Sage oil for skin


Sage is an amazing, beneficial medicinal plant that has been used by humanity for hundreds of years. It is used for preventive measures, treatment of inflammatory diseases, and also in cosmetology in the form of essential oil.

Sage oil for the face is extracted by steam distillation from the plant's flowers, leaves, and stems. The product contains components that will make your skin look healthy and well-groomed. But, more about this.


Sage oil contains many beneficial substances. Among them:

The most important component is salvin. It is called a natural antibiotic, capable of restoring microflora and destroying most microbes.

Properties and Application

The product has anti-inflammatory properties, promotes the healing of wounds and damage to the skin, rejuvenates it, restoring tone and elasticity. In addition, it eliminates oily shine, cleanses and tightens pores. Suitable for use in cosmetology for both dry and oily skin.

Problems that can be eliminated using clary sage oil for the face:


  1. pimples, acne - dries, stops the proliferation of microbes, removes suppuration, relieves inflammation, irritation;
  2. Sage oil is very effective for the face against wrinkles due to its smoothing, tightening effect;
  3. scars, scars - helps eliminate them with the help of the powerful healing properties of the components included in the composition, improves blood circulation in damaged skin tissues, which helps eliminate the scar;
  4. skin diseases - the healing components of sage help cure eczema, dermatitis, ulcers, ulcers, burns, cuts.

You can safely use the drug in its pure form. To do this, you need to blot a cotton swab with it and wipe your face. If you do this procedure twice a day, you can eliminate age spots, wrinkles around the eyes, and other defects.

If you use sage to increase skin elasticity, restore or soften it, then it is good to add a couple of drops to the necessary product, for example, body lotion, cream, tonic. The standard proportion is 3 drops per teaspoon of product.

To do this, apply a few drops of oil to the crook of the elbow and leave on for half an hour. After which it can be used in the future if redness or burning does not appear.


Essential oils can be combined with each other in aromatic blends. It is best to add bergamot, lavender, chamomile, rose, and orange to sage. It goes perfectly with them.

For eyelid skin

To keep the skin of your eyelids elastic, use this recipe: add 3 drops of vitamins A and E to 1 tablespoon of sage oil. Mix everything well and apply to your eyelids twice a day - in the morning and before bed.


For wrinkles

For aging skin you will need baby cream - approximately 40 g, olive oil 20 drops, 10 drops vitamin B2, sage oil 10 drops, a teaspoon of aloe juice. Mix the resulting composition and use twice a day, applying to the skin of the face.


To moisturize dry skin

You need to mix a teaspoon of sage essential oil with two egg yolks. Apply the mixture to clean skin, leave for 15 minutes, and then rinse thoroughly.


To cleanse your facial skin

Take a teaspoon of sage oil, a tablespoon of warm milk, 10 g of dry yeast, and then mix everything thoroughly until smooth. The mixture is applied and left for 15 minutes, then washed off with warm water.


Antimicrobial mask

To prepare it, take 2 tablespoons of nettle decoction, add a teaspoon of sage essential oil, and a tablespoon of pre-steamed bran. All this is mixed, applied to clean skin, left on for 20 minutes, and washed off with water at room temperature.


For delicate and sensitive skin

You need to take 10 ml of oil, add vitamins A and E in liquid form (3 drops of each), mix and use for wiping.


Contraindications for use

Please note that there are restrictions on the use of sage oil. It should not be added to cosmetics intended for pregnant women, children, or those with the following health problems:

  1. heart failure;
  2. thrombophlebitis;
  3. endocarditis;
  4. gastritis with high acidity;
  5. for chronic diseases of the stomach, liver, gall bladder, with increased blood clotting, as well as for allergies and individual intolerance.

Essential oils are irreplaceable and useful, as they are natural and really help improve skin health and get rid of many problems. Sage oil, its properties and use for the face are difficult to overestimate, because it is not without reason that it has been popular for a huge number of years. The use of natural cosmetics, in addition to being accessible and easy to prepare, provides a lasting and long-term effect without causing harm to the body.

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People have known about the benefits of plants for health and maintaining beauty since ancient times. One of the most famous healing plants is sage. The essential oil obtained from the flowers of this plant has been used by beautiful women since the time of the pharaohs. Our contemporaries also happily use sage oil for wrinkles, because the beneficial properties of this product are confirmed by thousands of years of experience.


For the production of ether, flowers and leaves of plants are used, the raw materials are subjected to distillation and extraction processes. The composition of the product is very diverse, which explains its complex effects.


The main components are:

  1. Borneol, which has a pronounced antibacterial effect, helps relieve inflammatory processes. In addition, this substance helps get rid of unwanted pigmentation.
  2. Cineole, is also an excellent antiseptic.
  3. Salvin has a tonic effect on tissues, including the walls of blood vessels. Thanks to this, blood circulation improves, cells receive more nutrients, and the complexion becomes healthy.
  4. Thujon is a toxic substance, extremely dangerous in high concentrations. But in small quantities this substance has a beneficial effect on the skin, toning and giving greater elasticity.
  5. Rich kitvitamins and minerals has the most beneficial effect on the skin. The product contains B vitamins, ascorbic acid, and retinol. And also magnesium, manganese, iron.

In addition, sage oil contains organic acids - ursolic acid, carnose. These substances effectively exfoliate dead cells, treat fungal skin diseases, and help get rid of acne.


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Who can use it?

It is recommended to use sage oil on the face for the following problems:

  1. prevention and appearance of signs of aging;
  2. eliminating sagging, smoothing wrinkles;
  3. protecting cells from the negative effects of ultraviolet radiation;
  4. stimulation of blood circulation, which improves tissue nutrition.

This product is suitable for caring for sagging skin; it perfectly rejuvenates, smoothes wrinkles, and eliminates age spots. The ether is perfect for oily and problem skin, as it has a pronounced antiseptic effect.


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Who should not use it?

There are few contraindications to the use of sage essential oil. This product should not be used if the skin is hypersensitive to the product. To make sure the product is safe, you will need to do a test to see how your skin reacts to the product.

Remember! It is not recommended to use sage oil for cosmetic procedures during pregnancy, or if you have bronchial asthma. This ester should be used with caution in case of hypertension.

Important nuances

It is very important that the use of essential oil is correct, otherwise you may get a burn instead of the expected benefit. Esters, unlike base oils, have a high concentration of active substances, so they are added to the bases not with spoons, but with drops. It is strictly forbidden to apply undiluted essential oils to the skin.

Advice. Do not modify the recipe at your own discretion, do not try to add more essential oil to make the composition more effective. You won't achieve the best results, but you risk getting skin irritation or a rash.

It is necessary to prepare the compositions just before application. Ether is added last. At the same time, make sure that the mixture into which the essential oil is added is not hot.


The mixture must be applied to cleansed and, preferably, steamed skin. When applying, you need to be as careful as possible so that the compositions do not get on the mucous membranes and especially in the eyes. If this does happen, you should immediately rinse the affected eye with water and drop drops of the “Clean Tear” type into it. If the eye turns red and there is a sensation of the presence of a foreign object under the eyelid, you should consult a doctor.

The compositions must be removed using a damp swab. During the process, you should not stretch the skin or put pressure on it. The final stage of the procedure is the use of tonic and cream suitable for your skin type.

It is recommended to use the compositions in a course consisting of 4-6 procedures. Procedures must be carried out twice a week. It is not advisable to apply cosmetic compositions with sage oil before going outside, as this product increases the skin's sensitivity to sunlight.


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Application options

There are different options for using sage oil, you can choose the one that suits you best

Mixing with ready-made cosmetics

The easiest way is to add ether to store-bought cosmetic products. You can get rich creams, scrubs and masks. There is no need to mix the entire volume of the product with oil at once, since the valuable substances of the ether may be destroyed and there will be no positive effect.

Mixing is carried out before each use. Simply scoop as much cream into your palm as you normally use and add one drop of sage essential oil. Stir and apply. This method will significantly increase the efficiency of using store-bought cosmetics.

Cosmetic ice

Regular use of cosmetic ice prepared with the addition of sage oil will help:

  1. take off swelling faces;
  2. strengthen blood vessels vessels;
  3. tone the skin, making it more elastic.

To prepare, you need to take a full teaspoon of dried chamomile flowers and twice as much dry sage. Pour this mixture with hot, but not boiling water, leave for three hours, then strain, thoroughly squeezing the herb.


Add three drops of sage ether to the resulting decoction and mix. Pour the resulting solution into molds and freeze. Use every morning to wipe the skin. Swipe the ice cube in the direction lymph flow lines (massage lines) without pressure. The cube should be drawn around the eyes, barely touching the skin.

The main thing is not to apply pressure, otherwise you can stretch the thin skin of the eyelids, which will lead to the appearance of even more wrinkles. After completing the procedure, gently pat the skin with a soft cloth and apply the cream. The full course of procedures is one and a half months.

Oil compresses

To carry out the procedure, it is necessary to prepare a tissue base. For this it is recommended to use cotton fabric or gauze folded in two or three layers.

You can prepare a fabric base for application to the entire face, but be sure to cut holes in it so that the skin of the eyelids and lips remain open. The procedure can be performed locally, for example, to get rid of wrinkles on the forehead or neck, as well as to eliminate nasolabial folds. To do this, fabric bases are prepared to cover problem areas.

The prepared fabric bases are moistened in warm oil and applied to the skin. You can put a terry towel on top to create a “greenhouse effect.” If the procedure is carried out locally on the skin of the forehead, then the fabric base can be covered with parchment or cling film and the bandage secured with an elastic bandage.

To apply a compress, you can use different oil mixtures. As a base, it is recommended to use rosehip, almond, grape seed oils or other base options.

Composition options:

  1. For smoothing and tightening: per tablespoon of foundation – 2 drops of sage ether;
  2. To eliminate flabbiness - for two tablespoons of the base - 2 drops of sage ether and 1 drop each of lemon, chamomile, lavender esters;
  3. To soften chapped, flaky skin, add two drops of sage, magnolia, and lavender esters to 15 ml of base;
  4. For smoothing and tightening (suitable for oily forehead skin) – per teaspoon of base – 2 drops of sage ether.

Options for anti-aging masks

It is very useful to include sage oil in anti-aging masks. Such procedures perfectly smooth out wrinkles, tighten, tone.

Strawberry with honey

Heat 10 grams of natural honey a little so that the product becomes plastic.


Mix it with two spoons of natural yogurt and two or three fresh strawberries mashed into puree. Add a little oatmeal to the mixture, adding flour until the mixture is thick enough to be applied in a thick layer to the skin. Just before application, add three drops of sage ether and stir again. Apply for twenty minutes.

With avocado

Grind half a ripe soft avocado to a puree, mix the puree with a teaspoon of soft honey, add three drops of sage oil to the mixture. Apply to steamed facial skin for twenty minutes.

With kiwi and white clay

This composition is ideal for mature skin with enlarged pores. Dilute a tablespoon of cosmetic clay with water until a thick mass is obtained. Mix with one crushed kiwi fruit and five drops of sage ether. Stir and apply for twenty minutes.

With parsley

This composition can be used for aging skin for rejuvenation and whitening. You need to prepare parsley juice by grinding the greens in a blender and squeezing the juice through cheesecloth. Mix a teaspoon of juice with two drops of sage oil and apply to the locations of age spots and freckles. The same composition will remove stains remaining after deep acne has healed.

With apple

This composition perfectly rejuvenates by filling cells with moisture, in addition, it allows you to return a healthy color to your face.


It must be prepared from green apples. Grind half the fruit, having previously cleared it of seeds and skin. Add five drops of sage and rosemary oils to the puree, stir and apply for twenty minutes.


It is necessary to heat 20 grams of honey until softened. Mix warm honey with fresh yolk and stir. Add three drops of sage and grape seed oils and one drop of tea tree ether to the prepared mixture.


This composition helps restore elasticity, in addition, it perfectly smoothes out fine wrinkles. It is necessary to prepare an infusion of dry sage in advance by pouring hot water (150 ml) into two full teaspoons of dry raw material. Dilute two tablespoons of cocoa powder with the strained infusion so that you get a mass resembling the thickness of a cream. Add 4 drops of sage oil to the mixture. Apply the chocolate composition for a quarter of an hour.


Mix a tablespoon of potato starch with a teaspoon of milk powder. Dilute this dry mixture with cold brewed green tea. Add 5 drops of sage oil to the creamy mixture. Apply for a quarter of an hour.


The composition perfectly tones and tightens.

Cosmetologists' opinion

Sage has found wide application in cosmetology. Experts confirm the effectiveness of using this product, including when using essential oils. The main thing is to follow the rules for using the product.

The main benefit of sage oil will be for women aged 30+, as the product helps rejuvenate and smooth out wrinkles. The oil can also be used to treat teenage skin problems, to eliminate excess greasiness, and to treat acne.

Women's opinion

The effectiveness of sage oil for rejuvenation is confirmed by good reviews from women.

I add sage oil to my regular cream, this significantly increases the effectiveness of finished cosmetics. After application, there is no feeling of a “greasy film” on the face, and after a week of use you will notice the first results, the skin will become smoother, acquire an even and healthy color.

I prefer to use natural skin care products. Previously, I simply applied base oils, and then I began to enrich them by adding a few drops of esters. What worked best for me was a mixture of almond oil with the addition of sage ether; after this mixture, the skin looks healthier and fresher.

The beneficial properties of a plant such as sage are known to many. Translated from Latin, sage means “salvation.” And this is not surprising, because the plant fully lives up to its name.

Currently, many women and girls are very concerned about taking care of their appearance. In solving beauty issues, they resort to aromatherapy.

Among similar aromatic oils, sage essential oil stands out noticeably, the properties of which are effectively used in cosmetology, medicine and relaxing procedures.

Beneficial properties of sage oil

Sage oil has gained worldwide recognition and popularity due to its special healing properties. Among them the following stand out:

  1. anti-inflammatory;
  2. antiseptic;
  3. expectorant;
  4. antispasmodic;
  5. cancer-protective;
  6. relaxing;
  7. tonic;
  8. calming.

In addition to its healing properties, sage essential oil has the following effects on the body:

  1. improves brain function;
  2. stops bleeding;
  3. promotes wound healing;
  4. eliminates muscle and rheumatic pain;
  5. removes some harmful substances from the body;
  6. relieves drug addiction;
  7. balances hormonal levels;
  8. has a positive effect on the immune system;
  9. eliminates bacterial infections;
  10. reduces sweating;
  11. effectively relieves swelling;
  12. removes emotional stress;
  13. prevents hair loss.

Thanks to the presence of such components, the properties and uses of sage oil have become so widespread among women.

Essential oil composition

Scientists have not yet identified all the components that make up this aromatic product. Currently, there are about 20 substances in the oil. Their combination allows essential oil to be a universal remedy that can have a beneficial effect on the human body as a whole.

The main components are as follows:

  1. salven;
  2. tsedren;
  3. terpenoids;
  4. flavonoids;
  5. alkaloids;
  6. D-a-pinene;
  7. D-camphor;
  8. a- and b-toyona
  9. borneol and others.

By itself, sage essential oil has a light yellow color and a transparent consistency with a rich, pungent but pleasant odor. Due to this feature, sage oil is included in many perfume aromas.

Of all the components of the oil, the most powerful substance is released - salven, which is an effective natural antibiotic. He is able to cope with many different harmful microorganisms in the human body. Therefore, the natural elixir has such wide application in various fields.

Uses of sage oil

Sage has a special bright aroma that contains nutty, amber, smoky and balsamic notes. It goes well with other scents. By mixing with lime oil, the medicinal smell of sage disappears, and its freshness, on the contrary, is emphasized.

The aromas of other citrus fruits also perfectly reveal the smell of the “sacred grass”. The scents of lavender, geranium, cinnamon, jasmine, cypress and juniper can also do this. You can create any aromatic composition based on sage. The main thing in this matter is to maintain proportions.

It is believed that sage essential oil, the use of which is included in the daily to-do list, acts as an excellent antidepressant. The beneficial properties are revealed in the use of sage essential oil in the following ways:

  1. aromatic baths with the addition of a few drops of oil;
  2. relaxing massages with rubbing a small amount of oil into the skin;
  3. special aroma lamps for soaking the room;
  4. incense inhalations with sage oil.

Any of the options will help relieve nervous tension, physical fatigue, relieve stress and relax muscles. Therefore, sage oil is usually recommended for athletes, hot-tempered individuals and ordinary workaholics.

In addition to the calming effect, the aroma of the “magic herb” can improve memory, brain activity, improve mood, give positive emotions and stimulate intuition.

We use it for medicinal purposes

Sage oil is widely used in medicine:

– Sage perfectly helps with malfunctions of the digestive organs and gastrointestinal tract. Especially with constipation, cramps or colic.

– It is good to use it to prevent seasonal colds, as it has an excellent effect on the immune system, increasing it, and increases the body’s resistance to microbes. To achieve maximum effect, it is necessary to gargle with the addition of a few drops of oil, this will destroy harmful microorganisms.

If you suffer from sore throat, asthma or bronchitis, sage oil will not only relieve symptoms, but also restore your strength during the recovery phase.

– Sage oil will be an indispensable aid in eliminating bad breath and gum disease. To do this, you need to rinse your mouth every morning and evening.

– Since sage is one of the strongest antiseptics, it is widely used in the treatment of skin diseases (eczema, dermatitis, psoriasis). By lubricating wounds or burns with sage oil, you will achieve speedy healing.

– However, the most beneficial use of oil will be for the fair sex. Since it has a beneficial effect on the hormonal background of the female body, and during menstruation it eases cramps and reduces bleeding. Sage oil is used to stop lactation.

It must be remembered that there are two types of sage oil: medicinal and nutmeg.

The properties of one and the other differ, therefore, when choosing a healing oil, pay attention to:

  1. When treating blood vessels and the heart, keep in mind that clary sage lowers blood pressure, while medicinal sage increases it.
  2. Clary sage is safer, and when using a medicinal one, you should carefully monitor the dosage (it can be toxic).
  3. Medicinal oil tones and heals, and nutmeg oil is an aphrodisiac and antidepressant.

The use of sage oil in cosmetology

Clary sage oil is widely used in cosmetology. It is best suited for oily or aging skin.

Acting as an antiseptic, sage treats acne, shrinks pores, relieves inflammation, eliminates redness and oily sheen on the skin. By stimulating skin cells to actively renew, the oil awakens skin regeneration processes. Due to this, it has been recognized as a highly effective anti-aging agent.

The oil has also found its use in the fight against excessive sweating. As nature's natural deodorant, sage can also combat excessive sweating and foot odor. The main thing is that this does not require a lot of time and money. Regular baths several times a week can get rid of this unpleasant problem.

Sage essential oil has properties that help fight hair loss and get rid of dandruff. In combination with other oils, sage can strengthen hair follicles, making hair strong and healthy. Each hair type has its own combinations.

If the hair is oily, then sage is mixed with lavender, bergamot or cypress; if the hair is dry, then olive oil is preferred. For normal hair, a combination of sage with jojoba oil or almond oil is suitable. Hair will stay clean longer and sparkle with freshness.

Dosing when using medicated oil

Before using sage oil, you need to make sure that you have no contraindications to it. If you don’t have any, then you shouldn’t use the product when drinking alcohol or before getting behind the wheel. The oil is quite relaxing, due to which concentration will be reduced.

So, how much oil is needed for all kinds of procedures:

  1. for taking baths, inhaling or wearing an aromatic pendant, 1-2 drops will be enough.
  2. When washing your face or to create any warming compress, you will need 10 drops per half glass of liquid.
  3. in cosmetics for every 15 grams. 3 drops of sage are added to the main substance.
  4. in the event of a cold or for prevention purposes, it is recommended to rinse in which 3-4 drops of the product are added to a glass of water.
  5. When aromatizing a room, use 2-3 drops of sage oil per 10 square meters.