Massage for crow's feet around the eyes


The first expression lines, crow's feet, appear around the eyes at a fairly early age. Becoming deeper and more noticeable over time, they not only reveal the age of the fair sex, but sometimes also make them look older. The integrated use of modern methods of eliminating wrinkles and folk remedies will help get rid of the problem in a short time.

Causes of wrinkles

Women sometimes don’t even realize that there are many factors that influence the appearance of the first wrinkles. The condition of the skin largely depends on lifestyle, health and habits. Understanding the causes of the problem will help you eliminate it quickly and effectively.

The appearance of crow's feet is promoted by:

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    Chronic lack of sleep
    . Violation of the daily routine is a great stress for the body’s functioning. At the cellular level, this causes the skin to become sagging and wrinkled without sufficient nutrition and hydration.
  2. Active facial expressions. Often crow's feet on the face are the result of a strong expression of emotions: laughter, smiles, squinting.
  3. Harmful effects of atmospheric phenomena: wind, rain, sun, frost. The effect of chlorinated water on the skin is also a negative factor.
  4. Water imbalance. Insufficient fluid intake leads to a failure of metabolic processes, which affects the condition of the skin. You need to drink more than one and a half liters of water per day.
  5. Constant stretching of the skin. This is caused by improper implementation of the cleansing and massage procedure.
  6. Presence of serious illnesses. The structure of the epidermis is negatively affected by various infections, women's diseases, problems with the thyroid gland, stomach and nervous system.
  7. Incorrect use of cosmetics. All cosmetics: creams, lotions, scrubs contain chemicals that block pores. As a result, the supply of oxygen to the cells decreases and the condition of the epidermis worsens.

Modern salon techniques

When the question arises of how to remove crow's feet under the eyes, many women resort to the services of beauty salons. They offer various modern wrinkle removal products.

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    Botox. A very popular and common procedure in which Botox injections are injected under the skin. The result of their action is relaxed muscles and moisturized skin, hence the smoothing of wrinkles.
  2. Laser facial resurfacing, during which the top layer of the epidermis is removed. During the process of cell regeneration, wrinkles decrease or disappear.
  3. Using masks with hyaluronic acid and collagen. The procedures help to restore the elasticity of the skin.
  4. Professional massage sessions targeting specific points.

If salon procedures are unaffordable or you are afraid to use them, you can turn to folk remedies.

Effective folk remedies

Traditional medicine also tells how to get rid of crow's feet around the eyes. The moisturizing and nourishing properties of many foods and plants are widely used in the fight against expression lines.

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    Aloe juice has a regenerating and rejuvenating effect. Cotton swabs moistened with the product are applied to the eye area for 20 minutes.
  2. Consuming olive oil enhances metabolic processes and collagen production. The skin improves and smoothes. Heat the oil slightly and add grapefruit juice. A moistened gauze cloth is applied to the face. The duration of the procedure is 30 minutes.
  3. Sour cream and cream contain many useful substances that promote moisture retention in cells. The product is applied in a thick layer around the eyes and left for 15 minutes.

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    Honey masks have a good effect. They are used both in pure form and in combination with other ingredients: egg yolk or oatmeal. Such products last no more than 20 minutes.
  5. Laminaria mixtures are available and easy to use. Dry seaweed powder can be purchased at pharmacies. It is diluted with water in a 1:1 ratio, a little vegetable oil is added and applied to the wrinkles. Laminaria sometimes causes an allergic reaction, so you should be careful when using it.
  6. You can prepare a remedy from dill and parsley. It is recommended to mash the grass a little so that the juice comes out. Then add a little olive oil.

Masks must be used in combination with other effective methods: massages, exercises, compresses.

Using anti-wrinkle compresses

Traditional medicine offers many effective ways to combat premature aging. You can delay the formation of wrinkles using a home remedy such as a compress. However, we should not forget that a positive result is achieved only with systematic use of the procedure.


The following recipes are very popular among women:

  1. A cucumber compress is a great remedy for crow's feet or duck's feet (as they are also called). To prepare it you will need one cucumber, which must first be grated. The resulting mass is placed in a piece of gauze and applied to the eyelids. During the procedure, which lasts 15 minutes, you should be in a relaxed horizontal position.
  2. It is also easy to prepare a compress from chamomile, linden and calendula at home. Take a tablespoon of the dried mixture and pour a glass of boiling water. Infuse for half an hour and filter. Gauze swabs soaked in the composition are placed over the eyes. Hold for 10 minutes.

Massage at home


One of the most effective ways to combat crow's feet wrinkles is massage. The procedure enhances metabolic processes and blood flow, strengthens and relaxes muscles and improves the absorption of oxygen and nutrients by skin cells.

In order not to cause more harm, you must adhere to certain rules.

  1. During the session, the skin should be well cleansed.
  2. Hands are pre-washed and lubricated with a special cream.
  3. The facial muscles should be relaxed and the eyes should be closed.
  4. Light tapping movements are carried out from the inner corner of the eye to the outer and vice versa.
  5. At the end of the procedure, several circular movements are made along the eyelid in a clockwise direction.

By devoting just 5 minutes to a massage in the morning and evening, you can achieve excellent results.

There are many ways and means by which you can easily get rid of crow's feet. And which of them is better to choose is up to the woman herself. The main thing is to be patient and persistent in achieving the desired result.

Crow's feet under the eyes are common expression lines. They look quite nice and friendly (it’s not for nothing that they are called “little kids” and “rays of kindness”). Such rays even give the owner a certain charm and zest. But still, this is a flaw in the skin that we want to see healthy, smooth and beautiful. And all shortcomings must be ruthlessly expelled from our face.

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Reasons for appearance


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Most representatives of the fairer sex are sure that crow's feet on the face are a harbinger of old age and aging skin. This opinion is not correct. There are actually quite a few reasons for the appearance of “rays” (by the way, you can often observe crow’s feet in very young people with beautiful, youthful skin).

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The facial muscles in the eye area have a non-standard “weaving” into the orbicularis ocular muscles. Because of this feature, when muscles move in this area, a kind of “wrapping” of the epidermis occurs, which leads to the formation of wrinkles.

The skin around the eyes is completely devoid of a hydrolipid layer and a fat layer. Because of this, it is 4 times thinner than on other facial areas. Crow's feet in the corners of the eyes will appear faster if there are provocative factors:

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  1. dry, sensitive dermis with a tendency to allergies;
  2. poor skin care (insufficient hydration, constant stretching of the epidermis in this area when removing makeup);
  3. impulsiveness and emotionality of nature - rich facial expressions;
  4. kidney disease, heart disease, hormonal imbalances (water-salt metabolism is disrupted);
  5. unhealthy lifestyle (lack of sleep, starvation diets, constant stress, smoking and alcohol);
  6. habit of squinting – refusal of sunglasses and corrective glasses;
  7. poor environmental situation.

So what to do? Move to the countryside, not wear makeup and stop smiling? There is no need to go to extremes. There are many ways to help you forget about the existence of such wrinkles.

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How to get rid of crow's feet around the eyes


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Getting rid of, or rather, starting to carefully care for the eye area should begin at the age of 18-19. Unfortunately, we think about this too late, when simply prevention no longer helps. But it doesn’t matter – you can remove existing “smiles” and prevent them from reappearing using:

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  1. self-massage and homemade masks;
  2. cosmetic procedures and surgical interventions;
  3. proper preventative care.

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Self-massage tactics

A weak orbicularis oculi muscle is largely to blame for the appearance of “rays”. Its strengthening and training very effectively helps to get rid of crow's feet under the eyes, restore their shine and improve weakened vision. After all, massage also strengthens the optic nerve.

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Daily strengthening workout. Repeat each movement 3-5 times.

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  1. Draw a green dot on a piece of paper. Place the piece of paper 1-1.5 meters away from you and peer at the point for 10 seconds. Then move your gaze (without turning your head) closer, concentrating on any object.
  2. Squeeze your eyes tightly, then open your eyes, completely relaxing your muscles. At the same time, look up.
  3. Move your gaze left and right.
  4. Rotate your eyes clockwise several times, then counterclockwise.

Daily exercises to improve tone. Repeat each 5-6 times.

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  1. Use your fingertips to massage the inner and outer corners of the eyelids, then the points at the beginning and end of the eyebrows.
  2. Raise your eyebrows and at the same time try to close your eyes.
  3. Pull the skin on the lower eyelid slightly towards the cheekbones and close your eyes.
  4. Use your finger to trace your eyes in a circle, crossing the line on the bridge of your nose.

This simple massage against crow's feet effectively improves blood flow by activating lymph outflow. This wonderfully smoothes the skin and at the same time increases the effectiveness of all care products. Healing substances will penetrate deeper into the epidermal layers and act more effectively.

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Folk recipes


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You can remove crow's feet around the eyes at home using masks. Considering that one of the reasons for the appearance of “rays of joy” is dry skin, we will combat this phenomenon with deeply moisturizing products.

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Amazing Aloe

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There are legends about this plant. Freshly squeezed Aloe juice maximally moisturizes and tones the thin skin of the eyelids, giving it elasticity, smoothness and health.

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  1. Apply it to dry, cleansed skin every evening at night. There is no need to wash off the healing composition. You can also use biostimulated plant juice.

Oil magic

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Essential and cosmetic oils will help remove crow's feet around the eyes. They are very good at fighting “little funny guys”. Particularly effective are oily squeezes of almonds, apricots, peach, olives, jojoba, sea buckthorn, cocoa, and castor oil.

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  1. Apply any oil every night to the skin in the eye area, gently “slapping” the liquid. After half an hour, blot the residue with a napkin.
  2. Mix cosmetic oil (16 ml) with an ampoule of vitamin E and apply to eyelids. Cover your eyes with parchment on top. Rest for a quarter of an hour.

After the oil procedure, it is very useful to wipe your eyes with an ice cube made from chamomile or linden decoction.

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Herbal world

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To effectively remove crow's feet at home, use medicinal and healing herbs.

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  1. Mix equal quantities of dry mint leaves, burdock and calendula inflorescences. Pour warm olive oil over the herbal mixture. Let the mixture sit for a week. After filtering, the composition is applied for a quarter of an hour.
  2. Mix chopped parsley root (10 g) into low-fat sour cream (12 ml). Keep it for 10-15 minutes.
  3. Finely grate fresh asparagus and squeeze out the juice. Add almond or olive oil (10 ml) to it (10 ml). The session lasts half an hour.

At night, lubricate the “rays” with homemade cream: add butter (24 g) and castor oil (5 ml) to a decoction of chamomile and linden (32 ml). Mash the mixture thoroughly. You can store it in the cold, but no more than 5 days.

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Honey bliss

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Eliminating crow's feet with honey is pure bliss for the eyes. Fragrant, healthy and very successful. The course of honey masks is designed for 1.5 months with sessions every 2-3 days.

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  1. Mix liquid honey (28 g) into the whipped egg white and add wheat flour (15 g). Apply the warm mixture to the “rays” and wait for it to dry.
  2. Mix crushed rolled oats (30 g) with honey (36 ml) and strong tea (16 ml). Warm up in a water bath. Apply the warm mixture to the eye area. Session 20 minutes.
  3. Grind honey (18 ml) with yolk and vitamin E oil solution (4 drops). Stir the wheat flour into the mixture until thickened. Apply the mixture to slightly moistened skin and leave for a quarter of an hour.

Egg Helper

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An egg is a universal, most effective remedy for fighting crow's feet. Egg masks perfectly smooth thin, delicate skin and additionally nourish it. Use the yolk if your skin is oily and the white for drier skin.

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  1. Mix the yolk with lemon juice (squeezed from ½ of the fruit), ground lemon zest and olive oil (5 ml). The session lasts half an hour.
  2. Add castor oil (3 ml) to the yolk and immediately apply to the eye area. Keep the mixture for a quarter of an hour.
  3. Stir lemon juice (½ of a medium-sized fruit) into the beaten egg whites. Keep on your face for 15-20 minutes.
  4. Make a mixture of liquid honey (18 ml) and whipped egg white. Add a little rice flour to make it thicker. Apply a thick layer and wait to dry.

Our native potatoes

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Potato masks are one of the most effective anti-aging remedies. They are also suitable for caring for sensitive, thin skin.

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  1. Finely grate one small raw potato, add heavy cream (6 ml). The potato procedure takes 20-25 minutes.

Fruit and berry rescuers

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These fragrant, delicious creatures of nature also have huge reserves of vitamins. They effectively moisturize the dermis and prevent the appearance and progression of fine wrinkles.

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  1. Mash ripe strawberries (3-4 pieces) and mix with honey (12 g). Place the mixture in gauze and apply compresses to the eyelids. Session time is 20-25 minutes.
  2. Add sour cream (6 ml) to banana puree (10 g). Keep the mixture in front of your eyes for a quarter of an hour.
  3. Mash the ripe apricots. Add fatty cottage cheese (10 g) and vegetable oil (5 ml) to their pulp (25 g). The session lasts 10-15 minutes.

But sometimes gymnastics and homemade masks are not enough. Persistent, pronounced wrinkles in the eye area force us to resort to more radical measures.

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Beauty Salons


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Modern cosmetology offers a wide selection of remedies for crow's feet under the eyes. Their choice is influenced by age, the condition of the dermis and the existence of chronic diseases.

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  1. Biorevitalization. In other words, injections of hyaluronic acid. The wrinkle area is effectively filled with moisture, and collagen production is enhanced. In addition to getting rid of facial wrinkles, skin pigmentation in this area also disappears.
  2. Botulinum therapy. It is also called a “non-surgical facelift.” Using botulinum injections (Botox, Xeomin, Lantox, Diosport), the cosmetologist completely removes all crow's feet by “blocking” the muscles in this area.

If you are a maximalist and a supporter of radical, tough methods, a plastic surgeon may greet you.

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Radical help

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To remove crow's feet around the eyes with surgery, you need to be of a fairly mature age. For extensive, deep wrinkles in the eyelid area, which are adjacent to bags under the eyes and sagging skin, blepharoplasty is prescribed.

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A surgical operation to remove excess skin in the eye area. There is a circular tightening of the dermis in this area. You look younger by forgetting about wrinkles.

With the help of doctors and cosmetologists, you can remove the “mischief” instantly. But this does not mean that you need to calm down - wrinkles will return if you forget about preventive measures.

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Prevention is a guarantee of youth


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And the best remedy for crow's feet. Following our simple tips will save you from their reappearance.

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  1. Wash your face correctly!

Do not wash makeup off your eyes with soap - this will aggravate dry skin. Use mild tonics and decoctions of medicinal herbs. Remove makeup carefully, with delicate, soft movements. Do not rub the eye area!

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  1. Love the eyes!

If you have to work at the computer all day, give them a rest. Use special glasses for working at the monitor and install a protective filter on it.

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  1. Sleep in comfort!

Many people like to sleep with their face buried in the pillow, causing crow's feet to appear. If you are unable to give up your favorite habit, purchase an orthopedic pillow for a good night’s rest.

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A cute name for these wrinkles around the eyes won't help you come to terms with them. If you don't want crow's feet to become crow's feet, read our article.

  1. Causes of crow's feet around the eyes
  2. Is it possible to remove crow's feet using cosmetics?
  3. Fighting crow's feet around the eyes at home
  4. Salon treatments to get rid of wrinkles
  5. Exercises to smooth out wrinkles
  6. Massage to reduce wrinkles under the eyes
  7. Nutrition and vitamins for youthful skin
  8. Preventing the appearance of wrinkles in the corners of the eyes

Causes of crow's feet around the eyes

Let's immediately define the terminology: “crow's feet” are the rays of wrinkles that form in the corners of the eyes and are similar in appearance to bird tracks.

Unlike wrinkles on the lower eyelids, crow's feet begin to appear at a fairly early age. The reason lies primarily in the facial activity of this zone, which is involved in a smile. The rays look charming. However, with age, wrinkles become more pronounced and turn from facial to static.

“The skin on the eyelids is about 6 times thinner than the skin on the cheeks and has almost no sebaceous glands, so it is dry and easily dehydrated, regardless of facial skin type.

This area is very active in facial expressions (and is especially susceptible to “obsessive facial expressions” such as the habit of squinting), so wrinkles appear on it much earlier than on other areas of the face,” explains Vichy expert Ekaterina Turubara.

In addition to structure and physiology, the following can be added to the factors that accelerate the aging of this zone:

inadequate care and lack thereof;

work related to eye strain.

Is it possible to remove crow's feet using cosmetics?

Of course, cosmetics are not omnipotent, but they are quite capable of correcting wrinkles, smoothing the skin, improving its appearance and generally making it denser and more elastic. It is important not to wait until wrinkles appear, because getting rid of permanent changes that have already formed is much more difficult than preventing them. So from a young age you need to take care of the skin of your eyelids, focusing on its needs and condition.

Crow's feet in the corners of the eyes appear due to active facial expressions. © Getty Images

After 25 years

Cosmetologists say that the aging process of the skin begins after 25 years: it is too early to talk about serious wrinkles, but dehydration, puffiness, dark circles and bags under the eyes may indicate that the skin is already starting to get out of shape. And something needs to be done about this.

Eye contour care against wrinkles and signs of fatigue, increasing skin elasticity, Hyalu B5 Eyes, La Roche-Posay

Cream with two types of hyaluronic acid and vitamin B5 increases skin elasticity and smoothes wrinkles on the eyelids and around the eyes thanks to high-quality hydration.

Firming care for the eye contour against signs of aging at different stages of formation Slow Age, Vichy

A cocktail with the probiotic and antioxidant baicalin fights oxidative processes caused by an unfavorable environment and bad habits, thereby preventing and correcting age-related changes.

Cream for the skin around the eyes “Moisturizing expert. Moisturizing care”, L’Oréal Paris

Smoothes wrinkles caused by dehydration and adds radiance, also thanks to vitamin E.

After 30 years

At the age of 30 to 40, it’s time to add more active anti-aging ingredients to your care - nourishing creams, antioxidants, concentrated serums.

Moisturizing balm for skin care around the eyes Eye Balm, SkinCeuticals

In addition to the fact that the balm perfectly restores, moisturizes and softens the skin, it fights wrinkles around the eyes, protecting cells from the influence of free radicals.

Youth Dose Eye Treatment, Kiehl’s Eye Cream

Proretinol, vitamin C and red grape seed extract, rich in antioxidants, have a multifaceted anti-aging effect on the eyelid skin. Contains mineral pigments for instant optical correction.

Youth activator care for the skin around the eyes Advanced Génifique Yeux Light-Pearl, Lancôme

The legendary formula of the youth activator, adapted for the delicate area around the eyes, is equipped with a special applicator, which is convenient for applying the product to the point and massaging the skin.

After 40 years

Decreased production of collagen, elastin and hyaluronic acid leads to skin becoming even thinner and weaker, less elastic. We need products aimed at intensive nutrition and tightening of the skin frame.

Cream-care for the skin around the eyes LiftActiv Supreme, Vichy

Active components, such as rhamnose and caffeine, purposefully work to ensure that the eyes show their age as little as possible. The cream significantly increases skin density and reduces bags under the eyes.

Care mask for the eye area Force C3 Yeux, Helena Rubinstein

Contains three types of vitamin C in high concentration (10%) and adenosine, which has a relaxing effect. Can be used as a mask for weekly care and as a cream for daily care.

Intensive concentrated anti-aging care for the eye contour Redermic R Yeux, La Roche-Posay

The dual-retinol formula with caffeine helps firm skin and smooth wrinkles, while also working to eliminate dark circles and bags under the eyes, which can age the face just as much as crow's feet.

Cream for restoring the eye contour Rénergie Multi-Lift Yeux, Lancôme

Visibly tightens the skin around the eyes, energizes it, makes it more elastic and smooth and, of course, corrects wrinkles.

Fighting crow's feet around the eyes at home

“Reducing dryness and possibly swelling is all that homemade cosmetics can do. You will have to go to a store or pharmacy to buy an anti-aging product. And in advanced cases, go to a cosmetologist. Don’t forget about an ophthalmologist (the characteristic squint in case of myopia can be corrected only together with myopia).”

But the biggest trouble is the high risk of allergies, because beauty chefs rarely conduct preliminary allergy tests.

Allergies in the eye contour area are difficult to hide and treat due to excessive swelling. And if the mixture accidentally gets into your eyes, you can get full-blown conjunctivitis or blepharitis.

In addition, it is dangerous to use concentrated products in the eyelid area, for example, substances rich in vitamin C or acids, and it is they that give impetus to the synthesis of collagen and elastin. If no really working components can be used, is it worth preparing cosmetics for the eye contour yourself?

Salon treatments to get rid of wrinkles

Let's list the most effective cosmetic methods for eliminating crow's feet.

Hyaluronic acid is used to correct crow's feet. © Getty Images


Injections of hyaluronic acid-based preparations enriched with various ingredients (amino acids, peptides, growth factors) help increase skin elasticity by stimulating the cells of the dermal layer.

Botulinum therapy

Botox and similar drugs are injected directly into the area of ​​formed wrinkles to block facial activity. This method is used to correct crow's feet in the corners of the eyes, but not under the eyes.

Contour plastic

We are talking about fillers based on hyaluronic acid, which literally fills wrinkles, pushing them out from the inside. The effect is immediate. For use only in the crow's feet area.

Exercises to smooth out wrinkles

Let's do some gymnastics and learn three simple exercises that will help, if not get rid of wrinkles around the eyes, then reduce their appearance.

Exercise against crow's feet

This simple exercise instantly reduces wrinkles.

Place your fingers so that they cover the entire area of ​​wrinkles in the corners of the eyes.

Press them firmly against the skin.

Close your eyes as hard as you can and remain in that position for a count of five.

Lightly “run” your fingers along the orbital bone from the middle of the eyelid to the corners of the eyes.

Exercise "Press"

One of the elements of Lancôme facial yoga that helps to relax tense facial muscles.

Press your thumbs to your temples and place the rest on the back of your head.

Inhale deeply, and as you exhale, slowly massage the temple area in a circular motion.

Do five circles and relax.

Repeat three times.

Exercise “Smile”

Try to smile with your lips without involving the orbicularis oculi muscles in your facial expressions. If possible, try to control yourself in life. This is not always possible during emotional communication, but when you smile out of politeness in a formal, relaxed atmosphere, it is quite possible.

Please note that it is better to perform all exercises and manipulations with the face in front of a mirror.

Massage to reduce wrinkles under the eyes

Massage will not remove already formed skin folds and will not return stretched skin to its original state, but you should not give up. Massage techniques against congestion in the eye area will help get rid of puffiness of the eyelids, which will undoubtedly have a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin: it will help prevent the worsening of wrinkles and reduce their severity.

Nutrition and vitamins for youthful skin

It is known that facial skin “loves” foods rich in fatty acids and is categorically against sugar and simple carbohydrates, which, at a minimum, aggravate tissue swelling. You can read about the most harmful products for the skin here, and about the most useful ones in this article.

As for substances that are beneficial for the skin, we have a detailed article devoted to this topic. In short, the skin needs:

antioxidants: vitamin C, resveratrol, selenium;

Omega-3 fatty acids (fish oil).

Preventing the appearance of wrinkles in the corners of the eyes

Here are some tips to help keep the skin around your eyes looking youthful:

follow the rules of daily care;

remove makeup only with special products and be gentle - excessive friction is unacceptable;

use sunglasses with high-quality lenses that block UV rays, which accelerate skin aging, or use a special eye cream with SPF;

spend more time in the fresh air and move around to avoid fluid stagnation;

wash your face with cool water;

Don’t put off visiting an ophthalmologist - constant squinting caused by vision problems is guaranteed to accelerate the appearance of wrinkles under the eyes.