Rose oil for face benefits

Use essential rose facial oil to rejuvenate your skin, which can be used for home care for any skin type. Its gentle effect is a guarantee of quick and excellent results. With regular use of masks based on rose oil, the skin is noticeably smoother.

Cosmetologists are increasingly recommending that women use essential rose oil for facial care, which has many beneficial properties for the skin. It has a somewhat specific smell, which can be described as slightly sweet and at the same time sharp, floral-pink and spicy, honey and tart at the same time.

The delicate, persistent aroma of this essential oil gives a good mood, promotes excellent well-being, and most importantly, makes cosmetic procedures at home pleasant and relaxing.

Essential rose oil is obtained industrially by steam distillation of rosehip flowers (their petals) of different varieties - evergreen, damask, centifolia, musk, etc. In skillful hands, this extraordinary substance becomes an excellent cosmetic product for rejuvenating mature, aging skin.

The effectiveness of rose essential oil

Essential rose oil has many beneficial properties for the beauty and health of the skin. Its pronounced anti-inflammatory, rejuvenating, antioxidant and antitoxic effect on the deep layers of the epidermis provides the delightful result that is obtained in the end.

If after the first mask (compress or application) with rose essential oil the facial skin only slightly smoothes out and improves its color, then with regular use the effectiveness of all these products will only increase each time. With proper use of the ether, in just a couple of weeks you can expect results that will definitely please you, since rose oil:

  1. Has a rejuvenating effect: helps damaged tissues regenerate; in mature, already aging skin, restores sufficient production of elastin and collagen fibers; smoothes facial and age wrinkles; has a lifting effect, eliminating problems such as jowls and double chin;
  2. Visually narrows capillaries, under its action, the vascular pattern in the form of a mesh or stars on the face gradually disappears, so rose oil is an excellent medicine against rosacea;
  3. Makes the facial contour clear, embossed, younger;
  4. Capable of daily care for aging, fading, mature, rough, hard, dry, and in some cases even sensitive skin;
  5. Recommended by cosmetologists for the treatment of inflammatory processes on the face (even teenagers can safely use rose oil against pimples and acne);
  6. Relieves fatigue (thanks to its medicinal aroma), gives the skin freshness, perfectly tones;
  7. Used as a massage product;
  8. Has wound healing properties, used for effective treatment of various facial injuries;
  9. Normalizes lipid metabolism in cells, which also helps to tighten facial contours and getting rid of sagging jowls and double chin;
  10. Neutralizes harmful substances, removes them from cells, cleanses the skin, eliminates blackheads.

The targeted effect of rose essential oil on the skin is a guarantee of excellent results and always positive emotions after using home remedies prepared on its basis.

If one of these problems has become your obsession, a complex, or simply a problem that you want to solve as quickly as possible, be sure to buy this ether at an aroma store and enjoy its effect on the skin.

If you have wild rose (rose hip) petals at your disposal, you can try to make this oil yourself at home, but this will require time and patience. Otherwise, rose ether will not cause you much trouble.

Rules for home use of rose essential oil

Some beauties underestimate the cosmetic power of essential rose oil and immediately, without prior preparation, begin preparing masks and compresses. But it is not recommended to do this without prior instructions, as it can harm the skin.

We must not forget what any ether is: it is a very concentrated substance, which in its pure form can cause a burn to the dermis or intensify the source of inflammation. So be sure to first study the rules for using rose oil for facial skin care to avoid unwanted consequences due to your own frivolity.

  1. Best used for cosmetic purposes aromatic concentrate, which will perfectly cope with the task assigned to it in rejuvenating and improving facial skin. Adding to homemade cosmetic masks rose oil capsules purchased from a pharmacy, can also be effective, but not as much as in the first case. Capsules are intended primarily for oral use and have slightly different medicinal indications, not cosmetic ones. Already ready-made facial skin care products, which initially contain rose oil, can be purchased, but do not expect much effectiveness from them, since the content of the active substance in them will be very small. There is another option for the cosmetic use of rose oil for skin rejuvenation - if it is prepared at home. But in this case you need to be very careful and prepare it exactly according to the recipe, without experimenting.
  2. When using rose oil, keep it away from hot substances.. High temperatures destroy the beneficial properties of the ether, and it becomes simply an aromatic liquid. Therefore, when preparing various homemade cosmetics based on it, do not heat the remaining ingredients: they should just be at room temperature. Recipes often recommend bringing honey, kefir, milk and other products to a warm state in a water bath - avoid this if you want to enjoy the full cosmetic effect of rose essential oil.
  3. It is advisable in this matter not to experiment at first. The recipe always contains precise instructions about what ingredients and in what quantity to include in the mask. If you use more rose oil than you should, it may cause hyperemia (excessive redness) of the skin and irritation due to the high concentration of the ester. It's easy to avoid such troubles - just follow the recipe exactly.
  4. Rose oil also has its contraindications. Firstly, individual intolerance to this ester often occurs, which manifests itself in an allergic reaction after external use of the oil. To find out how your skin reacts to the concentrate, dilute it with water (10% ether to 90% water) and rub the resulting solution on your wrist. If no rash or irritation appears within a few hours (2-3), you can safely enjoy the effects of wild rose oil on your facial skin.
  5. However, individual intolerance is not the only contraindication for the use of this remedy. Since it has a pronounced odor, it is not recommended for those who have any problems with blood pressure or mental health. Serious diseases of the circulatory system can also become a barrier to the use of rose oil as a cosmetic product for the skin. Therefore, the best option in all these cases is to consult with your doctor.
  6. Before applying rose oil to the skin, it is better to steam and cleanse it. To do this, prepare steam bath on herbs and massage your face with your favorite scrub. This will only enhance the effect of your chosen mask with rose oil.
  7. You can apply the product with your fingers or a special brush.
  8. The duration of action cannot be long due to the high concentration of active biological substances. Therefore, 15–20 minutes for such a procedure is quite enough.
  9. Washing off the mask from your face should not cause much trouble, as you can simply wash your face under running water or remove it with a cotton pad soaked in milk at room temperature.
  10. If the problems you are trying to solve with rose oil are quite serious (pimples or wrinkles cover most of the face), then healing masks can be done twice a week. If things are still not too bad, once a week will be enough.
  11. Don't forget to take a break from treating your skin with wild rose oil. After 10-15 uses, be sure to give your skin a rest so that it does not get used to the same substances. You can, for example, change the composition of the mask.

Now you know how to competently and correctly use wild rose essential oil for cosmetic purposes.

If you do everything exactly according to the instructions at least for the first time, after the first procedure you will be able to appreciate all the beauty of this ether.

Then, regularly repeating the same manipulations, you will succeed automatically, and the result will get better and better. A lot will also depend on which recipe you choose.

Recipes for products containing rose oil

You can find many recipes for all kinds of cosmetic masks, compresses, and applications that can be easily and quickly made at home with the addition of essential rose oil. Choose only those that promise to solve your problem. If you need to smooth out wrinkles and tighten sagging, sagging skin, an anti-acne mask with rose oil won't do much for you. So be wise when choosing your recipe.

  1. Homemade rose oil

Olive oil (it must be unrefined) must be heated in a water bath to 65–70°C. Then you pour rosehip petals into it until there is no free space left in the container, i.e. to the top. Next, you need to leave this mass somewhere in a warm place (for example, place it near a radiator, in the sun, near a stove) for two days. After this, squeeze out the petals and add fresh oil again. This procedure must be repeated 10 times. You will get real rose oil, prepared with your own hands at home. It is recommended to store it in a dark, preferably cool place in a well-closed container.

  1. Tonic for fresh face

Add rose oil (5-8 drops) to boiled water (250 ml). Wipe your face with toner every day for 2 weeks.

Mix 1 tablespoon. almond oil with 3-6 drops of rose ether.

  1. Double chin mask

Mix 30 ml of almond oil with 10 ml of wheat germ, add 4-5 drops of rose petal ether.

Mix 15 ml of honey and almond oil, add 2 pharmacy capsules of tocopherol and rose oil.

Those women who have felt the full power of this elixir of youth - rose essential oil - are unlikely to agree to give it up. Lasting results, a pleasant process of the procedure itself, a minimum of side effects when used correctly, excellent skin condition after masks and compresses with rose oil - all these advantages of this product speak for themselves. With regular use at home, you can forget about many different skin problems. Pamper yourself with a gentle and pleasant oil: it will not only restore your youth and beauty, but also restore your strength with a healing, concentrated aroma.

Nowadays, rose oil is valued no less than in the time of the Persian princess, who discovered this product to the world; it is used in perfumery, as well as in the fields of cosmetology (skin care, hair care), medicine and pharmaceuticals (production of patches, drops, ointments and etc.).


  1. Beneficial properties of rose oil
  2. Rose oil in cosmetology and perfumery
  3. Use of rose oil in dentistry
  4. Ways to use essential rose oil, recipes
  5. Rose oil treatment recipes
  6. Use of rose oil in aromatherapy
  7. Contraindications to the use of essential rose oil


In appearance, rose essential oil is a pale yellow liquid with a dense and viscous structure; it is obtained from several types of roses (Gallic, Centifolia, Damascus, etc.) using the enfleurage method, which allows you to preserve its wonderful aroma and beneficial properties.

Beneficial properties of rose oil

  1. relieves inflammatory processes on the skin, fights irritation and peeling of the skin;
  2. promotes cell rejuvenation;
  3. smoothes the skin, increases firmness and elasticity;
  4. controls the secretions of the sebaceous glands;
  5. eliminates scars and scars;
  6. fights stretch marks (striae);
  7. perfectly fights migraines, headaches, eliminates cerebral vascular spasms;
  8. normalizes the functioning of the endocrine system, normalizes a woman’s hormonal levels;
  9. has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the digestive tract;
  10. has a healing and protective effect on mucous membranes;
  11. is an excellent remedy against thrush (candidiasis);
  12. has a disinfecting effect, stimulates tissue regeneration;
  13. has a calming effect in case of overexcitation, relieves neuroses, depression, insomnia;
  14. improves memory, tones, improves concentration;
  15. has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the cardiovascular system;
  16. considered an excellent aphrodisiac;
  17. treats eye diseases, improves vision in general;
  18. has a beneficial effect on PMS days, normalizes the amount of menstrual flow.

Rose oil in cosmetology and perfumery

The rose is rightfully considered the queen of fragrances and the queen of flowers. Her scent has always been associated with luxury and femininity. Today, essential rose oil is used in the production of perfume, cosmetics, as well as directly in facial and hair care.

Due to its high anti-aging properties, rose oil is effectively used in the care of mature, aging skin, as well as skin that has partially lost its firmness and elasticity. Regular use of rose essential oil in skin care stimulates regeneration processes in cells, clears the oval of the face and the contour of the eyelids, tones, increases the firmness and elasticity of the epidermis, makes the face smoother, eliminating shallow expression wrinkles. In addition, it can eliminate age spots, improve overall complexion and even out the skin.

The use of rose oil on dry skin with signs of roughness and flaking has a beneficial effect; it intensively nourishes and softens the skin, eliminating existing problems in the shortest possible time. When used in skin care, it creates an invisible film that protects the skin from the negative effects of external factors (wind, frost, sun).

Rose oil exhibits beneficial properties in the care of hypersensitive facial skin. Its application soothes the skin, relieves inflammation and irritation, preventing their reoccurrence. For those who have problems with rosacea (spider veins) on the face, rose oil will help make them less noticeable with regular use.

Rose oil will also bring undoubted benefits in eyelid skin care. Adding it to skin care products for the skin around the eyes will quickly get rid of dark circles under the eyes, swelling, and expression lines.

This truly “royal oil” will help to improve the overall health of the facial skin in diseases such as psoriasis, allergic dermatitis, eczema, herpes, neurodermatitis, etc.

Use of rose oil in dentistry

It is effectively used to eliminate bleeding gums (with periodontal disease), for pulpitis, for pain relief and eliminating bacterial infections from canals, and for the production of certain types of toothpaste.

Ways to use essential rose oil, recipes

Rose oil is a rather expensive product, so manufacturers of cosmetic products mostly use synthetic analogs that do not have the beneficial properties inherent in a natural product. Rose oil can be purchased at the pharmacy and added to your skincare products (creams, gels, tonics, milks, etc.), approximately 3 drops per application, prepare natural homemade masks with it, or mix with a herbal base and use yourself, instead of the usual nourishing cream for the face and skin around the eyes (2 drops of essential component per tablespoon of base). In the latter case, the product must be shaken before each use, since rose oil does not dissolve and will be in the bottle as an emulsion. It is advisable to store it at room temperature to make it easier to measure drop by drop.

Rose oil is good to add to a warm bath, which will not only help relieve irritation and calm down, but also soften the skin, giving it a velvety feel. For such a bath, you need to dissolve a tablespoon of liquid natural honey in a liter of warm milk and add 10 drops of rose essential oil. Pour the mixture into a bathtub filled with warm water. The duration of the procedure is no more than fifteen minutes.

Video: how to use rose essential oil.

Massage Oil

Rose oil - 4 drops.
Sandalwood oil – 5 drops.
Ylang-ylang oil – 1 drop.
Peach oil – 50 ml.

Connect the components. The product can be used as an aphrodisiac by lovers to increase sexual desire.

Pink water.

Fights crow's feet, eliminates oily shine, tightens pores.

Warm boiled water - 250 ml.
Rose oil – 10 drops.

Add oil to water and use daily, morning and evening, as a cleansing lotion. The product can be used to eliminate swelling and bags under the eyes. To do this, apply cotton pads soaked in rose water to your closed eyes and leave for ten minutes. After a few procedures, the problem will completely disappear.

Video: Making homemade rose oil.

Anti-aging night cream.

Sweet almond oil – 30 ml.
Rose oil - 3 drops.
Patchouli oil - 3 drops.
Ylang-ylang oil - 2 drops.
Neroli oil - 2 drops.

Add the remaining ingredients to the almond oil and stir well. Apply this “cream” at night to the skin of the face, previously cleansed of impurities and makeup. After twenty minutes, blot off excess product with a paper napkin. Keep refrigerated.

Rose oil treatment recipes

For thrush, it is recommended to douche with rose oil; to do this, add a mixture of a teaspoon of soda and 3 drops of rose oil to warm boiled water (05 l). Do the procedure daily for seven days.

Rose oil, used undiluted, helps against herpes on the lips. It should be applied directly to the blisters three to four times a day.

To get rid of psoriasis, allergic dermatitis, neurodermatitis, eczema and other skin diseases, it is good to add rose oil to ointments prescribed for the treatment of these diseases. For a single dose of ointment you should take one drop of oil.

To relieve toothache, it is good to rinse your mouth with the following composition: add a mixture of half a teaspoon of baking soda and one drop of essential rose oil to 100 ml of water.

In order to improve overall well-being, rose oil is recommended to take one drop three times a day before meals. It is dripped onto a piece of sugar and consumed.

Use of rose oil in aromatherapy

To achieve inner harmony, relieve fatigue, irritation, stress, it is good to add five drops of rose oil to the aroma lamp. The effect is immediate, since the biological substances contained in the product are quickly absorbed by skin cells and have a beneficial effect on the central nervous system.


The aroma of rose oil is always associated with femininity and sensuality. Even in ancient times, it was believed that it was the blood of the goddess of love Aphrodite herself. In addition, the rose is under the auspices of Venus. Time passes, but the captivating luxurious smell of oil still attracts people. Representatives of the fair half of humanity use it to attract men and for cosmetic purposes. But few people know that ether also has healing properties. Rose oil is commonly used to eliminate reproductive problems in women.

Rose oil scent

He is pleasant and inviting. It has honey notes with a persistent floral undertone. Some may even pick up on the straw accents.

For lovers of a combination of esters, it is recommended to add orange, lavender, as well as rosewood, anise, bergamot, geranium, jasmine, ylang-ylang, sandalwood and sage oils to rose oil.

Composition of rose essential oil

Contains about 300 useful components.

Vitamins: A, groups B, C, E, RR.

Acids: peanut, lauric, palmitic.

The main substances of rose oil are geraniol, nerol, roseol, farnesol, phenylethynol, citronellol, eugenol.


Useful properties and benefits of rose essential oil

  1. has antiseptic and bactericidal properties,
  2. prevention of colds and flu,
  3. relieves spasms of the respiratory system,
  4. normalizes the functioning of the digestive system,
  5. helps with diarrhea,
  6. alkalizes the body
  7. cleanses the blood of toxins,
  8. improves heart function,
  9. reduces blood pressure,
  10. eliminates headaches,
  11. is an aphrodisiac
  12. helps with frigidity and impotence,
  13. eliminates thrush,
  14. normalizes the menstrual cycle,
  15. increases reproductive function,
  16. normalizes hormonal levels,
  17. eliminates toothache,
  18. strengthens gums,
  19. treats periodontal disease,
  20. calms the nervous system,
  21. relieves insomnia,
  22. helps with depression and stress,
  23. increases self-esteem,
  24. improves attention and performance,
  25. heals wounds,
  26. eliminates scars,
  27. fights stretch marks,
  28. relieves dry skin,
  29. increases skin elasticity,
  30. evens out complexion,
  31. eliminates small wrinkles,
  32. accelerates the process of cell regeneration,
  33. has a rejuvenating effect,
  34. treats skin diseases,
  35. fights skin pigmentation,
  36. strengthens hair,
  37. eliminates dandruff.

Contraindications and harms of rose oil

Rose oil has no clear contraindications. Its use should be abandoned in case of individual intolerance, acute gastritis and pregnancy. In the latter case, it is not allowed to use it, since it increases muscle tone, which is very dangerous for expectant mothers.

Also, do not exceed the dosage (see below), otherwise it can lead to headaches.

How to choose rose essential oil

First of all, pay attention to the manufacturer and price of rose oil. Since its manufacturing process is quite labor-intensive (it takes 30 rose buds to get 1 drop of ether), the price for a quality product is high. About $5 for 5 ml.

At the moment, Bulgaria is considered the largest and at the same time the best producer, followed by Italy, Turkey and Iran. It is also made in Algeria, Crimea, India, France, Morocco, Tunisia, China, etc.

Various varieties of roses are used to obtain oil, but Moroccan and Damask roses are most often used.

Give preference to dark glass bottles with a tight stopper. The packaging should say “100% rose essential oil.”

The aroma of the ether is bright and at the same time delicate with floral undertones. The color of the oil depends on the raw material: from pale yellow to pale green.


Uses of rose essential oil

Most often, rose oil is used for cosmetic purposes, aromatherapy and instead of perfume. But it can also be used to treat many ailments.

How to take rose essential oil

Rose oil is taken externally and internally. In the latter case, you must be extremely careful; it is advisable to consult a specialist before use.

Depending on what your goal is, you should resort to different dosage of rose oil:

  1. aroma lamps – 2-5 drops per 15 m²,
  2. pendants - 2-3 drops, for sensitive people - 1,
  3. baths and rinsing – 3-5 drops per 10 liters of water,
  4. massage – 5 drops per 15 g of base oil,
  5. compress – 2-3 drops,
  6. inhalation – 1 drop, duration up to 2-3 minutes,
  7. face mask – 1 drop per 15 g of base,
  8. hair mask – 2-5 drops,
  9. oral administration – 2-3 drops with dishes, bran, honey, washed down with tea.

Rose oil in aromatherapy

The luxurious aroma of the oil is considered feminine. It helps to achieve femininity, attractiveness and tenderness, revealing the secrets of improvement. In addition, the smell has a calming effect on the nervous system. It promotes relaxation, eliminates sleep problems and relieves tension.

Rose oil is an aphrodisiac. It increases sensuality and enhances sexual desire. It is commonly used for frigidity and impotence.

Ether copes well with negative emotions. It helps fight feelings of envy, anger and jealousy. In return, the oil gives a feeling of serenity and harmony. In addition, the aroma increases a person’s self-esteem, eliminates the inferiority complex, the habit of complexes and embarrassment.

Rose oil is especially suitable for creative people, as it develops imagination and improves performance in general.

It is recommended to use rose oil to add coziness to your home. Thanks to him, you feel calm and comfortable.

Treatment with rose essential oil

From thrush. Before using this recipe, consult a specialist. Add 3 drops of ether and 1 tsp to 0.5 liters of boiled water. soda The resulting mixture should be inserted into the vagina.

To normalize the menstrual cycle. 100 ml of calendula infusion + 2-3 drops of essential oil. Inject the solution into the vagina using douching.

For muscle and joint pain. Mix 100 ml with 5-7 drops of oil. Moisten the compress in the mixture and apply to the sore spot.

For toothache. 1) 1 drop of oil + 1 tsp. soda + 100 ml water. Rinse your mouth 2-3 times a day. After the procedure, you cannot eat for 40-60 minutes.

2) Mix the ether with any base oil in a ratio of 1:3. Soak a cotton swab in it and then apply it to the sore tooth.

From periodontal disease. 3 drops of oil + 1 liter of water. You should rinse 5 times a day.

From conjunctivitis. Add 1-2 drops of ether to 1 glass of water. Apply the resulting solution to cotton swabs and apply lotions 2-3 times a day.

From frigidity and impotence. Add rose oil to creams and vegetable oils for massage.


Using rose oil on the face

It has found very wide application in cosmetology: it is added to masks, creams, lotions and other skin care products.

Rose oil promotes rapid renewal of epidermal cells, resulting in a rejuvenating effect. In addition, it gives firmness and elasticity to the skin, which in turn improves the contour of the face. And thanks to its antiseptic and bactericidal properties, the product treats skin diseases and eliminates inflammation.

The oil is suitable for all skin types, but it is most suitable for dry and sensitive skin. It is recommended to use it in case of wilting.

Important. Like any essential oil, rose oil should not be applied to the skin in its pure form. Always add it to your base. In this case, we recommend using vegetable oils.

We bring to your attention simple recipes for face masks. They contain simple ingredients that are easy to find in stores.

Face mask with rose oil

It is suitable for all skin types, eliminates rashes and maintains normal water balance.

Mix 1 tbsp. olive oil with 1-2 drops of ether. Apply the mixture to your face and leave for 5 minutes. Rinse off with warm water. You can use the mask 2-3 times a week. After 14 days you will notice good results.

Masks for dry and aging skin with rose oil

1) Mash half an avocado into a paste, add 1-2 drops of rose oil and mix well. Apply the resulting mask to your face and leave it for 5-7 minutes. Then rinse with warm water.

2) 1 tbsp. honey + 1 drop of oil. The mask is very simple, but works wonders. The skin stops peeling after regular use after just a week. It is also important to maintain a water regime - drink 1.5 liters of water per day.

For washing

Use the product morning and evening. Add to 0.5 tsp. honey 3 drops of ether. Dilute the mixture in 0.5 liters of water. Rinse your face with the resulting water, and then lightly blot it with a towel. This recipe gives the skin elasticity and youth.

Using essential oil for hair

It is commonly used to stimulate hair growth, giving it shine and strength.

Hair Mask. 1 tbsp. almond oil + 3-4 drops of rose oil. Rub the mask into the scalp with massaging movements for about 7-10 minutes. Then distribute the rest over the entire length of your hair. For greater effect, it is recommended to wrap your head in a towel. Procedure time: 1-2 hours. Then wash off the mask with shampoo.

Rose oil is truly a luxurious product. Its aroma attracts and helps you fall in love with yourself.


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