Wheat germ oil for use on the face against wrinkles

Every day the number of women who prefer natural cosmetic compositions in skin care is increasing more and more. Wheat germ oil is one of the well-known miracle products that women enjoy using as care products. Thanks to the incredible number of vitamins, acids, microelements and active ingredients that are beneficial for the skin, it is widely used in various cosmetic fields, in particular in facial skin care.


Benefits of wheat germ oil for facial skin.
From the name of the product it is clear that it is obtained from wheat germ or sprouts. It is considered a leading means of skin rejuvenation, maintaining and preserving its firmness and elasticity, since it contains everything necessary for its beauty and youth, including vitamins E, A, group B, vitamins D, PP, fatty acids and a lot of active substances that have the best effect on the external and internal condition of our skin. Its daily use on the face has an activating effect on the processes of regeneration and restoration, as well as rejuvenation of the skin at the level of its cells, which, of course, cannot but improve its structure and quality.

It is important to note that this most valuable product of nature has no contraindications (except perhaps individual intolerance) and can be used by owners of any skin type. Cosmetologists especially recommend it for the care of excessively dry skin with signs of peeling, aging and wilting. Its regular use has a lifting effect, tightening the oval of the face, smoothing out wrinkles, and increasing skin tone. In addition, it effectively smoothes the surface and evens out the skin texture, and also improves the complexion, which gives it a fresh, rested and radiant look.

Wheat germ oil is an amazing product that helps soften, moisturize and nourish all skin types. In addition, this product is the most effective, and most importantly, natural remedy for cleansing the skin of impurities and makeup. It is impossible not to note the beneficial effect of the oil in binding and removing toxins and other harmful substances from skin cells. It is this ability of oils that is used in the production of cosmetic products.

Wheat germ oil also has a beneficial anti-inflammatory and wound-healing effect on sensitive, oily and problematic skin, relieving inflammation and eliminating irritation. In addition, its effectiveness in the fight against pimples, blackheads, various pustular formations, damage and skin diseases (eczema, dermatitis, etc.) is simply amazing. By the way, it can also be perfectly used in caring for the thin and sensitive area of ​​the eyelids; with regular use, it eliminates “crow’s feet”, which, one way or another (though at different ages) appear in almost every woman. It is also effective in caring for delicate lip skin, especially during cold periods of the year. It perfectly heals cracks on the lips and in the corners of the mouth or jams, eliminates peeling, restoring smoothness and elasticity to the skin of the lips.

Ways to use wheat germ oil for the face.
Due to its dense and heavy structure, wheat germ oil is not intended for use undiluted on the face; it is mainly combined with various vegetable oils with a lighter structure. Despite this, it is possible to use it in its pure form, but only on rough and flaky small areas of the skin, as well as directly on areas of inflammation, irritation, and skin damage. Plus, it can be applied directly to areas of deep wrinkles in the nasolabial folds, forehead and corners of the eyes (but not under the eyes). But for the area under the eyes, it is recommended to combine it with rosehip, olive, apricot, avocado, peach, sweet almond, and grape seed oil, in a ratio of one to three. This mixture can be used every day.

In addition, it is recommended to add it to ready-made cosmetics (three drops per serving) and homemade products (creams, balms, massage oils, etc.). In this case, add three drops of a suitable essential component to 15 ml of oil. For example, it is recommended to add mint, rose, and orange oil to products for dry and aging skin; for oily and problematic skin - cedar, clove, cajuput, and lavender oils.

It is also effective to add this oil to homemade face masks. About a teaspoon is enough for any mask recipe.

Recipes for face masks based on wheat germ oil.
Masks and applications based on this amazing and valuable product of nature are especially effective for the face. Here is a recipe for an excellent anti-aging product for aging skin with wrinkles. To prepare it, you need to enrich three teaspoons of wheat germ oil with mint, orange and sandalwood oil, just take one drop of each. Blot a paper towel with the resulting mixture and place it on your face. After twenty minutes, remove the towel, but there is no need to rush to wash your face after the procedure. Wait about five minutes, during which time the remaining oil will be completely absorbed into the skin. If you still feel uncomfortable, you can blot your skin a little with a paper napkin.

To treat oily and problematic skin with pimples and blackheads, it is recommended to combine wheat germ oil with lavender, cedar or clove oil, just take two drops. The method of application is the same as in the previous recipe.

For the corners of the eyes, as well as to smooth out wrinkles on the forehead and nasolabial folds, it is recommended to use wheat germ oil in its pure form. Soak cotton pads in it and apply to problem areas of the skin; it is recommended to place compress paper on top.

Another wonderful property of wheat germ oil is its ability to lighten freckles and age spots. For this purpose, it is mixed in the amount of three teaspoons with lemon, grapefruit or juniper essential oils, which should be taken one drop at a time. Lightly moisten a cloth in this mixture and apply it directly to the stains. The duration of the procedure is no more than twenty minutes, carried out twice a day. The effect will be noticeable after ten procedures.

To care for the skin around the eyes, as well as to smooth out wrinkles in this area, it is recommended to apply daily with light patting movements a composition of a teaspoon of wheat germ oil and a drop of neroli essential oil, or you can add two drops of rosewood oil. The same composition is useful for lip care and treatment of cracks and jams.

For dry skin, add one drop of lemon balm and rose oil to a teaspoon of wheat germ oil to the mask. Apply this mixture to dry areas several times a day.

To eliminate crow's feet, there is one very effective remedy: combine 5 ml of wheat germ oil with 15 ml of grape seed, add 4 drops of vitamin E in oil form, 4 drops of vitamin A in oil, as well as three drops each of grapefruit and rosemary oil. It is necessary to apply as follows: first moisten two cotton pads in warm water, then apply a couple of drops of the mixture to them and apply to the area around the eyes. Leave for fifteen minutes. Carry out the procedure at night. After two or three such sessions, you won’t recognize your skin. No wrinkles, I guarantee! In any case, I used it on combination skin. The effect is simply superb!

The following mask will help improve the condition of tired skin and restore it to health: dilute two tablespoons of chopped oatmeal with a small amount of warm milk. As soon as the mass disperses and becomes similar to non-liquid sour cream, add a teaspoon of this miracle oil to it. Apply the composition to previously cleansed facial skin and leave for twenty minutes, then rinse with warm water. You can also add linseed and grape oil to the composition.


In modern cosmetology, natural, “natural” means for caring for your appearance are becoming more and more common. The use of vegetable oils for beauty, maintaining health and preserving youth is incredibly effective and useful, which is proven by the huge number of positive reviews from girls and women who regularly use wheat germ cosmetic oil for their faces.

What is wheat germ oil

Wheat is a useful, essential crop, widely used in the food industry for the production of wheat flour. But this is not the only benefit we get from it. Wheat grain contains a substance that has been extracted and used for various purposes for a very long time - wheat germ oil, which is squeezed out of the cereal crop by cold pressing.

Using wheat germ oil on the face

Wheat germ oil is a very valuable product in cosmetology. This product has a beneficial effect on the condition of the epidermis of the face and neck, which is confirmed by rave reviews from women who regularly use this product. This vitamin-rich product is very versatile, so it is used in the form of base oils, mixed with other products, or applied undiluted, various masks, creams, applications are prepared, and even used to remove makeup.

Valuable composition

Wheat liquid contains substances that the human body does not produce. These are amino acids, fatty acids (linoleic and oleic in great abundance). Wheat germ oil for the face contains useful components and vitamins A, E, D, B. Among all vegetable oils, wheat oil contains the largest amount of tocopherol or vitamin E, which is called the “vitamin of youth”. It also contains selenium, zinc, phosphorus, potassium, iodine, calcium, iron, manganese and many other trace elements.


Benefits of wheat germ oil

Wheat germ oil has many benefits in cosmetology. It has cosmetic, healing, health-improving, restorative properties:

  1. It affects the water-lipid balance of the epidermis, promotes its normalization, prevents dryness, flaking, treats inflammation, and dries out acne.
  2. Tightens the oval of the face, helps maintain its tone.
  3. Well enriches the skin, nourishes it, making it silky and soft.
  4. Due to the presence of vitamin E, it reduces the process of cell photoaging and, with constant use, smoothes out age wrinkles.
  5. Has light whitening properties. Affects age spots and freckles, making them invisible.
  6. Improves complexion, toning and refreshing the skin.
  7. Increases elasticity and firmness of the skin. Improves its relief and structure.
  8. Helps eliminate stretch marks (stretch marks).
  9. Helps eliminate cellulite deposits as it enhances blood microcirculation.
  10. It has anti-inflammatory properties, soothes sensitive and irritated skin. It has a gentle effect on it to cleanse the skin and prevents the appearance of acne on the face.
  11. Helps normalize the secretion of sebaceous glands, narrows enlarged pores and prevents the appearance of acne.
  12. Exfoliates the stratum corneum of the epidermis and promotes rapid cell renewal.

For the face against wrinkles

With age, more attention is paid to the face, because collagen fibers weaken, the skin needs constant nutrition and hydration. You can prevent the occurrence of wrinkles or make them invisible only with regular care. Daily use of sprout extract will help reduce even deep age or expression lines. Thanks to the presence of anti-aging antioxidants and vitamins, it smoothes out age wrinkles and protects the face from early aging.

For the skin around the eyes

The skin in the eyelid area is sensitive, delicate, does not contain a layer of fat, and therefore is somewhat dry and predisposed to the appearance of wrinkles or so-called. crow's feet. Cosmetics for skin care must be chosen carefully so as not to harm the thin layer of epithelium. Special care for the skin in the eyelid area is its constant nutrition and enrichment with vitamins and beneficial elements. Wheat germ oil for the face has the property of rejuvenating the skin epithelium and moisturizes dry areas of the skin.

Rules of application

In order to get good results when using sprouted wheat extract, it is important to know how to use it. Otherwise, without knowing the rules, you may not get the desired result or even, on the contrary, harm your body. To achieve maximum results from a healing product, read the reviews and find out the features of use:

  1. Before using wheat germ liquid, it must be tested for allergy. This is especially true for those who are going to apply the product to the eyelid area.
  2. Germ extract has a heavy, viscous consistency, so it is often diluted with vegetable oils, which have a lighter structure. Its use in undiluted, pure form may have irritating results or even cause burns.
  3. Before use, warm the mixture well in a water or steam bath. When heated, beneficial substances become more active and are better absorbed into the epidermis.
  4. When mixing several vegetable oils, it is advisable to use ceramic, glass or wooden utensils instead of metal ones. When interacting with metal, many useful substances lose their potency.
  5. Oil masks should not be left on the face for more than 20-30 minutes. Otherwise, the procedure may cause irritation. You can make such masks no more often than 1-2 times a week.
  6. The cosmetic mixture should be left on the face for 30 minutes, but no more. It is not advisable to leave it overnight, as this may cause irritation or burns. The exception is if you add the mixture to a cream or other cosmetic product.



Despite the fact that wheat germ liquid contains an abundance of vitamins and valuable elements, it, like other products, has its contraindications for use. In order not to harm your body, you need to be careful when using any cosmetic product. If you have the following contraindications, it is better to refrain from using the product:

  1. in case of individual intolerance or allergies;
  2. for inflammation, acne;
  3. burns, scratches or wounds that are still bleeding;
  4. after salon procedures (facial cleansing, chemical peeling);
  5. if there are postoperative sutures.

Methods of application

There are many ways to use wheat liquid. You can make scrubs, various masks, and applications from it. This product is mixed with various cosmetics: creams, lotions, shampoos. It is also combined with various cosmetic and essential products or used as an auxiliary for cleansing decorative cosmetics.

The best homemade face mask recipes

The most common and effective method of using this product is a homemade face mask. Nourishing, moisturizing, drying face masks are an affordable and budget-friendly way of skin care, equivalent in effectiveness to salon procedures. The active components of the mixtures are different - honey, clay, essential oils, vitamins, hyaluronic serums, etc. The components of the mask should be selected based on your skin type.

For aging skin

  1. 1 tbsp. l. wheat germ oils;
  2. 2 tbsp. l. peach or apricot kernel ether;
  3. 2 drops of orange ether (can be replaced with mint or sandalwood).
  1. Mix the mixtures in one bowl.
  2. Heat slightly in a water or steam bath.
  3. Apply with a light massage to the face.
  4. Apply for 30 minutes, then rinse. Repeat application 1-2 times a week.
  1. 1 tbsp. l. rice flour;
  2. 50 mg warm green tea;
  3. 1 tsp. olive oil;
  4. 1 tsp. wheat germ oils.
  1. Pour warm tea over flour.
  2. Mix into a homogeneous mass.
  3. Add remaining ingredients.
  4. Apply to face.
  5. Leave for 20 minutes, then rinse with water.


For problem skin

  1. 1 tbsp. l. clays (blue, yellow, white);
  2. 1 tsp. wheat germ oils;
  3. 1 tsp. a mixture of sea buckthorn or rose hips.
  1. Dilute the clay in warm water.
  2. Add remaining ingredients.
  3. Mix everything into a homogeneous paste.
  4. After application, wait 20-30 minutes for the mask to dry, then rinse off the mask with water. Repeat once a week.
  1. 1 tbsp. l. wheat mixtures;
  2. 2 tbsp. l. grape seed liquid;
  3. 2-3 drops of bergamot or lemon ether.
  1. Mix all ingredients.
  2. Warm in a water or steam bath.
  3. Apply to face.
  4. Leave for 30 minutes, then rinse with water.

For oily skin

  1. 1 tsp. castor oil;
  2. 1 tsp. wheat germ oils;
  3. oatmeal cooked in milk.
  1. Mix all components into one homogeneous mixture.
  2. Apply to face.
  3. Leave for 20-25 minutes, rinse with water. Repeat once a week.

For the skin around the eyes

  1. 1 tsp. wheat germ oils;
  2. 2 tsp. grape seed oils;
  3. 1-2 drops of grapefruit or cedar ether;
  4. vitamin E or A.
  1. Mix all products.
  2. Heat in a sauna.
  3. Apply to desired area.
  4. Leave for 20-30 minutes, rinse with water.

For dry skin

  1. 1 tsp. wheat germ extract;
  2. 1 tsp. lavender oils;
  3. 1 tsp. - jojoba.
  1. Mix the products.
  2. Heat slightly in a water or steam bath.
  3. Apply lightly to the desired area.
  4. Leave for 25-30 minutes, rinse with water. Repeat 2 times a week.


Where to buy oil and how to store it correctly

Wheat germ extract for the face is sold in natural cosmetics stores or any pharmacy. The price varies from 60 to 260 rubles per 50-60 ml. The cost of the product depends on the company and supplier. The stores have a large selection of products from both Russian manufacturers and foreign companies. The product should be stored in a cool, dry and dark place. After opening the bottle, it is best to leave it in the refrigerator.


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Benefits of wheat germ oil

All the power of cereal oil is hidden in its natural composition. Amino acids (leucine and tryptophan), polyunsaturated fatty acids (omega-3 and omega-9), vitamin complex (B1, B6, A), antioxidants (squalene, allantoin) - in total more than ten biologically active substances and microelements. Only wheat oil contains the most “vitamin of youth” (E), which helps maintain the freshness and elasticity of the skin.

Universal wheat germ oil is suitable for girls and women with any skin type. Dry and sensitive skin receives additional nutrition and hydration; oily and problematic skin gets rid of greasy shine and blackheads.

Etherol perfectly stimulates metabolic processes (metabolism and oxygen exchange), and also starts blood circulation. Slows down the aging process, blocks ultraviolet rays and removes harmful toxins. With sagging and thinning skin, the color and contour of the face are evened out.

With regular use, wrinkles are gradually smoothed out, pores are narrowed, and the skin becomes fresh and elastic.

Damage to wheat germ oil

Individual intolerance to wheat germ oil is extremely rare. This can be determined using an allergy test. Apply a few drops of essential oil to your wrist and wait 15-20 minutes. If there are no obvious signs of irritation - swelling or redness - the oil is suitable.

It is not recommended to apply wheat germ oil to bleeding scratches or immediately after salon facial cleansing (peeling).

How to choose wheat germ oil

To purchase, go to a pharmacy or natural cosmetics store.

Ask for a sample of the oil: study its consistency and smell. Quality wheat germ oil has a persistent herbal aroma and a viscous texture ranging from brown to pale amber in color.

Choose bottles with dark glass, so the oil will retain all its beneficial microelements longer. Pay attention to the expiration date.

Storage conditions. Once opened, keep the oil in a cool, dark place. Close the lid carefully after each use. If after some time you find sediment at the bottom, do not be alarmed. This is a wax that is part of the oil. Just shake the bottle.

Applications of wheat germ oil

The oil is applied in different ways: in its pure form, as part of masks, other oils and homemade creams.

Due to its viscous texture, essential oils are most often diluted with light oils in a ratio of 1:3. Peach, apricot and rose oils work well. Important: metal utensils are not suitable for mixing.

Surprisingly, in combination with creams, a little wheat germ can be applied to particularly sensitive areas: eyelids, under the eyes and lips.

Leave face masks on for no more than 30 minutes, otherwise you will burn your skin.

In its pure form, etherol is applied pointwise to problem areas of the skin to cauterize acne. The oil can be heated, but not above 40 degrees, so that all the beneficial substances do not evaporate.

Apply cosmetics with wheat germ oil only to previously cleansed skin.