Vacuum anti-cellulite massage - goodbye cellulite

Almost every woman is familiar with problematic bumps on the body. Unfortunately, cellulite occurs in most of the fair sex. Some people do not attach any importance to this and continue to lead a measured rhythm of life. But, most women are concerned about this problem and want to get rid of it once and for all.

If cellulite is at an early stage of development, it can be cured with body wraps, various diets and exercise. In the final stages of development, cellulite is quite difficult to cure. But, vacuum massage for cellulite can eliminate this cosmetic ailment with a systematic and regular approach.

Vacuum anti-cellulite massage is a fairly universal procedure that, along with the treatment of cellulite, can restore muscle tissue after training, strengthen connective tissue, improve blood circulation and slow down the aging process of the skin.

The procedure can be carried out using a special device, as well as using ordinary massage jars. With the help of the vacuum that is created by the action of jars, you can “smooth out” the most stubborn tubercle on the body. And these are not fairy tales; by visiting the section “vacuum massage for cellulite reviews”, real stories from the lives of women will confirm this.

Vacuum massage for cellulite

The vacuum procedure will strengthen connective tissue, improve blood circulation and slow down the aging process of the skin.

Possibilities and features of the procedure

When performing the procedure, it is worth noting that during the massage, bruises may form on the body. But don't panic. This is considered the norm.

A systematic approach will yield amazing results. Small and large accumulations of fat will be destroyed using a vacuum.

Massage perfectly tones the muscles, which leads to activation of their ability to oxidize fat. Lymph flow increases, as a result of which the body is cleansed of toxins and waste.

Anti-cellulite massage with vacuum cups is a fairly simple procedure. To use it, you need to purchase special silicone jars at the pharmacy. Before using them, be sure to read the instructions for use.

For good glide, the jars and the selected area of ​​the body should be lubricated with a special cream or massage oil. The pressure force is manually adjusted based on the patient's pain.

Most often, this procedure is offered by beauty salons and medical centers. Special devices are used there. The use of such devices has a number of advantages:

  1. several operating modes,
  2. precise pressure regulation,
  3. additional devices.

Regardless of whether you carry out the procedure yourself or with the help of a device, you need to be well prepared for it. To do this, you need to warm up your body. 10 minutes of regular classical massage movements are enough for the area of ​​the body where the procedure will be performed. For effectiveness, you can use massage oil with grapefruit extract.

You need to devote 10 minutes to working with one problem area, no more and no less. The procedure should be carried out every other day.

With this procedure you can get rid of extra pounds. Results - getting rid of up to 5 kg. excess weight. Due to the fact that the vacuum created perfectly stimulates blood circulation, metabolism is activated and a person loses kilograms.

In addition, mechanical action activates skin tightening, which is undoubtedly important in the process of losing weight. If you complement vacuum massage with physical exercise, the results will not take long to arrive.

Before the procedure, it is best to take a contrast shower. 10 minutes is enough. After a contrast shower, you should spend 5 minutes manually massaging the required area. After all the steps taken, you can safely proceed to the vacuum anti-cellulite massage.

How to properly do a vacuum massage for cellulite

How to do anti-cellulite massage correctly

All movements must be performed in the direction of lymph flow.

All movements must be performed in the direction of lymph flow, moving from the ankle up, in the abdominal area, strictly clockwise. Impact on one zone is strictly 10 minutes.

After carrying out the necessary procedure, you can use a weight loss cream, as well as make a wrap, which will undoubtedly enhance the effect of the massage.

This procedure has contraindications:

  1. Phlebeurysm;
  2. Pregnancy;
  3. Sensitive skin;
  4. Acute chronic diseases;

A correctly performed procedure will relieve you of the imperfections of your skin. Only a systematic and high-quality approach will give amazing results.