat the surface of the body with it - the oil will quickly melt and penetrate into the deep layers of the dermis.

It is advisable to use refined oil in case of unintentional exposure to the sun. The product will protect the skin from excessive dryness, cracking and redness.

There are few contraindications to using coconut oil. The most important thing is to avoid using the product if you have oily skin or a tendency to form comedones. Also cannot be used when:

  1. individual intolerance to the product
  2. allergies to any essential compounds
  3. pregnancy and breastfeeding.

If you have a history of any dermatological diseases, you should definitely consult your doctor..

Read more in our article about whether you can sunbathe with coconut oil and how.

Read in this article

Is it possible to sunbathe with coconut oil?

Coconut oil is very popular in cosmetology. It is included in many creams, milks, and masks for moisturizing, but most often it is positioned as a tanning product.

Experts consider a refined product to be the most useful - it contains a maximum of useful substances, is completely purified from possible impurities, is transparent, has a yellowish tint and lacks any aroma. Sunbathing with such refined coconut oil is not only possible, but also necessary:

  1. the epidermis is protected from the harmful effects of solar (ultraviolet) rays
  2. the formation of burns and severe redness is almost impossible
  3. the tan spreads evenly on the skin, they become chocolate-colored with “notes” of bronze
  4. the oil penetrates the dermis cells and retains moisture there, which prevents drying out.

Any cosmetic oil has beneficial properties for the skin, and coconut oil continues to have beneficial effects even in direct sunlight. After all, it serves as a subtle protection and at the same time improves/accelerates regenerative processes, ensures rapid healing of various damage to the skin, cools the skin at excessively high air temperatures, and makes the epidermis firm and elastic.

And one more pleasant point - coconut oil has a weak antibacterial effect, therefore it protects the skin from microorganisms that are found in natural bodies of water. At the same time, the immunity of the dermis at the cellular level increases, and keratinized areas are softened.

And here is more information about sunburn and aloe.

How does sunbathing help?

In principle, tanning can be done almost safely with any cosmetic oil, but it is coconut oil that is recognized by experts as the most useful for exposure to ultraviolet rays. Cosmetologists and dermatologists highlight several points that make the product in question optimal for use on the beach and in the solarium:

  1. Coconut oil creates a thin film on the surface of the skin that can reflect sunlight (ultraviolet rays). Moreover, it does not matter at all whether the cosmetic product is used as an independent substance or in combination with other components.
  2. The tan spreads evenly over the epidermis, and it is possible to “acquire” a standard, correct chocolate-bronze color for the skin of the entire body. By the way, coconut oil can also be used on the face, even if its dermis is sensitive and dry - you will definitely get an “academic” tan, and the skin will not be dull, but shiny.
  3. All sunscreens, lotions and sprays interfere with the production of vitamin D, since they do not allow even a small amount of ultraviolet light to enter the dermal cells. Coconut oil, with its powerful protective properties, does not block any physiological processes - the necessary vitamin is synthesized and strengthens the musculoskeletal system, skin and general level of immunity.
  4. The product in question is capable of stimulating the production of its own melanin when penetrating into the deep layers of the skin. Together with the sun's rays, it is possible to obtain the desired shade of tan much faster than using other sunscreens. This means that there will be no need to spend a long time on the beaches or spend many sessions in the solarium.

You need to understand that during periods of particularly high solar activity, coconut oil may simply not provide the proper level of skin protection from ultraviolet rays. Therefore, experts recommend on such days mixing the product in question with a suitable sunscreen that has a high level of SPF protection (50+).

How to properly use coconut oil for tanning

Any cosmetic product has individual methods of use and it is better to strictly follow the instructions in order to get the desired effect from the procedure. Coconut oil is no exception - there are rules for applying it to get a beautiful tan and prevent the appearance of “traces” from being exposed to ultraviolet rays for too long.

In the sun

If you plan to visit the beach or go outside on a sunny day, then use coconut oil according to the following algorithm:

  1. Take a shower, thoroughly washing the surface of the skin of the entire body and lightly scrubbing it.
  2. Dry the dermis, but do not rub it with a towel - just blotting is enough.
  3. Lubricate the surface of the skin with coconut oil with gentle movements, they can be massage, circular and rubbing, but without applying force.

Now you can proceed to the second stage - treating the skin with a mixture of sunscreen with the desired SPF with the product in question. You can use a mixture of coconut oil, shea butter and olive oil in a ratio of 1:1:2, respectively.

While on the beach or swimming in a pond, you need to renew the coating every hour and a half. This will provide constant protection and powerful nutrition to the dermal cells.

In the solarium

Ultraviolet radiation in a solarium is more aggressive than from the sun, and therefore a classic sunscreen, even with the highest SPF level, will not help solve the problem of excessive melanin production. But coconut oil copes with the task quite well, and it can be used in combination with a professional cosmetic product - the product in question is added in an amount of 1/3 of the volume of the cream.

How to properly use a mixture with coconut oil in a solarium:

  1. 2 - 2.5 hours before visiting the beauty salon, you need to take a shower and cleanse your skin with a mild scrub. Dry dermis is treated with refined coconut oil, distributing it with gentle massage movements throughout the body and face.
  2. Immediately before the session (literally 5 minutes), the skin is lubricated with a mixture of cream and coconut oil. Before this (after the shower and before the procedure), you cannot use perfume, deodorant or any other cosmetic products.

If the tanning procedure in a solarium lasts more than 10 minutes, then immediately after the cessation of exposure to ultraviolet rays, the skin should again be treated with pure coconut oil.

Before tanning

Even if you don’t plan a beach holiday or a visit to the solarium, you need to regularly use coconut oil in the summer. This will prevent the formation of redness and burns on exposed areas of the body - the face and ears, neck and décolleté, the back of the knees, elbows and hands are most often exposed to the harmful rays of the sun.

How to properly protect yourself:

  1. Be sure to take a warm shower before going outside, cleansing your skin with any emollient. You need to rinse your body and face with cool water, which will close the pores and avoid the accumulation of dirt, oil, and sebaceous secretions in them, which subsequently leads to the development of severe inflammation.
  2. Dried skin is lubricated with coconut oil, intensively rubbing the body, rubbing the product into the epidermis. Then you should wait 10-15 minutes and you can get dressed and go outside - during this time the oily sheen will disappear from the skin.

With this sequence of performing the procedure for applying coconut oil, you can confidently count on the absence of redness and, especially, burns, peeling and keratinized areas, even after prolonged exposure to sunlight.

Watch the video on how to make tanner with coconut oil:

After sunbathing

If the tan has already been obtained incorrectly and problems are clearly visible on the skin, then coconut oil will help to quickly solve them. If the dermis is very red, then you need to wash the body with warm water and shower gel or soap (they should have softening properties) and gently pat the skin with a towel (do not wipe!). Then coconut oil (refined) is applied with gentle massaging movements.

But if there are clearly signs of burns on the skin, there is swelling, then after a shower you can use the following mixtures:

  1. coconut oil + Panthenol in equal quantities
  2. the product in question + aloe juice in a 2:1 ratio.

You can quickly soothe the skin and reduce the risk of progression of burns with natural unrefined coconut oil - it is a white, dense mass, greasy to the touch. You need to take a piece of such a product and treat the surface of the body with it - the oil will quickly melt and penetrate into the deep layers of the dermis.

Unrefined coconut oil

It is advisable to use refined oil in case of unintentional exposure to the sun. In this case, this cosmetic product will protect the skin from excessive dryness, cracking and redness.

Contraindications for use

In general, there are few prohibitions on the use of coconut oil. The most important thing is to avoid using the product if you have oily skin or a tendency to form comedones. You should also not use the tanning product in question if:

  1. individual intolerance to the product
  2. allergies to any essential compounds
  3. pregnancy and breastfeeding.

And one more nuance - if you have a history of any dermatological diseases, you should definitely consult your doctor to determine the advisability of using coconut oil for tanning.

And here is more information about carrot juice for tanning.

Sunbathing with coconut oil in the sun or in a solarium is practical and safe for the skin. If you follow the instructions for using the product, eliminating possible contraindications, then ultraviolet rays will only benefit your overall health.

Properties of carrot juice for tanning, rules for its preparation. How tanning oil can help in a solarium. How to use carrot juice and oil, lotion before, during and after tanning.

To get an even and beautiful skin tone, use a tanning cream. Oil, dry sprays and even folk sunscreens are also used for this purpose.

It is very beneficial to use coconut oil after sunbathing. Even pregnant and nursing mothers can use it. Suitable for the body from the sun on the beach, as well as in the solarium. There are special recipes that enhance the effect.

Aloe vera is quite effective in treating sunburn. The plant helps restore the skin, avoid peeling, and works as an antiseptic. What products (gel, balm, aloe vera juice) are best to use?

Features of Mixit tanning products. Rules for using self-tanning. Benefits of Mixit tanning oil. Product cost.

Coconut oil is very popular in cosmetology due to its healing properties. Its rich the composition perfectly restores the properties of the skin, rejuvenates it, protects it from external influences environment. Protecting the skin from ultraviolet radiation is another property of coconut oil, which is successfully used in its pure form as a means for tanning in the sun and for creating tanning products.

How to properly use coconut oil for tanning

Pure use

Coconut oil for sun tanning can be applied to the skin in its pure form or mix with other healthy oils:

  1. castor oil
  2. olive oil
  1. sea ​​buckthorn oil
  2. shea butter

10 or 15 minutes before going to the beach You need to apply coconut oil to your face and body and massage it into the skin.

When going to the beach, it is better to use a can of spray to re-oiling felt comfortable on the skin.

Using ready-made funds

Many cosmetic companies have found new uses for coconut oil and...offer their consumers ready-made cosmetics for tanning in the sun and in the solarium.

These funds can be in creamy and liquid form:

  1. Sun cream, solarium cream, emulsion or lotion are usually applied a few minutes before the beach or solarium so that the product has time to be absorbed into the skin.
  2. Oil sprays, enriched with vitamins, are used directly during tanning, periodically renewing the protective layer.

How to choose the right one

When choosing coconut oil for external use, there are many factors to consider:

  1. Production. Coconut oil produced in Thailand, India and Malaysia is particularly popular and of high quality.
  2. Spinning and cleaning. It is better to use unrefined cold-pressed coconut oil (pressing the pulp), which retains all its beneficial and nutritional properties without any impurities of other substances.
  3. Aroma. Unrefined natural oil has a pleasant (non-chemical) coconut smell, while refined oil has no smell at all.
  4. Color. Good quality coconut oil will be clear or have a slight pale yellow tint. Dark shades of yellow indicate low quality of the product.
  5. Consistency. Coconut oil hardens at temperatures below 25°C, but can be easily melted. Coconut oil does not lose its beneficial properties.
  6. Shelf life. Natural coconut oil is recommended to be stored in a cool, dark place, preferably in the refrigerator, for no more than one year.

Indications and contraindications


  1. dry skin
  2. loss of firmness and elasticity
  3. signs of withering and early aging
  4. desire to get a lasting, even tan.


  1. use during periods of high solar activity (you can get burns)
  2. individual allergic skin reactions.

Reviews on the use of coconut oil for tanning

We want to show you tanning results using coconut oil and products based on it with a little experiment. The girls shared their before and after photos and expressed their opinions on whether coconut oil is suitable for tanning.

Anastasia, 25 years old

I would like to demonstrate the result of five days of using Tropicana coconut oil (Thailand). I applied a thin layer of it all over my body ten minutes before going out into the sun. I took the bottle with me to the beach and reapplied it to my skin every half hour. All these days I avoided exposure to the sun between 12 and 17 hours, so I easily managed to avoid burns. I would also like to note that after salt water my skin becomes very dry, but this did not happen with coconut oil.

Victoria, 23 years old

I have been using coconut oil in body care for a long time. Going on another vacation to the seaside, I purchased a ready-made product based on coconut oil for skin care while tanning, “COCONUT TANNING OIL” from Hawaiian Style. This wonderful creamy product with a pleasant coconut aroma and natural composition was perfectly absorbed into the skin and moisturized it well. I regularly applied it all over my body, including my face and neck, before and after going to the beach. As a result, by the end of the vacation I had a nice, even tan that lasted for several months after the vacation.

Svetlana, 27 years old

I didn’t want to look like a black sheep on the beach, so before the trip I decided to take a tanning course in the solarium. In order not to injure my thin and sensitive skin, I purchased natural coconut oil, which I applied to my skin before and after the session. The tan went on very evenly, with a beautiful shade, and the skin remained just as soft and tender, even becoming more elastic and firm.

Alena, 28 years old

Coconut oil is my favorite beauty product. For sunbathing, I myself prepare a special composition, which I put in a spray bottle, and always take with me to the beach. I melt coconut oil and mix it in equal parts with sea buckthorn oil, sometimes adding vitamins A and E. I also use the same spray for hair restoration. I offer you a photo of the tan I got using coconut oil in just six days. Look how well my skin is hydrated and how beautiful the tan is.